dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, must be directed to Don Lemons.
"To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify us the day of
your order and we will ship the product directly to you."
Please note that the above 1-800# is for orders only. Any questions
concerning support or returns should be directed to Don Lemons.
---BBS Users---
If you download this game from a bulletin board, be SURE to read the notes
under installation regarding the directories that must be set up for the
program to work properly!
Game require 2.25 mg of Hard Disk space and MCGA graphics
capability. Mouse recommended. 286/386/486 with system speed of 16MHz or
greater recommended. Sound Blaster board is supported (See the installation
section for special notes on insuring proper Sound Blaster Board setup).
Welcome to the game of Bandor II. Bandor II is the second in a role-playing
adventure games revolving around the city of Bandor. Bandor is a
small city situated within the land of Galia. To the south of the city lies
the Forest of the Fountain of Life. To the East of the city lies the City Slums
(also known as the Underworld).
The City proper is very orderly. Squarely in the middle of the city lies the
Twin Towers, wherein sits the Council of High Lords. An adventurer hungry
for quests can proceed to the Council and meet with the Lord Regent. The Lord
Regent can supply you with tasks that need to be accomplished. These tasks
vary from hunting for items, to killing monsters that are plaguing the city.
Upon completion of a task, the Lord Regent will reward you with experience
points, gold, and items to further you on your ultimate quest.
To the SouthWest lies the Guild Hall Within the confines of the
Guild Hall lay skilled masters who can increase your skill in the art
of combat. There is a fee of 100 gold pieces for training, so be sure
not to come to the Hall empty-handed.
East of the Council sits the Temple of P'Tah. Within the city of Bandor,
there are two religions, those who follow P'Tah, and those who follow B'Nah.
The followers of P'Tah are dedicated to the path of industriousness, and
helping one's fellow man. B'Nah, on the other hand, preaches a hedonistic
life-style. One of the reasons for the re-birth of the city is that the
worship of B'Nah has been banished from the city proper. It is rumored that
there is an altar to B'Nah located somewhere in the depths of the City
The main offering of the Temple is that they can offer healing to those in
need of succor. Be aware that the restorative powers of the temple priests
do not come cheaply! To raise a member of your party from the dead can cost
up to 1000 gold pieces. In general it will cost about 100 gold pieces per
point of life that must be restored for a character.
To the west of the Council lies the Keg & Ale tavern. The Keg & Ale offers
several features. Weary questers can rest in peace there, and players may
gamble, trying to enlarge their money-pouches.
In an alley-way behind the Keg & Ale, and in an another alley-way to the
northeast of the council lie the Armory shops. At the Armory shops, questers
may buy and sell weapons. Once you select the purchase option, the Armorer
will display for you the items that he has available.
Directly south of the city lies the gateway into the Forest of the Fountain
of Life. Squarely in the middle of the Forest sits the Fountain of Life
itself. The aura provided by the Forest is one of the reasons that the town
enjoys such a stable atmosphere. To cross over to the Fountain, you will
have to find the River ford.One of the first quests that the
Council will ask you to complete is to find the reason that
the River Quoth, which feeds the Fountain of Life, has become
To the northeast of the council, next to the Armory, sits the gateway to the
Slums. The council has become concerned regarding reports of human sacrifices occuring within the slums. They will ask you to investigate.
Many adventures and glory await you within the city. Good luck and honor
to you on your road to becoming A HERO OF BANDOR!
The game is supplied on a single disk in a self-extracting EXE file.
(The file uses the LHA compression scheme, developed and copyrighted by
Yoshi). To extract, copy the file to a directory on the hard disk and run
the file. Note that the program will create 5 sub-directories under the
directory you create, labeled PCX, FMEM, MMEM,MISC, and VOC.
If you receive the game off of a bulletin board, it is possible that
the file will be broken up into smaller files. To ensure that the program,
Once the program is extracted, change to the directory that you created
and type the command CONFIG. The CONFIG program sets up a file called
SETUP.DAT that will identify to the game what directory the auxiliary
programs and graphics files are located in, and also your selection for
sound. The CONFIG program will determine the present directory, and will
ask you to confirm the directory in which the game is located. If the
directory displayed is correct, simply hit the ENTER key.
The program will create the SETUP.DAT file and exit to the DOS prompt. If it
is not, you must type in the name of the directory name.
CONFIG will verify that the directory exists, and then create the SETUP data
file and then ask you for your sound selection. For sound, you may make one
of four selections.
1) No sound
2) PC Speaker
3) Sound blaster board with no digitized sounds
4) Sound blaster board with digitized sounds. Digitized sounds
are only supported by the SoundBlaster II and
SoundBlaster III boards.
Finally, the program will ask you what is your preference regarding
mouse usage. A mouse is highly recommended, but not required.
N.B. on Sound Blaster
For proper support of the the sound blaster board, the system
assumes that the Autoexec.Bat file has setup the two environment
variables Sound and Blaster. If these variables are not set, the
program will hang or product no sound whatsoever. To ensure that
these variables are properly set, list out your Autoexec.Bat file.
You should see the following two entries...
@SOUND= followed by the directory for the Sound Drivers
BLASTER= followed by the interrrupt and DMA channels for the board
@Sound = C:\SB
Set Blaster = A220 I7 D1 T3
Also note that for proper support of Digitized sound, the system
depends on the CTVDSK driver being available. Typically, the
driver, CTVDSK.DRV, is located in the \DRV sub-directory within
the directory indicated by the SOUND environment variable.
Bandor will look for a sub-directory labeled \DRV to contain the
CTVDSK.SYS driver.
If the \DRV directory is not present, then the program will hang
when it attempts to produce digitized sounds.
---Mouse Usage---
A mouse is highly recommended to play BANDOR.
During the play of the game, the left mouse key (Mouse button 1) generally
signals acceptance of an answer. The right mouse key (Mouse button 2) acts
as an escape. To make a mouse selection, be sure and CLICK WITH THE MOUSE KEY
on your selection. For instance, when moving a player during a battle sequence,
you use the left mouse button to move the character. When you are finished
moving, you use the right mouse button to end the movement. For some
selections, either mouse button is acceptable because the game will ask you
to confirm an answer with a Yes or a No.
If you are not using a mouse, then the following action keys are utilized:
On the main menu: Use the first letter of the selection
(I for Introduction, C for Create Character, S for Start Adventure, etc.)
When deleting/editing/creating a character:
Use N to change the character's name
Use R to change the character's race
Use O to re-roll the character's luck/life Use left/right arrows to change the face
Use Previous/Nextfor previous/next character
Use ESC/RETURN to end the delete/edit/create mode
When forming a party:
Use F1-F10 to select a character to add to the party.
Use RETURN/ESC to indicate that you are finished.
In General:
When making a Y/N answer. Use either Y or N for your selection.
When answering an OK response. Hit the RETURN key.
While in the program:
Make sure that the number lock is turned OFF!
Use the arrows to move in the maze
Use home (7) to turn left and page up (9) to turn right
To select the Menu, hit M.
To select a character, select F1-F4.
When working with a character:
Hit V to move to the values screen, I for the inventory screen, and
S for the spells screen.
Use the left/right arrows to scroll through the characters.
Hit the ESC key to exit from working with the characters.
On the Values screen, hit G to move gold from one character to another.
On the Inventory screen, use F1-F8 to select inventory items 1-8. Hit W to
select the weapon, A to select the armor, and H to select the shield.
On the Spells screen, hit F1-F8 to select a spell.
To start the game, change your directory to the one in which the BANDOR2 game
is located, and type BANDOR2. The game will open with the logo and then go
into the BANDOR2 opening graphic. To exit the opening graphic, hit the ENTER
key. After you have exited the Opening Graphic Screen, the computer will load the Main Menu.
---Problems starting?---
Bandor II requires at least 580K of RAM. If you have problems getting
Bandor II to run, check to see if you any TSR's that you can dump. Alternately,
if you are using the SoundBlaster option, try this-
1) Use CONFIG to change your sound option to no sound, or to PC speaker only.
2) Instead of starting the program by running the Batch file BANDOR2,
start the program by typing 1 and return at the DOS prompt. This will
avoid loading the Sound Blaster FM driver into memory.
---Starting a Quest---
You start each session of BANDOR II from the Main Menu. There are several
options available to you. These include:
Introduction- The wizard OSI welcomes you to the game, and gives a
background on the present situation.
Create- Allows you to create a character.
Edit- Allows you to edit a character. Note that you can only edit
Novice characters, and characters that are not in the
present party.
Delete- Allows you to delete a character. You cannot delete a
character that is in the present party.
Form- Allows you to form a party of up to 4 characters with which you proceed through the adventure.
Start- Actually starts the adventure running.
Quit- Quits back to the DOS prompt.
To select any of these options, move the mouse arrow over the selection,
(or hit the first letter of the selection) and hit the mouse button.
If you press the left Mouse button over any portion of the screen that is
not a valid selection, the system changes the Mouse to a question mark, and
then proceeds. If sound is turned on, you will receive a tonal signal.
---Character Creation---
Before you can run an adventure you must have created characters to take
through the adventure. The system allows you to create and store up to 10
characters. Each character has the following capabilities:
Strength This characteristic is the most important for combat. This
characteristic ranges from 0-100%, depending on how strong and
rested your character is. A character with a strength of 100%
will be able to hit as hard as possible during combat. A
character with a strength of 50% will be able to hit half as
hard as they normally would during combat.
Magic is a statement of how effective a spell cast by the character
will be. This value ranges from 0-100% A character will a
value of 100% will be able to cast a spell as hard as possible.
If a character has a 0% magic value, they cannot cast a spell.
Luck Is a statement of how good a character is at dodging during battle.
This values ranges from 0-100%. For example, with a value of 100%,
a character will be able to dodge 1/2 of the time. With a
value of 25%, a character will be able to dodge 1/8 of the
Life Is a statement of how much damage a character can suffer. This
value ranges from 1-15 for a Novice character. As a character
gains in experience, they gain more life (i.e. they can suffer
more damage during combat).
Armor The better armor a character is wearing, the better they can
Effectiveness shrug off enemy blows. No armor gains a character a "LIGHT"
armor rating. Leather Armor gains a character a "MEDIUM"
armor rating. Plate Armor gains a character a "HEAVY" rating.
A shield gains you an additional measure of protection.
Each character can be one of five different races. The races include:
Humans The most prevalent race through the City. Humans are equally
good at about every profession.
Elves Not as strong as humans, however elves have an extreme affinity
for magic.
Dwarves Smaller than humans, however they make great warriors because
of their great strength. They have no bent for magic, however,
and tend to be resistant to the magic of others.
Half-Elves A combination of humans and elves, they are somewhat stronger
than elves, but do not have the same dexterity at magic as full
Half-Dwarves A combination of dwarves and humans, with the magic capability
of the human species combined with the hardiness of the dwarves.
Each character must be of a certain profession.
Friars- are valuable to a party for the magic ability (mainly the ability
to heal) as well as some fighting ability. They are typically
weaker than true warriors, but are stronger than pure Mages.
Mages start as the weakest of the characters, but as they advance in their
profession, they become the most feared of adventurers, throwing
fireballs and lightening bolts and quickly evening up the odds of
the worst battles.
Warriors are the stalwarts of the party. Warriors usually have little or
no magic ability. There main usefulness is to defend the rest of
the party from harm, and to bash down doors.
Thieves are adequate warriors (especially when hitting someone from
behind). There main special ability is the ability to pick locks.
Rogues Rogues are a combination of Warrior and Thief. Only halfling type
characters may be rogues. The highest a rogue can advance to the
Master level.
Jack -of - All
trades Jacks of all trades are characters that know a little bit of
everything. A Jack of all trades can function as a thief, as
a Warrior, and as a Mage. The highest advancement a JOT can
attain is to the Senior Professional plateau.
Once you have selected the CREATE Character Menu, you will notice that the
screen clears and you are presented with the create/edit/delete character
screen. The screen offers you the following options:
Change Name- To change the character's name. Select on this area of the
screen, or hit the N key. When the name is entered, hit RETURN
to exit.
Change Face- There are 8 different faces offered. Use the left/right
buttons presented on the screen, or use the left/right arrows
if not using a mouse.
Change Race- To change the character's race. Click with the left mouse button
on the RACE button, or hit the R key if not using a mouse.
Change Prof- To change the character's profession. Click with the left mouse
button on the PROFESSION button, or hit the P key if not mouse.
Change Roll- To change the character's Life and Luck values. Click on Roll
with the left mouse button, or hit the O key if no mouse.
PREVIOUS/NEXT- If in edit/delete mode, use the Previous/Next buttons to go
back and forth between characters. If you are not using a mouse,
hit the Page Up/ Page Down keys.
END- Select on the ESC button with the left mouse to exit, or
or hit the ESC key if not using a mouse.
Experience is a reflection of the character's overall advancement in their
chosen profession. All characters created in BANDOR start as
When you have created the character they way that you want, select ESC to
stop making changes. The system will ask you whether or not you wish to
store the character. Indicate either Yes or No. You will be returned to the
main menu.
---Character Ending---
The Edit Character menu option performs in a similar fashion to the Create
Character menu. The only difference is that you cannot edit characters that
are part of the party and you cannot edit characters above Novice. Once
you select EDIT, the system will display the horizontal arrows allowing you
to scroll through the characters available on the system. When you have found
the character that you wish to edit, select OK.
---Character Deletion---
The Delete Character menu option allows you to delete old or useless
characters. This function is valuable since the system allows you to store
only up to 10 characters total. You cannot delete characters that are part of
the current party. Once you select DELETE, the system will display the
horizontal arrows allowing you to scroll through the characters available on
the system. When you have found the character that you wish to delete, select
OK. The system will prompt you asking if you really wish to delete this
character. Click on Yes or No.
---Forming a Party---
The FORM Party menu option allows you to select the characters that you
would like to take through the adventure. If there is already a party in the
Adventure, the system will ask you whether or not you wish to delete the
present party. If you decide to delete the present adventure, the current
Once you have selected this option, the system will present you with the
names and faces of all the characters available. To place a character into
the party, click on the face of the character. You may select no more than 4
characters. Select the ENTER button with the Mouse to form the party, or
the ESC button with the mouse to end your selection and abort the party.
---Start Game---
Once you are ready to start the game, select START. The system will
check to ensure that you have indeed a party formed. During a later session,
in the middle of an adventure, selecting this option will take you to the
last place that you Saved a game.
The main playing screen is displayed when you select START from the Bandor
menu. The screen displays 4 movement arrows located centered at the bottom of
the screen, and two turn arrows to either side of the move arrows.
Next to the movement arrows is displayed the MENU selection.
On the right hand side of the screen is displayed your characters for this
game. Around each character is displayed their key elements- Their armor
(leather or plate). Their weapon, and a shield (if they are using one).Next to
this is a green line indicating their current life. As this line moves
closer to the bottom, it is an indication that the character is getting
weaker and weaker. If the character is unconscious, their picture will be
displayed as if grayed out. If the character is dead, a skull will be
displayed in place of their picture.
Movement- To move around in the city, used the four arrow keys located at
the bottom of the screen display. Use the up arrow to move forward, and the
backward arrow to move back. Use the left and right curved arrows to turn
either left OR right. Use the left and right arrows to move left and right
without turning (side-stepping).
MENU- Located next to the arrow keys is the options menu. The options
menu provides you with the following capabilities:
Save Game Saves the game at its current point.
Load Game Loads in the game at its last saved point.
Date&Time Gives you the date and time in the game at its current point.
As the game progresses, it gets increasingly harder to fight
through the monsters, so there is some advantage in getting
through the game as quickly as possible. Note that for each
day you go without resting, the strength and the magic
percentages of your characters fall by 20%/day, so you
should rest at regular intervals.
View Map BANDOR is a self-mapping game. When you select this option,
the screen will display a map parchment of the current area
(The Slums, the City, or the Forest). Any square you have seen
is highlighted. An X will be placed on the map at your current
position. To view the other maps, click with the mouse on the
horizontal arrows. To exit back to the main menu, click with
the mouse on the ESC button displayed on the screen.
Rest To restore lost life , you must rest. One life point is
restored for every hour that you rest. 5% of strength and
5% of magic are also restored for every hour of rest.
Magic works differently within BANDOR than in other role-
playing adventures. To cast a spell, a magic user (Friar or
a Mage) has to gather certain ethereal forces together.
During combat, these forces are expended. The more
advanced a magic-user is in their profession, the better they
are at utilizing the forces they have gathered. This reflects
the fact that a more experienced character does not panic
as easily during battle.
A Novice can use 1 spell during combat
A Journeyman can use 2 spells during combat
An Expert can use 3 spells during combat
A Professional can use 4 spells during combat
A Senior Professional can use 5 spells during combat
A Master can use 6 spells at one time during combat
A Senior Master can use 7, and a Sage can use 8.
To select spells to which this ethereal force will be applied,
select SELECT SPELLS from the Rest menu. Select the magic user.
The game will display the spells that the magic-user knows.
Select the spells to which the magic user wishes to apply their
gathered ethereal force.
To actually rest, select the option rest from the rest menu.
The system will ask you to type in how many hours that you wish
to rest. Respond with from 1-99 hours. Resting restores
Strength, Magic ability, as well as Life.
Note that you cannot rest in town. You must go the Keg&Ale to
rest, where lodging will cost you 1 gold piece. Also note that
the longer that you rest in the forest or in the slums, the
better chance that your rest will be disturbed by a gang of
Quit Quits the game. DOES NOT SAVE THE GAME!
---Manipulating Characters---
To manipulate your characters, click with the left mouse button anywhere
within the box around the character. There are three screen for each
character. The values screen, the inventory screen, and the spells screen.
(Note that while you are working with a character, you are locked out from
selecting any other options with the mouse). next to the character's face is
displayed red horizontal arrows. The red arrows can be used to scroll
through the characters. At the bottom of the screen is displayed an ESC
button. Clicking on this button with the left mouse key will return you to
the main game. Below the character's face is displayed three objects-
A suit of armor, a bag, and a book of spells. To display the values for a
character, click on the suit of armor. To display and manipulate the items
the character is carrying, click on the bag. To display and use the magic
that the character currently knows, click on the book of spells.
The Values screen- The values screen displays the current status of the
character. The Values screen contains one manipulatible object, the amount
of gold that the character is carrying. To transfer gold from one character
to another, click on the gold line with the left mouse key. (To transfer
1/2 half of the gold that a character is carrying, click with the right mouse
key). To finish the transfer, scroll to the character to transfer the gold
to and click on that character's gold line.
The Inventory screen- The inventory screen lists all of the objects that a
character is carrying (up to 8 objects). Below the objects is a pictorial
display of what the character is using at the moment, including their
weapon, their armor, and their shield.
Manipulating objects is easy within the game of BANDOR. To take an object
off of a character, click with the left mouse key on the object's picture.
The mouse cursor changes from an arrow to a X display. Move the mouse cursor
over an empty square in the person's inventory list and click the left mouse
key. To move an item of inventory from one person to another, simply scroll
to the appropriate destination character and click over the inventory.
When moving inventory, clicking the left mouse key will move all of one item
(several daggers, for instance). Clicking the right mouse key when you start
the movement will move 1/2 of the items.
To move objects without the mouse (Mouse not installed) do the following:
Use the Function keys F1-F8 for the inventory items, W for weapon, A for armor
and H for shield. To move a weapon to a blank inventory spot, you
would hit W and then F3. To move a weapon in inventory slot 1, you would
hit F1 and then W. To move a Weapon from one character to another, you
would hit W, and then the left/right arrows to scroll to the character that
is going to receive the weapon. When on that character's inventory screen
you would then hit W again to give the weapons to them.
You cannot move a weapon, a shield, or armor into an inventory spot that is
taken up. Likewise you cannot move an inventory item into a weapon,armor, or
shield spot that is taken up.
When you move items to a person, the objects are represented in the
following manner:
The top left square around the display represents the person's armor.
The square below the armor represents the person's weapon, and
the square next to the person's weapon represents the character's
shield. Any time you try to move an inventory item that has a count
of more than 1 onto the person (such as a dagger) the system will
only move one 1 of the items.
When you are done manipulating the inventory, click on the ESC button with
the left mouse key.
The spell screen- The spell screen works similarly to the inventory screen
in that you can display all of the spells (up to 20 that the character knows).
The spells are displayed four at a time. A count of the number of instances
of that spell are displayed next to the spell. To scroll through the spells,
use the red vertical arrows next to the spells. In BANDOR II, you can
only cast spells during battle. The only exception to this is the OPEN DOORS
spell, which you are prompted for in front of locked doors.
To move through the game, use the arrow buttons located next to the
options menu. Clicking with the left mouse key on the up arrow moves
you forward. Clicking with the left mouse key on the down arrow
moves you back. Clicking with the left mouse key on the arrow
pointing to the left or to the right turns you 90 degrees in that
When you come to a door, it may either be locked or un-locked, or it
may be an entrance to a special location. If the door is the
entrance to a special location, the game will display the name of the
location, followed by the question ENTER?. Next to the ENTER?
question will be two buttons labeled YES and NO. Select the
appropriate response. If you do not have a mouse, use Y or N.
If the door is locked, the game will tell you so, along with the
option to unlock the door with magic, by picking, or by bashing the
lock. Select one of the three options, or EXIT menu to not attempt
to open the door.
If you select magic, you must have a magic user with an OPEN DOORS
spell. Click on the magic user who has the spell. The spell will be
If you select pick, you must then select a thief character. The
ability of the thief to open the door is proportional to their advance-
ment in their chose profession.
If you select bash, you may select any character. The ability of the
character to bash the door is proportional to their experience. A
warrior has the best chance of bashing down a door.
There are three kinds of encounters that your characters will run into.
The first is a special encounter with a non-playing character. These
encounters vary in size and danger to the party. You will be presented with
various questions you may ask, or menu choices that you may make. Pick
wisely because the wrong choice may destroy the party!
The second is actually finding something in the midst of moving through the
city. An example of this would be the Elixir of B'Tet One of the quests
that the council offers is asking you to undertake is to find and return a
Elixir of B'Tet from the Fortune Teller. During your travels, if you come
upon the Elixir , pick it up, and return it to the Council, who will reward
you with experience and gold.
The third type of encounter is the most common. It is battle with monsters.
This type of encounter is the most important in that in succeeding in
battle, your questers gain in experience points. The more experience points
that a quester has, the higher their experience rises. The more experience a
quester is, the more life that they have, the more damage they can
take, and the better they can fight in the next encounter. When you are
moving, at odd times you will come upon a band of monsters. On the 3-D
display you will see the monsters move towards you. The game will tell you
the number of monsters, and give you the choice of doing the following:
If you attack, you are committing to battle. If you think you can win an
encounter, it is best to select Attack, because this option will you give
you the initiative in battle. If you re-organize, you will be given the
opportunity to re-arrange your party. This is important if you want the
warriors to be in front of the magic-users, or if you want the magic-users
to be closer to the monsters (and therefore in a better position to throw a
spell). If you select this If you flee, you will a chance to escape the
monsters. If you are caught fleeing, the monsters will have the initiative
in the attack. There is no dishonor in fleeing from a monster bigger than
you are!
During the battle, the system will take you one by one through your
characters. Each character can perform one of the following actions:
Move- To move, select move from the battle menu. use the up/down/left/right
arrows to move your character where you wish them positioned (up to 6
spaces per turn). Note that if you move in the vicinity of a monster, he
may turn and hit you, at which point you lose any further movement.
Magic- Any magic user may cast an attack, a sleep, or a healing spell during
battle. to cast a spell, select Magic from the actions menu. Aim the spell
by using the arrow keys over the target area for the spell. To actually cast
the spell, click with right mouse button. Assuming the spell is in range and
you have a clear line of sight to the destination, the spell will be cast.
It is important to note that for a Magic-user to perform magic, no enemy
character can be next to the magic-user. If there is an enemy next to the
magic user, the system will abort the spell and display the message
"Enemy Too Close".
Note that during combat the ethereal force that a
magic user applied to a spell will be dispelled, and therefore that
spell will be of no use during the rest of the combat session. Immediately
after combat, however, the ethereal force will re-gather, and the
magic user will again have access to the spell.
Aim- Use aim to hit with the weapon at hand. To aim, select aim from the
actions menu, and then select the target square. Note that warriors need
more room for distance weapons (daggers, darts, and bows) so no enemy can be
next to the character. Also note that a bow requires that you also have
arrows in the inventory
Flee- When a character is outnumbered or badly injured, it is time to flee.
When a character flees, they are removed from further combat during the
particular encounter. If a character attempts to flee, they can perform no
other actions during that round. There is a 45% chance that their flight
will be successful.
Ending your turn-To end the turn of a character, select END TURN. It is
important to make sure that the character is facing towards any potential
enemies that may hit them the next round before you end their turn. if a
character is hit in the back there is a much greater likelihood that they
will be hurt.
Ending the battle - When a battle is finished, the game will bring up the
picture of a treasure chest, and will divide up the gold and experience
points that were won during the battle.
---Final Notes---
For best party utilization, a party should contain 1 Mage, 1 Friar
1 Warrior, and 1 Rogue. The Warrior should be located at the front
of the party. You should start by first going to the Council to list out
the commissions. (The East door to the Council is located at 17,20). Note
that there are plenty of quests located around the city, so stay there first
This is because of two reasons:
1) You won't be surpised by any monsters
2) It gives you a chance to learn how to move around in friendly
When you have gotten a few battles under your belt, proceed to the Forest
where the RAM Staff can be found, and fight your way across the ford to
meet the Ogre Roligel in the SouthWest part of the forest. Then traverse
to the center of the forest where you can find the forest spirit Wanaidi
When you are finally ready, cross over into the City Slums. Your toughest
battles will be there among the Dark Servants. See if you can find the
Crystal Key, and the Magic Door located behind the Dark Servants that
leads to the lair of the Storm Giant King Wraith and his minions-and finally,
see if you can find the evil entity who has raised the Storm Giant King
from the grave!
Good luck, and good questing.
How to gain in experience.
For every 10,000 points of experience, your character is allowed to
advance in their particular profession. The plateaus for each profession are:
Senior Professional - The highest plateau for a Jack of All Trades
Master - The highest plateau for a Rogue
Senior Master
The monsters encountered within the walls of BANDOR range from the
relatively easily defeated through the extremely difficult. When you
encounter a group of monsters, remember that there is no shame in
running from something tougher than you are!
Each monster has several different capabilities. These include how
far the monster can move in a single turn, it's resistance to magic,
the experience of the monster, and it's size.
The amount of damage a monster can take (it's life) are a
multiple of 15 times its experience.
The resistance to magic of a monster is a reflection of how easily it
can withstand a mage's or a friar's spell. This is expressed as
a percentage from 0-100%. A percentage of 25% means that 25% of the
time, your spell will have no affect on the monster.
Magic states any spells that the monster might be capable of using.
Giant Rats
Resistance to Magic: Normal
Magic: None
Resistance to Magic: Normal
Magic: None
Cyraphus-the 3-headed dragon
Resistance to Magic: 35%
Magic: None
Resistance to Magic: 25%
Magic: None
Dark Servants
Resistance to Magic: Normal
Magic: FlameStrike
Resistance to Magic: Normal
Magic: None
Resistance to Magic: Normal
Magic: FlameStrike
The Storm Giant King Wraith
Senior Master
Level 7
Resistance to Magic: 65%
Magic: FlameStrike
Resistance to Magic: 65%
Magic: FlameStrike
Magic spells
The spells listed here are divided between combat and non-combat spells.
During combat, there must be a minimum of 10 feet between the wielder of
the magic and any enemies.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: 10 feet
Description of spell: The sleep spell with put to sleep anyone within a 10 foot radius of where it hits. The spell will put people to sleep for from 1-3 turns. This spell can only be used in combat.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: This spell will restore from 1-8 life points.
Storm Strike
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: Storm Strike can only be used during combat. It cause from 1 to
10 points of damage.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: The FlameStrike spell will cause from 2-8 units of life point damage against anyone it. It can only be used during combat.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: 10 feet
Description of spell: The FlameBall spell is a combat spell. It causes from 4-15 units of damage against anyone struck with it.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: The Lightening spell is a combat spell. It causes from 1-15 units of damage.
Open Doors
Range of Spell: not applicable
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: The Open Doors spell is used to open locked doors magically. The greater the level of the magic user, the better chance there is of opening the door.
Range of Spell: 40 feet
Area of Spell: immediate area
Description of spell: The SIlence Spell is a special spell that is only thrown during combat. A character affected by silence cannot use any magic spells for from 1-4 turns.
Summary of character values
Strength- From 5% to 100%. Reflects how hard a character can hit an enemy.
For every day that a character does not rest, they lose 20% of their
Magic- From 5% to 100%. Reflects how effectively a character can cast a
spell during combat. For every day that a character does not rest,
they lose 20% of their Magic effectiveness.
Luck- From 5% to 100%. Reflects how good a character is at ducking
during combat.
Life Points-Reflects the vitality of a character. Each character has a
life point potential, which reflects how robust a character is.
To restore life, a character must rest.
Effectiveness- How much armor a character is wearing. No armor gives a
character light protection, leather armor gives a character
medium protection, and plate armor gives a character heavy
protection. A shield gives a measure of extra protection.
Program setup-
Normally, this program is supplied in a single self-extracting file.
If you retrieve this program off of a bulletin board, there is a chance
that the program has been broken up into smaller pieces to enable quicker
download. If that has happened, re-assembling the program might be difficult.
To ensure correct re-assembly of the program, below follows a list of the
files that must be in each sub-directory.
In the Main program directory, must be the following files: