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- WHAT'S NEW in MSYS 1.17
- fully installed. That will require the 3 disk set of MSYS 1.16
- which includes the full documentation. The three disk set is
- available from the sources listed on Page 9 of this document.
- 1. RLI compatible compression has been fixed.
- Use the XO and NETXO options to implement. Also, set XB and
- NETXB parameters.
- 2. Automatic merge operation has been implemented.
- When MSYS first starts, it will automatically merge the
- MSYSFWD.DEF files with the <bbs>.FWD/REV files to create the
- MSYS.FWD file. Merge can not be done while forwarding is in
- progress, but MSYS will automatically perform the function at
- the start of the next forward cycle if the MERGE command has
- been given.
- 3. The IPADDR now can take the following forms:
- []
- 4. A sysop may respond with a K (without message number) as a
- response to the Reply to this message? question, causing the
- message to be deleted. It is a useful addition in system
- maintenance, especially if autoreply is turned on.
- 5. A new line has been added to the Sysop command "#" response
- giving the numbers of various types of messages.
- 6. MSYS now supports higher IRQ's. Of interest will be IRQ's
- 3,4,5,7,10,11,12, & 15.
- 7. MUTIL 20 now creates a NEW bbslist.dat. No further need to
- delete the old and rename the new one!
- 8. MSYS now uses close to 500K of EMS.
- 9. Many of the messages formerly stored within the program are
- MSYS\HELP\ directory!
- 10. MSYS.OPT has a new parameter:
- netnode #neighbors #dests #circuits
- If used, the netnode number must contain all three numbers.
- For example: netnode 25 100 10
- would give 25 neighbor nodes, 100 destinations and 10
- circuits (default). This command has been added to permit
- additional free memory for those systems that do not have a
- large NetRom switching requirement while making provision for
- those that do. Obviously, the larger this list size, the
- less room in MSYS for additional connects.
- 11. Also, because of the above change, MUTIL 9 must be run
- immediately before running MUTIL 18 (to check node integrity)
- so that the variable number of neighbors and dests can be
- determined.
- 12. A new USER bit has been added ($4000) to prevent the 'You
- have new mail' message from being sent to a connecting
- station. This would have application in the case where you
- did not wish to mark a connecting station as a bbs, when it
- may be, and the lack of a '>' response may stall proper
- forwarding.
- 13. Automatic Sysop password reply is now implemented for
- multiple MSYS systems. The passwords are stored in the
- \MSYS\FWD directory in the form: <call>.RMT See the section
- on passwords in this document for further details.
- 14. The reply to sysop messages problem has been resolved.
- 15. A change in the processing of R+ and \Why commands done
- remotely has been made so that if the word values that caused
- the hold will not be sent over the air if their values exceed
- 99. For example, if the word "darn" has a value of 1, the
- remote read will send the word. If the word "#$%^&" has the
- value of 100 (or higher), MSYS will report instead, the type
- of item (title, text, etc) and the line number in the hold
- word list (BADWORDS.DAT) containing the given word. This
- will prevent the "bad" words from being retransmitted over
- the air. Processing from the local console is not changed.
- Page 2
- 16. Forwarding in export format to a file is now supported. To do
- so, put X0 <callsign> in the MSYSFWD.DEF file with desired
- @bbs entries. There MUST be a digit after the "X" - any
- digit. There must NOT be an SSID on the callsign! A file,
- <callsign>.FWD, will be created in the \MSYS directory for
- external batch forwarding. For example:
- -----------------
- allus
- ------------------
- To import messages into MSYS, use the sysop IMport command.
- Messages imported this way will be checked for non-duplicate
- BID numbers.
- 17. A change has been made in Window 5 on the F1 screen to show
- the actual station being forwarded to.
- 18. A new command SYsop [ON/off] has been added. If on, messages
- to SYSOP are included in the "You have ...messages" count on
- the F1 screen.
- 19. Messages for MYCall will also be included in the "You have
- ... messages" count.
- 20. Multiple FBB proposals per packet are now implemented (as
- opposed to one proposal per packet in previous versions).
- 1. Limited bbs user. The EditUser command includes a limited
- bbs command. Users marked with that command can do the
- following: a,b,cc,h,i,k,kt,lt,m,n,p,rm,r #,s(all forms),
- t,u,v,x,? Basically they can't do anything that produces
- lots of output other than reading messages to them.
- 2. MAKE SURE there are NO BLANK LINES at end of Connect Script.
- (P. 43 of MSYS 1.16 docs)
- 3. A forward connect in the MSYSFWD.DEF script that uses a
- @<node> is a level 2 AX.25 connect Vs a level 3 connect
- %<node>. It WILL make a difference in the xb Vs netxb
- options (among others).
- 4. When changing the Message of the day (MSYS.OTD), you must do
- a GETM from the sysop prompt or restart MSYS. The command is
- described on page 52 of the MSYS 1.16 documentation.
- 5. When changing the MSYS.REP file, you must do a REP from the
- sysop prompt or restart MSYS.
- Page 3
- 6. MSYS bbs systems can beacon their geographic position for
- Automatic Position Reporting Systems (APRS) usage by setting
- the BT [port#] !DDMM.mmN/DDDMM.mmW$[optional info] parameter,
- where DDMM.mm represents the degrees, minutes, tenths and
- hundredths of minutes of their Latitude and Longitude.
- The !,N/,W$ are critical symbols! For example:
- BT 0 !4108.58N/08130.16W$WB8BII BBS
- 7. AD8I has announced that he will no longer be serving as the
- MASter White Pages Server. You may wish to enter the new
- WP server station using the MAS command in your MSYS.DO file
- SAM database users:
- The SAM version dated November of 1993 and called the 1994 issue
- has a SAMAPI.EXE file that is 28598 bytes. The one dated
- 11/23/92, is 22414 bytes. The old one works fine with the new
- database with MSYS, and will save approximately 6,000 bytes of
- memory for use by MSYS. It is possible that in a future edition,
- the new version may be required to provide the add-on options.
- The County option is supported by the 1992 version of SAMAPI in
- If you have problems with running MSYS PACTOR with a KAM after
- using the Kamhost program, you should execute the "factory
- defaults" command prior to loading MSYS. Apparently there is
- some parameter that causes premature disconnect unless the
- factory defaults are used. Also, the MSYS internal file to
- initialize Kantronics tncs is called MSYSTNC.0. There should be
- no need to create a MSYSTNC.# file to initialize the present KPC-
- series of tnc's.
- You should set the user BITS for V1SIT to $100 (at a minimum) to
- prevent erroneous WP messages from being generated. You should
- also add FROM=V1SIT to your MSYSHOLD.DAT file to prevent any
- unauthorized messages from being forwarded by unlicensed modem
- users.
- Page 4
- Forwarding to AA4RE systems:
- Make sure you add the:
- +to
- etc. lines in your forward connect script when connecting to the
- co-located BPQ node so that the [SID] will be properly received
- from 4RE type systems. For example:
- +to
- ?Sorry
- ?with
- .c bbs
- $fwd/WB2WXQ.REV
- ------------------------------------------
- Forwarding Through a PACKETEN Switch
- Here is one example of a forwarding script that allows forwarding
- through a Gracilis Packet Switch. This may not apply in all
- cases, but is the script suggested by Mel, K0PFX
- R2 KD9SG
- !07-23
- @stl (stl is the Gracilis switch alias)
- (Carriage return sent to connect switch to port)
- +Connected
- ?errno
- ?busy
- .escape disable (disables any "escape" characater such as
- +Disabled Ctrl X to allow compressed forwarding)
- ?errno
- ?busy
- .C [port] [call or alias] (Connect via Gracilis port)
- +Connected
- ?errno
- ?busy
- .C toybbs
- #60
- +Connected
- ?Busy
- ?Failed
- $fwd\kd9sg.rev
- -------
- IF compressed forwarding is not required, ".escape disable" is
- not required.
- Gracilis switch is model PackeTen.
- Thanks to Mel, K0PFX@K0PFX
- Page 5
- Here is the latest suggestion for an adapter to interface a MSYS
- serial port to a TheNet matrix. It is suggested that this be
- built into a "gender-bender" for best (and least confusing)
- results.
- 1 1
- 2 3
- 3 2
- 5 20
- 7 7
- In addition, add a 2.2K Ohm resistor on each end of the adapter
- from pin 4 to pin 5.
- With the above adapter, the matrix can stop MSYS from sending,
- but a loss of power on MSYS will not stop the matrix data flow.
- Crashes on the matrix are still possible, but seem to be
- minimized by this arrangement. Also, if you suffer from "green
- screen" on the F2 screen because of data errors, make sure that
- your tnc's are properly wired to the matrix. Certain versions
- use pin 4 instead of pin 20 for the request to send line. A
- jumper inside the tnc (Especially the MFJ-1270b) between pin 4
- and pin 20 should resolve this problem quite easily.
- Page 6
- A new automatic password reply system has been added in MSYS for
- those MSYS sysops who need to sysop multiple MSYS bbs systems
- from their MSYS system. A file with the <BBS_call>.rmt in the
- \FWD directory is needed for each system for MSYS to
- automatically respond to the "Users.." command. The
- <callsign>.RMT file should be a copy of the other station's
- MSYS.RMT file. This new feature will work with MSYS Version
- 1.17. If you are sysopping an earlier version of MSYS, you will
- still need to install the proper password.rmt file in the \fwd
- directory.
- Lots of confusion on which password for which application goes
- where, so here's another attempt:
- User passwords Individual FILE with password in
- directory: c:\msys\password\<user_call>
- where file: <user_call> contains the
- password. e.g. File W1AW contains:
- Modem passwords LINE in file MSYSPASS.MOD e.g.
- Joe xyzzy W1ABC
- FTP password LINE in file MSYSPASS.DAT e.g.
- guest * 3 c:/msys/public
- Telnet password LINE in file MSYSPASS.IP e.g.
- W1AW arrl W1AW
- Sysop password FILE called MSYS.RMT in C:\MSYS directory
- Automatic FILE(s) <callsign>.RMT in the c:\MSYS\FWD
- password directory. For example, in the file:
- reply c:\MSYS\FWD\K8EIW.RMT
- is the password:
- (MSYS will auto- THIS-is-K8EIW-bbs-Sysop-PASSword
- reply to the and in the file:
- "users" prompt IF c:\MSYS\FWD\WA8BXN.RMT
- the proper file is the password:
- is present!) WA8BXN-bbs-Sysop-PassWORD
- ------------------------------
- In the above example, the contents of the MSYS.RMT file in the
- K8EIW system will be:
- THIS-is-K8EIW-bbs-Sysop-PASSword
- and the contents of the MSYS.RMT in the WA8BXN system will be:
- WA8BXN-bbs-Sysop-PassWORD
- ALL password "numbers" start with position number 0 of the
- phrase. If the password is SeCreTworD, and the system asks for
- a 2, a C is the expected response.
- Page 7
- The data provided on these disks is for UPGRADE of MSYS 1.16 to
- MSYS 1.17 only. For a full installation of MSYS 1.17, the three
- disk set of MSYS 1.16 including the documentation is needed. It
- is available from the sources listed on page 9 of this document.
- 1. Rename your existing MSYS.EXE file to OLDMSYS.EXE
- 2. Rename your existing MUTIL.EXE file to OLDMUTIL.EXE
- 3. Rename your existing \HELP\MSYSMSGS.DAT file to OLDMSGS.DAT
- 4. Copy the new MSYSMSGS.DAT file and the *.HLP files to the
- \MSYS\HELP directory.
- 5. Copy the new MUTIL.EXE to the \MSYS directory.
- 6. Copy the new MSYS.EXE to the \MSYS directory.
- 7. Make any desired changes in the MSYS.OPT file (# of Neighbor
- nodes?)and MSYS.DO (XO/NETXO, XB/NETXB, etc.)
- 8. Run MUTIL 9. ***MUST BE DONE!!!***
- 9. Run MUTIL 4. ***MUST BE DONE!!!***
- 10. Start MSYS.
- 11. When you are confident that things are operating properly,
- feel free to delete the old files.
- Page 8
- MSYS is available from the Cleveland Hamnet phone BBS. The
- number is 216-942-6382. Speed is 300 to 9600 baud. This is a
- free BBS (you pay for the call). MSYS is also available on
- coffman.csuohio.edu by anonymous ftp. MSYS may also appear on
- other systems, but these are the only ones I put it on directly.
- You may also obtain MSYS from me directly on disk (this may be
- the cheapest way really and the fastest when a new version comes
- out). For US addresses the price is $5 per disk which includes
- the disk, mailer and postage. For Canadian and Mexican orders,
- the price is $7.50 per disk. For other foreign stations, the
- price is $10 (US) per disk which includes Air Mail postage.
- You may order several versions at a time, I will hold your
- request until the versions are released. This way you get to be
- the first Sysop on the block with the new toy! When ordering
- from me, please specify which version you already have or which
- one you want. Distribution is on 5.25 inch disks. I keep
- records with the following information for people who order MSYS,
- so you may want to give me this info. Also please indicate if
- you want me to call you (collect) if it would be helpful to
- answer questions you send me about MSYS.
- CALL: Your callsign. This is the key I use to record
- all your information.
- NAME: Where to send the disk to!
- ADDR1:
- ADDR2:
- ZIP:
- TELEPHONE: If you want me to call you back (collect)
- VERSION: The version you have now
- OWED: How many you have prepaid
- COMPUTER: Speed, memory, disk space, CPU chip etc.
- TNC: Model & ROM versions
- DOS: Which version?
- BBS: BBS callsign to send you msgs .
- IP: Your IP address, if you have one
- Mail requests for MSYS on disk to:
- Michael Pechura
- 10809 Beechwood Drive
- Kirtland, OH 44094 (After April 15, 1994.
- Until then:
- Chesterland, OH 44026)
- You may call me with questions/comments at 216-256-1588.
- Page 9
- A stripped down version of MSYS that supports only the BBS
- functions is also available. There is no network NODe, no amtor,
- no tcp/ip in this version. You can still forward using external
- network nodes, but the bbs is NOT a netrom network node! The
- KANODe is still there. All of the BBS functions remain, along
- with modem support. Expanded memory is also still supported.
- This version is called MSYSB and is available on a separate disk
- or on Cleveland Hamnet. If want to get this disk from me, it is
- the same price as the others: $5 to US addresses, $7.50 to Canada
- and Mexico, and $10 to other countries.
- Page 10