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- ========================================================================
- Program Program
- Benchmark Length Length
- in Icyc in Words
- B.2.1 Real Multiply 3 3
- B.2.2 N Real Multiplies 2N 11
- B.2.3 Real Update 4 4
- B.2.4 N Real Updates 3N 14
- B.2.5 N Term Real Convolution (FIR) 1N 9
- B.2.6 N Term Real*Complex Convolution 2N 15
- B.2.7 Complex Multiply 6 6
- B.2.8 N Complex Multiplies 4N 14
- B.2.9 Complex Update 7 7
- B.2.10 N Complex Updates 6N 18
- B.2.11 N Term Complex Convolution (FIR) 4N 14
- B.2.12 Nth Order Power Series 1N 13
- B.2.13 2nd Order Real Biquad Filter 12 12
- B.2.14 N Cascaded 2nd Order Biquads 5N 23
- B.2.15 N Radix 2 FFT Butterflies 10N 13
- B.2.16 Adaptive LMS FIR 2N+19 22
- B.2.17 FIr Lattice Filter 4N+7 10
- B.2.18 All Pole Iir Lattice Filter 3N+11 14
- B.2.19 General Lattice Filter 4N+12 15
- B.2.20 Normalized Lattice Filter 5N+11 15
- B.2.21 [1x3][3x3] Matrix Multiply 21 21
- B.2.22 [NxN][NxN] Matrix multiply N3+7N2 25
- B.2.23 3x3 2-D FIR Kernel 12 44
- B.2.24 Signed 16 Bit Result Divide 36 18
- B.2.25 Signed Integer Divide 32
- B.2.26 Multiply 32/48-bit Fractions 4+8
- B.3.1 Wave Generation Double Integration 2N 15
- B.3.2 Wave Generation 2nd Order Oscillator 4N 16
- B.3.3 Cascaded Transpose BIQUAD Cell 8N 15
- B.3.4 IIR nth Order Direct Form II Canonic 2N 11
- B.3.5 Find Index Of A Max Value In Array 3N 10
- B.3.6 PID Algorithm 5 5
- B.3.7 Reed Solomon Main Loop 18N 17
- B.3.8 N Double Precision Real Multiplies 9N 18
- B.3.9 Double Precision Autocorrelation 19
- ========================================================================
- Appendix B consists of a set of DSP Benchmarks intended to highlight
- the DSP56100 performance in various applications, show examples of
- programming techniques, and provide code fragments for user application
- programs. Additional code will be put on the Dr. Bub Electronic Bulletin
- Board System as it becomes available. The following table lists these
- Benchmark programs and provides an overview of the program's performance.
- The assembly language source is organized into 5 columns as shown below.
- Label Opcode Operands Data Bus Comment
- FIR MAC X1,X0,A X:(R0)+,X1 X:(R3)+,X0 ;Do each tap
- The Label column is used for program entry points and end of loop
- indication. The Opcode column indicates the Data ALU, Address ALU or
- Program Controller operation to be performed. The Operands column
- specifies the operands to be used by the opcode. The Data Bus specifies
- an optional data transfer over the Data Bus and the addressing mode to
- be used. The Comment column is used for documentation purposes and does
- not affect the assembled code. The Opcode column must always be included
- in the source code. For each benchmark, the number of program words and
- instruction cycles are given.
- The following equates are used in the benchmark programs.
- page 132
- opt cc
- ;define section
- AD EQU 0
- BD EQU $100
- bd EQU $100
- C EQU $200
- c EQU $200
- D EQU $300
- N EQU 100
- AR EQU $300
- AI EQU $400
- output EQU $FFF1
- INPUT EQU $501
- input EQU $FFF1
- W EQU 0
- w EQU 0
- H EQU 0
- XM EQU 0
- state equ 0
- ntaps equ $10
- k equ 0
- n equ 32
- p equ 10
- mask equ 10
- image equ $40
- dividend equ .25
- divisor equ .5
- paddr equ 0
- qaddr equ 4
- w1 equ 0
- w2 equ 10
- s equ 0
- tablebase equ 0
- lpc equ 8
- frame equ 0
- cor equ $100
- shift equ $80 ;shift constant
- table equ $180 ;base address of a-law table
- org p:$40
- ========================================================================
- B.2.1 Real Multiply
- ;c = a * b
- move x:(r0)+n0,x1 x:(r3)+n3,x0
- mpyr x1,x0,a
- move a,x:(r1)
- ========================================================================
- B.2.2 N Real Multiplies
- ;c(I) = a(I) * b(I), I=1,...,N
- move #AD,r0
- move #BD,r3
- move #C,r2
- move x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0
- do #N,END_DO2
- mpyr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0
- move a,x:(r2)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.3 Real Update
- ;d = c + a * b
- move x:(r0)+n0,x1 x:(r3)+n3,x0
- move x:(r2),a
- macr x1,x0,a
- move a,x:(r1)
- ========================================================================
- B.2.4 N Real Updates
- ;d(I) = c(I) + a(I) * b(I), I=1,...,N
- move #AD,r0
- move #BD,r3
- move #C,r2
- move #D,r1
- move x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0
- do #N,END_DO4
- move x:(r2)+,a
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0
- move a,x:(r1)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.5 Real Correlation Or Convolution (FIR Filter)
- ;c(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {a(I) * b(n-I)}
- move #AD,r0
- move #BD,r3
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0
- move x:(r3)+,x0
- rep #N
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0
- rnd a
- ========================================================================
- B.2.6 Real * Complex Correlation Or Convolution (FIR Filter)
- ;cr(n) + jci(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {(ar(I) + jai(I)) * b(n-I)}
- ;cr(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {ar(I) * b(n-I)}
- ;ci(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {ai(I) * b(n-I)}
- move #AR,r0
- move #AI,r1
- move #BD,r3
- clr a x:(r0)+,x1
- clr b x:(r1)+,y1
- move x:(r3)+,x0
- do #N,END_DO6
- mac x0,x1,a x:(r0)+,x1
- mac x0,y1,b x:(r1)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x0
- rnd a
- rnd b
- ========================================================================
- B.2.7 Complex Multiply
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;ar br
- mpy y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;ar*br, ai, bi
- macr -y0,x0,a ;ar*br-ai*bi
- mpy y1,x0,b a,x:(r2)+ ;ar*bi
- macr y1,x0,b ;ar*bi+ai*br
- move b,x:(r2)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.8 N Complex Multiplies
- ; cr(I) + jci(I) = (ar(I) + jai(I)) * (br(I) + jbi(I)), I=1,...,N
- ; cr(I) = ar(I) * br(I) - ai(I) * bi(I) y1=ar x1=br
- ; ci(I) = ar(I) * bi(I) + ai(I) * br(I) y0=ai x0=bi
- move #AD,r0
- move #C-1,r2
- move #BD,r3
- move x:(r2),b ;dummy move!
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;ar;br
- do #N,END_DO8
- mpy y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;ar*br, ai, bi
- macr -y0,x0,a b,x:(r2)+ ;ar*br-ai*bi
- mpy y0,x1,b a,x:(r2)+ ;ai*br
- macr y1,x0,b x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;ar*bi+ai*br, ar
- move b,x:(r2)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.9 Complex Update
- move x:(r2)+,a ;cr
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1
- mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;cr+ar*br,ai,bi
- macr -y0,x0,a x:(r2)+,b ;cr+ar*br ai*bi
- mac y1,x0,b a,x:(r1)+ ;ci+ar*bi
- macr y0,x1,b ;ci+ar*bi+ai*br
- move b,x:(r1)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.10 N Complex Updates
- move #AD,r0
- move #BD,r3
- move #D-1,r1
- move #C,r2
- move x:(r1),b ;dummy in B
- move x:(r0)+,y1 ;ar
- do #N,END_DOA
- move x:(r2)+,a x:(r3)+,x0 ;cr,br
- mac y1,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1 ;cr+ar*br, ai, bi
- macr -y0,x1,a b,x:(r1)+ ;cr+ar*br ai*bi
- move x:(r2)+,b ;ci
- mpy y1,x1,b a,x:(r1)+ ;ci+ar*bi, dr
- macr y0,x0,b x:(r0)+,y1 ;ci+ar*bi+ai*br
- move b,x:(r1)+
- ========================================================================
- B.2.11 Complex Correlation Or Convolution (Complex FIR)
- ; cr(n) + jci(n) =
- ; SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {(ar(I) + jai(I)) * (br(n-I) + jbi(n-I))}
- ; cr(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {ar(I) * br(n-I) - ai(I) * bi(n-I)}
- ; ci(n) = SUM(I=0,...,N-1) {ar(I) * bi(n-I) + ai(I) * br(n-I)}
- ; y1=ar x1=br
- ; y0=ai x0=bi
- move #AD,r0
- move #BD,r3
- clr a x:(r0)+,y1 ;ar
- clr b x:(r3)+,x1 ;br
- do #N,END_DOB
- mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;ar*br, ai, bi
- mac y1,x0,b ;ar*bi
- mac y0,x1,b x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;ar*bi+ai*br, ar
- mac -y0,x0,a ;ar*br-ai*bi
- rnd a
- rnd b
- ========================================================================
- B.2.12 Nth Order Power Series (Real)
- ; c = SUM(I=0,...,N) {a(I) * b**I}
- ; = [[[a(n) *b+a(n-1)] *b+a(n-2)]*b+a(n-3)]...
- move #BD,r1
- move #AD,r0
- move x:(r1),y0 ;b
- move y0,x0
- move x:(r0)+,a ;a(n)
- move x:(r0)+,b ;a(n-1)
- do #N/2,END_DOC
- mac a1,y0,b x:(r0)+,a ;a(n-2)
- mac b1,x0,a x:(r0)+,b ;a(0)+a(1)*b
- rnd a
- ========================================================================
- B.2.13 2nd Order Real Biquad IIR Filter
- ; w(n)/2 = x(n)/2 - (a1/2) * w(n-1) - (a2/2) * w(n-2)
- ; y(n)/2 = w(n)/2 + (b1/2) * w(n-1) + (b2/2) * w(n-2)
- ; DHigh Memory Order - w(n-2), w(n-1)
- ; DLow Memory Order - (a2/2), (a1/2), (b2/2), (b1/2)
- ; this version uses two pointers
- move #-1,n0
- ori #$08,mr
- rnd a x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=a2/2
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ;x0=wn-2
- mac y1,x0,a x:(r0)+n0,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;y1=wn-1
- mac y1,x1,a x1,x:(r0)+ ;a=wn
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=b2/2
- mac x1,x0,a a,x:(r0)+
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=b1/2
- macr y1,x1,a
- move a,x:<<output
- ========================================================================
- B.2.14 N Cascaded Real Biquad IIR Filters
- ; w(n)/2 = x(n)/2 - (a1/2) * w(n-1) - (a2/2) * w(n-2)
- ; y(n)/2 = w(n)/2 + (b1/2) * w(n-1) + (b2/2) * w(n-2)
- ; D High Memory Order - w(n-2)1,w(n-1)1,w(n-2)2,w(n-1)2,...
- ; D Low Memory Order - (a2/2)1,(a1/2)1,(b2/2)1,(b1/2)1,(a2/2)2,...
- ; this version uses two pointers
- ori #$08,mr
- move #W,r0
- move #C,r3
- move #-1,n0
- movep x:<<input,a
- rnd a x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=a2/2
- move x:(r0)+,y0 ;y0=wn-2
- do #N,END_DOE
- mac y0,x1,a x:(r0)+n0,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;y1=wn-1
- macr y1,x1,a x1,x:(r0)+
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1= b2/2
- mac y0,x1,a a,x:(r0)+
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=b1/2
- mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1
- ; this version uses three pointers
- ori #$08,mr
- move #W,r0
- move #C,r3
- move #C+2,r1
- move #2,n3
- move #4,n1
- move #-1,n0
- movep x:<<input,a ;a=x
- move x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;y0=w-2
- do #N,END_DOF
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+n0,y1 x:(r3)+n3,x0 ;w-1;a1/2
- macr y1,x0,a y1,x:(r0)+ ;a=w
- move x:(r1)+n1,x0 x:(r3)+,x1 ;x0=b2/2
- mac y0,x0,a a,x:(r0)+ ;a=w+b2/2w-2
- mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;a=y; next w-2
- ========================================================================
- B.2.15 N Radix 2 FFT Butterflies
- ; Decimation in time (DIT), in-place algorithm
- ; Twiddle Factor Wk= wr - jwi = cos(2pk/N) -j sin(2pk/N) pointed by r1
- ; which must be saved on each pass.
- ; xr = ar + wr * br - wi * bi
- ; xi = ai + wi * br + wr * bi
- ; yr = ar - wr * br + wi * bi = 2 * ar - xr
- ; yi = ai - wi * br - wr * bi = 2 * ai - xi
- move x:(r1)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1 ;y0=wr; x1=br
- move x:(r0),b ;b=ar
- move x:(r1)+n1,y1 ;y1=wi
- ; save r1, update r1 to point last bi/yi
- do #n,end_bfly
- mac y0,x1,b x:(r3)+,x0 ;b=ar+wrbr
- macr y1,x0,b a,x:(r1)+ ;b=xr
- move x:(r0)+,a ;a=ar
- subl b,a b,x:(r2)+ ;a=2ar-xr=yr
- move x:(r0),b
- move a,x:(r1)+ ;b=ai
- mac y1,x1,b x:(r3)+,x1 ;b=ai+wibr
- macr y0,x0,b x:(r0)+,a x:(r3)+,x0 ;b=xi;a=ai
- subl b,a b,x:(r2)+ ;a=2ai-xi=yi
- move x:(r0),b ;b=ar
- end_bfly
- move b,x:(r1)+n1 ;save last yi
- ; save r1, update r1 to point last bi/yi
- ========================================================================
- ;Notation and symbols:
- ; x(n) - Input sample at time n.
- ; d(n) - Desired signal at time n.
- ; y(n) - FIR filter output at time n.
- ; H(n) - Filter coefficient vector at time n.
- ; H={c0,c1,c2,...,ck,...,c(N-1)}
- ; X(n) - Filter state variable vector at time N.
- ; X={x(n),x(n-1),....,x(n-N+1)}
- ; Mu - Adaptation gain.
- ; N - Number of coefficient taps in the filter.
- ; True LMS Algorithm Delayed LMS Algorithm
- ; Get input sample Get input sample
- ; Save input sample Save input sample
- ; Do FIR Do FIR
- ; Get d(n), find e(n) Update coefficients
- ; Update coefficients Get d(n), find e(n)
- ; Output y(n) Output y(n)
- ; Shift vector X Shift vector X
- ; System equations:
- ; e(n)=d(n)-H(n)X(n) e(n)=d(n)-H(n)X(n) (FIR filter and error)
- ; H(n+1)=H(n)+uX(n)e(n) H(n+1)=H(n)+uX(n-1)e(n-1) (Coefficient update)
- ;References:
- ;"Adaptive Digital Filters and Signal Analysis", Maurice G. Bellanger,
- ; Marcel Deker Inc. New York and Basel
- ;"The DLMS Algorithm Suitable for the Pipelined Realization of Adaptive
- ; Filters", Proc. IEEE ASSP Workshop, Academia Sinica, Beijing, 1986
- ;Note:
- ;The sections of code shown describe how to initialize all registers,
- ;filter an input sample and do the coefficient update. Only the instruc-
- ;tions relating to the filtering and coefficient update are shown as
- ;part of the benchmark. Instructions executed only once (for initial-
- ;ization) or instructions that may be user application dependent are not
- ;included in the benchmark.
- ========================================================================
- ;Implementation of the true LMS on the DSP56100
- move #XM,r0 ;start of X
- move #N-1,m0 ;mod 4
- move #-2,n0 ;adjustment for filtering
- move m0,m2 ;mod N
- movep x:<<input,y0 ;get input sample
- move #H,r3 ;coefficients
- clr a y0,x:(r0)+ ;save x(n)
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;get c0
- rep #N-1 ;do fir
- mac y0,x1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1
- macr y0,x1,a ;last tap
- movep a,x:<<output ;output fir if desired
- ;Get d(n), subtract fir output, multiply by "u", put the result in x0.
- ;This section is application dependent.
- move #H,r3 ;coefficients
- move r3,r2 ;coefficients
- move x:(r0)+,y0 ;get x(n)
- move x:(r3)+,a ;a=c0
- do #ntaps,_coefupdate ;update coef.
- macr x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1
- tfr x1,a a,x:(r2)+ ;copy c,
- _coefupdate
- move x:(r0)+n0,y0 ;update r0
- move x:(r3)-,y0 ;update r3
- ========================================================================
- ; Implementation of the delayed LMS on the DSP56100
- ; Delayed LMS algorithm with matched coefficient and data vectors
- ; Algorithm runs in 2N (2 coeffs processed in each 4 cycle loop)
- ; Register Usage:
- ; Data Sample is stored in Y0 and Y1.
- ; Coefficient is stored in X1
- ; Loop Gain * Error is stored in X0.
- ; FIR operation done in B.
- ; Coeff update operation done in A.
- ; FIR sum = a = a +c(k)old*x(n-k)
- ; c(k)new= b = c(k)old -mu*eold *x(n-k-1)
- move #state,r0
- move #ntaps,m0
- move #-2,n0
- move #1,n1
- move #c+1,r3
- move #c,r1
- clr b x:(r0)+,y0 ;y0 = x(n)
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;y1=x(n-1)
- do #ntaps/2,end_lms
- mac y0,x1,b a,x:(r1)+n1 x1,a
- macr x0,y1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1
- mac x1,y1,b a,x:(r1)+n1 x1,a
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1
- end_lms
- move a,x:(r1)+
- move (r0)+n0
- ========================================================================
- ; Implementation of the double precision true LMS on the DSP56100
- ; Memory map:
- move #XM,r0 ;start of X
- move #N-1,m0 ;mod 4
- move #-2,n0 ;adjustment for filtering
- move #2,n3
- move m0,m2 ;mod N
- movep x:<<input,y0 ;get input sample
- move #H,r3 ;coefficients
- clr a y0,x:(r0)+ ;save x(n)
- move x:(r3)+n3,x1 ;get c0
- rep #N-1 ;do fir
- mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+n3,x1 ;mac; next x
- macr x1,y0,a ;last tap
- movep a,x:<<output ;output fir if desired
- ;Get d(n), subtract fir output, multiply by "u", put the result in x0.
- ;This section is application dependent.
- move #H,r3 ;coefficients
- move r3,r2 ;coefficients
- move x:(r0)+,y0 ;get x(n)
- move x:(r3)+,a ;a1=c0h
- move x:(r3)+,a0 ;a0=col
- do #ntaps,_coefupdat ;update coef.
- mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,y0
- move x:(r3)+,b ;u e(n) x(n)+c
- move x:(r3)+,b0 ;b0=next c()l
- move a1,x:(r2)+ ;save next c()h
- tfr b,a a0,x:(r2)+ ;copy c
- _coefupdat
- move x:(r0)+n0,y0 ;update r0
- move (r3)- ;update r3
- move (r3)-
- ========================================================================
- ;Implementation of the double precision delayed LMS on the DSP56100
- ; Delayed LMS algorithm with matched coefficient and data vectors
- ; Algorithm runs in 4N (2 coeffs processed in each 8 cycle loop)
- ; Register Usage:
- ; Data Sample is stored in Y0 and Y1.
- ; Coefficient is stored in X1
- ; Loop Gain * Error is stored in X0.
- ; FIR operation done in B.
- ; Coeff update operation done in A.
- ; FIR sum = a = a +c(k)old*x(n-k)
- ; c(k)new = b = c(k)old -mu*eold *x(n-k-1)
- move #state,r0
- move #ntaps,m0
- move #-2,n0
- move #1,n1
- move #c,r3
- move #c-2,r1
- clr b x:(r0)+,y0 ;y0 = x(n)
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;y1= x(n-1) x1=c0h
- do #ntaps/2,end_lms2
- mac y0,x1,b a,x:(r1)+n1
- tfr x1,a a0,x:(r1)+n1 ;a1=ckh
- move x:(r3)+,a0 ;a0=ckl
- macr x0,y1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=c(k+1)h
- mac x1,y1,b a,x:(r1)+n1
- tfr x1,a a0,x:(r1)+n1
- move x:(r3)+,a0
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1
- end_lms2
- move a,x:(r1)+
- move a0,x:(r1)+
- move (r0)+n0
- ========================================================================
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The complete code for a true LMS that executes in two instruction
- ; cycles per tap is shown below. A brief description of how the algorithm
- ; is derived precedes the LMS code. Note that the coefficients stored to
- ; memory are saturated (should overflow occur), whereas the coefficients
- ; used in the FIR filter are not saturated. Therefore, the coefficients
- ; stored to memory, and the coefficients used in the FIR filter calcula-
- ; tion, are not guaranteed to be the same. This should not be a problem
- ; in designs where the echo gain is guaranteed to be less than one.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- opt cc,cex
- page 132,66
- section FAST_LMS
- n_tap equ 16
- org x:$0100
- ref_buf dsm n_tap ;Ref_buf is a modulo n_tap buffer, containing
- ;a reference signal.
- coeff ds n_tap ;Note: Coefficients are stored in reverse order
- ref_ptr dc ref_buf ;data pointer for reference buffer
- scaled_error dc 0 ;scaled error sample from last call of echo_input
- norm_factor dc 0.1 ;scale factor for error signal
- org p:0
- jmp Test_EC
- org p:$0100
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following pseudo code is for the "standard" LMS echo canceller
- ; algorithm.
- ; y(n) = estimate of echo at time sample n.
- ; x(n) = reference input signal at time n.
- ; input (n) = input signal (containing echo signal) at time n.
- ; c(n,k) = k'th coefficient at time n.
- ;
- ; /* initialize N coefficients at time 0 to 0 */
- ;
- ; for (k = 0 to n-1) {
- ; c(0,k) = 0;
- ; }
- ;
- ; /* LMS follows, do forever */
- ;
- ; n = 0;
- ; do forever {
- ; y(n) = 0;
- ;
- ; for (k=0 to N-1) {
- ; y(n) = y(n) + c(n,k)*x(n-k); /* FIR filter */
- ; }
- ;
- ; error(n) = input(n) - y(n);
- ;
- ; for (k = 0 to N-1) {
- ; c(n+1,k) = c(n,k) + delta*error(n)*x(n-k) ; /* Coefficient Update */
- ;
- ; }
- ;
- ; n = n+1;
- ; }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The following is equivalent to the above (i.e., given the same input
- ; signals, the error signal and coefficients will follow the exact
- ; same trajectories. Note the calculations are run from the back of
- ; the filter to the front. This saves two registers. Also note that
- ; the calculation order of the coefficient and the FIR filter has been
- ; reversed.
- ;
- ; /* initialize N coefficients at time -1 to 0 */
- ;
- ; for (k = 0 to N-1) {
- ; c(-1,k) = 0;
- ; }
- ;
- ; error (-1) = 0 ;The initial error must be set to zero.
- ;
- ; /* LMS follows, do forever */
- ;
- ; n = 0;
- ; do forever {
- ;
- ; y(n) = 0;
- ;
- ; for (k = N-1 to 0) {
- ; c(n,k) = c(n-1,k) + delta*error(n-1)*x(n-1-k); /* Coefficient */
- ; }
- ;
- ; for (k= N-1to 0) {
- ; y(n) = y(n) + c(n,k)*x(n-k); /* FIR filter */
- ; }
- ;
- ; error(n) = input(n) - y(n);
- ;
- ; n = n+1;
- ;
- ; }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Note that the two "for" loops in the do forever loop can now be combined.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; /* initialize N coefficients at time -1 to 0 */
- ;
- ; for (k = 0 to N-1) {
- ; c(-1,k) = 0;
- ; }
- ;
- ; error(-1) = 0;
- ;
- ; /* LMS follows, do forever */
- ;
- ; n = 0;
- ; do forever {
- ;
- ; y(n) = 0;
- ;
- ; for (k = N-1 to 0) {
- ; c(n,k) = c(n-1,k) + delta*error(n-1)*x(n-1-k); /* Coefficient */
- ; y(n) = y(n) + c(n,k)*x(n-k); /* FIR filter */
- ; }
- ;
- ; error(n) = input(n) - y(n);
- ;
- ; n = n+1;
- ;
- ; }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Echo Canceller Routine (Fast LMS)
- ;
- ; Upon Entry
- ; x1 should contain newest reference sample
- ; y1 should contain newest input sample
- ;
- ; Upon Exit
- ; b will contain echo cancelled output
- ;
- ; Note that the coefficients are stored in reverse time order.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- move #+1,n1
- move #n_tap-1,m0
- move #-1,m1
- move m1,m3
- move x:ref_ptr,r0 ;r0 is the get reference signal pointer
- move #coeff,r3 ;r3 is the get coefficient pointer
- move r3,r1 ;r1 is the put coefficient pointer
- move x:(r0),y0 ;y0 contains the oldest reference sample
- move x1,x:(r0)+ ;store newest reference sample in reference register
- clr b x:(r3)+,a ;fetch first coefficient, and clear b for FIR
- move x:scaled_error,x0 ;x0 is the scaled error sample
- do #n_tap,end_fir_update
- macr x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x1
- mac a1,y0,b a,x:(r1)+n1 x1,a
- end_fir_update
- neg b
- move r0,x:ref_ptr ;store get reference pointer
- add y1,b ;b = EC output = input - echo_estimate
- move x:norm_factor,x0
- move b,y0
- mpyr y0,x0,a
- move a,x:scaled_error
- move b,x:output_port
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Test shell follows
- ; Remote signal is an impulse train, period greater than echo span
- ; Input is the resulting echo signal
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- org x:$1000
- output_port ds 1 ;write output to D/A
- org x:$0400
- Remote_signal dc 0.8
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- org x:$0420
- echo_input dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.2
- dc 0.4
- dc 0.7
- dc 0.4
- dc 0.2
- dc 0.1
- dc 0.0
- dc -0.1
- dc -0.2
- dc -0.1
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.1
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- dc 0.0
- remote_get dc remote_signal
- input_get dc echo_input
- org p:
- Test_EC
- move #0 ,x0
- move #-1,m0
- move #coeff,r0
- rep #n_tap
- move x0,x:(r0)+ ;zero coefficients
- move #$ffff,x0
- do x0,end_test_loop
- move x:remote_get,r0
- move #19,m0
- move x:input_get,r1
- move #19,m1
- move x:(r0)+,x1
- move x:(r1)+,y1
- move r0,x:remote_get
- move r1,x:input_get
- jsr FAST_LMS
- end_test_loop
- nop
- nop
- debug
- endsec
- end
- ========================================================================
- B.2.17 FIR Lattice Filter
- ; Lattice filter benchmarks. N refers to the number of "k" coefficients
- ; in the lattice filter. Some filters may have other coefficients other
- ; than the "k" coefficients but their number may be determined from k.
- move #state,r0 ;point to state variable storage
- move #N,m0 ;N=number of k coefficients
- move #k,r1 ;point to k coefficients
- move #N-1,m1 ;mod for k's
- move #0,n0
- movep x:<<input,b ;get input
- move b,x:(r0)+ ;save 1st state
- move x:(r1)+,x0 ;get k
- do #N,end_elat
- move x:(r0)+n0,a b,y0 ;get s;copy t
- macr x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x1 ;t*k+s, copy s
- macr x1,x0,b x:(r1)+,x0 ;s*k+t, nxt k
- move a,x:(r0)+ ;sv st
- end_elat
- move x:(r0)-,y1
- move x:(r1)-,x0
- movep b,x:<<output ;output
- ========================================================================
- B.2.18 All Pole IIR Lattice Filter
- move #k+N-1,r0 ;point to k
- move #N-1,m0 ;number of k's-1
- move #-1,n1
- move n1,n3
- movep x:<<input,a ;get input sample
- move #state,r3 ;pt to x()
- move x:(r0)-,y1 ;y1=k3
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;x1=s3
- macr -x1,y1,a x:(r0)+n0,y1 ;a=in-k3s3;y1=k2
- move x:(r3)-,x1 ;x1=s2
- do #n-1,endlat
- macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r3)+ ;a=a-s2k2=t2;update s3
- move x:(r3)+,b a,x1 ;b=s2
- macr x1,y1,b x:(r0)+n0,y1 x:(r3)+n3,x1 ;b=s2+t2k2;get s1,k1
- endlat
- move b,x:(r3)+ ;sv 2nd last s
- move x:(r0)+,y1 ;update r0
- move a,x:(r3)+ ;save last s
- movep a,x:<<output ;output
- ========================================================================
- B.2.19 General Lattice Filter
- move #k,r0 ;point to coefficients
- move #2*N,m0 ;mod 2*(# of k's)+1
- move #-1,n3
- movep x:<<input,a ;get input sample
- move #state,r3 ;pto filter states
- move x:(r0)+,y1 ;get first k
- move x:(r3)-,x1 ;first s
- do #N,el ;do filter
- macr -y1,x1,a b,x:(r3)+ ;t-k*s, save s
- move x:(r3)+,b a,x1 ;get s again
- macr x1,y1,b x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+n3,x1 ;t'*k+s,get k& s
- el
- move b,x:(r3)+ ;s 2nd to1st st
- clr a a,x:(r3)+ ;s first state
- move x:(r3)+,x1 ;get last state
- rep #N ;do fir taps
- mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1
- macr y1,x1,a x:(r3)+,x1 ;finish, adj pter
- movep a,x:<<output
- ========================================================================
- B.2.20 Normalized Lattice Filter
- move #c,r0 ;point to coefficients
- move #3*N,m0 ;mod on coefficients
- move #0,n3
- movep x:<<input,a ;get input sample
- move #state,r3 ;pt to state
- move x:(r0)+,y1 a,x1 ;get first Q
- do #n,endnlat
- mpy x1,y1,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+n3,x0 ;q*t; get k & s
- macr -x0,y0,a b,x:(r3)+ ;q*t-k*s,save s
- mpy y0,x1,b a,x1 ;k*t, set t'
- macr y1,x0,b x:(r0)+,y1 ;k*t+q*s, get q
- endnlat
- move b,x:(r3)+ ;sv scnd lst st
- move a,x:(r3)+ ;save state
- clr a x:(r3)+,x1 ;clr acc
- rep #n ;do fir taps
- mac x1,y1,a x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1
- macr x1,y1,a x:(r3)+,x1 ;rnd, adj pter
- movep a,x:<<output ;output sample
- ========================================================================
- B.2.21 [1x3][3x3] Matrix Multiply
- move #AD,r3 ;point to mat a
- move #bd,r0 ;point to vec b
- move #2,m0 ;addrb mod 3
- move #c,r2 ;point to vec c
- move x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;y0=a11;x0=b1
- mpy y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;a11*b1
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+a12*b2
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+a13*b3
- move a,x:(r2)+ ;store c1
- mpy y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;a21*b1
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+a22*b2
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+a23*b3
- move a,x:(r2)+ ;store c2
- mpy y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;a31*b1
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+a32*b2
- macr y0,x0,a ;+a33*b3->c3
- move a,x:(r2)+ ;store c3
- ========================================================================
- B.2.22 [NxN][NxN] Matrix Multiply
- ;The matrix multiplications are for square NxN matrices.
- ;All the elements;are stored in "row major" format. i.e. for the array A:
- move #AD,r0 ;point to A
- move #bd,r3 ;point to B
- move #c,r2 ;output mat C
- move #N,b ;array size
- move b,n3
- do #N,erows ;do rows
- do #N,ecols ;do columns
- move x1,r0 ;copy row A
- move r1,r3 ;copy col B
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0
- move x:(r3)+n3,x0 ;clr sum & pipe
- rep #N-1 ;sum
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+n3,x0
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r3)+,y1 ;finish, next col
- move a,x:(r2)+ ;save output
- ecols
- add x1,b ;next row A
- move b,x1
- move #bd,r1 ;first element B
- erows
- ========================================================================
- B.2.23 N Point 3x3 2-D FIR Convolution
- ;The two dimensional FIR uses a 3x3 coefficient mask:
- ;
- ;The image is an array of 512x512 pixels. To provide boundary conditions
- ;for the FIR filtering, the;image is surrounded by a set of zeros such
- ;that the image is actually stored as a 514x514 array. i.e
- ;
- ;The image (with boundary) is stored in row major storage. The first
- ;element of the array image is image(1,1) followed by image(1,2). The
- ;last element of the first row is image(1,514);followed by the beginning
- ;of the next column image(2,1). These are stored sequentially in the
- ;array; "im" in d memory.
- ;
- ;Image(1,1) maps to index 0, image(1,514) maps to index 513,
- ;Image(2,1) maps to index 514 (row major storage).
- ;
- ;Although many other implementations are possible, this is a realistic
- ;type of image environment;where the actual size of the image may not
- ;be an exact power of 2. Other possibilities include storing a 512x512
- ;image but computing only a 511x511 result, computing a 512x512 result
- ;without boundary conditions but throwing away the pixels on the border,
- ;etc.
- ; r0 -> image(n,m) image(n,m+1) image(n,m+2)
- ; r1 -> image(n+514,m) image(n+514,m+1) image(n+514,m+2)
- ; r2 -> image(n+2*514,m) image(n+2*514,m+2) image(n+2*514,m+3)
- ; r3 -> FIR coefficients
- ; b -> output image
- move #mask,r3 ;pt to coef.
- move #-8,n3
- move #image,r0 ;top boundary
- move #image+514,r1 ;left of first pixel
- move #image+2*514,r2 ;left of 2nd row
- move #512,y1
- move #-1,n1 ;adjust.
- move n1,n2
- move #output,b ;output image
- move x:(r0)+,y0 ;y0=im(1,1)
- move x:(r3)+,x0 ;x0=c11
- do y1,rows
- do y1,cols
- mpy y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;im(1,1)*c11
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r0)+n0,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(1,2)*c12
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r1)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(1,3)*c13
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r1)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(2,1)*c21
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r1)+n1,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(2,2)*c22
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r2)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(2,3)*c23
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r2)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(3,1)*c31
- mac y0,x0,a x:(r2)+n2,y0 x:(r3)+n3,x0 ;+im(3,2)*c32
- macr y0,x0,a x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;+im(3,3)*c33
- move a,x:(b1)
- inc24 b
- cols
- ; adjust pointers for frame boundary
- move #2,n1
- move n1,n2
- inc b x:(r0)+,x1 ;adj r0
- inc b x:(r1)+n1,x1 ;adj r1
- move (r2)+n2 ;adj r2
- move x:(r0)+,x1 ;preload
- move #-1,n1 ;adjust.
- move n1,n2
- rows
- ========================================================================
- B.2.24 Signed 16 Bit Result Divide
- ;This is a routine for a 4 quadrant divide (i.e., a signed divisor and
- ;a signed dividend) which generated a 16-bit signed quotient and a 32-bit
- ;signed remainder. The quotient is stored in the lower 16 bits of accum-
- ;ulator a, a0, and the remainder in the upper 16 bits a1. The true
- ;(restored) remainder is stored in b1. The original dividend must occupy
- ;the low order 32 bits of the destination accumulator, a, and must be a
- ;POSITIVE number. The divisor must be larger than the dividend so that a
- ;fractional quotient is generated.
- abs a a,b ;make dividend positive
- move b,x:$0 ;save rem. sign in x:$0
- eor x0,b ;quo. sign in N bit of CCR
- andi #$fe,ccr ;clear carry bit C (quotient sign bit)
- rep #$10 ;form a 16-bit quotient
- div x0,a ;form quot. in a0, remainder in a1
- tfr a,b ;save remainder and quot. in b1,b0
- jpl savequo ;go to savequo if quot. is positive
- neg b ;complement quotient if N bit is set
- savequo
- tfr x0,b ;get signed divisor
- move b0,x1 ;save quo. in x1
- abs b ;get abs value of signed divisor
- add a,b ;restore remainder in b1
- bftstl #$8000,x:$0 ;test if remainder is positive
- beq <done1 ;branch if positive
- move #$0,b0 ;prevent unwanted carry
- neg b ;complement remainder
- done1
- ========================================================================
- B.2.25 Signed Integer Divide
- ;Registers usex: a,b,x0
- ;Output: Quotient -> a0
- move #dividend,a ;sign ext A2
- move a2,a1 ;and A1
- move #dividend,a0 ;move into A
- asl a ;prep divide
- move #divisor,x0 ;divisor into x0
- abs a a,b ;dividend pos
- andi #$fe,ccr ;clr the carry
- rep #$10 ;16bit quotient
- div x0,a ;form quot. a0
- eor x0,b ;save sign in N
- bpl <done2
- neg a ;comp.bit is set
- done2
- ========================================================================
- B.2.26 Multiply 32-bit Fractions
- ;This routine will execute the multiplication of two 32-bit FRACTIONAL
- ;numbers that are already stored in memory as follows:
- ; r0 -> X:$Paddr P0
- ; X:$Paddr P1
- ; r3 -> X:$Qaddr Q0
- ; X:$Qaddr Q1
- ;The initial 32-bit numbers are:
- ; P = P1:P0 (16:16 bits)
- ; Q = Q1:Q0 (16:16 bits)
- ;The result, R, is a 64 bit number that is stored in the two
- ;accumulators A and B as follows:
- ; R = R3:R2:R1:R0
- ; = A1:A0:B1:B0 (32:32bits)
- ; = A2:A1:A0:B1:B0 (sign extended)
- move #paddr,r0 ;init pter for P
- move #qaddr,r3 ;init pter for Q
- nop
- move x:(r0)+,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ;P0,Q0
- move x:(r0)+,y1 x:(r3)+,x1 ;P1,Q1
- mpyuu x0,y0,a
- move a0,b0 ;b0=P0*Q0=R0
- dmacsu x1,y0,a ;a=P0*Q1+a1
- macsu y1,x0,a ;a=a+ P1*Q0
- move a0,b1 ;b1=R1
- dmacss x1,y1,a ;a=P1*Q1+ a1=R3:R2