ABOUT - This tells a little about After Hours Computing and our goals. Please read
this message and follow the instructions contained there.
EXIT- Use this to exit the program. Be sure to save all your work before ending.
LISTING- The Program listing menu is used to keep track of individual radio showns,
news programs, and whatever else you hear. You can keep track of
the show's name, frequency, date, UTC time, Local time and Signal
EDIT WINDOW-Click your mouse within this window to select one of the
programs listed in it. When selected, you can either Delete the
record, or Edit it.
DELETE-This will delete the currectly selected program line.
ADD- This will bring up a requestor box asking several questions about the
program you are recording. You can use the Continue or Cancel
buttons at any time to get back to the Program list box.
EDIT- This will bring up the same requestor box used in the ADD command
listed above, but it will contain the currently selected program,
chosen from the program listing box.
RESTORE LIST-This loads the Program listing file from disk. This effectively
erases any changes you have made since the last SAVE command
was used. Note: The filenames for both the LOAD and SAVE commands are hard-coded in this demo version of AHC DX Toolbox. In the version you will get when you register this softwarem you will be able to enter filenames to LOAD and SAVE, therby allowing you
access to an unlimited number of lists.
CANCEL-Exit back to the main menu line without doing anything else.
SEARCH- You can search the entire listing for individual Frequencies,
Program Times, and Program Dates to help you figure out what is
on now, on a frequency.
PRINT LISTING-Prints a table listing all Shows and Programs listed in the database.
This will have the same layout as the program list box.
LIST STATIONS-This section of the program allows you to store a databse of Radio
Stations. You can enter Station Names, addresses, countries,
whether or not they sent you a QSL, whether or not the reception is
good, and any other kind of note you want to keep on the station.
EDIT WINDOW- Just click in the window and edit or add any text you want.
There is no set format for the text within this box. You can enter
any kind of note that suits your needs
UP-Use the Up key to move to the next station in the program's database.
When you get to the last record, the program automatically starts
back at the beginning of the list.
DOWN-Use the Down key to move to the previous station in the program's
database. When you get to the first record, the program
automatically starts back at the end of the list.
ADD-Brings up a requestor that looks like an envelope. Just fill in the
mailing address of the station. You can actuall enter anything you
want here, but an address is all that is really required.
DELETE-This will delete the currently selected entry.
LOAD-This loads the Station listing file from disk. This effectively erases
any changes you have made since the last SAVE command was
used. Note: in this demo version of AHC DX Toolkit, the filename is
hard-coded into the software and you cannot change it, thereby
allowing only one database listing can be used, In the full version you
will get when you register this product, you get the option to enter
filenames, thereby alloxwing you access to any number of databases.
SAVE-This saves your database to disk. Be Very sure to do this before
exiting to the main menu. If you don't save it, all your changes will
be lost! Note: in this demo version of AHC DX Toolkit, you can
only save one list of stations in a database. In the full version you
will get when you register this product, you get the option to enter
filenames, thereby allowing you access to any number of databases.
PRINT QSL POSTCARD-This is one of the AHC DX Toolbox's most useful
features. Do you get tired of writing requests for QSL cards, then
writing out the addresses and other info for each new station you
pick up? Well no more! Now you can have the computer do all the
work for you!
FORM LETTER EDIT WINDOW-This is a good basic letter that asks
the station for a QSL confirmation. Just fill in the blanks with the
correct information and use the PRINT button to print it. You do not
have to enter your address or the address of the station. If you have
used the ENTER USER INFO command listed below, the computer
will already know your return address, and the station currently
selected will be used as the SEND TO address.
SAVE- This saves the letter in the edit window. This may or may
not be desired. The letter in the window is saved on disk. If you like
the letter you have and want to save it, then fine; but the old letter
will be destroyed. In this demo version of AHC DX Toolbox, You
can only save one letter at a time. The real version allows multiple
letters to be saved and loaded.
CANCEL-Prints the envelope, but not the letter,
PRINT-Prints the envelope and the letter.
CANCEL-Exits back to the main menu without doing anything. Be sure to
SAVE if you have made any changes.
ENTER USER INFO-This screen keeps track of your name and return address. You
really only need to enter this information once. If you move, or want
to print a QSL card ofr someone else, you can change the name and
address here.
EDIT WINDOW-Just click in the window and make any changes you want.
SAVE-Click on SAVE to save your work to disk. This information is kept
permanently on file so you don't have to enter it everytime you run
AHC DX Toolkit
CANCEL-Exits back to the main menu without saving your changes,