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- /* SM0RGV data compression routines.
- * This file implements the Lempel-Ziv Welch (LZW) data compression
- * algorithm but with a variable code size, as in GIF format files.
- *
- * Copyright 1990 by Anders Klemets, SM0RGV. Permission granted for
- * non-commercial distribution only.
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "lzw.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- static void fastencode __ARGS((struct usock *up,char data));
- static int16 zhash __ARGS((int32 code,char data));
- static void morebits __ARGS((struct lzw *lzw));
- static void cleartbl __ARGS((struct lzw *lzw));
- static void addtobuffer __ARGS((struct usock *up,int32 code));
- static void addchar __ARGS((char data,struct lzw *lzw));
- static void getstring __ARGS((int32 code,struct lzw *lzw));
- static char firstchar __ARGS((int32 code,struct lzw *lzw));
- static void decodetbl __ARGS((int32 code,struct lzw *lzw));
- static int32 nextcode __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- /* Initialize a socket for compression. Bits specifies the maximum number
- * of bits per codeword. The input and output code tables might grow to
- * about (2^bits * 3) bytes each. The bits parameter does only serve as a
- * recommendation for the decoding, the actual number of bits may be
- * larger, but not never more than 16.
- */
- void
- lzwinit(s,bits,mode)
- int s; /* socket to operate on */
- int bits; /* maximum number of bits per codeword */
- int mode; /* compression mode, LZWCOMPACT or LZWFAST */
- {
- struct usock *up;
- if((up = itop(s)) == NULLUSOCK)
- return;
- up->zout = (struct lzw *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct lzw));
- up->zin = (struct lzw *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct lzw));
- up->zout->codebits = LZWBITS;
- if(bits < LZWBITS)
- up->zout->maxbits = LZWBITS;
- if(bits > 16 || bits == 0)
- up->zout->maxbits = 16;
- if(bits >= LZWBITS && bits <= 16)
- up->zout->maxbits = bits;
- up->zout->nextbit = 0;
- up->zout->prefix = -1;
- up->zout->version = -1;
- up->zout->code = -1;
- up->zout->mode = mode;
- up->zout->next = ZFLUSH + 1; /* used only in LZWFAST mode */
- up->zin->codebits = LZWBITS;
- up->zin->maxbits = -1;
- up->zin->nextbit = 0;
- up->zin->prefix = -1;
- up->zin->version = -1;
- up->zin->code = -1;
- up->zin->next = ZFLUSH + 1;
- up->zin->mode = LZWCOMPACT;
- up->zin->buf = NULLBUF;
- }
- void
- lzwfree(up)
- struct usock *up;
- {
- if(up->zout != NULLLZW) {
- cleartbl(up->zout);
- free((char *)up->zout);
- up->zout = NULLLZW;
- }
- up->zout = NULLLZW;
- if(up->zin != NULLLZW) {
- cleartbl(up->zin);
- free_q(&up->zin->buf);
- free((char *)up->zin);
- up->zin = NULLLZW;
- }
- }
- /* LZW encoding routine.
- * See if the string specified by code + data is in the string table. If so,
- * set prefix equal to the code of that string. Otherwise insert code + data
- * in the string and set prefix equal to data.
- */
- void
- lzwencode(s,data)
- int s;
- char data;
- {
- struct usock *up;
- register struct lzw *lzw;
- int32 code, pagelim;
- register unsigned int i,j;
- if((up = itop(s)) == NULLUSOCK)
- return;
- lzw = up->zout;
- code = up->zout->prefix;
- /* the first byte sent will be the version number */
- if(lzw->version == -1) {
- lzw->version = ZVERSION;
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt++] = lzw->version;
- /* then send our recommended maximum number of codebits */
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt++] = lzw->maxbits;
- }
- lzw->cnt++;
- if(code == -1) {
- lzw->prefix = (int32) uchar(data);
- return;
- }
- if(lzw->mode == LZWFAST) {
- fastencode(up,data);
- return;
- }
- pagelim = ((int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) / LZWBLK + 1;
- if(code <= ZFLUSH)
- i = j = 0;
- else {
- i = (code - ZFLUSH) / LZWBLK;
- j = (code - ZFLUSH) % LZWBLK;
- }
- if(lzw->tu.tbl == (struct zentry **)0)
- lzw->tu.tbl = (struct zentry **) callocw(1,
- sizeof(struct zentry *) * pagelim);
- for(;;) {
- if(itop(s) == NULLUSOCK) /* the connection has been closed */
- return;
- if(up->zout == NULLLZW) /* ...or is about to be closed */
- return;
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i] == (struct zentry *)0) {
- lzw->tu.tbl[i] = (struct zentry *)
- mallocw(LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- memset((char *)lzw->tu.tbl[i], 0xff,
- LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- }
- while(j < LZWBLK) {
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].data == data &&
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code == (int16) code) {
- lzw->prefix = (int32)(i * LZWBLK + j +
- ZFLUSH + 1);
- return;
- }
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code == 0xffff) {
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code = (int16) code;
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].data = data;
- addtobuffer(up,code);
- lzw->prefix = (int32) uchar(data);
- lzw->next++;
- if(lzw->next == (int32) 1 << lzw->codebits)
- /* the current table is now full */
- morebits(lzw);
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32)
- 1 << lzw->maxbits) {
- /* The last codeword has been reached.
- * (Or last - 1.) Signal this and start all
- * over again.
- */
- addtobuffer(up,lzw->prefix);
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32)
- 1 << lzw->codebits)
- morebits(lzw);
- addtobuffer(up,ZCC);
- cleartbl(lzw);
- }
- return;
- }
- ++j;
- }
- pwait(NULL);
- ++i;
- j = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Used when LZWFAST mode is selected. Memory usage approx. (2^bits * 5)
- * bytes.
- */
- static void
- fastencode(up,data)
- struct usock *up;
- char data;
- {
- register struct zfast *z;
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- register struct lzw *lzw = up->zout;
- int32 code = up->zout->prefix;
- register int16 cnt, h;
- if(lzw->tu.bpp == NULLBUFP)
- lzw->tu.bpp = (struct mbuf **) callocw(1,
- sizeof(struct mbuf *) * ZHASH);
- h = zhash(code,data);
- if(lzw->tu.bpp[h] == NULLBUF)
- lzw->tu.bpp[h] = ambufw(LZWBLK);
- bp = lzw->tu.bpp[h];
- cnt = bp->cnt / sizeof(struct zfast);
- z = (struct zfast *) bp->data;
- while(cnt > 0) {
- if(z->data == data && z->code == (int16) code) {
- lzw->prefix = (int32) z->owncode;
- return;
- }
- z++;
- if(--cnt == 0) {
- if(bp->next == NULLBUF)
- break;
- bp = bp->next;
- cnt = bp->cnt / sizeof(struct zfast);
- z = (struct zfast *) bp->data;
- }
- }
- if(bp->size - bp->cnt >= sizeof(struct zfast)) {
- z = (struct zfast *) &bp->data[bp->cnt];
- bp->cnt += sizeof(struct zfast);
- }
- else {
- bp->next = ambufw(LZWBLK);
- z = (struct zfast *) bp->next->data;
- bp->next->cnt = sizeof(struct zfast);
- }
- z->code = (int16) code;
- z->data = data;
- z->owncode = (int16) lzw->next++;
- addtobuffer(up,code);
- lzw->prefix = (int32) uchar(data);
- if(lzw->next == (int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) {
- /* Increase the number of bits per codeword */
- morebits(lzw);
- }
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32) 1 << lzw->maxbits) {
- /* The last codeword has been reached. (Or last - 1.)
- * Signal this and start all over again.
- */
- addtobuffer(up,lzw->prefix);
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32) 1 << lzw->codebits)
- morebits(lzw);
- addtobuffer(up,ZCC);
- cleartbl(lzw);
- }
- pwait(NULL);
- }
- static int16
- zhash(code,data)
- int32 code;
- char data;
- {
- register int16 h;
- h = lobyte(code);
- h ^= hibyte(code);
- h ^= data;
- return h % ZHASH;
- }
- /* increase the number of significant bits in the codewords, and increase
- * the size of the string table accordingly.
- */
- static void
- morebits(lzw)
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- struct zentry **newt;
- int32 pagelim, oldp;
- oldp = ((int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) / LZWBLK + 1;
- lzw->codebits++;
- if(lzw->mode == LZWFAST)
- return;
- pagelim = ((int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) / LZWBLK + 1;
- newt = (struct zentry **) callocw(1,sizeof(struct zentry *)*pagelim);
- memcpy(newt,lzw->tu.tbl,sizeof(struct zentry *) * oldp);
- free((char *)lzw->tu.tbl);
- lzw->tu.tbl = newt;
- }
- static void
- cleartbl(lzw)
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- int32 pagelim,i;
- pagelim = ((int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) / LZWBLK + 1;
- lzw->codebits = LZWBITS;
- lzw->prefix = -1;
- lzw->next = ZFLUSH + 1;
- if(lzw->tu.p == NULL)
- return;
- if(lzw->mode == LZWCOMPACT)
- for(i=0; i < pagelim; ++i)
- free((char *)lzw->tu.tbl[i]);
- else
- for(i=0; i < ZHASH; ++i)
- free_p(lzw->tu.bpp[i]);
- free((char *)lzw->tu.p);
- lzw->tu.p = NULL;
- }
- /* Add a codeword to the code stream. Nextbit indicates at which bit in the
- * code stream should be written first. The codeword ZFLUSH is used to
- * pad the buffer to a byte boundary when the buffer will be flushed.
- * The remaining bits of the ZFLUSH codeword are sent in the next buffer.
- */
- static void
- addtobuffer(up,code)
- struct usock *up;
- int32 code;
- {
- if(up->zout->code != -1) {
- /* Insert remaining bits of ZFLUSH codeword */
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt] =
- up->zout->code >> up->zout->flushbit;
- if(up->zout->flushbit + 8 >= up->zout->codebits) { /* done */
- up->zout->nextbit = (up->zout->codebits -
- up->zout->flushbit) % 8;
- if(up->zout->nextbit == 0)
- ++up->obuf->cnt;
- up->zout->code = -1;
- }
- else {
- /* not done yet */
- ++up->obuf->cnt;
- up->zout->flushbit += 8;
- addtobuffer(up,code);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* normal codewords are treated here */
- if(up->zout->nextbit == 0) {
- /* we are at a byte boundary */
- if(code == ZFLUSH) {
- up->zout->flushbit = 0;
- up->zout->code = ZFLUSH;
- return;
- }
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt++] = (char) code;
- }
- else
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt++] |= code << up->zout->nextbit;
- if(code == ZFLUSH) {
- /* interrupt here and save the rest of the ZFLUSH
- * codeword for later.
- */
- up->zout->flushbit = 8 - up->zout->nextbit;
- up->zout->code = ZFLUSH;
- return;
- }
- up->obuf->data[up->obuf->cnt] = code >> 8 - up->zout->nextbit;
- /* start on a third byte if necessary */
- if(16 - up->zout->nextbit < up->zout->codebits)
- up->obuf->data[++up->obuf->cnt] =
- code >> 16 - up->zout->nextbit;
- up->zout->nextbit = (up->zout->nextbit + up->zout->codebits) % 8;
- if(up->zout->nextbit == 0)
- ++up->obuf->cnt;
- }
- void
- lzwflush(up)
- struct usock *up;
- {
- /* interrupt the encoding process and send the prefix codeword */
- if(up->zout->prefix != -1) {
- addtobuffer(up,up->zout->prefix);
- if(up->zout->next + 1 == (int32) 1 << up->zout->codebits)
- morebits(up->zout);
- up->zout->prefix = -1;
- }
- /* signal this by sending the ZFLUSH codeword */
- addtobuffer(up,ZFLUSH);
- }
- int
- lzwdecode(up)
- struct usock *up;
- {
- int32 code,data;
- if(up->zin->version == -1 && (up->zin->version = PULLCHAR(&up->ibuf))
- == -1)
- return -1;
- if(up->zin->maxbits == -1) {
- /* receive a recommended value for the maximum no of bits */
- if((up->zin->maxbits = PULLCHAR(&up->ibuf)) == -1)
- return -1;
- if(up->zout->maxbits > up->zin->maxbits) {
- if(up->zout->codebits > up->zin->maxbits) {
- /* We are already using more bits than our
- * peer want us to, so clear the encoding
- * table immediately.
- */
- addtobuffer(up,up->zout->prefix);
- if(up->zout->next + 1 == (int32)
- 1 << up->zout->codebits)
- morebits(up->zout);
- addtobuffer(up,ZCC);
- cleartbl(up->zout);
- }
- up->zout->maxbits = up->zin->maxbits;
- }
- }
- for(;;) {
- if((data = PULLCHAR(&up->zin->buf)) != -1)
- return (int) data;
- if((code = nextcode(up)) == -1)
- return -1;
- decodetbl(code,up->zin);
- up->zin->cnt += len_p(up->zin->buf);
- }
- }
- static void
- addchar(data,lzw)
- char data;
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- lzw->buf = pushdown(lzw->buf,1);
- *lzw->buf->data = data;
- }
- static void
- getstring(code,lzw)
- int32 code;
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- int i,j;
- for(;;) {
- if(code < ZFLUSH) {
- addchar(uchar(code),lzw);
- return;
- }
- i = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) / LZWBLK;
- j = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) % LZWBLK;
- addchar(lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].data,lzw);
- code = (int32) lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code;
- }
- }
- static char
- firstchar(code,lzw)
- int32 code;
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- int i,j;
- for(;;) {
- if(code < ZFLUSH)
- return uchar(code);
- i = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) / LZWBLK;
- j = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) % LZWBLK;
- code = (int32) lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code;
- }
- }
- static void
- decodetbl(code,lzw)
- int32 code;
- struct lzw *lzw;
- {
- register unsigned int i,j;
- int32 pagelim;
- if(code > lzw->next) {
- printf("LZW protocol error, process %s\n",Curproc->name);
- return;
- }
- if(lzw->buf == NULLBUF) {
- lzw->buf = ambufw(512);
- /* allow us to use pushdown() later */
- lzw->buf->data += lzw->buf->size;
- }
- if(lzw->prefix == -1) {
- getstring(code,lzw);
- lzw->prefix = code;
- return;
- }
- pagelim = ((int32) 1 << lzw->codebits) / LZWBLK + 1;
- if(lzw->tu.tbl == (struct zentry **)0)
- lzw->tu.tbl = (struct zentry **) callocw(1,
- sizeof(struct zentry *) * pagelim);
- if(code < ZFLUSH)
- goto intable;
- i = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) / LZWBLK;
- j = (code - ZFLUSH - 1) % LZWBLK;
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i] == (struct zentry *)0) {
- lzw->tu.tbl[i] = (struct zentry *)
- mallocw(LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- memset((char *)lzw->tu.tbl[i], 0xff,
- LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- }
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code == 0xffff) {
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].data = firstchar(lzw->prefix,lzw);
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code = (int16) lzw->prefix;
- getstring(code,lzw);
- lzw->next = code + 1;
- lzw->prefix = code;
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32) 1 << lzw->codebits)
- morebits(lzw);
- return;
- }
- intable:
- getstring(code,lzw);
- i = (lzw->next - ZFLUSH - 1) / LZWBLK;
- j = (lzw->next - ZFLUSH - 1) % LZWBLK;
- if(lzw->tu.tbl[i] == (struct zentry *)0) {
- lzw->tu.tbl[i] = (struct zentry *)
- mallocw(LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- memset((char *)lzw->tu.tbl[i], 0xff,
- LZWBLK * sizeof(struct zentry));
- }
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].data = firstchar(code,lzw);
- lzw->tu.tbl[i][j].code = (int16) lzw->prefix;
- lzw->next++;
- lzw->prefix = code;
- if(lzw->next + 1 == (int32) 1 << lzw->codebits)
- morebits(lzw);
- }
- /* extract the next codeword from the input stream */
- static int32
- nextcode(up)
- struct usock *up;
- {
- int32 code;
- if(up->zin->code == -1) { /* read the first character */
- if((code = PULLCHAR(&up->ibuf)) == -1)
- return -1;
- up->zin->code = code >> up->zin->nextbit;
- }
- if(up->ibuf == NULLBUF) /* next byte is not available yet */
- return -1;
- /* continue assembling the codeword */
- up->zin->code |= ((int32) uchar(*up->ibuf->data) <<
- 8 - up->zin->nextbit) & (((int32) 1 <<
- up->zin->codebits) - 1);
- if(16 - up->zin->nextbit < up->zin->codebits) {
- (void) PULLCHAR(&up->ibuf);
- up->zin->nextbit -= 8; /* pull bits from a third byte */
- return nextcode(up);
- }
- code = up->zin->code;
- up->zin->code = -1;
- up->zin->nextbit = (up->zin->nextbit + up->zin->codebits) % 8;
- if(up->zin->nextbit == 0)
- (void) PULLCHAR(&up->ibuf);
- if(code == ZCC) {
- cleartbl(up->zin);
- return nextcode(up);
- }
- if(code == ZFLUSH) {
- up->zin->prefix = -1;
- return nextcode(up);
- }
- return code;
- }