If you have run Genesis before running Twinkle you may find that Twinkle crashes when you click on a piece of the jig-saw. Reset (or switch off) your computer, then all will be well.
Using the Demo Version of Twinkle
Twinkle will only run on RISC OS 3 machines with at least 2mb of memory. The rhymes run in mode 15 which means that on Éneweræ machines running RISC OS 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7 they will appear in Életterboxæ style, ie elongated horizontally. You may wish to use your monitors vertical and horizontal size controls (if it has them) to counteract this. We regret there was no way the rhymes could be written in any other mode and still make them work on 2mb machines.
Twinkle will run from the CD or you can copy it onto a floppy or onto your hard drive.
To get started, just double-click on the program icon in the usual way.
Naturally some features of the program have been disabled.
The Full Version
The full version of Talking Rhymes Pack 2 (Twinkle Twinkle, Mary Mary, Jack and Jill and Baa Baa Black Sheep) costs ú25 single user and ú50 site licence.
Pack 1 (Humpty Dumpty, Little Jack Horner, Little Miss Muffet and Georgie Porgie) is available at the same price, or you can have both packs for ú40 + VAT.
A PC version of Pack 1 is also available, and Pack 2 should be available by September 1997. Prices as for RISC PS versions.