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- /* Internet Telnet client
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "telnet.h"
- #include "session.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "tty.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "internet.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- int Refuse_echo = 0;
- int Tn_cr_mode = 0; /* if true turn <cr> to <cr-nul> */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- char *T_options[] = {
- "Transmit Binary",
- "Echo",
- "",
- "Suppress Go Ahead",
- "",
- "Status",
- "Timing Mark"
- };
- #endif
- /* Execute user telnet command */
- int
- dotelnet(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct session *sp;
- struct sockaddr_in fsocket;
- int s;
- /* Allocate a session descriptor */
- if((sp = newsession(argv[1],TELNET,1)) == NULLSESSION){
- printf("Too many sessions\n");
- return 1;
- }
- fsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if(argc < 3)
- fsocket.sin_port = IPPORT_TELNET;
- else
- fsocket.sin_port = atoi(argv[2]);
- printf("Resolving %s... ",sp->name);
- if((fsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(sp->name)) == 0){
- printf(Badhost,sp->name);
- keywait(NULLCHAR,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- if((s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1){
- printf("Can't create socket\n");
- keywait(NULLCHAR,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- settos(s,LOW_DELAY);
- sp->network = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- setvbuf(sp->network,NULLCHAR,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- return tel_connect(sp,(char *)&fsocket,SOCKSIZE);
- }
- /* Generic interactive connect routine, used by Telnet, AX.25, NET/ROM */
- int
- tel_connect(sp,fsocket,len)
- struct session *sp;
- char *fsocket;
- int len;
- {
- struct telnet tn;
- memset((char *)&tn,0,sizeof(tn));
- tn.eolmode = Tn_cr_mode;
- tn.session = sp; /* Upward pointer */
- sp->cb.telnet = &tn; /* Downward pointer */
- printf("Trying %s...\n",psocket((struct sockaddr *)fsocket));
- if(connect(fileno(sp->network),fsocket,len) == -1){
- printf("%s session %u ",Sestypes[sp->type], sp->index);
- perror("connect failed");
- keywait(NULLCHAR,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("%s session ",Sestypes[sp->type]);
- printf("%u connected to %s\n",sp->index,sp->name);
- tnrecv(&tn);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Telnet input routine, common to both telnet and ttylink */
- void
- tnrecv(tn)
- struct telnet *tn;
- {
- int c;
- struct session *sp;
- char *cp;
- FILE *network;
- sp = tn->session;
- network = sp->network;
- /* Fork off the transmit process */
- sp->proc1 = newproc("tel_out",1024,tel_output,0,tn,NULL,0);
- /* Process input on the connection */
- while((c = getc(network)) != EOF){
- if(c != IAC){
- /* Ordinary character */
- if(!tn->remote[TN_TRANSMIT_BINARY])
- c &= 0x7f;
- putchar((char)c);
- continue;
- }
- /* IAC received, get command sequence */
- c = getc(network);
- switch(c){
- case WILL:
- c = getc(network);
- willopt(tn,c);
- break;
- case WONT:
- c = getc(network);
- wontopt(tn,c);
- break;
- case DO:
- c = getc(network);
- doopt(tn,c);
- break;
- case DONT:
- c = getc(network);
- dontopt(tn,c);
- break;
- case IAC: /* Escaped IAC */
- putchar(IAC);
- break;
- }
- }
- quit: /* A close was received from the remote host.
- * Notify the user, kill the output task and wait for a response
- * from the user before freeing the session.
- */
- log(-1,"out of telnet receive loop");
- fmode(sp->output,STREAM_ASCII); /* Restore newline translation */
- setvbuf(sp->output,NULLCHAR,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- cp = sockerr(fileno(network));
- printf("%s session %u", Sestypes[sp->type],sp->index);
- printf(" closed: %s\n", cp != NULLCHAR ? cp : "EOF");
- log(-1,"telnet did closing printf");
- killproc(sp->proc1);
- sp->proc1 = NULLPROC;
- log(-1,"telnet killed sender");
- fclose(sp->network);
- sp->network = NULLFILE;
- log(-1,"telnet closed network");
- keywait(NULLCHAR,1);
- freesession(sp);
- }
- /* User telnet output task, started by user telnet command */
- void
- tel_output(unused,tn1,p)
- int unused;
- void *tn1;
- void *p;
- {
- struct session *sp;
- int c;
- struct telnet *tn;
- tn = (struct telnet *)tn1;
- sp = tn->session;
- /* Send whatever's typed on the terminal */
- while((c = getc(sp->input)) != EOF){
- putc(c,sp->network);
- if(!tn->remote[TN_ECHO] && sp->record != NULLFILE)
- putc(c,sp->record);
- /* By default, output is transparent in remote echo mode.
- * If eolmode is set, turn a cr into cr-null.
- * This can only happen when in remote echo (raw) mode, since
- * the tty driver normally maps \r to \n in cooked mode.
- */
- if(c == '\r' && tn->eolmode)
- putc('\0',sp->network);
- if(tn->remote[TN_ECHO])
- fflush(sp->network);
- }
- /* Make sure our parent doesn't try to kill us after we exit */
- sp->proc1 = NULLPROC;
- }
- int
- doecho(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if(argc < 2){
- if(Refuse_echo)
- printf("Refuse\n");
- else
- printf("Accept\n");
- } else {
- if(argv[1][0] == 'r')
- Refuse_echo = 1;
- else if(argv[1][0] == 'a')
- Refuse_echo = 0;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* set for unix end of line for remote echo mode telnet */
- int
- doeol(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if(argc < 2){
- if(Tn_cr_mode)
- printf("null\n");
- else
- printf("standard\n");
- } else {
- if(argv[1][0] == 'n')
- Tn_cr_mode = 1;
- else if(argv[1][0] == 's')
- Tn_cr_mode = 0;
- else {
- printf("Usage: %s [standard|null]\n",argv[0]);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* The guts of the actual Telnet protocol: negotiating options */
- void
- willopt(tn,opt)
- struct telnet *tn;
- int opt;
- {
- int ack;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("recv: will ");
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS)
- printf("%s\n",T_options[opt]);
- else
- printf("%u\n",opt);
- #endif
- switch(uchar(opt)){
- case TN_ECHO:
- if(tn->remote[uchar(opt)] == 1)
- return; /* Already set, ignore to prevent loop */
- if(uchar(opt) == TN_ECHO){
- if(Refuse_echo){
- /* User doesn't want to accept */
- ack = DONT;
- break;
- } else {
- /* Put tty into raw mode */
- tn->session->ttystate.edit = 0;
- tn->session->ttystate.echo = 0;
- fmode(tn->session->network,STREAM_BINARY);
- setvbuf(tn->session->network,NULLCHAR,_IONBF,0);
- fmode(stdout,STREAM_BINARY);
- setvbuf(stdout,NULLCHAR,_IONBF,0);
- }
- }
- tn->remote[uchar(opt)] = 1;
- ack = DO;
- break;
- default:
- ack = DONT; /* We don't know what he's offering; refuse */
- }
- answer(tn,ack,opt);
- }
- void
- wontopt(tn,opt)
- struct telnet *tn;
- int opt;
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("recv: wont ");
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS)
- printf("%s\n",T_options[uchar(opt)]);
- else
- printf("%u\n",uchar(opt));
- #endif
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS){
- if(tn->remote[uchar(opt)] == 0)
- return; /* Already clear, ignore to prevent loop */
- tn->remote[uchar(opt)] = 0;
- if(uchar(opt) == TN_ECHO){
- /* Put tty into cooked mode */
- tn->session->ttystate.edit = 1;
- tn->session->ttystate.echo = 1;
- fmode(tn->session->network,STREAM_ASCII);
- setvbuf(tn->session->network,NULLCHAR,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- fmode(stdout,STREAM_ASCII);
- setvbuf(stdout,NULLCHAR,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- }
- }
- answer(tn,DONT,opt); /* Must always accept */
- }
- void
- doopt(tn,opt)
- struct telnet *tn;
- int opt;
- {
- int ack;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("recv: do ");
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS)
- printf("%s\n",T_options[uchar(opt)]);
- else
- printf("%u\n",uchar(opt));
- #endif
- switch(uchar(opt)){
- if(tn->local[uchar(opt)] == 1)
- return; /* Already set, ignore to prevent loop */
- tn->local[uchar(opt)] = 1;
- ack = WILL;
- break;
- default:
- ack = WONT; /* Don't know what it is */
- }
- answer(tn,ack,opt);
- }
- void
- dontopt(tn,opt)
- struct telnet *tn;
- int opt;
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("recv: dont ");
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS)
- printf("%s\n",T_options[uchar(opt)]);
- else
- printf("%u\n",uchar(opt));
- #endif
- if(uchar(opt) <= NOPTIONS){
- if(tn->local[uchar(opt)] == 0){
- /* Already clear, ignore to prevent loop */
- return;
- }
- tn->local[uchar(opt)] = 0;
- }
- answer(tn,WONT,opt);
- }
- void
- answer(tn,r1,r2)
- struct telnet *tn;
- int r1,r2;
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- switch(r1){
- case WILL:
- printf("sent: will ");
- break;
- case WONT:
- printf("sent: wont ");
- break;
- case DO:
- printf("sent: do ");
- break;
- case DONT:
- printf("sent: dont ");
- break;
- }
- if(r2 <= NOPTIONS)
- printf("%s\n",T_options[r2]);
- else
- printf("%u\n",r2);
- #endif
- fprintf(tn->session->network,"%c%c%c",IAC,r1,r2);
- fflush(tn->session->network);
- }