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- /*
- * Client routines for Network News Tranfer Protocol ala RFC977
- *
- * Copyright 1990 Anders Klemets - SM0RGV, All Rights Reserved.
- * Permission granted for non-commercial copying and use, provided
- * this notice is retained.
- *
- * Changes copyright 1990 Bernie Roehl, All Rights Reserved.
- * Permission granted for non-commercial copying and use, provided
- * this notice is retained.
- *
- * Revision history:
- *
- * May 11, 1990 - br checked for invalid chars in news filenames
- *
- * May 10, 1990 - br changed date stamp in 'From ' lines to
- * seconds since GMT (to make parsing and expiry easier)
- *
- * May 9, 1990 - br added locking of nntp.dat and history files,
- * second parameter to NNTP DIR, fixed bug in updating of
- * nntp.dat
- *
- * early May, 1990 -- br added NNTP TRACE, NNTP DIR,
- * server-specific newsgroups and connection windows,
- * locking of newsgroup files using mlock() and rmlock(),
- * date stamping of 'From ' lines, increased stack space,
- * updating of nntp.dat only on successful sessions.
- *
- * July 19, 1990 pa0gri Delinted and cleaned up. (calls and includes)
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <time.h> /* was sys/timeb.h */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h> /* for strchr() */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <dir.h>
- #endif
- #include "global.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "smtp.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #define NNTPMAXLEN 512
- static struct nntpservers {
- struct timer nntpcli_t;
- char *name;
- char *groups;
- int lowtime, hightime; /* for connect window */
- struct nntpservers *next;
- };
- #define NULLNNTP (struct nntpservers *)NULL
- #define MAXGROUPDIRS 10
- static struct grouploc {
- char *prefix; /* e.g. comp, rec, net, talk, alt ... */
- char *directory; /* directory where these groups should be */
- } groupdirs[MAXGROUPDIRS] = { NULL, NULL };
- struct nntpservers *Nntpservers = NULLNNTP;
- static char *Nntpgroups = NULLCHAR;
- static unsigned short nntptrace = 1;
- static char *validchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
- static void nntptick __ARGS((void *tp));
- static void nntp_job __ARGS((int i1,void *tp,void *v1));
- static int gettxt __ARGS((FILE *network,FILE *fp));
- static int getreply __ARGS((FILE *network));
- static int getarticle __ARGS((FILE *network,char *msgid));
- static int dogroups __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int doadds __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dodrops __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dokicks __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dolists __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int donntrace __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dondir __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- /* Tracing levels:
- 0 - no tracing
- 1 - serious errors reported
- 2 - transient errors reported
- 3 - session progress reported
- 4 - actual received articles displayed
- */
- static struct cmds Nntpcmds[] = {
- "addserver", doadds, 0, 3,
- "nntp addserver <nntpserver> <interval>",
- "directory", dondir, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "dropserver", dodrops, 0, 2,
- "nntp dropserver <nntpserver>",
- "groups", dogroups, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "kick", dokicks, 0, 2,
- "nntp kick <nntpserver>",
- "listservers", dolists, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "trace", donntrace, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- };
- int
- donntp(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return subcmd(Nntpcmds,argc,argv,p);
- }
- static int
- doadds(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct nntpservers *np;
- for(np = Nntpservers; np != NULLNNTP; np = np->next)
- if(stricmp(np->name,argv[1]) == 0)
- break;
- if (np == NULLNNTP) {
- np = (struct nntpservers *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct nntpservers));
- np->name = strdup(argv[1]);
- np->next = Nntpservers;
- Nntpservers = np;
- np->groups = NULLCHAR;
- np->lowtime = np->hightime = -1;
- np->nntpcli_t.func = nntptick; /* what to call on timeout */
- np->nntpcli_t.arg = (void *)np;
- }
- if (argc > 3) {
- int i;
- if (np->groups == NULLCHAR) {
- np->groups = mallocw(NNTPMAXLEN);
- *np->groups = '\0';
- }
- for (i = 3; i < argc; ++i) {
- if (isdigit(*argv[i])) {
- int lh, ll, hh, hl;
- sscanf(argv[i], "%d:%d-%d:%d", &lh, &ll, &hh, &hl);
- np->lowtime = lh * 100 + ll;
- np->hightime = hh * 100 + hl;
- } else if ((strlen(np->groups)+strlen(argv[i])+2) >= NNTPMAXLEN)
- printf("Group list too long! Group '%s' ignored!\n", argv[i]);
- else { /* it's a group, and it fits... add it to list */
- if (*np->groups != '\0')
- strcat(np->groups, ",");
- strcat(np->groups, argv[i]);
- }
- }
- if (*np->groups == '\0') { /* No groups specified? */
- free(np->groups);
- np->groups = NULLCHAR;
- }
- }
- /* set timer duration */
- set_timer(&np->nntpcli_t,atol(argv[2])*1000L);
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t); /* and fire it up */
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dodrops(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct nntpservers *np, *npprev = NULLNNTP;
- for(np = Nntpservers; np != NULLNNTP; npprev = np, np = np->next)
- if(stricmp(np->name,argv[1]) == 0) {
- stop_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- free(np->name);
- if (np->groups)
- free(np->groups);
- if(npprev != NULLNNTP)
- npprev->next = np->next;
- else
- Nntpservers = np->next;
- free((char *)np);
- return 0;
- }
- printf("No such server enabled.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dolists(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct nntpservers *np;
- for(np = Nntpservers; np != NULLNNTP; np = np->next) {
- char tbuf[80];
- if (np->lowtime != -1 && np->hightime != -1)
- sprintf(tbuf, " -- %02d:%02d-%02d:%02d", np->lowtime/100, np->lowtime%100, np->hightime/100, np->hightime%100);
- else
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- printf("%-32s (%lu/%lu%s) %s\n", np->name,
- read_timer(&np->nntpcli_t) /1000L,
- dur_timer(&np->nntpcli_t) /1000L,
- tbuf, np->groups ? np->groups : "");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int donntrace(argc, argv, p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return setshort(&nntptrace,"NNTP tracing",argc,argv);
- }
- static char *News_spool = NULL;
- static int np_all = 0; /* non-zero if Newsdir is a malloc'ed space */
- static int dondir(argc, argv, p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- int i;
- printf("spool: %s\n", News_spool ? News_spool : Mailspool);
- printf("control: %s\n", Newsdir);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXGROUPDIRS; ++i)
- if (groupdirs[i].prefix)
- printf("%-10.10s %s\n", groupdirs[i].prefix, groupdirs[i].directory);
- } else {
- char *p;
- if ((p = strchr(argv[1], '=')) != NULLCHAR) { /* set a groupdir */
- int i;
- *p++ = '\0';
- for (i = 0; i < MAXGROUPDIRS; ++i)
- if (groupdirs[i].prefix)
- if (!strnicmp(groupdirs[i].prefix, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]))) {
- if (groupdirs[i].directory) {
- free(groupdirs[i].directory);
- groupdirs[i].directory = NULLCHAR;
- }
- if (*p == '\0') {
- free(groupdirs[i].prefix);
- groupdirs[i].prefix = NULLCHAR;
- } else
- groupdirs[i].directory = strdup(p);
- return 0;
- }
- if (*p == '\0') /* trashing a group that's not there */
- return 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXGROUPDIRS; ++i){
- if (groupdirs[i].prefix == NULLCHAR) {
- groupdirs[i].prefix = strdup(argv[1]);
- if (groupdirs[i].directory) {
- free(groupdirs[i].directory);
- groupdirs[i].directory = NULL;
- }
- groupdirs[i].directory = strdup(p);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- printf("Directory table full\n");
- }
- else { /* no '=', so just set default */
- if (News_spool)
- free(News_spool);
- News_spool = strdup(argv[1]);
- }
- if (argc > 2) { /* they specified a newsdir as well */
- if (np_all)
- free(Newsdir);
- Newsdir = strdup(argv[2]);
- np_all = 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dokicks(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct nntpservers *np;
- for(np = Nntpservers; np != NULLNNTP; np = np->next)
- if(stricmp(np->name,argv[1]) == 0) {
- /* If the timer is not running, the timeout function has
- * already been called and we don't want to call it again.
- */
- if(run_timer(&np->nntpcli_t)) {
- stop_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- nntptick((void *)np);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- printf("No such server enabled.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dogroups(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- int i;
- if(argc < 2) {
- if(Nntpgroups == NULLCHAR || (Nntpgroups != NULLCHAR && strcmp(Nntpgroups,"*") == 0))
- printf("All groups are currently enabled.\n");
- else
- printf("Currently enabled newsgroups:\n%s\n",Nntpgroups);
- return 0;
- }
- if(Nntpgroups == NULLCHAR)
- Nntpgroups = mallocw(NNTPMAXLEN);
- *Nntpgroups = '\0';
- for(i=1; i < argc; ++i) {
- if(i > 1)
- strcat(Nntpgroups,",");
- strcat(Nntpgroups,argv[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* This is the routine that gets called every so often to connect to
- * NNTP servers.
- */
- static void
- nntptick(tp)
- void *tp;
- {
- newproc("NNTP client", 3072, nntp_job, 0, tp, NULL,0);
- }
- static void
- nntp_job(i1,tp,v1)
- int i1;
- void *tp, *v1;
- {
- FILE *fp, *tmpf;
- int s = -1, i;
- FILE *network;
- /* long pos; */
- struct tm *ltm;
- time_t t;
- int now;
- struct nntpservers *np = (struct nntpservers *) tp;
- struct sockaddr_in fsocket;
- char tbuf[NNTPMAXLEN], buf[NNTPMAXLEN], *cp, *lastdate = NULLCHAR;
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("NNTP daemon entered, target = %s\n",np->name);
- if(availmem() != 0){
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP daemon quit -- low memory\n");
- /* Memory is tight, don't do anything */
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- return;
- }
- time(&t); /* more portable than gettime() */
- ltm = localtime(&t);
- now = ltm->tm_hour * 100 + ltm->tm_min;
- if (np->lowtime < np->hightime) { /* doesn't cross midnight */
- if (now < np->lowtime || now >= np->hightime) {
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("NNTP window to '%s' not open\n", np->name);
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (now < np->lowtime && now >= np->hightime) {
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("NNTP window to '%s' not open\n", np->name);
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- return;
- }
- }
- fsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(np->name);
- if(fsocket.sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { /* No IP address found */
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP can't resolve host '%s'\n", np->name);
- /* Try again later */
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- return;
- }
- fsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
- fsocket.sin_port = IPPORT_NNTP;
- s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- if(connect(s,(char *)&fsocket,SOCKSIZE) == -1){
- cp = sockerr(s);
- log(s,"NNTP %s Connect failed: %s",psocket(&fsocket),
- cp != NULLCHAR ? cp : "");
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP %s Connect failed: %s\n",psocket(&fsocket),
- cp != NULLCHAR ? cp : "");
- goto quit;
- }
- network = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- /* Eat the banner */
- i = getreply(network);
- if(i == -1 || i >= 400) {
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s bad reply on banner (response was %d)",psocket(&fsocket),i);
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s bad reply on banner (response was %d)\n",psocket(&fsocket),i);
- goto quit;
- }
- if (mlock(Newsdir, "nntp")) {
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP %s Connect failed: cannot lock nntp.dat\n", psocket(&fsocket));
- goto quit;
- }
- sprintf(buf,"%s/nntp.dat",Newsdir);
- if((fp = fopen(buf,APPEND_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s Connect failed: Cannot open %s",psocket(&fsocket),
- buf);
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s Connect failed: Cannot open %s\n",psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "nntp");
- goto quit;
- }
- rewind(fp);
- /* for(pos=0L; fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,fp) != NULLCHAR;pos=ftell(fp)) { */
- for(; fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,fp) != NULLCHAR;) {
- if((cp = strchr(buf,' ')) == NULLCHAR)
- continue; /* something wrong with this line, skip it */
- *cp = '\0';
- if(stricmp(buf,np->name) == 0) {
- rip(cp+1);
- lastdate = strdup(cp+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "nntp");
- if(lastdate == NULLCHAR)
- lastdate = strdup("700101 000000");
- /* snapshot the time for use later in re-writing nntp.dat */
- time(&t);
- ltm = localtime(&t);
- /* Get a list of new message-id's */
- if (np->groups) {
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("==>NEWNEWS %s %s\n", np->groups, lastdate);
- fprintf(network,"NEWNEWS %s %s\n", np->groups, lastdate);
- } else {
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("==>NEWNEWS %s %s\n", Nntpgroups != NULLCHAR ? Nntpgroups : "*", lastdate);
- fprintf(network,"NEWNEWS %s %s\n",Nntpgroups != NULLCHAR ? Nntpgroups : "*", lastdate);
- }
- free(lastdate);
- /* Get the response */
- if((i = getreply(network)) != 230) { /* protocol error */
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s protocol error (response was %d)",psocket(&fsocket),i);
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s protocol error (response was %d)\n",psocket(&fsocket),i);
- goto quit;
- }
- if((tmpf = tmpfile()) == NULLFILE) {
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s Cannot open temp file\n", psocket(&fsocket));
- goto quit;
- }
- if(gettxt(network,tmpf) == -1) {
- log(fileno(network), "NNTP %s giving up: gettxt() failure",psocket(&fsocket));
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s giving up: gettxt() failure\n",psocket(&fsocket));
- fclose(tmpf);
- goto quit;
- }
- /* Open the history file */
- if (mlock(Newsdir, "history")) {
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s giving up: couldn't lock history file\n", psocket(&fsocket));
- fclose(tmpf);
- goto quit;
- }
- sprintf(buf,"%s/history",Newsdir);
- if((fp = fopen(buf,APPEND_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s Connect failed: Cannot open %s",psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s Connect failed: Cannot open %s\n",psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- fclose(tmpf);
- goto quit;
- }
- /* search through the history file for matching message id's */
- rewind(tmpf);
- while(fgets(tbuf,NNTPMAXLEN,tmpf) != NULLCHAR) {
- i = 0;
- rewind(fp);
- while(fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,fp) != NULLCHAR) {
- if(stricmp(buf,tbuf) == 0) {
- i = 1;
- break;
- }
- pwait(NULL);
- }
- if(i == 0) { /* not found, get the article */
- if(getarticle(network,tbuf) == -1) {
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s Giving up: could not get article",psocket(&fsocket));
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP %s Giving up: could not get article\n",psocket(&fsocket));
- fclose(fp);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "history");
- fclose(tmpf);
- goto quit;
- }
- fprintf(fp,"%s",tbuf); /* add the new message id */
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "history");
- fclose(tmpf);
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("==>QUIT\n");
- fprintf(network,"QUIT\n");
- /* Eat the response */
- getreply(network);
- /* NOW, update the nntp.dat file */
- if (mlock(Newsdir, "nntp")) {
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP %s Could not lock nntp.dat for update\n", psocket(&fsocket));
- goto quit;
- }
- sprintf(buf,"%s/nntp.dat",Newsdir);
- fp = fopen(buf,READ_TEXT);
- sprintf(buf, "%s/nntp.tmp",Newsdir);
- if ((tmpf = fopen(buf, WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP %s Cannot create temp file '%s'\n", psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- if (fp == NULLFILE || tmpf == NULLFILE) {
- log(fileno(network),"NNTP %s Could not update %s", psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP %s Could not update %s\n",psocket(&fsocket), buf);
- if (fp)
- fclose(fp);
- if (tmpf)
- fclose(tmpf);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "nntp");
- goto quit;
- }
- while (fgets(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), fp))
- if (strnicmp(tbuf, np->name, strlen(np->name)))
- fputs(tbuf, tmpf);
- fprintf(tmpf,"%s %02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d\n",np->name,ltm->tm_year%100,ltm->tm_mon+1,
- ltm->tm_mday,ltm->tm_hour,ltm->tm_min,ltm->tm_sec);
- fclose(fp);
- fclose(tmpf);
- sprintf(buf, "%s/nntp.dat", Newsdir);
- sprintf(tbuf, "%s/nntp.tmp", Newsdir);
- unlink(buf);
- rename(tbuf, buf);
- rmlock(Newsdir, "nntp");
- quit:
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("NNTP daemon exiting\n");
- fclose(network);
- /* Restart timer */
- start_timer(&np->nntpcli_t);
- return;
- }
- static int
- gettxt(network,fp)
- FILE *network;
- FILE *fp;
- {
- char buf[NNTPMAXLEN];
- int nlines;
- for (nlines = 0; fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,network) != NULLCHAR; ++nlines) {
- if (nntptrace >= 4)
- printf("<==%s", buf);
- if(strcmp(buf,".\n") == 0) {
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("NNTP received %d lines\n", nlines);
- return 0;
- }
- /* check for escaped '.' characters */
- if(strcmp(buf,"..\n") == 0)
- fputs(".\n",fp);
- else
- fputs(buf,fp);
- }
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP receive error after %d lines\n", nlines);
- return -1;
- }
- static int
- getreply(network)
- FILE *network;
- {
- char buf[NNTPMAXLEN];
- int response;
- while(fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,network) != NULLCHAR) {
- /* skip informative messages and blank lines */
- if(buf[0] == '\0' || buf[0] == '1')
- continue;
- sscanf(buf,"%d",&response);
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("<==%s\n", buf);
- return response;
- }
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("==No response\n");
- return -1;
- }
- static int
- getarticle(network,msgid)
- FILE *network;
- char *msgid;
- {
- char buf[NNTPMAXLEN], froml[NNTPMAXLEN], newgl[NNTPMAXLEN];
- FILE *fp, *tmpf;
- int r;
- char *cp;
- extern int Smtpquiet;
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("==>ARTICLE %s", msgid);
- fprintf(network,"ARTICLE %s", msgid);
- r = getreply(network);
- if(r == -1 || r >= 500)
- return -1;
- if(r >= 400)
- return 0;
- if((tmpf = tmpfile()) == NULLFILE) {
- if (nntptrace >= 1)
- printf("NNTP Cannot open temp file for article\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if(gettxt(network,tmpf) == -1) {
- fclose(tmpf);
- return -1;
- }
- /* convert the article into mail format */
- rewind(tmpf);
- froml[0] = '\0';
- newgl[0] = '\0';
- while(fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,tmpf) != NULLCHAR) {
- #if 0 /* this is major lossage! (actually, this whole thing is */
- if(strncmp(buf,"From: ",6) == 0) {
- struct timeb t;
- ftime(&t);
- rip(&buf[6]);
- sprintf(froml,"From %s %ld\n",&buf[6], t.time);
- if(newgl[0] != '\0')
- break;
- }
- #endif
- if(strncmp(buf,"Newsgroups: ",12) == 0) {
- strcpy(newgl,&buf[12]);
- if(froml[0] != '\0')
- break;
- }
- /* invalid article - missing 'From:' line or 'Newsgroups:' line */
- if(strcmp(buf,"\n") == 0 && (froml[0] == '\0' || newgl[0] == '\0')) {
- /* fclose(fp); */
- fclose(tmpf);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- sprintf(buf,"%s/",News_spool ? News_spool : Mailspool);
- for(cp=newgl;;++cp) {
- if(*cp == '.') {
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- mkdir(buf); /* create a subdirectory, if necessary */
- #else
- mkdir(buf,0755); /* create a subdirectory, if necessary */
- #endif
- strcat(buf,"/");
- continue;
- }
- if(*cp == ',' || *cp == '\n') {
- char tempdir[80], prefix[20], *p;
- strcpy(tempdir, buf);
- if ((p = strrchr(tempdir, '/')) != NULLCHAR) {
- *p++ = '\0';
- strcpy(prefix, p);
- }
- if (mlock(tempdir, prefix)) {
- if (nntptrace >= 2)
- printf("NNTP group '%s' is locked\n", buf);
- return -1;
- }
- strcat(buf,".txt");
- /* open the mail file */
- if (nntptrace >= 3)
- printf("Writing article to '%s'\n", buf);
- if((fp = fopen(buf,APPEND_TEXT)) != NULLFILE) {
- fputs(froml,fp);
- rewind(tmpf);
- while(fgets(buf,NNTPMAXLEN,tmpf) != NULLCHAR) {
- /* for UNIX mail compatiblity */
- if(strncmp(buf,"From ",5) == 0)
- putc('>',fp);
- fputs(buf,fp);
- }
- putc('\n',fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- rmlock(tempdir, prefix);
- if (*cp == '\n')
- break;
- else
- sprintf(buf,"%s/",News_spool ? News_spool : Mailspool);
- continue;
- }
- buf[strlen(buf)+1] = '\0';
- buf[strlen(buf)] = strchr(validchars, tolower(*cp)) ? *cp : '_';
- }
- fclose(tmpf);
- strcpy(buf,msgid); /* Get a copy we can munge */
- rip(buf); /* remove trailing new-line */
- rip(newgl); /* ditto */
- #ifdef notdef
- printf("New news arrived: %s, article %s%c\n",newgl,buf,Smtpquiet?' ':'\007');
- #else
- printf("New news arrived: %s, article %s\n",newgl,buf);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }