This is the main 'All About Handwriting' application. To view it, just double click on !WRITING. If you get the message 'Please locate Genesis', find and double click on !BROWSER and !GENLIB before loading !WRITING.
For further information, see the main README.
!JOINUP can be used to demonstrate how to do joined up handwriting. It does its best to handle any letter, word or phrase that you enter into it, but no handwriting program can ever be as good as the real thing: a teacher on a blackboard!
This part of the CD contains !LETTDEM, an extract from Topologika's second double-title CD ROM 'All About Lettering (Calligraphy)' / 'All About Movement', due to be published Autumn '97.
Most of the pictures in Writing are supplied on this CD as Draw files or Sprites. You will find them in their own directories inside WRITEPICS.
Copyright: All of these pictures are the copyright of the relevant artists and photographers. They may be printed out and used by teachers and children in school for educational purposes freely. They may not be copied or distributed by any electrical means either on disc or by the Internet.