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- ;***************************************************************
- ;program name = asm file that will test the ADM56116 memory and
- ;portb & c continuity for the functional test.
- ;date last modified = 05-30-90
- ;revision = 00
- ;***************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************
- ;define equate constants
- ;***************************************************************
- pbddr equ $FFC2
- pcddr equ $FFC3
- pbd equ $FFE2
- pcd equ $FFE3
- bcr equ $FFDE
- scrpad equ $40
- errpad equ $50
- org p:$e000
- ;***************************************************************
- ;pmemtst11 is an address memory test in which a 0 is placed in
- ;address 0 of RAM and a 1 in 1 and so forth through (8k-this
- ;.lod file = approximately 7k) of program memory and the full 8k
- ;of X data memory. Since the default mode is mode2, the first 2k
- ;of internal RAM, both P & X, are internal.
- ;***************************************************************
- pmemtst11 jsr initmem
- jsr initbcr
- move #errpad,r1 ;load initial error pointer.
- move #errpad+$f,y0 ;load errpad maximum +1 into y0.
- move #>$11,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #0,x0 ;clear x0.
- move #$400,r0 ;load pmem start pointer.
- move #$1c00,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest11
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,p:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- add x0,a ;add a 1 to x0.
- move a1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest11 move #0,x0 ;clear x0.
- move #$400,r0 ;reload pmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest11
- move p:(r0)+,a ;get memory value.
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post error.
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- add x0,a ;add a 1 to x0.
- move a1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest11 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang1 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp pmemtst12 ;go on to test2.
- badhang1 jmp badhang1 ;bad board address.
- ;***************************************************************
- ;pmemtst12 is a memory test that will walk a 1 through each of
- ;data bus pins as the address is simulateously incremented.
- ;***************************************************************
- pmemtst12 move #>$12,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load srcpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$400,r0 ;load pmem start pointer.
- move #$160,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest12
- move #>$1,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,wrtest120
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,p:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest120 nop
- wrtest12 move #$400,r0 ;load pmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest12
- move #>$1,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,rdtest120
- clr a
- move p:(r0)+,a ;get read word.
- cmp x0,a
- jsne error
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest120 nop
- rdtest12 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang2 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp pmemtst13 ;go on to test3.
- badhang2 jmp badhang2 ;bad board address.
- ;***************************************************************
- ;pmemtst13 is a memory test that will walk a 0 through each of
- ;data bus pins as the address is simulateously incremented.
- ;***************************************************************
- pmemtst13 move #>$13,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load srcpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$400,r0 ;load pmem start pointer.
- move #$160,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest13
- move #>$fffe,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,wrtest130
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,p:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest130 nop
- wrtest13 move #$400,r0 ;load pmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest13
- move #>$fffe,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,rdtest130
- clr a
- move p:(r0)+,a ;get read word.
- cmp x0,a
- jsne error
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest130 nop
- rdtest13 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang3 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp xmemtst21 ;go on to x data memory.
- badhang3 jmp badhang3 ;bad board address.
- ;***************************************************************
- ;xmemtst21 is an address memory test in which a 0 is placed in
- ;address 0 of RAM and a 1 in 1 and so forth through (8k-this
- ;.lod file = approximately 7k) of program memory and the full 8k
- ;of X data memory. Since the default mode is mode2, the first 2k
- ;of internal RAM, both P & X, are internal.
- ;***************************************************************
- xmemtst21 jsr initmem
- jsr initbcr
- move #errpad,r1 ;load initial error pointer.
- move #errpad+$f,y0 ;load errpad maximum +1 into y0.
- move #>$21,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #0,x0 ;clear x0.
- move #$0,r0 ;load xmem start pointer.
- move #$2000,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest21
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,x:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- add x0,a ;add a 1 to x0.
- move a1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest21 move #0,x0 ;clear x0.
- move #$0,r0 ;reload xmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest21
- move x:(r0)+,a ;get memory value.
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post error.
- move #>$1,a ;load a 1 adder.
- add x0,a ;add a 1 to x0.
- move a1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest21 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang4 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp xmemtst22 ;go on to test2.
- badhang4 jmp badhang4 ;bad board address.
- ;***************************************************************
- ;xmemtst2 is a memory test that will walk a 1 through each of
- ;data bus pins as the address is simulateously incremented.
- ;***************************************************************
- xmemtst22 move #>$22,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load srcpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$0,r0 ;load xmem start pointer.
- move #$200,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest22
- move #>$1,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,wrtest220
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,x:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest220 nop
- wrtest22 move #$0,r0 ;load xmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest22
- move #>$1,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,rdtest220
- clr a
- move x:(r0)+,a ;get read word.
- cmp x0,a
- jsne error
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest220 nop
- rdtest22 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang5 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp xmemtst23 ;go on to test3.
- badhang5 jmp badhang5 ;bad board address.
- ;***************************************************************
- ;xmemtst23 is a memory test that will walk a 0 through each of
- ;data bus pins as the address is simulateously incremented.
- ;***************************************************************
- xmemtst23 move #>$23,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load srcpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$0,r0 ;load xmem start pointer.
- move #$200,r3 ;load do loop counter.
- do r3,wrtest23
- move #>$fffe,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,wrtest230
- move x0,a0 ;prepare x0 to store.
- move a0,x:(r0)+ ;store a0 to memory.
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- wrtest230 nop
- wrtest23 move #$0,r0 ;load xmem start pointer.
- do r3,rdtest23
- move #>$fffe,x0 ;load initial bit.
- do #$10,rdtest230
- clr a
- move x:(r0)+,a ;get read word.
- cmp x0,a
- jsne error
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- rdtest230 nop
- rdtest23 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang6 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp porttst31 ;go on to test the ports.
- badhang6 jmp badhang6 ;bad board address.
- ;****************************************************************
- ;this is the entry point for portb & portc test.
- ;****************************************************************
- porttst31 jsr initmem
- jsr initbcr
- move #errpad,r1 ;load initial error pointer.
- move #errpad+$f,y0 ;load errpad maximum +1 into y0.
- move #>$31,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$55aa,r0 ;load dummy port address for error.
- move #$ffff,x0 ;set all of x0.
- move x0,x:pbd ;store all ones in pbd.
- move x0,x:pcd ;store all ones in pcd.
- move #$0fff,x0 ;load direction for pbd.
- move x0,x:pbddr ;store direction in pbddr.
- move #>$1,x0 ;load initial one in lsb.
- do #$c,endloop31
- move x0,x:pbd ;store x0 in pbd.
- move x:pcd,a ;get read data from pcd.
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post the error.
- move x0,b ;get x0 to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift 1 bit to left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- endloop31 move #>$32,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$55aa,r0 ;load dummy port address for error.
- move #$1,x0 ;load initial read value.
- move #$7000,y1 ;load mask for bits 12,13,14.
- do #$3,endloop32
- move x0,x:pbd ;store x0 in pbd.
- move x:pbd,a ;get read data from pbd.
- and y1,a ;mask off desired bits via y1.
- rep #$c
- lsr a ;move bit 12 places to right
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post error.
- move x0,b ;get x0 to shift left.
- lsl b ;shift bit left.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- endloop32 move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang7 ;loop on bad address.
- jmp porttst33 ;good board address.
- badhang7 jmp badhang7 ;bad board address.
- porttst33 move #>$33,a ;load test number.
- move #>$fff,y1 ;load new mask.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$55aa,r0 ;load dummy port address for error.
- move #$ffff,x0 ;set all of x0.
- move x0,x:pbd ;store all ones in pbd.
- move x0,x:pcd ;store all ones in pcd.
- move #$0fff,x0 ;load direction for pbd.
- move x0,x:pbddr ;store direction in pbddr.
- move #>$ffe,x0 ;load initial one in lsb.
- do #$c,endloop33
- move x0,x:pbd ;store x0 in pbd.
- move x:pcd,a ;get read data from pcd.
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post the error.
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- and y1,b ;mask b.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- endloop33 move #>$34,a ;load test number.
- move #scrpad+$1,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;store test number.
- move #$55aa,r0 ;load dummy port address for error.
- move #>$6,x0 ;load initial read value.
- do #$3,endloop34
- move #$7000,y1 ;load mask for bits 12,13,14.
- move x0,x:pbd ;store x0 in pbd.
- move x:pbd,a ;get read data from pbd.
- and y1,a ;mask unwanted bits.
- rep #$c
- lsr a ;move bit 12 places to right
- cmpm x0,a ;compare read with write.
- jsne error ;go post error.
- clr b
- move #$80,b2 ;prepare to set carry flag.
- asl b ;set carry flag.
- move x0,b ;move x0 to b to shift left.
- rol b ;shift bit left.
- move #>$7,y1 ;load new mask.
- and y1,b ;mask off unwanted bits.
- move b1,x0 ;restore x0.
- endloop34 move #$ffff,x0 ;load default data for ports.
- move x0,x:pbd ;store default data in pbd.
- move x0,x:pcd ;store default data in pcd.
- move #0,x0 ;load default direction.
- move x0,x:pbd ;store default dir. in pbd.
- move x0,x:pcd ;store default dir. in pcd.
- move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load error pointer.
- move #$1,x0 ;load error test.
- move p:(r2),a ;get error flag.
- cmpm x0,a ;did an error occur.
- jeq badhang8 ;loop on bad address.
- goodhang jmp goodhang ;good board address.
- badhang8 jmp badhang8 ;bad board address.
- error move #scrpad+$2,r2 ;load scratchpad pointer.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;save a1.
- move #scrpad+$0,r2 ;load scratchpad pointer.
- move #>$1,a0 ;load error flag.
- move a0,p:(r2) ;set error flag.
- move r1,a ;prepare r1 to compare.
- cmpm y0,a ;compare r1 with errpad maximum.
- jeq over0 ;jump over if no available space.
- move #scrpad+$2,r2 ;load scratchpad pointer.
- move (r0)- ;decrement r0 to real error.
- move r0,a0 ;prepare r0 to store.
- lea (r0)+,r0 ;return r0 to original value.
- move a0,p:(r1)+ ;store error address.
- move x0,p:(r1)+ ;store written value.
- move p:(r2),a ;restore a1.
- move a1,a0 ;prepare a1 to store.
- move a0,p:(r1)+ ;store read value.
- over0 rts
- ;***************************************************************
- ;this is the entry point for setting the bcr.
- ;***************************************************************
- initbcr move #$2,x0 ;load wait state value.
- move x0,x:bcr ;move to 0 wait states for x data
- ;memory and 2 wait states for
- ;external program memory using 45
- ;or 55 ns eproms at 40 Mhz
- ;operation from internal pram.
- rts
- ;***************************************************************
- ;this is the entry point to initialize the scratch pad and error
- ;pad memory area for the functional tests.
- ;***************************************************************
- initmem move #$0,x0 ;clear x0
- move #scrpad,r2 ;load scrpad pointer.
- do #$20,endinit
- move x0,p:(r2)+ ;clear memory.
- endinit rts