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- /*
- * Center for Information Technology Integration
- * The University of Michigan
- * Ann Arbor
- *
- * Dedicated to the public domain.
- * Send questions to info@citi.umich.edu
- * BOOTP is documented in RFC 951 and RFC 1048
- *
- * Delinted, ANSIfied and reformatted - 5/30/91 P. Karn
- */
- /* Dynamic Ip Assignment for a Bootp Server
- * Called when a client request is received and the bootp server doesnt' have a
- * record for it.
- *
- * Design goals:
- * Assign an IP address
- * Separation/Identification of IP addresses assigned and not assigned
- * Time out mechanism to reclaim IP address
- * Timer, and arp on address with little activity
- * Reassignment to same machine if possible.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "arp.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "pktdrvr.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "bootpd.h"
- #define E_NOMEM 3101
- #define ERR_NOIPADDRESS 3103 /* No IP address available. */
- #define THRESH_ON 20 /* (%) When to turn on reclaimation of IP addresses. */
- #define THRESH_CRITICAL 2 /* (#) */
- #define THRESH_OFF 50 /* (%) */
- #define R_OFF 0x01 /* Reclaimation is off. */
- #define R_RECLAIM 0x02 /* Reclaimation is on. */
- #define R_CRITICAL 0x04 /* Reclaimation is operating in critical state. */
- #define R_DONE 0x08 /* Reclaimation is finishing up. */
- #define V_SWAIT 0x10 /* Reclaimation is wait to start verif cycle. */
- #define V_VERIFY 0x20 /* Reclaimation is in verification cycle. */
- #define TIME_RWAIT (5) /* Time between running reclm da_task */
- #define TIME_SWAIT (30) /* Time between cycles of starting address rec */
- #define TIME_VWAIT (10) /* Time to wait between sending ARPs to verify add
- resses. */
- #define TIME_ADDRRETRY (4 * 600) /* Time to wait before trying to reclaim a
- n address. */
- #define TIME_ADDRRECLAIM (900) /* Time for which an address must be in the reclai
- mation */
- /* queue before being moved to the free list. */
- #define RECLAIM_QUEUE_MAX 15 /* Maximum number of addresses in reclaimation queue. */
- /* dynamic_ip.c
- *
- * This file contains code to manage a range of dynamic IP addresses on a network.
- */
- /* Queue structures */
- typedef struct q_elt {
- struct q_elt *next;
- };
- #define NULLQ_ELT (struct q_elt *) 0
- struct q {
- char *head;
- char *tail;
- };
- #define NULLQ_P (struct q *) 0
- /* Dynamic IP structures */
- struct daddr {
- struct daddr *da_next; /* Queue link. */
- int32 da_addr; /* IP address. */
- time_t da_time; /* last time this address was answered for. */
- char da_hwaddr[1]; /* Hardware address, variable length. */
- };
- #define NULLDADDR (struct daddr *) 0
- struct drange_desc {
- struct drange_desc *dr_next; /* Queue link. */
- struct iface *dr_iface; /* Pointer to network information. */
- struct timer timer; /* Timer for reclaiming */
- int32 dr_start; /* First IP address in range. */
- int32 dr_end; /* Last IP address in range. */
- int16 dr_acount; /* Number of IP addresses in range. */
- int16 dr_fcount; /* Number of IP addresses in free. */
- int16 dr_rcount; /* Number of IP addresses on reclmation queue */
- int16 dr_thon; /* Threshold for turning on reclaimation. */
- int16 dr_thcritical; /* Threshold for critical reclaimation. */
- int16 dr_thoff; /* Threshold for turning off reclaimation. */
- int32 dr_time_addrretry; /* Time to wait before retrying addresses.
- Varies with state. */
- int16 dr_hwaddrlen; /* Length of hardware address. */
- unsigned char dr_rstate; /* Reclaimation state. */
- unsigned char dr_vstate; /* Verification state. */
- time_t dr_rtime; /* Time stamp for reclaimation. */
- struct daddr *dr_raddr; /* Address being verified. */
- struct daddr *dr_table; /* Pointer to table of addresses. */
- struct q dr_usedq; /* Pointer to list of used addresses. */
- struct q dr_reclaimq; /* Pointer to list of addrs being reclaimed. */
- struct q dr_freeq; /* Pointer to list of free addresses. */
- };
- #define NULLDRANGE (struct drange_desc *) 0
- #define da_structlen(dr) (sizeof (struct daddr) + dr->dr_hwaddrlen)
- #define da_getnext(dr,da) ((struct daddr *) ((unsigned char *)da + da_structlen(dr)))
- /*
- * Globals.
- */
- int ifaceToArpMap[] = {
- 0, /* CL_NONE */
- ARP_IEEE802, /* CL_IEEE8025 */
- 0, /* CL_OMNINET */
- 0, /* CL_SERIAL_LINE */
- 0, /* CL_STARLAN */
- ARP_AX25, /* CL_AX25 */
- 0, /* CL_KISS */
- 0, /* CL_IEEE8023 */
- 0, /* CL_FDDI */
- 0, /* CL_INTERNET_X25 */
- 0, /* CL_LANSTAR */
- 0, /* CL_SLFP */
- 0 /* NCLASS */
- };
- static struct q rtabq;
- struct timer da_timer;
- char bp_ascii[128];
- static void da_runtask __ARGS((void *arg));
- struct q_elt *q_dequeue __ARGS((struct q *queue));
- static void da_closeup __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void dprint_addresses __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static int q_remove __ARGS((struct q *source_queue,struct q_elt *qel));
- static void iptoa __ARGS((int32 ipaddr,char ipstr[16]));
- static void da_task __ARGS((void));
- static int da_fill_reclaim __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void da_do_verify __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr,int pendtime));
- static void da_enter_reclaim __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void da_enter_done __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void da_enter_off __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void q_enqueue __ARGS((struct q *queue,struct q_elt *elem));
- static int da_get_old_addr __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr,char *hwaddr,struct daddr **dap));
- static int da_get_free_addr __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr,struct daddr **dap));
- static void da_enter_critical __ARGS((struct drange_desc *dr));
- static void q_init __ARGS((struct q *queue));
- extern int bp_ReadingCMDFile;
- /*
- * Shutdown routines.
- */
- /*
- * Done serving a network.
- */
- da_done_net(iface)
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- /* Find the network table */
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *) rtabq.head; dr != NULLDRANGE; dr = dr->dr_next){
- if(iface == dr->dr_iface)
- break;
- }
- if(dr == NULLDRANGE){
- bp_log("Range for interface '%s' not found.\n", iface->name);
- return -1;
- }
- da_closeup(dr);
- bp_log("Range removed for iface %s\n", iface->name);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Print the status of the da structures.
- */
- void
- da_status(iface)
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- /* If no interface was specified, print all the range information */
- if(iface == NULLIF){
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *) rtabq.head; dr != NULLDRANGE;
- dr = dr->dr_next)
- dprint_addresses(dr);
- } else {
- /* Print the specified range's information */
- /* Find the specified interface */
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *) rtabq.head;
- (dr != NULLDRANGE) && (dr->dr_iface != iface);
- dr = dr->dr_next)
- ;
- /* If network not found, return */
- if(dr == NULLDRANGE){
- printf("Range for interface '%s' not found.\n", iface->name);
- return;
- }
- /* The range has been found. Print it. */
- dprint_addresses(dr);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Finish up service. Close up on each of the address ranges.
- */
- void
- da_shut()
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- stop_timer(&da_timer);
- while((dr = (struct drange_desc *)q_dequeue (&rtabq)) != NULLDRANGE)
- da_closeup(dr);
- }
- /*
- * Release resource for a network.
- */
- static void
- da_closeup(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- free(dr->dr_table); /* Free the address table. */
- q_remove(&rtabq, (struct q_elt *)dr); /* Dequeue the range descriptor. */
- free(dr); /* Free the range descriptor. */
- }
- /* This is only called from a command */
- static void
- dprint_addresses(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- struct daddr *da;
- char ipa[16];
- char ipb[16];
- struct arp_type *at;
- at = &Arp_type[dr->dr_iface->iftype->type];
- iptoa(dr->dr_start, ipa);
- iptoa(dr->dr_end, ipb);
- printf("Interface %s range: %s - %s\n", dr->dr_iface->name, ipa, ipb);
- da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_freeq.head;
- printf("Free address queue\n");
- while(da){
- iptoa(da->da_addr, ipa);
- printf(" %s last used by %s\n", ipa,(*at->format)(bp_ascii, da->da_hwaddr));
- da = da->da_next;
- }
- da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_usedq.head;
- printf("\nUsed address queue\n");
- while(da){
- iptoa(da->da_addr, ipa);
- printf(" %s in use by %s\n", ipa, (*at->format)(bp_ascii, da->da_hwaddr));
- da = da->da_next;
- }
- da =(struct daddr *) dr->dr_reclaimq.head;
- printf("\nReclaimation address queue\n");
- while(da){
- iptoa(da->da_addr, ipa);
- printf(" %s in use by %s?\n", ipa, (*at->format)(bp_ascii, da->da_hwaddr));
- da = da->da_next;
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- /*
- * Reclaimation routines.
- */
- static void
- da_runtask(p)
- void *p;
- {
- stop_timer(&da_timer);
- da_task();
- set_timer(&da_timer,TIME_RWAIT*1000L);
- start_timer(&da_timer);
- }
- /*
- * Called periodically to run reclaimation.
- */
- static void
- da_task()
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- time_t now;
- int arpHardware, arpPendtime;
- now = time(NULL);
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *)rtabq.head; dr != NULLDRANGE; dr = dr->dr_next){
- arpHardware = ifaceToArpMap [dr->dr_iface->iftype->type];
- arpPendtime = Arp_type[arpHardware].pendtime;
- if(!(dr->dr_rstate & R_OFF)){ /* If doing reclaimation on this range. */
- if(dr->dr_vstate == V_SWAIT){ /* If in wait sub-state. */
- /* Doing reclaimation on this range and am waiting to
- * start a cycle of address
- * verification. Check if it is time to start the
- * cycle. */
- if(now - dr->dr_rtime > TIME_SWAIT){
- /* Start the cycle. */
- if(!(dr->dr_rstate & R_DONE))
- da_fill_reclaim(dr);
- dr->dr_vstate = V_VERIFY; /* verify sub-state. */
- dr->dr_raddr = NULLDADDR; /* start at beginning */
- }
- }
- /* If in the verify state (may have just been changed above), and
- * enough time has passed since last lookup, check it and start
- * the next lookup. */
- if(dr->dr_vstate == V_VERIFY){
- if(now - dr->dr_rtime > arpPendtime){
- da_do_verify(dr, arpPendtime); /* Verify address. */
- dr->dr_rtime = time(NULL); /* Set time stamp. */
- if(dr->dr_raddr == NULLDADDR){ /* If at end... */
- dr->dr_vstate = V_SWAIT; /* Q empty; enter wait sub-state. */
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * State transitions. May have moved some addresses to free list.
- * If so, I may be able to move to a "lower" state.
- */
- switch(dr->dr_rstate){
- /* case R_OFF: Not handled. */
- case R_CRITICAL:
- /* Have conditions droped below critical threshhold? */
- if(dr->dr_fcount > dr->dr_thcritical)
- da_enter_reclaim(dr);
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_RECLAIM:
- /* Have I reclaimed enough addresses? */
- if(dr->dr_fcount > dr->dr_thoff)
- da_enter_done(dr);
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_DONE:
- /* Am I in the done state and have exausted the reclaimation queue? */
- if((dr->dr_rstate & R_DONE) && dr->dr_reclaimq.head == NULLCHAR)
- da_enter_off(dr);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Enter the DONE state. Can't get to the done state from the off state.
- */
- static void
- da_enter_done(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- char ipa[16], ipb[16];
- iptoa(dr->dr_start, ipa);
- iptoa(dr->dr_end, ipb);
- if((dr->dr_rstate & R_OFF) == 0){
- dr->dr_rstate = R_DONE;
- dr->dr_time_addrretry = TIME_ADDRRETRY; /* Wait a while before retrying addresses. */
- }
- }
- /*
- * Enter the OFF state.
- */
- static void
- da_enter_off(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- char ipa[16], ipb[16];
- iptoa(dr->dr_start, ipa);
- iptoa(dr->dr_end, ipb);
- dr->dr_rstate = R_OFF;
- }
- /*
- * Verify addresses.
- * To avoid flodding the network and our address resolution queue I only send
- * out one ARP at a time. This routine is called periodically to step through
- * the reclaimation queue. The first step is to check for a responce to the
- * ARP that was sent out previously. If there is a responce I move the address
- * to the used queue. The next step is to send out an ARP for the next address
- * on the recliamation queue. After a suitable intervel (TIME_VTIME) I'll be
- * called again.
- */
- static void
- da_do_verify(dr, pendtime)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- int pendtime;
- {
- struct daddr *da, *dn;
- struct iface *iface;
- long now;
- struct arp_tab *ap;
- int16 arpType;
- now = time(NULL);
- iface = dr->dr_iface;
- arpType = ifaceToArpMap[iface->iftype->type];
- /*
- * If I sent an ARP for an address, check if that ARP has been responded to.
- * If dr_raddr points to an address record, I have previously sent an
- * ARP for that address. Check the ARP cache for a responce.
- * If dr_raddr is NULL then I am to start at the head of the reclaim queue.
- */
- if(dr->dr_raddr != NULLDADDR){
- /* ARP has been sent for dr_raddr. Check the ARP cache for a responce. */
- da = dr->dr_raddr;
- dn = da->da_next;
- ap = arp_lookup(arpType, da->da_addr);
- if((ap != NULLARP) && (ap->state == ARP_VALID)){
- /* Host responded to arp. Place address on used queue.
- * Copy in physical address of host using address to
- * make sure our info is up to date.
- * I could verify that physical address of host
- * responding to ARP matches the physical address of
- * the host I think owns the address. If don't match
- * someone is probably using an incorrect address.
- */
- q_remove(&dr->dr_reclaimq, (struct q_elt *)da);
- --dr->dr_rcount;
- da->da_time = now; /* Time tested. */
- memcpy(da->da_hwaddr, ap->hw_addr, Arp_type[ap->hardware].hwalen);
- q_enqueue(&dr->dr_usedq, (struct q_elt *)da);
- } else {
- /* Host did not respond to ARP. If addr on reclaim
- * queue long enough, move it to the free queue.
- */
- if(now - da->da_time >= pendtime){
- q_remove(&dr->dr_reclaimq, (struct q_elt *)da);
- --dr->dr_rcount;
- q_enqueue(&dr->dr_freeq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- ++dr->dr_fcount;
- bp_log("Reclaimed address %s on net %s.\n",
- inet_ntoa(da->da_addr), dr->dr_iface->name);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* Use first addr in reclaimq. */
- dn = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_reclaimq.head;
- }
- /*
- * Now move to the next entry in the queue and ARP for it.
- */
- da = dn;
- if(da != NULLDADDR){
- ap = arp_lookup(arpType, da->da_addr);
- if(ap != NULLARP) arp_drop(ap);
- res_arp(iface, arpType, da->da_addr, NULLBUF);
- }
- dr->dr_raddr = da; /* Verify this address next time around. */
- dr->dr_rtime = time(NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Fill the reclaimation list from the used list. Take addresses off the head
- * of the used queue until the reclaim queue is full, the used queue is empty,
- * or the address at the head of the used queue has been verified (responded
- * to an ARP) within dr_time_addrretry tocks.
- */
- static int
- da_fill_reclaim(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- struct daddr *da;
- long now;
- now = time(NULL);
- while(dr->dr_rcount < RECLAIM_QUEUE_MAX){
- /* Look at first address on used queue. */
- da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_usedq.head;
- if(da == NULLDADDR)
- return 0; /* If used queue is empty, done filling. */
- if(now - da->da_time < dr->dr_time_addrretry)
- return 0;
- /* If the first element has responded to in ARP recently.
- * I am done filling.
- */
- /* Get first address on used queue. */
- da = (struct daddr *) q_dequeue(&dr->dr_usedq);
- /* Mark time addr put in reclaim queue. */
- da->da_time = now;
- /* Put it at end of reclaim queue. */
- q_enqueue(&dr->dr_reclaimq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- ++dr->dr_rcount;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Address assignment routines.
- */
- /*
- * Assign an address.
- */
- int
- da_assign(iface, hwaddr, ipaddr)
- struct iface *iface; /* -> Pointer to lnet struct of net on which to assign addr. */
- char *hwaddr; /* -> Pointer to hardware address of hosts. */
- int32 *ipaddr; /* <- Address assigned to host. */
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- struct daddr *da;
- int status;
- struct arp_type *at;
- /* Find the network table */
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *) rtabq.head; dr != NULLDRANGE; dr = dr->dr_next){
- if(iface == dr->dr_iface)
- break;
- }
- if(dr == NULLDRANGE){
- *ipaddr = 0;
- }
- /* If this host had an address assigned previously, try to reassign
- * that. If no previous address, assign a new one.
- */
- status = da_get_old_addr(dr, hwaddr, &da);
- if(status != 0)
- status = da_get_free_addr(dr, &da);
- /* If I got an address, assign it and link it in to the use list. */
- if(status == 0){
- memcpy(da->da_hwaddr, hwaddr, dr->dr_hwaddrlen);
- *ipaddr = da->da_addr;
- da->da_time = time(NULL); /* Time assigned */
- q_enqueue(&dr->dr_usedq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- at = &Arp_type[dr->dr_iface->iftype->type];
- bp_log("IP addr %s assigned to %s on network %s\n",
- inet_ntoa(*ipaddr),
- (*at->format)(bp_ascii, hwaddr), dr->dr_iface->name);
- }
- switch(dr->dr_rstate){
- case R_OFF:
- case R_DONE:
- if(dr->dr_fcount <= dr->dr_thon)
- da_enter_reclaim(dr);
- /* Fall through. */
- case R_RECLAIM:
- if(dr->dr_fcount <= dr->dr_thcritical)
- da_enter_critical(dr);
- break;
- /* case R_CRITICAL: is not handled. */
- }
- return status;
- }
- /*
- * Enter the reclaimation state.
- */
- static void
- da_enter_reclaim(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- char ipa[16], ipb[16];
- iptoa(dr->dr_start, ipa);
- iptoa(dr->dr_end, ipb);
- if(dr->dr_rstate & R_OFF){
- dr->dr_vstate = V_SWAIT; /* da_enter_reclaim: R_OFF */
- dr->dr_rtime = 0;
- }
- dr->dr_rstate = R_RECLAIM;
- dr->dr_time_addrretry = TIME_ADDRRETRY; /* Wait a while before retrying addresses. */
- }
- /*
- * Search for hwaddr on the used list, the reclaimation list, and the free list.
- */
- static int
- da_get_free_addr(dr, dap)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- struct daddr **dap;
- {
- *dap = (struct daddr *) q_dequeue(&(dr->dr_freeq));
- if(*dap == NULLDADDR)
- --dr->dr_fcount;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Search for hwaddr on the used list, the reclaimation list, and the free list.
- */
- static int
- da_get_old_addr(dr, hwaddr, dap)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- char *hwaddr;
- struct daddr **dap;
- {
- struct daddr *da;
- /* Search the used queue */
- for(da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_usedq.head; da != NULLDADDR; da = da->da_next){
- if(memcmp(da->da_hwaddr, hwaddr, dr->dr_hwaddrlen) == 0){
- q_remove(&dr->dr_usedq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- *dap = da;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* Search the relaimq queue */
- for(da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_reclaimq.head; da != NULLDADDR;
- da = da->da_next){
- if(memcmp(da->da_hwaddr, hwaddr, dr->dr_hwaddrlen) == 0){
- /* Here is the address. I have to be carefull in removing it from
- * reclaim queue, I may be verifying this address.
- * If I am, I have to fix up the pointers before removing this
- * element.
- */
- if((dr->dr_rstate & R_OFF) == 0 && dr->dr_vstate == V_VERIFY
- && dr->dr_raddr == da){
- /* I am verifying this very address. */
- /* Start over.
- * This should happen very infrequently at most. */
- dr->dr_vstate = V_SWAIT; /* get_old_addr */
- }
- q_remove(&dr->dr_reclaimq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- *dap = da;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* Search the free queue */
- for(da = (struct daddr *) dr->dr_freeq.head; da != NULLDADDR; da = da->da_next){
- if(memcmp(da->da_hwaddr, hwaddr, dr->dr_hwaddrlen) == 0){
- q_remove(&dr->dr_freeq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- --dr->dr_fcount;
- *dap = da;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- static void
- dprint_dr_record(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- bp_log("Queue link x%lx\n", dr->dr_next);
- bp_log("Pointer to network information x%lx\n", dr->dr_iface);
- bp_log("First IP address in range x%lx\n", dr->dr_start);
- bp_log("Last IP address in range x%lx\n", dr->dr_end);
- bp_log("Number of IP addresses in range %d\n", dr->dr_acount);
- bp_log("Number of IP addresses in free %d\n", dr->dr_fcount);
- bp_log("Number of IP addresses on reclaimation queue %d\n",
- dr->dr_rcount);
- bp_log("Threshold for turning on reclaimation %d\n", dr->dr_thon);
- bp_log("Threshold for critical reclaimation %d\n", dr->dr_thcritical);
- bp_log("Threshold for turning off reclaimation %d\n", dr->dr_thoff);
- bp_log("Time to wait before retrying addresses %ld\n",
- dr->dr_time_addrretry);
- bp_log("Length of hardware address %d\n", dr->dr_hwaddrlen);
- bp_log("Reclaimation state %d\n",(int)dr->dr_rstate);
- bp_log("Verification state %d\n",(int)dr->dr_vstate);
- bp_log("Time stamp for reclaimation %ld\n", dr->dr_rtime);
- bp_log("Address being verified x%lx\n", dr->dr_raddr);
- bp_log("Pointer to table of addresses x%lx\n", dr->dr_table);
- bp_log("uesdq x%lx reclaimq x%lx freeq x%lx\n", dr->dr_usedq,
- dr->dr_reclaimq, dr->dr_freeq);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Enter the critical reclaimation state.
- */
- static void
- da_enter_critical(dr)
- struct drange_desc *dr;
- {
- char ipa[16], ipb[16];
- char *ipc;
- ipc = inet_ntoa(dr->dr_start);
- strcpy(ipa, ipc);
- ipc = inet_ntoa(dr->dr_end);
- strcpy(ipb, ipc);
- if((dr->dr_rstate & R_OFF) == 0){
- dr->dr_vstate = V_SWAIT; /* Enter critical, & R_OFF */
- dr->dr_rtime = 0;
- }
- dr->dr_rstate = R_CRITICAL;
- dr->dr_time_addrretry = 0; /* Retry addresses as fast as possible. */
- }
- /*
- * Initialization
- */
- /*
- * Initialize the Dynamic address assignment module.
- */
- int
- da_init()
- {
- q_init(&rtabq);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Begin dynamic address service for a network.
- */
- int
- da_serve_net(iface, rstart, rend)
- struct iface *iface; /* Pointer to lnet record. */
- int32 rstart; /* First address in range. */
- int32 rend; /* Last address in range. */
- {
- struct drange_desc *dr; /* Pointer to the range descriptor. */
- struct daddr *da; /* Pointer to an address structure. */
- int32 rcount; /* Number of addresses range. */
- time_t now; /* Current time. */
- int16 i;
- char ipc[16], ipd[16];
- /* Find the network table */
- for(dr = (struct drange_desc *) rtabq.head; dr != NULLDRANGE;
- dr = dr->dr_next){
- if(iface == dr->dr_iface)
- break;
- }
- if(dr == NULLDRANGE){
- /* If there is no network table, allocate a new one
- *
- * Allocate the memory I need.
- */
- dr = (struct drange_desc *) calloc(1, sizeof(*dr));
- if(dr == NULLDRANGE)
- return E_NOMEM;
- } else if((dr->dr_start != rstart) || (dr->dr_end != rend))
- /* If the range is different, create a new range */
- free(dr->dr_table);
- else
- return 0; /* There is no change, return */
- rcount = (rend - rstart) + 1;
- da = (struct daddr *) calloc(1,(sizeof (*da) + iface->iftype->hwalen) * rcount);
- if(da == NULLDADDR)
- return E_NOMEM;
- /*
- * Got the memory, fill in the structures.
- */
- dr->dr_iface = iface;
- dr->dr_start = rstart;
- dr->dr_end = rend;
- dr->dr_acount = rcount;
- dr->dr_fcount = 0;
- dr->dr_rcount = 0;
- dr->dr_thon = (rcount * THRESH_ON) / 100;
- dr->dr_thcritical = THRESH_CRITICAL;
- dr->dr_thoff = (rcount * THRESH_OFF) / 100;
- dr->dr_time_addrretry = 0;
- dr->dr_hwaddrlen = iface->iftype->hwalen;
- dr->dr_rstate = R_OFF;
- dr->dr_vstate = V_SWAIT; /* Initialize */
- dr->dr_rtime = 0;
- dr->dr_raddr = NULLDADDR;
- dr->dr_table = da;
- /*
- * Fill in the table and link them all onto the used list.
- */
- time(&now);
- for(i = 0, da = dr->dr_table; i < dr->dr_acount; ++i, da = da_getnext(dr, da)){
- da->da_addr = rstart++;
- da->da_time = 0; /* Initiallize at 0, only here */
- q_enqueue(&dr->dr_usedq,(struct q_elt *)da);
- }
- /* and set up the timer stuff */
- if(rtabq.head == NULLCHAR){
- set_timer(&da_timer,TIME_RWAIT*1000L);
- da_timer.func = da_runtask;
- da_timer.arg = (void *) 0;
- start_timer(&da_timer);
- }
- q_enqueue(&rtabq,(struct q_elt *)dr);
- da_enter_critical(dr); /* Start reclaiming some of these addresses. */
- iptoa(dr->dr_start, ipc);
- iptoa(dr->dr_end, ipd);
- bp_log("DynamicIP range: %s - %s\n", ipc, ipd);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Routines to implement a simple forward linked queue.
- */
- /*
- * q_init()
- * Initialize simple Q descriptor
- */
- static void
- q_init(queue)
- struct q *queue;
- {
- queue->head = 0;
- queue->tail = 0;
- }
- /*
- * q_enqueue()
- * Enqueue an element in a simple Q.
- */
- void
- q_enqueue(queue, elem)
- struct q *queue;
- struct q_elt *elem;
- {
- struct q_elt *last;
- if(queue->tail != NULLCHAR){ /* If not empty Q... */
- last = (struct q_elt *) queue->tail;
- last->next = elem;
- }
- else
- queue->head = (char *) elem;
- queue->tail = (char *) elem;
- elem->next = NULLQ_ELT;
- }
- /*
- * q_dequeue ()
- * Pull an element off of the head of a Q.
- */
- struct q_elt *
- q_dequeue(queue)
- struct q *queue;
- {
- struct q_elt *elem;
- if(queue->head == NULLCHAR)
- return NULLQ_ELT; /* return NULL when empty Q */
- elem = (struct q_elt *) queue->head;
- queue->head = (char *) elem->next;
- elem->next = NULLQ_ELT;
- if(queue->head == NULLCHAR)
- queue->tail = NULLCHAR;
- return elem;
- }
- /*
- * Remove an element from the middle of a queue. Note that
- * there is no mutex here, so this shouldn't be used on
- * critical Qs
- */
- static int
- q_remove(source_queue, qel)
- struct q *source_queue;
- struct q_elt *qel;
- {
- struct q_elt *prev, *e;
- /* Case : removing first in Q */
- if(qel == (struct q_elt *) source_queue->head){
- source_queue->head = (char *)qel->next; /* trying to remove first in queue... */
- if(source_queue->head == NULLCHAR) /* nothing left... */
- source_queue->tail = NULLCHAR; /* blank out the Q */
- else if(source_queue->head == source_queue->tail){ /* One thing left */
- e = (struct q_elt *) source_queue->head; /* As insurance, set it's next to NULL. */
- e->next = NULLQ_ELT;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* find Q element before qel, so that we can link around qel */
- for(prev = (struct q_elt *) source_queue->head; prev->next != qel; prev = prev->next)
- if(prev == NULLQ_ELT)
- return 1;
- /* Case : Removing last in Q */
- if(qel == (struct q_elt *) source_queue->tail){ /* trying to remove last one in queue... */
- prev->next = NULLQ_ELT; /* there is a prev elt, since we return on first */
- source_queue->tail = (char *) prev;
- return 0;
- }
- /* else, removing a queue element in the middle... */
- prev->next = qel->next;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Support Routines
- */
- static void
- iptoa(ipaddr, ipstr)
- int32 ipaddr;
- char ipstr[16];
- {
- char *tmpStr;
- tmpStr = inet_ntoa(ipaddr);
- strcpy(ipstr, tmpStr);
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- static void
- build_hex_string(fromstr, len, tostr)
- char *fromstr; int len;
- char *tostr;
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i < len; i++){
- sprintf(tostr, "%02x", fromstr[i]);
- tostr++;
- tostr++;
- }
- fromstr[len] = 0;
- }
- #endif