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File List  |  1995-03-30  |  47KB  |  602 lines

  1. 111094MM.ZIP     2117  11-10-94  POW HELD PRISONER 43 YEARS RETURNS HOME     
  2.                                | Did you see this story anywhere?            
  3.                                | On, or about, Oct. 25?                      
  4.                                | A South Korean officer captured in 1951     
  5.                                | and held in a prison camp recently          
  6.                                | escaped!                                    
  7.                                | If POWs can survive 43 years...could        
  8.                                | they survive 20? Even Russian archives      
  9.                                | suggest there could still be American       
  10.                                | POWs!                                       
  11.                                | Media Monitor: AIM (11-10-94)               
  12. 112594H1.ZIP     4423  11-22-94  HELMS WEIGHS IN AGAINST WTO                 
  13.                                | But Dole and Gingrich Back It               
  14.                                | Contrary to what the liberal press would*   
  15.                                | have you believe, this "treaty" will        
  16.                                | undermine U.S. sovereignty! We will get*    
  17.                                | a 1% voice for "only" 20% of the tab!       
  18.                                | Anti-American dictatorships will have       
  19.                                | the power to vote our direction!            
  20.                                | Inside Washington                           
  21.                                | Human Events (11-25-94)                     
  22. 121294N1.ZIP     4641  11-23-94  "NEW AGE NEWT: A FUTURIST 'CONSERVATIVE'*   
  23.                                | FOR THE 21ST CENTURY"                       
  24.                                | By William F. Jasper                        
  25.                                | The tight Gingrich-Toffler connection       
  26.                                | spanning three decades has received         
  27.                                | little attention in the media, but such     
  28.                                | insight is important to understanding       
  29.                                | his strange new brand of "conservatism."*   
  30.                                | Newt has been working closely with          
  31.                                | leftist "planning" organizations...         
  32.                                | The New American (12-12-94)                 
  33. 121294N3.ZIP    12455  11-23-94  "SPEAKING FOR WHOM?"                        
  34.                                | "CAN A NEW AGE, CFR FUNCTIONARY LEAD        
  35.                                | THE CONSERVATIVE ADVANCE?"                  
  36.                                | By William F. Jasper                        
  37.                                | To judge from the furious invective he      
  38.                                | inspires from sputtering Democrat pols      
  39.                                | and media liberals, this man must be        
  40.                                | far indeed "to the right of Attila the      
  41.                                | Hun."                                       
  42.                                | So where does he position himself on        
  43.                                | world government...as he recognizes its     
  44.                                | advancement through GATT WTO?               
  45.                                | Rhetoric has already parted company         
  46.                                | with deed...                                
  47.                                | The New American (12-12-94)                 
  48. 122694N2.ZIP     6392  12-15-94  CFR TC MEMBERS IN CONGRESS                  
  49.                                | INSIDER REPORT:                             
  50.                                | CFR TC MEMBERS IN CONGRESS                  
  51.                                | PROPOSITION 187 AND THE U.N.                
  52.                                | RUSSIAN SOLDIERS TRAIN IN ALASKA            
  53.                                | GLOBALIZING THE RESERVES                    
  54.                                | OUR LEADER?!                                
  55.                                | CANADA WANTS PERMANENT U.N. ARMY            
  56.                                | GREEN LOBBY SEEKS CRACKDOWN                 
  57.                                | STOP THE PRESSES: COMMUNISM'S NOT DEAD      
  58.                                | The New American (12-26-94)                 
  59. 1294AF04.ZIP     2577  12-09-94  VOTERS SAY "NO" TO BIG GOVERNMENT           
  60.                                | People want freedom from government!        
  61.                                | America's Future, Inc                       
  62.                                | Behind The Headlines (12 94)                
  63. 2BARMED.ZIP      3973  11-05-94  THE ARMED CITIZEN                           
  64.                                | Brief little collection of news             
  65.                                | clippings re: succesful use of guns to      
  66.                                | thwart crime!                               
  67.                                | As Paul Harvey used to say "the rest of     
  68.                                | the story"!                                 
  69.                                | The Armed Citizen Oct.20 1994               
  70.                                | From The InterNet                           
  71. AFU11.ZIP       50790  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  72.                                | from alt.folklore.urban                     
  73. ALICEINW.ZIP    55711  11-24-94  This is the Alice in Wonderland story in    
  74.                                | ascii text. Enjoy.                          
  75. ALIEN_CU.ZIP     7826  12-06-94  everything you ever wanted to know about    
  76.                                | the cultures of the extraterrestrials who   
  77.                                | reputedly visit the earth                   
  78. ALL_NEW.ZIP     30997  12-14-94  New U.S. Postage rates effective 01 01 95   
  79. ALTDRUGS.ZIP     5589  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  80.                                | re: drugs of abuse                          
  81. APFAQ23.ZIP     32210  12-23-94  This is the Apogee FAQ (Frequently Asked    
  82.                                | Questions) v2.3. Contains all kinds of      
  83.                                | useful information about Apogee Software.   
  84.                                | This is not written by Apogee, it was writte
  85.                                | by Samuel Stoddard.                         
  86. ASKG4IT.ZIP      2976  11-29-94  CRIME AND CORRUPTION                        
  87.                                | THE KEY TO RUSSIA'S FUTURE                  
  88.                                | Due to widespread crime in Russia, it       
  89.                                | is likely that a radical nationalist,       
  90.                                | i.e. a strong-armed dictator, will rise     
  91.                                | to power on an anti-crime, anti             
  92.                                | corruption ticket.                          
  93.                                | Intelligence Digest (11-25-95)              
  94. BAB51294.ZIP    21525  12-12-94  Latest version of the Babylon 5 FAQ         
  95. BABEL95A.ZIP    39713  01-01-95  Babel Glossary of Computer                  
  96.                                | Oriented Abbreviations and                  
  97.                                | Acronyms                                    
  98. BAMBOO.ZIP      20849  11-06-94  BEYOND THE BAMBOO CURTAIN by Derek Sanzhiel 
  99.                                | Length: 3033 wds.                           
  100.                                | Format: Short Story.                        
  101.                                | Genre: Mystery Detective.                   
  102.                                | Target: 80% males, age 18-55.               
  103.                                | Theme: Plans that don't work out don't      
  104.                                | necessarily mean you lost the game.         
  105.                                | Brief Plot: Harrison Lloyd is contracted    
  106.                                | by the Agency' to retrieve some sensitive   
  107.                                | information from a member of the Chinese    
  108.                                | Communist Party.                            
  109.                                | (C)1994 Derek Sanzhiel                      
  110.                                | Published by Sauvie Island Press            
  111. BATFMAN.ZIP      7300  12-21-94  BATF THUGS STRIKE AGAIN!                    
  112.                                | Another example of "state" police action*   
  113.                                | This family appears to be the victims       
  114.                                | of a rather "rude" visit!                   
  115.                                | First appeared in Gun Owners of America.*   
  116.                                | From The InterNet                           
  117. BEAD_FAQ.ZIP    22484  12-27-94  Beading (Internet FAQ)                      
  118. BITIZEN.ZIP      2610  11-15-94  TXT ON MODEM OPERANTIS Philosophy, why all  
  119.                                | Politicians are deeply afraid of PC or      
  120.                                | Political Computer, emerging computivity.   
  121. BOSNIA10.ZIP    11671  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  122.                                | re: Bosnian conflict                        
  123. CHILDWAV.ZIP   568688  12-23-94  Tomorrows child by Spencer Brewer           
  124. CHTEM10.ZIP     86163  10-31-94  Charlotte Temple, by Susanna Rowson         
  125.                                | A Project Gutenberg Etext                   
  126.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #171]                  
  127. CI_11_94.ZIP     1611  11-11-94  CONSERVATIVE INDEX TRIVIA                   
  128.                                | & SANDERISTA INDEX                          
  129.                                | Some brief observations of the latest       
  130.                                | Conservative Index published in the         
  131.                                | Nov. 14, 1994, issue of The New American*   
  132.                                | Excellent scorecard of Constitutionally     
  133.                                | based conservatism! And the Sanderista      
  134.                                | Index...how your representaives compare     
  135.                                | to Sanders, a self avowed socialist.        
  136.                                | The New American (11-14-94)                 
  137. COFFEEDR.ZIP     5818  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  138.                                | re: coffee beverages                        
  139. COM9412.ZIP     64940  12-02-94  rec.arts.comics: FAQ. [last update:         
  140.                                | 6 6 94] The r.a.c set of newsgroups, in     
  141.                                | general, is devoted to the discussion of    
  142.                                | comic books, graphic novels, and            
  143.                                | sequential art.                             
  144. COMICFAQ.ZIP    33672  12-22-94  Titles of Comics Books Collections.         
  145.                                | Date: 21 Dec 1994 15:54:39 GMT              
  146.                                | Expires: 25 Jan 1995 00:00:00 GMT           
  147.                                | Last-modified: 1994 10 27                   
  148.                                | Posting-Frequency: Monthly                  
  149. CONFI10.ZIP    162229  01-09-95  Confidence, by Henry James                  
  150.                                | Public Domain Etext from Project Gutenberg  
  151.                                | November, 1994 [Etext #178]                 
  152. COSMIC02.ZIP   205705  12-18-94  COSMIC DEBRIS VOLUME TWO                    
  153.                                | SHAREWARE VERSION                           
  154.                                | Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy         
  155.                                | like you've never seen it before.           
  156.                                | NO MORE SHAREWARE DELAY                     
  157.                                | VGA Graphics and animation                  
  158.                                | Easy to read. Hard to forget                
  159.                                | FICTION FOR A NEW WORLD                     
  160. CRIMBILL.ZIP   318445  11-12-94  The Clinton Crime Bill by chapter.          
  161. CUD687.ZIP      17495  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.87.          
  162. CUD688.ZIP      16668  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.88.          
  163. CUD689.ZIP      20066  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.89.          
  164. CUD690.ZIP      18158  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.90.          
  165. CUD691.ZIP      17046  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.91.          
  166. CUD692.ZIP      17339  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.92.          
  167. CUD693.ZIP      13869  11-13-94  Computer Underground Digest #6.93.          
  168. CUD698.ZIP      20202  12-06-94  Computer Underground Digest v. 6 no. 98     
  169. CYBRPUNK.ZIP    11606  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  170.                                | re: cyberpunk & the cyberpunk mvmt.         
  171. DAVEFAQ.ZIP     27881  11-16-94  10 28 94 Late Show With David Letterman FAQ 
  172. DGRAY10.ZIP    171087  11-04-94  The Picture of Dorian Gray                  
  173.                                | by Oscar Wilde                              
  174.                                | A Project Gutenberg Etext                   
  175.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #174]                  
  176. DH_WTO.ZIP       3564  11-27-94  THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION:               
  177.                                | A THREAT TO AMERICAN (AND CONGRESSIONAL)*   
  178.                                | INDEPENDENCE                                
  179.                                | By Rep. Duncan Hunter (R.-CA)               
  180.                                | To understand the WTO buried within the     
  181.                                | 22,000 pages of GATT you need only to       
  182.                                | focus on four provisions...each, if         
  183.                                | accepted, would give away a piece of        
  184.                                | America's power and independence.           
  185.                                | From the InterNet                           
  186. DIVORS.ZIP     229787  10-31-94  Remarry without committing Adultery         
  187.                                | Includes history cultural settings          
  188.                                | Compatable with windows. Requires           
  189.                                | Color Monitor.                              
  190.                                | Shareware from L & R Sundoxazo              
  191.                                | $19.95                                      
  192. DOLEGATT.ZIP     1824  11-13-94  ACTION ALERT!!                              
  193.                                | Dole & Co. are about to assist Clinton's*   
  194.                                | Lame Duck passage of GATT! Time to make*    
  195.                                | a few phone calls..numbers provided.        
  196.                                | From The InterNet                           
  197. DVFAQ22.ZIP     30478  11-05-94  Internet's Frequently Asked Questions v2.2  
  198.                                | DESQview.                                   
  199. DVFAQ23.ZIP     30453  12-11-94  The DV QEMM FAQ Release 23. 12 94           
  200. DVINT43.ZIP    105923  11-06-94  DESQview QEMM Interrupt List, Release 43    
  201.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt        
  202.                                | calls related to TopView, DESQview,         
  203.                                | QEMM, and other Quarterdeck products,       
  204.                                | both documented and undocumented.           
  205.                                | Contains 110 entries and more than          
  206.                                | 200 tables.                                 
  207. EFFEXOR3.ZIP     3821  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  208.                                | re: the new antidepressant Effexor          
  209.                                | (venlafaxine)                               
  210. ETHER.ZIP       17610  11-01-94  George Gilder's ninth article in the        
  211.                                | Telecosm Series. Must reading for anyone    
  212.                                | interested in the technology and future of  
  213.                                | the much hyped National Data superhighway.  
  214. EUROP10.ZIP    129873  12-17-94  The Europeans, by Henry James               
  215.                                | Public Domain Etext from Project Gutenberg  
  216.                                | November, 1994 [Etext #179]                 
  217. FBI_RAID.ZIP     2850  01-06-95  Info on an eledged FBI raid on several BBS's
  218.                                | in the Pensacola, FL area. (12 94)          
  219. FGFAQ.ZIP        9130  11-08-94  Fastgraph.faq: text file containing frequent
  220.                                | asked questions about the Fastgraph programm
  221.                                | graphics library.                           
  222. FISHPRNT.ZIP      885  12-27-94  Japanese Fish Printing on Rice Paper        
  223. FONTS11.ZIP     77493  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  224.                                | re: fonts and fontography, DOS Win          
  225.                                | version                                     
  226. FREEDATA.ZIP    29382  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  227.                                | re: free databases on the net               
  228. FUMAN10.ZIP    170012  11-02-94  The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer   
  229.                                | A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext     
  230.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #173]                  
  231. FUN_JOKE.ZIP    62007  11-03-94  Just for fun! These are some of the         
  232.                                | funniest jokes you will ever read. Topics   
  233.                                | of all kinds are included. About 1,000      
  234.                                | jokes.                                      
  235. GAMB1194.ZIP    43065  11-13-94  FAQ on Gambling from rec.gambling.          
  236.                                | "Frequently asked questions" about gambling 
  237.                                | from the internet news group rec.gambling.  
  238.                                | Covers poker, black jack, craps, with       
  239.                                | sections about casions, books on gambling.  
  240. GB21.ZIP       999363  11-10-94  GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #21! Get this     
  241.                                | one folks! The biggest issue yet and        
  242.                                | last of its kind. Read more than 41         
  243.                                | reviews of new games like Doom 2, Mortal    
  244.                                | Kombat 2, Lode Runner, Battle Bugs and      
  245.                                | tons more. Preview Wing Commander 3,        
  246.                                | Donkey Kong Country, Bio Forge and many     
  247.                                | more. Check out the new 3DO reviews as      
  248.                                | well. If you want to view ALL the           
  249.                                | screenshots, you must also download         
  250.                                | GB21-G1.ZIP, GB21-G2.ZIP and GB21-G3.ZIP    
  251.                                | and follow the instructions contained in    
  252.                                | the zip file for installation.              
  253. GEEK.ZIP        18051  11-11-94  Are you a true GEEK?                        
  254.                                | Geek 2.0 is a text file explaining how you t
  255.                                | can be a true GEEK! Now you can have a GEEK 
  256.                                | code, just like all of your friends on the N
  257.                                | Great fun, worth a download!                
  258. GN9411.ZIP     132872  11-30-94  GFX News Nov Dec 94 Volume 1 Number 4       
  259.                                | A NEW magazine that brings you the latest   
  260.                                | computer NEWS and REVIEWS in full-screen,   
  261.                                | Super VGA, high-resolution color GraFiX!    
  262.                                | This issue: Zenon Pentium 90, OS 2          
  263.                                | Warp, Mosaic and Netscape internet          
  264.                                | browsers, and SLIP internet connections.    
  265. GOD4RM.ZIP      27860  11-06-94  God & Immortality for RATIONAL mind Ancient 
  266.                                | sages were right, see how does it work from 
  267.                                | scientific perspective.                     
  268. GUNEDIT.ZIP      5738  12-15-94  The Results of Gun Control by JIM SHULTS*   
  269.                                | EDITORIAL BY JIM SHULTS                     
  270.                                | MODERN GUN MAGAZINE                         
  271.                                | OCTOBER 1994                                
  272.                                | Some hard hitting comments re: the          
  273.                                | results of gun control!!                    
  274.                                | From the InterNet                           
  275. HBOOK10.ZIP    145452  10-30-94  The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley  
  276.                                | A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext     
  277.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #172]                  
  278. HHOTL10.ZIP    137458  11-02-94  The Haunted Hotel By Wilkie Collins         
  279.                                | A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext     
  280.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #170]                  
  281. HIPHO10.ZIP    285766  11-06-94  The History and Practice of the Art of      
  282.                                | Photography by Snelling, with illustrations 
  283.                                | A Project Gutenberg Etext                   
  284.                                | October, 1994 [Etext #168]                  
  285. HOKY1194.ZIP    60726  11-06-94  Hockey FAQ                                  
  286. HP100LX.ZIP     21719  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  287.                                | re: the HP 100LX palmtop computer           
  288. HTTOCT94.ZIP    81257  11-18-94  Home Theater Technology Oct. 94 issue       
  289. IAKONTIA.ZIP    13627  01-01-95  Faq For Using Internet Access Kit That is in
  290.                                | The Bonus Pack of OS 2 Warp                 
  291. IGISWB.ZIP       4560  12-10-94  Internet Guide to Shortwave Broadcasters.   
  292. INWS1121.ZIP   189246  11-21-94  INEWS WEEKLY FOR WEEK OF 11 21 94 a         
  293.                                | self-ruuning weekly covering news of the    
  294.                                | world. INEWS provides up-to-date and        
  295.                                | accurate news. Includes many features       
  296.                                | covering topics like economics, science,    
  297.                                | medicine, technology, agriculture, and      
  298.                                | music. Includes information on how to       
  299.                                | get a free trial to INEWS Daily. INEWS      
  300.                                | DAILY gathers reports filed by              
  301.                                | correspondents stationed at 26 news         
  302.                                | bureaus throughout the world, first-hand    
  303.                                | coverage of stories from news bureaus in    
  304.                                | Abidjan, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Bonn,    
  305.                                | Cairo, Chicago, Geneva, Hong Kong,          
  306.                                | Islamabad, Jerusalem, Johannesburg,         
  307.                                | London, Los Angeles, Miami, Moscow,         
  308.                                | Nairobi, New Delhi, New York, Paris,        
  309.                                | Prague, Rio de Janeiro, San Jose, Tokyo,    
  310.                                | Vienna, and Washington, D.C.                
  311. INWS1205.ZIP   233152  12-05-94  INEWS WEEKLY FOR WEEK OF 12 05 94 a         
  312.                                | self-ruuning weekly covering news of the    
  313.                                | world. INEWS provides up-to-date and        
  314.                                | accurate news. Includes many features       
  315.                                | covering topics like economics, science,    
  316.                                | medicine, technology, agriculture, and      
  317.                                | music. Includes information on how to       
  318.                                | get a free trial to INEWS Daily. INEWS      
  319.                                | DAILY gathers reports filed by              
  320.                                | correspondents stationed at 26 news         
  321.                                | bureaus throughout the world, first-hand    
  322.                                | coverage of stories from news bureaus in    
  323.                                | Abidjan, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Bonn,    
  324.                                | Cairo, Chicago, Geneva, Hong Kong,          
  325.                                | Islamabad, Jerusalem, Johannesburg,         
  326.                                | London, Los Angeles, Miami, Moscow,         
  327.                                | Nairobi, New Delhi, New York, Paris,        
  328.                                | Prague, Rio de Janeiro, San Jose, Tokyo,    
  329.                                | Vienna, and Washington, D.C.                
  330. IN_9412.ZIP     60820  12-04-94  The Intelec Network Information File Dec 94!
  331.                                | 198 Forums! 405 Member BBS's in 9 Countries!
  332.                                | Supporting: QWK, Fido, Satellite & soon FTP!
  333.                                | FREE, Friendly, Professional, Active network
  334.                                | covering a Wide Range of Topics, From Issues
  335.                                | to Tech Support, Entertainment, Life & more!
  336.                                | Intelec has a very ACTIVE membership and you
  337.                                | can be a member in as little as 24-48 hours!
  338. ISFQ1194.ZIP   369972  11-21-94  alt.internet.services frequently asked quest
  339.                                | as of 11-21-94 downloaded from rtfm.mit.edu 
  340.                                | in pub usenet alt.internet.services         
  341. JUNKMAIL.ZIP     7313  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  342.                                | re: how to stop receiving junkmail          
  343. KEYWEST_.ZIP    11396  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  344.                                | re: that funspot in the sun                 
  345. LAW_JK.ZIP     572463  11-22-94  LAWYER JOKES & QUOTES WINDOWS 2.5MB         
  346.                                | 220 jokes and 550 quotes give you the       
  347.                                | "Lowdown on Doctors, Lawyers & Politi-      
  348.                                | cians." Easy to use program lets you        
  349.                                | Add, Edit and Delete. Written about in      
  350.                                | many NEWSPAPERS & TRADE JOURNALS. With      
  351.                                | Quote-A-Day, Toolbars, Iconic Subject       
  352.                                | Menu, Filters, Browser, Word Search,        
  353.                                | Context Sensitive Help...Shareware.         
  354.                                | Requires Windows 3.1. Unzip; run SetUp.     
  355. MAYDY.ZIP       43634  11-11-94  Shareware Short Stories by Jim Prentice,    
  356.                                | Brandon Mb. See contents.                   
  357. MCARNFAQ.ZIP    21951  11-11-94  MAXIMUM CARNAGE F.A.Q. v1.3                 
  358.                                | SNES AND SEGA GENESIS COMPREHENSIVE         
  359.                                | MANUAL WITH ALL MOVES DESCRIPTIONS          
  360.                                | AND MORE, WORTH THE DOWNLOAD IF YOU         
  361.                                | HAVE Maximum Carnage for the Genesis        
  362.                                | or the SNES...                              
  363. MEP1094.ZIP     41016  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  364.                                | re: depression, 10 94 ver.                  
  365. MODEMOVE.ZIP    13527  12-20-94  One of the last remaining completely        
  366.                                | free BBSs in the country was nearly         
  367.                                | squashed by the phone company's "pair       
  368.                                | gain" system! If you plan to move with      
  369.                                | your modem, this info could save you a      
  370.                                | LOT of grief. Remember the filename;        
  371.                                | you might need it some day!                 
  372. MOMFAQ.ZIP      25953  11-29-94  Master of Magic Faq ver 1.02.               
  373. MWC01.ZIP       61060  11-16-94  Married With Children FAQ                   
  374. MYWATCH.ZIP    128950  01-07-95  MY WATCH by Mark Twain multi-media E-Book   
  375.                                | by RUNE'S Publishing Co. 412-588-7863 (BBS) 
  376.                                | MYWATCH.ZIP Copyright 1994 RUNE'S Publishing
  377.                                | This E-Book presented via Computer Magic; a 
  378.                                | multimedia presentation platform. VGA needed
  379. NETBBSES.ZIP     1603  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  380.                                | re: BBSes accessible from the Internt       
  381. NEW26074.ZIP    19358  11-05-94  Rec.food.drink.beer FAQ (revised 01-NOV-94).
  382. NEW26089.ZIP    17485  11-06-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  383.                                | Elsewhere (6 of 10).                        
  384. NEW26090.ZIP    15512  11-06-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  385.                                | Elsewhere (7 of 10).                        
  386. NEW26107.ZIP    12840  11-06-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  387.                                | Elsewhere (9 of 10).                        
  388. NEW26163.ZIP    17107  11-07-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  389.                                | Elsewhere (8 of 10).                        
  390. NEW26164.ZIP    21220  11-07-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  391.                                | Elsewhere (10 of 10).                       
  392. NEW26167.ZIP    17787  11-07-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  393.                                | Elsewhere (3 of 10).                        
  394. NEW26169.ZIP    22350  11-07-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  395.                                | Elsewhere (4 of 10).                        
  396. NEW26170.ZIP     9371  11-07-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  397.                                | Elsewhere (5 of 10).                        
  398. NEW27261.ZIP    12921  12-01-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  399.                                | Elsewhere (1 of 10).                        
  400. NEW27262.ZIP    15893  12-01-94  Law Related Resources on the Internet and   
  401.                                | Elsewhere (2 of 10).                        
  402. NEW27319.ZIP    15973  12-02-94  Legal Research FAQ (part 2 of 2).           
  403. NEW27362.ZIP    18946  12-02-94  Rec.food.cooking Commonly Discussed Topics. 
  404. NEW27571.ZIP    20160  12-05-94  Rec.food.drink.beer FAQ                     
  406.                                | By Peter Alan Kasler                        
  407.                                | Excellent article discussing NY Times       
  408.                                | selection bias of editorials on the         
  409.                                | "gun-ownership" issue.                      
  410.                                | From The InterNet                           
  411. P5BUG.ZIP        1562  12-16-94  Brief summary of Intel Pentium flaw.        
  412. PCAWIN10.ZIP    21105  11-01-94  Symantec pc anywhere v1.0 faq.              
  413. PERLFAQ.ZIP     61016  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  414.                                | re: the textprocessing language PERL        
  415. PHANT10.ZIP    185377  11-02-94  The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux A 
  416.                                | Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext       
  417.                                | Halloween, 1994 [Etext #175]                
  418. RAD_WHO.ZIP     29034  11-13-94  Dr. Who frequently asked questions, rec.arts
  419. RAH9411.ZIP     35193  11-02-94  Random Access Humor November 1994 Monthly   
  420.                                | electronic humor magazine by and for the    
  421.                                | online community. ASCII text. Free for      
  422.                                | non-commercial purposes. Contents: Ten Very 
  423.                                | Forward; Privacy Assured; The Opraldohue    
  424.                                | Show; 1994 Ig Nobel Prize Winners; RAH Humor
  425.                                | Review: The M*A*S*H Novels; Bumper Stickers 
  426.                                | Seen on the Information Superhighway.       
  427. RAH9411R.ZIP    50190  11-02-94  Random Access Humor November 1994 Monthly   
  428.                                | electronic humor magazine by and for the    
  429.                                | online community. READROOM.TOC edition. Free
  430.                                | for non-commercial purposes. Contents: Ten  
  431.                                | Very Forward; Privacy Assured; The Opraldohu
  432.                                | Show; 1994 Ig Nobel Prize Winners; RAH Humor
  433.                                | Review: The M*A*S*H Novels; Bumper Stickers 
  434.                                | Seen on the Information Superhighway        
  435. REGGAE11.ZIP    56897  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  436.                                | re: reggae                                  
  437. RESCU11.ZIP     41322  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  438.                                | re: rescue societies for various dog        
  439.                                | breeds                                      
  440. RHUDS10.ZIP    294016  01-17-95  Roderick Hudson, by Henry James             
  441.                                | Public Domain Etext from Project Gutenberg  
  442.                                | November, 1994 [Etext #176]                 
  444.                                | PLANNER: a revolutionary new hypertext guide
  445.                                | to over 500 historic, scenic and just plain 
  446.                                | bizarre sights across America. The author ha
  447.                                | traveled over 200,000 miles visiting these  
  448.                                | places, and reviews each on a 1 to 5-star   
  449. ROBOFAQ.ZIP     63404  12-15-94  The complete FAQ on RoboTech! 130k of great 
  450.                                | Info on one of the best Japanamation EVER!  
  451. ROTTFAQ.ZIP     26621  12-10-94  FAQ for Apogee's new game ROTT.             
  452. SEASONSW.ZIP  1176105  12-10-94  Season of Passage Shareware Version. Interac
  453.                                | Electronic Poetry. Paul Angelosanto & T. G. 
  454.                                | Yearwood's heartfelt poetry and photos depic
  455.                                | Poe-like tragedies of a turn-of-the-century 
  456.                                | THE PIT REPORT says "Full of distilled blast
  457.                                | emotional sincerity ... the loss and devotio
  458.                                | there to be tasted like salt" and "pages of 
  459.                                | beautiful imagery of unendable love. Send mo
  460.                                | NEW ENGALND ROCK says "moving, deep, dark an
  461.                                | beautiful ... full of feeling and tragedy an
  462.                                | and despair all intertwined. THE WEST COAST 
  463.                                | says "Yearwood's photography is excellent." 
  464. SKEPTIC.ZIP     49411  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  465.                                | re: skepticism                              
  466. SOUNDCRD.ZIP     4651  11-19-94  SOUNDCRD.ZIP Informative information on the 
  467.                                | parton the Gravis UltraSound. If you're thin
  468.                                | buying a new sound card. You'll need this fi
  469.                                | even get a demotape if you're still undecide
  470.                                | by a GUS owner.                             
  471. SPACAMP.ZIP     10728  11-07-94  U.S. Space Camp FAQ (Frequently Asked       
  472.                                | Questions).                                 
  473. SPC1031.ZIP      3661  11-06-94  Space News 10 31 94.                        
  474. SPORTCAR.ZIP   102952  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)    
  475.                                | re: driving sporty cars (fast!)             
  476. ST1047.ZIP      65993  11-18-94  11 18 94 STR 1047 "The Original Independent 
  477.                                | STR INDUSTRY REPORT Photoshop 3 ZEOS PANTERA
  478.                                | Delrina Comm Suite DELL PROFITS UP MS CAIRO 
  479.                                | HAYES Chapter IX DEC NEW CHIP NEW USR Modem 
  480.                                | Online Libel Suit People Talking Jaguar News
  481.                                | COMDEX FALL'94 PRELIM REPORTS               
  482.                                | ThinkPad Wins Best of Comdex                
  483.                                | IBM's PPC to Use OS 2                       
  484. ST1048.ZIP     101009  11-25-94  11 25 94 STR 1048 "The Original Independent 
  485.                                | STR INDUSTRY REPORT "Thinking Mouse?" GAMERU
  486.                                | Adobe Intros CDROM Frankie's Corner Telix Re
  487.                                | ZEOS INTERNATIONAL Fargo Primera Pro Windows
  488.                                | TIPTAP Lite People Talking COMDEX ISSUE     
  489.                                | CYRIX REVEALS 586 CHIP DETAILS!             
  490.                                | HP INTROS 8-PORT ETHERNET HUB               
  491.                                | JAGUAR IN JAPAN                             
  492. ST1049.ZIP      86993  12-02-94  12 02 94 STR 1049 "The Original Independent 
  493.                                | STR INDUSTRY REPORT Compaq sues PBell Franki
  494.                                | HP Cable Modem Safe Keyboards RSN SPA Settle
  495.                                | Spectrum Holobyte WPWIN 6.1 SUPERB! Kid s On
  496.                                | DBASE 5 Win Offer Jaguar AvP Review STR Conf
  497.                                | Intel "Warranty" for PENTIUM BUG!           
  498.                                | IBM,HP,MS SUED OVER RSI!                    
  499.                                | GE Computers Invaded!                       
  500. ST1050.ZIP      79994  12-09-94  12 09 94 STR 1050 "The Original Independent 
  501.                                | STR INDUSTRY REPORT QEMM 7.5 Update HP FLASH
  502.                                | EA & ABC TV! Prison for Porno ATI G-Turbo Pr
  503.                                | Roland SCD 15 GW2000 Pentium Frankie's Corne
  504.                                | Creative Modems People Talking Jaguar NewsWi
  505.                                | PRODIGY LAYS OFF 100                        
  506.                                | 10k CYRIX CPU CHIPS STOLEN                  
  507.                                | IBM Plans PC-DOS 7.0                        
  508. STLTECH.ZIP      7522  12-14-94  DV Tech Note: overview of QEMM's Stealth ROM
  509.                                | technology how it works, why it works so    
  510.                                | well and what can cause complications for it
  511.                                | 12 14 94; Quarterdeck.                      
  512. STRTS.ZIP        2850  12-23-94  STATES SHOULD SEEK SANCTUARY IN 10TH        
  513.                                | AMENDMENT LIBERTIES                         
  514.                                | Interesting discussion of Constitutional*   
  515.                                | action being taken by several states to     
  516.                                | "free" themselves of Federal oppression.*   
  517.                                | From the InterNet                           
  518.                                | Pittsburg-Tribune Review (12-21-94)         
  519. TC14_400.ZIP    13131  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 400       
  520. TC14_401.ZIP    13121  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 401       
  521. TC14_402.ZIP    14828  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 402       
  522. TC14_403.ZIP    15261  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 403       
  523. TC14_404.ZIP    11012  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 404       
  524. TC14_405.ZIP    18487  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 405       
  525. TC14_432.ZIP    15825  12-06-94  Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 432       
  526. TCPI1194.ZIP    75445  12-02-94  C-P-TCP1.FAQ comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc FAQ
  527.                                | C-P-TCP2.FAQ of November 1994 part 2 of 3   
  528.                                | C-P-TCP3.FAQ part 3 of 3                    
  529. TRUMPET7.ZIP    67587  11-03-94  1994: END OF THE WORLD! by Tony Warren. This
  530.                                | is the Complete Book, not an excerpt!       
  531.                                | Freeware book is the "FIRST" to adequately  
  532.                                | explain, "with scripture", The 1260, 1290 an
  533.                                | the 1335 Days of the book of Daniel. The    
  534.                                | Abomination of Desolation has already       
  535.                                | started! Not your average Doom and Gloom    
  536.                                | book. This is SCARY!! 9 Chapters, all Bible 
  537.                                | based, leading up to what can only be one   
  538.                                | conclusion. 1994 is the End of the World.   
  539. UFOPHEN.ZIP     83600  11-13-94  UFO's                                       
  540.                                | Interesting report I have done for my       
  541.                                | biology class dealing with the subject      
  542.                                | of UFO's. Some of the resources I used      
  543.                                | are included in this convincing report.     
  544.                                | Bibliography and endnotes are included.     
  545.                                | Don't say it's phony until you have seen    
  546.                                | the file yourself!                          
  547. UNARMYCN.ZIP     3339  12-03-94  CANADA PROPOSES UN ARMY                     
  548.                                | Canada is now suggesting that it is time*   
  549.                                | for the world body to have its own per      
  550.                                | manent army. In a speech to the General*    
  551.                                | Assembly, they have offered to present      
  552.                                | the results of an on-going study,           
  553.                                | assisted by numerous international          
  554.                                | "experts" sometime next year.               
  555.                                | It's official..the first acknowledged       
  556.                                | step toward a One World Army! How           
  557.                                | secure we will all be! Next will be         
  558.                                | the argument that the redundancy of         
  559.                                | sovereign armies are no longer needed.      
  560.                                | (Not to be a spoiler, but in the event      
  561.                                | of abusive use of said powers..who will     
  562.                                | protect us from same?)                      
  563.                                | The Globe and Mail Canada (9-30-94)         
  564. UNIVINTR.ZIP    57707  10-30-94  How to Identify A College Student's Internet
  565.                                | Address For Various College Campuses Around 
  566.                                | The Country. Files: 1 Oldest: 06-24-93      
  567.                                | Newest: 06-24-93                            
  568. VBFQ1194.ZIP    38890  12-11-94  Visual BASIC FAQ for Nov. (17th) 1994.      
  569. WARPROB.ZIP     25030  12-08-94  Some text files describing solutions to some
  570.                                | frequent user problems with OS 2 3.0 (Warp).
  571. WC3FAQ2.ZIP     32878  11-04-94  The Unofficial FAQ v1.10 for Wing Commander 
  572.                                | III: Heart of the Tiger Released October 24,
  573.                                | 1994 Compiled by James Hogan. [Not endorsed 
  574.                                | by Origin Systems]                          
  575. WIRETAP.ZIP      4398  11-08-94  This is a text file explaining the little   
  576.                                | known bill (now law) that gives the FBI     
  577.                                | permission to do anonymous wiretapping. It  
  578.                                | tells about being able to tap into your     
  579.                                | modem ISDN Tx lines. Your privacy is of no  
  580.                                | concern! Read this for more info!           
  581. WORLD94.ZIP    817377  12-12-94  The 1994 Edition of the CIA World Factbook  
  582.                                | A public domain Etext from Project Gutenberg
  583.                                | November, 1994 [Etext #180]                 
  584. WSOCKINF.ZIP   131801  11-02-94  WINSOCK docs, information and FAQ           
  585.                                | Windows Sockets                             
  586. WWIS.ZIP       201031  03-29-95  NOV. '94) "Who's Who In Shareware" directory
  587.                                | is a useful index of the people and companie
  588.                                | involved in the shareware industry. Includes
  589.                                | authors, vendors, sysops of multi-line BBS's
  590.                                | columnists and so on. If you are involved in
  591.                                | the shareware industry, you can obtain a fre
  592.                                | listing. A free service of Pinnacle Software
  593.                                | developers of the Sapphire BBS. For support 
  594.                                | dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BB
  595.                                | at 514-345-8654 (download on first call     
  596. WWWFAQ11.ZIP    56107  12-06-94  Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) re 
  597.                                | the World Wide Web                          
  598. WWWINDEX.ZIP     5327  12-06-94  the Nov. edition of the WorldWide Web       
  599.                                | index                                       
  600. XNITPICK.ZIP     4750  12-06-94  text about the nitpicking about details by  
  601.                                | X-Files fanatics                            