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- Name : G722 Speech Code
- Filetype : DSP56116 Assembler
- Version : 1.01
- Date Entered : 29th June 1990
- Last Modified : 30th March 1992
- Description : Standardised CCITT G722 ADPCM Speech
- Compression Code
- General : The file G722.ASM contains the source
- code for implementing the digital speech coding algorithm as specified by the
- CCITT's G722 recommendation document. Associated with this file are two
- separate files, G722.CMD and MODCOD.TST. These files should be used with the
- assembled G722 code to provide a simple download to the target system and to
- tell the G722 algorithm decoder which mode to operate in respectively. The
- code as it stands cannot be used to pass test vectors and has been written to
- interface with A/D and D/A converters via the DSP56116's Synchronous Serial
- Interface in a loopback mode for subjective testing.
- The test vectors that are supplied by the CCITT can only be used to
- test the G722 Encoder and Decoder separately without incorporation of the
- transmit and receive Q.M.F.'s (Quadrature Mirror Filters). In the G722 source
- version provided both the Encoder and Decoder have passed all of the CCITT test
- vectors as detailed in Appendix 2 of the recommendation. Testing of the overall
- G722 algorithm should be made using separate input/output SNR measuring
- software or analogue hardware, preferably by software.
- The 56116ADS driver program that is provided on the disk is an older
- version of the program which does not require the executing assembly program
- to check the carry flag in the DSP to check for an "end of file" condition.
- If users wish to use later versions of the 56116ADS driver then the G722
- assembly code will need to be updated to meet this criterion.
- In order to fully understand the 56116 G722 code, reference should be
- made to the CCITT's G722 recommendation "7 kHz Audio coding within 64 kbit/sec".
- The code has been written in absolute format and requires conversion
- into relocatable format.
- In order to utilise all three G722 modes in an application separate
- communications protocols (like the CCITT's H221 and G725 recommendations) MUST
- be used in order to signal to the Decoder from the transmitting terminal
- which mode is required.
- Memory Usage :
- (for code provided)
- Program Data
- Internal 1001 232
- External 0 0
- Total 1001 232
- The actual kernel of the G722 code requires considerably less program
- memory. This is because the code has been written to be burned into a prom..
- This means that a lot of the pre-defined constants required for the algorithm
- are defined in program memory and are loaded into to data RAM space upon code
- initialisation.
- Performance : In order to run in real time the code requires
- a peak performance of 9.41 MIPS for Full-Duplex communication. The breakdown
- of the performance of the G722 kernel for worst case is as below ;
- Processor Performance Instruction Cycles
- G722 Encoder 8.40 524
- G722 Decoder 7.64 477
- QMF + Encoder 9.41 588
- Decoder + QMF 8.66 541
- Further Info. : A full application report is available for the
- G722 implementation with the order code APR404/D, and a short 8 page H221
- application guide document is available which provides an overview of how the
- G722 Speech and H221 protocol algorithms could fit together in a real-time
- application. The document also provides an overview of the implementation of
- the H221 protocol software which is also available for the same device. This
- may be obtained from the following person ;
- Phil Atherton
- DSP Applications Engineer
- Motorola Semiconductors Ltd
- Colvilles Road
- Kelvin Industrial Estate
- East Kilbride
- Scotland G75 0TG
- Tel. : (+44/0) 3552 40377
- On the disk provided there are a number of directories. The
- documentation that follows describes the files that can be found within the
- respective directories and when to use them.
- In the top level directory there are 7 directories and 1 file which
- are;
- ASSEMBLY ; Contains the assembly code which passes the G722
- ; test vectors.
- CMDFILE ; Contains all the command files used to automate the
- ; G722 test-vector test.
- BATFILE ; Contains the batch files used to execute the G722
- ; test-vector runs.
- 56116ADS ; Contains an early version of the 56116 ADS driver and
- ; help files for a PC-AT.
- RESULTS ; Supplied empty, this directory is used as storage
- ; for the ADS output files when the G722 code is
- ; executed.
- TESTVECT ; Should contain a subset of the test vector files
- ; which have been converted into a format acceptable
- ; for the 56116 ADS driver and the 'C' executable
- ; files used to convert the original CCITT test
- ; vectors which are supplied in a format not ideal
- ; for the development tools.
- G722CODE ; Contains the final G722 code as written for use in
- ; an application.
- H221FIX ; Contains H221 56116ADS files
- CODE.HLP ; This file
- In the ASSEMBLY directory there are 4 files which are;
- NCDG722.ASM ; The G722 assembly code used to pass the converted
- ; CCITT test vectors on both the 56116 simulator and
- ; ADS board.
- NCDG722.LOD ; The 56116 object code of the above file used for the
- ; test-vector runs.
- NCDG722.BAT ; This batchfile simply invokes the 56116 assembler,
- ; "ASM5616 -a -b -l ncdg722".
- In the CMDFILE directory there are 17 files which are;
- MODDEC1.TST ; Used to tell the executed "ncdg722" code that the G722
- MODDEC2.TST ; Decoder is to be tested and that the G722 Decoder is
- MODDEC3.TST ; set for MODE 1, 2 OR 3.
- ; Contains 2 values, "0001 000x",
- ; First '0001' is for testing the G722 Decoder.
- ; 'x' is the Decoder mode and takes the values 1, 2 or 3.
- MODCOD.TST ; Tells the executed "ncdg722" code that the G722
- ; Encoder is to be tested and here the MODE is irrelevant.
- ; Contains a single value "0000" for Encoder test.
- T1C1XMT.CMD ; These files are the command files which test individual
- T1C2XMT.CMD ; test-vector runs of the NCDG722 code. All have been
- T1C1XMT#.CMD ; set up to automatically load in the MODE files and
- T1C2XMT#.CMD ; NCDG722.LOD file to the designated target system and
- T2R1COD1.CMD ; to dump the respective output files into the RESULTS
- T2R1COD2.CMD ; directory.
- In the BATFILE directory there are 4 files which are;
- G722TEST.BAT ; Batchfile which is used to invoke the 56116 ADS driver
- ; program with the appropriate COMMAND file and once
- ; the vectors have been passed it compares the
- ; appropriate test-vector files with the NCDG722 output
- ; files.
- HALFTEST.BAT ; This batchfile is a subset of G722TEST.BAT so that
- ; some of the test-vectors could be included on disk for a
- ; sample test.
- ADS16ON.BAT ; Batch file which sets up the PC's path for the 56116
- ; ADS driver that is provided on the disk.
- COMPADS.EXE ; Test vector and ADS output compare program
- In the 56116ADS directory there should be 6 files. These should be
- provided by the user. For later versions of the 56116ADS driver software the
- ncdg722.asm files will require modification to take into account the new
- end_of_file recognition process. (See your ADS manual for the description) ;
- ADS56116.EXE ; The ADS driver program and associated help files
- FTE000.ASM
- In the TESTVECT directory there should be 17 files which are ;
- CVCBIN.C ; 'C' file used to convert CCITT Hex. file to binary
- CVCSIM.C ; 'C' file used to convert CCITT Hex file to Simulator
- ; format
- CVCADS.C ; 'C' file used to convert CCITT Hex. file to ADS format
- CVCBIN.EXE ; Executable file of CVCBIN.C
- CVCSIM.EXE ; Executable file of CVCSIM.C
- CVCADS.EXE ; Executable file of CVCADS.C
- WORKCV.BAT ; Batch files used to convert ALL CCITT test vectors
- ADST1C1.XMT ; Handful of the CCITT test files used for on-disk
- ADST1C2.XMT ; test passes. These should be provided by you and
- ADST2R1.COD ; converted into the correct format using the CVC.exe
- ADST2R2.COD ; program.
- IN THE G722CODE Directory there are 2 files which are ;
- G722.ASM ; This file is the final G722 code version as
- ; described in the G722 application note.
- G722_156.ASM ; This assembly file is a modified version of
- ; the G722.ASM file which is written for use
- ; with the DSP56156 processor using its on-chip
- ; codec and Phase-Locked-Loop.
- In the H221FIX directory there are 12 files which are ;
- H221RX.ASM ; These files are the latest updates of modified
- ; H221 files.
- H221TX.ASM
- In the RESULTS directory there are 0 files. This directory is the
- destination directory for the G722 ADS test output files.
- In order to implement the test vector test you must first go to the
- BATFILE directory. Once in this directory type "ADS16ON" ; this sets up the
- path of the PC to recognise the ADS driver program that the user provides.
- Once this has been done you must then type "HALFTEST" , as this invokes the
- batchfile which tests the CCITT test vector subset included on disk.
- The first command that this batchfile executes is "ADS56116" which
- invokes the on-disk ADS driver program.
- Once in the ADS environment, at the "ADM0>" prompt type ;
- "cf" <spacebar> "r" <return>
- this resets the 56116 command converter board. Next type ;
- "f" <spacebar> "r" <return>
- where this resets the 56116 chip on the ADS board. Once this has been done
- without problem type ;
- "d" <return>
- which should display the contents of the 56116 core registers. Now you can
- quit the ADS driver program by typing ;
- "q" <return>
- This process is undertaken to properly reset the 56116 ADS hardware
- before actually performing the tests.
- The batch file now automatically invokes the ADS driver once more, but
- with the appropriate COMMAND file. "<filename>.cmd". This then automatically
- loads the "ncdg722.lod" file into the 56116 chip on the ADS board and sets up
- the appropriate input and output files and their directories for the proper
- execution of the tests. Once this has been done, again at the "ADM0>" prompt
- type ;
- "g" <return>
- which begins execution of the first test. You should then check that the PC is
- actually accessing the floppy disk to make sure that there is 56116ADS activity.
- Once the test is complete the 56116ADS drIver program will respond with the
- prompt ;
- This indicates that all the input test vectors have been passed. Now
- you may quit the ADS driver again by typing ;
- "q"
- The batch file now invokes the file comparison process and the result
- of the test is displayed on the PC display screen. The command which is
- executed will be ;
- compads a:<directory1><filename1> a:<directory2><filenname2>
- Once the files have been compared if there is an error, the program will
- indicate the values in each file and the position within the file where the
- error occured.
- The process indicated above is then repeated for the other command
- files. The test vectors can be acquired from the CCITT for a nominal fee and
- to then adjust the files and directories in the COMMAND and BATCH file
- directories accordingly.
- ****************************************************************