AMEXPAND.ZIP 3447 11-05-94 FCC AM broadcast expansion reassignment info
APRS62A.ZIP 1437303 01-04-95 Automatic Packet Reporting System is a program for HAM operators which permitsany number of stations to participate andexchange data just like voice users wouldon a single voice net. Any station that has
ARN_0195.ZIP 63335 01-02-95 AmateurRadio Net(sm) January 1995 Information Pack If you haveany users interested in Amateur Radio, SWL,Scanners or Citizen Band this is the netfor you!! We cover these topics and more.QWK & FT
BPQ408.ZIP 215956 11-15-94 Ham Radio packet switch, Emulates NETROM, uses KISS and has NETWARE ODI interface tohook 2 switches together over ethernet.
EXAM4A95.ZIP 98161 12-11-94 Advanced class patch for Exam Generator version 2.0, 12-11-94. Amateur RadioAdvanced class FCC question pool, includingdiagrams (EGA VGA and Hercules), to be usedfor exams taken between 07-01-95 and06-30-99. (To i
HAMLST12.ZIP 7415 11-27-94 N2UTO Latest Ham Radio LandLine BBS List for 12 01 94 Send updates to Cono atThe Roy Hobbs BBS in Lodi NJ 201-614-8954or 201-614-1832 1:107 592
HAMTST11.ZIP 131433 11-19-94 HamTest v1.1 Study aid for the HAM Radio Novice Class Exam (Element 2), TechnicianClass Exam (Elemement 3A) and General ClassExam (Element 3B).
IRTS1207.ZIP 1816 01-10-95 IRTS Radio News Bulletin 12 11 94 is a publication with news of interest to hamoperators. .
K_FAX.ZIP 28422 11-07-94 FAX DISPLAY for the KANTRONICS KAM and KPC3 Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Richard R.Hense This program will interface with thefax capabilities built into the KAM andKPC3 TNC's from Kantronics Inc.
MARNAV24.ZIP 63535 10-28-94 MARNAV.EXE V2.4 ASP ASAD A program to convert LAT LON (GPS) to LORAN delays andvice versa. The program also calculateshead ing and distance from point A to pointB wit the locations specified in either GPSor LORA
MSCAN13N.ZIP 114079 12-12-94 MICROSCAN v1.3 by PA3GPY vom 02-DEC-1994 MSCAN 1.3 The shareware version The SSTV &FAX program for the IBM-PC ! Supportsreceiving and transmitting in all popularSSTV & FAX modes, including martin andscottie modes.
MSYSB118.ZIP 350971 12-05-94 Amateur radio packet bbs only program & misc
NEWS1210.ZIP 9234 01-12-95 Amateur Radio Newsline is a publication for amateur radio hobbyists. .
NEWS1223.ZIP 8806 01-12-95 Amateur Radio Newsline is a publication for amateur radio hobbyists. .
RACLOG.ZIP 170581 11-07-94 RACLOG 9410. Canada logging program for hamsFor Radio Amateurs of Canada Day and Wintercontests. Does auto score calculations,dupe checking and auto reports ready forsending to the Contest Manager. Distributedunder th
SCDX2214.ZIP 5337 01-17-95 Sweden Calling DXers #2214 is a collection of satellite, shortwave, andother electronic media news from RadioSweden. .
SPC1219.ZIP 3143 01-17-95 Space News 12 19 94 is a weekly publication for satellite communicationenthusiasts. .
SPC1226.ZIP 3247 01-17-95 Space News 12 26 94 is a weekly publication for satellite communicationenthusiasts. .
SWLIT112.ZIP 533234 12-22-94 SWLOGit v1.12 The ONLY program shortwave listeners will EVER need.Options: QSL script writer: writes theQSL's for you, MUF Mapping, Sun Terminator,Import Export files, Print, World clock,Many search optio
WXFAX2_2.ZIP 128050 01-18-95 WXFax contains information regarding all weather facsimile stations around theworld which are operational on longwave andshortwave. .