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271 lines
1300.ZIP 447235 12-21-94 Over 1300 recipes in Meal Master Format.
| Great tasting.
ARTSILK.ZIP 1416 12-27-94 Empress Art Silk Origins from Needle
| Necessities
BALAC.ZIP 1367 12-03-94 Balaclava Pattern
BASICCAN.ZIP 2425 12-27-94 Cnadlemaking Basics with Bees Wax
BEADHINT.ZIP 1156 01-14-95 Beading Techniques in XStitch
BREWINFO.ZIP 171618 11-20-94 Info on brewing beer from the home of the
| home brew digests. All grain brewing,
| yeast,hops,wortchillers. Lots of good info
| for home brew enthusiasts.
CA100D.ZIP 67400 01-06-95 CYBERNETIC ATTORNEY v1.00D Full working
| demo of popular custom legal form generator.
| Did you know that if a defect occurs in a
| used car or appliance you sold, causing an
| accident, fire, or shock, you could be sued?
| Cybernetic Attorney contains a database of
| legal forms: general purpose, plus forms for
| real estate, landlords, employers, small
| businesses. Valid for all states except
| Louisiana. Works on any IBM or clone.
CANDLES.ZIP 1337 12-27-94 Basic Candlemaking Recipe
CPTCLN20.ZIP 211823 11-23-94 HOW TO CLEAN YOUR OWN CARPET! Ver 2.0
| This program is an easy-to-use, menu-
| driven tutorial which provides the
| homeowner with professional advice and
| instruction on all aspects of cleaning
| carpet, spot removal, how to use rental
| equipment, how to hire a service, and
| where to find help with problems.
| Copyright 1994, BC ENTERPRISES
| Release Date: 11 20 94 Replaces Ver1.0
CULINARY.ZIP 19576 11-22-94 The Culinary Collection Vol. I An assortment
| of gourmet recipes...collected on a bbs
EFFACT23.ZIP 153935 01-14-95 EFFECTIVE ACTION Ver 2.30
| Effective Action On Any Issue-
| Best strategies of the most effective
| grassroots groups. Raise concerns without
| polarizing people into working against you.
| Bring together people who do not normally
| work together on issues. Menu-Driven IBM
| compatibles 512K
| Home
FAC175.ZIP 116073 11-21-94 Find Area Code: 7K TSR-capable program finds
| any of hundreds of U.S. & Int'l telephone
| area codes. Search by city, state, country,
| area code or text string. Freeform search
| ASCII text file and or any other text file.
| "Fuzzy" sound-alike searches. v1.75 adds NEW
| 281,334,360,520,540,562,610,630,770,810,905,
| 910,941,970 codes. FREE ZIP codes file w reg
FAST21.ZIP 126136 01-16-95 FAST:Full Automotive Service Tracking-Ver 2.
| Since regular maintenance is required to kee
| a vehicle safe and running its best, service
| must be done on time. FAST is an easy-to-use
| program designed to help anyone having one o
| more vehicles keep track of such maintenance
| by alerting the user when service is needed.
| In addition, FAST enables the user to arrang
| any and all past maintenance or repair event
| by using its selective reporting capability.
FIRESTRT.ZIP 827 12-27-94 Ugly But Easy To Make Fire Place Starters
GROCRY41.ZIP 155337 11-29-94 THE GROCERY SHOPPER v.4.01 The most recent
| version of the great, fun to use, grocery
| shopping program. Now includes a database fo
| your COUPONS as well! Quickly and easily
| creates shopping lists in multiple formats,
| sorts the lists according to the order of
| your grocery store's aisles and now, tells
| you which items you have a Coupon for!.
| Maintains grocery items in a file which you
| pick from each time you need a new list.
| Tracks coupons. Includes an option to show
| the individual and total cost of the items o
| the shopping list. By Clark Systems.
HPN_101.ZIP 32642 11-16-94 Huckabey Phone Numbers. Keep track of your
| phone numbers. Edit, print, add, delete
| records, etc. 350 record limit in database.
HTMAN_13.ZIP 281678 11-08-94 HORTMAN V1.3 ASP Horticultural Manager,
| software management tool developed for the
| horticultural profession. The wise gardener
| keeps an up-to-date notebook for all seasons
| HortMan will retain your notes for each plan
| and compile a list of tasks for each month o
| the year. IBM Comp PC, 512 kb RAM, hard disk
| recommended, mouse support, printer support.
| From Sunrise Software, $29.95
JCS_1995.ZIP 1031 12-27-94 Just Cross Stitch Festival Dates for 1995
LABEL4.ZIP 6889 01-12-95 The New Food Label Help in Preventing Heart
| Disease. by Paula Kurtzweil (This is the
| fourth in a series of articles telling how t
| use the new food label to meet specific
| dietary needs.) FDA Consumer, December 1994
LABEL5.ZIP 5749 01-12-95 The New Food Label: Better Information for
| Special Diets by Paula Kurtzweil
| (This is the fifth and last in a series of
| articles telling how to use the new food
| label to meet specific dietary needs.)
| FDA Consumer, 1995
MAPX.ZIP 17373 01-19-95 MAPX.WK1 is a Lotus 123 worksheet to
| find latitude and longitude from a
| known reference on a map and vice-
| versa.
MCOOK138.ZIP 301754 01-18-95 MicroCook v1.38 ASP Recipe database program
| for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use
| menus and editors with full mouse support.
| Number of databases only limited by hard dis
| space. ASCII Export and Import. Also Import
| Meal-Master(tm) ASCII recipes. Duplicate
| recipe checking. Powerful searches in index
| 250 recipes included. Work great in Windows
| too. Option to purchase over 3000 recipes fo
| $5.00.
MM13000A.ZIP 289522 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| There should be one or two recipes
| in these files that you don't
| already have. (1 of 13)
MM13000B.ZIP 289649 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000B.zip (2 of 13)
MM13000C.ZIP 325546 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000C.zip (3 of 13)
MM13000D.ZIP 329284 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000D.zip (4 of 13)
MM13000E.ZIP 335019 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000E.zip (5 of 13)
MM13000F.ZIP 357363 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000F.zip (6 of 13)
MM13000G.ZIP 322098 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000G.zip (7 of 13)
MM13000H.ZIP 352348 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000H.zip (8 of 13)
MM13000I.ZIP 456974 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File 13000I.zip (9 of 13)
MM13000J.ZIP 349321 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File MM13000J.zip (10 of 13)
MM13000K.ZIP 377865 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File MM13000L.zip (12 of 13)
MM13000L.ZIP 359479 11-14-94 13000 MEAL MASTER VER.8.01 (12 0F 13)
MM13000M.ZIP 110552 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
| File MM13000M.zip (13 of 13)
MM802.ZIP 201580 12-15-94 MEAL-MASTER v8.02 Sophisticated and easy to
| recipe manager! Excellent search, shopping l
| index, rescale, and print features. Supports
| English and Metric measures, including autom
| conversion, and decimal or common fractions.
| Very flexible! Unequalled export import supp
| includes conversion program for other popula
| recipe formats. Dos application; also runs g
| in a Window under Windows or DesqView!
MMMIXED.ZIP 9797 12-07-94 Compcheff.txt is 22 mixed recipes from
| compu-cheff V.2.0 Converted to MM V.8.01.
PRL147.ZIP 329761 01-03-95 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.47 ASP Computerize
| your paper route bookkeeping with this uniqu
| program. Keeps track of customers, addresses
| delivery order, route listing, collections,
| billings, tips, etc. Print reports on your
| customers, collections, route list, etc. Wil
| handle multiple Delivery types, and handles
| both Weekly and Monthly collection schedules
| Ver 1.47 corrects "Data Width" errors
| reported by some users. Shareware $19.
QBOOK.ZIP 154226 01-14-95 Quilling, Paper Art Form Instruction
QUILLING.ZIP 2760 01-14-95 Paper Quilling Concepts
RCPE_310.ZIP 210187 11-20-94 RECIPE BOX V3.10 ASP A Culinary Toolkit
| developed to bring the power of the PC into
| the kitchen. Whether you are a five star
| chef, kitchen gourmet or a food service
| professional, Recipe Box has the power and
| versatility to manage your culinary demands.
| 512 kb RAM, hard disk recommended, mouse
| support. From Sunrise Software, $29.95
RCSRT085.ZIP 15400 12-11-94 RECSORT v0.85. A Meal-Master (tm) utility
| to separate a file of Meal-Master recipes
| into different files based on their
| category. RECSORT also does some duplicate
| checking, and removes text between recipes.
| The Recipe Processor is a program that's
| designed to manipulate kitchen recipes, much
| in the way a word processor manipulates text
| This program allows you to store your
| favorite recipes for later use and print out
| In addition, you can manipulate the number o
| servings the recipe will yield, instantly
| adjusting the amounts of each ingredient.
RO_A103.ZIP 86609 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Triple Heart Bow
RO_A105.ZIP 69009 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Hearts 'n Bows Sweatshirt and
| Headband
RO_A108.ZIP 121293 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Violet Bunny
RO_A109.ZIP 62967 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Ribbon Flower Sampler Hat
RO_A11.ZIP 48531 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Multi-Ribbon Crochet Hat
RO_A110.ZIP 63891 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Sunflower Bouquet Wreath
RO_A111.ZIP 57203 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Mr & Mrs Gardening Bunny
| Wreath
RO_A112.ZIP 57438 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Mrs. Vegetable Bunny
RO_A113.ZIP 72639 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: "Ruffles" The Ribbon Outlet
| Clown
RO_A114.ZIP 71175 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Cording Wrapped Eggs
RO_A116.ZIP 53406 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: "Step on your hat" Flower
| Basket
RO_A117.ZIP 47542 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Blue Flower Garden Hat
RO_A236.ZIP 56007 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Ribbon Nest
RO_A246.ZIP 118295 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Wedding Basket
RO_A247.ZIP 140782 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Wedding Pillow
RO_A255.ZIP 40311 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Rose & Ribbon Frames
RO_B1.ZIP 48474 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Gardening Basket
RO_B10.ZIP 60316 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Paper Ribbon and Raffia Wreat
RO_B11.ZIP 65463 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Ribbon Watermelon Shirt
RO_B12.ZIP 63380 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: "Look of Love" T-Shirt
RO_B2.ZIP 62413 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Gardening Tote
RO_B287.ZIP 34360 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Dalmation T-Shirt
RO_B288.ZIP 31209 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Crayon Wreath
RO_B294.ZIP 35733 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Sunflower Wreath
RO_B3.ZIP 71109 01-03-95 Ribbon Outlet: Ribbon Decorated Mirror
SAY061.ZIP 178646 01-17-95 A new, different type of quote program that
| nearly ANY text file in it, and as many as y
| and hundreds of different configurations for
| look any way you like. Also comes with sayut
| suppliment, and MANY quotes. Freeware.
SCIFIBAS.ZIP 217839 01-09-95 Sci-Fi Base is a reference for
| science fiction and fantasy movie
| buffs. It lists over 1000 movies. You
| can access the database by title, year,
| cast member, director or search the
| text within the synopsis of each movie.
SPHON133.ZIP 258835 12-10-94 Save plenty of $$$ when phoning long distanc
| by using SmartPhone to plan your calls to us
| lower phone rates. Cross-reference data abou
| area codes, zip codes, cities, towns, states
| provinces, time zones, countries, population
| etc. Can pay for itself the first day you us
| it. From Pinnacle Software creators of the
| Sapphire bulletin board system. For support,
| dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BB
| at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).
TPC15.ZIP 99771 12-20-94 The Phone Center Version 1.5! It's the first
| dialer that is fun to use. Includes: an Area
| Code Search, a Time Zone Search, a DOS Shell
| Telephone Directory Printer, a Database Entr
| Finder, Quick Memo, Log Viewer, Multifunctio
| Calculator, Sliding Windows, and Instruction
| that remain on-screen. It even has a Hangman
| Game! This update fixes all reported errors.
VIDM900.ZIP 388635 11-26-94 VideoMaster 9.00 ASP Video cataloging &
| labeling system that has the MOST flexibilit
| for users. Standard entries, 3 user defined
| named fields, plus a Synopsis of up to 5000
| lines. 5 label styles sizes. Prints catalogs
| lists, custom lists, (or write to file
| screen) PLUS rolodex and 3X5 cards. Can
| Find! & print any field combination.
WVH24T.ZIP 285840 01-03-95 WHAT VEHICLE HISTORY? v2.4t
| Maintenance history tracking, reporting, and
| billing plus parts inventory. Tracks one or
| a fleet of mechanical devices (cars, trucks,
| tractors, etc.); mechanics, departments,
| cost of parts, labor, etc. NEW Fixed
| problem with deleting records.
| A Babudro, Organic Computer Wizardry $159
| Version: 2.3 ASP Member
| FYI is a complete but simple Personal
| Address Book" It features an elegant
| inface with pull down menus.
| Context sensitive on-line help.
| Function_Menu,and much more.
| Hard Drive required
| To run program TYPE"start" [enter]
| Registration fee:$37.50