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- Well, you've gotten this far so you're on the right track.
- /* At this time, give thanks to
- Ken Goecke
- for having written the excellent program
- that you'll be using for these sessions!! */
- You can use it's menu to change to colors and scroll speed. The buttons
- are self-explanatory.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Getting started
- Wouldst that there was a single string we could take hold of at this
- point, one that would take us all the way through to the end: your understanding
- how to make your Amiga "sing" from the CLI.
- There's not! I, for one, wish this had been the case for I have dearly
- struggled! Also, if this had been the case, there probably wouldn't have been
- any need for all this and it would have saved me hours of typing, a skill I also
- lack.
- So we're faced with a sort of electronic Gordian Knot. We have to start
- somewhere and have to get to the end, somehow. The beginning is the worst since
- there are several things that interrelate and form the basis for enlightenment,
- as we are forced to deal with it.
- I've used "The AmigaDOS Manual, Second Edition", Bantam Books, 1987
- and "AmigaDOS User's Manual", Commodore-Amiga, 1985 ,both by Tim and Jessica
- King as general references throughout my experience with the Amiga and would
- suggest that if you don't have these books already, buy them!!
- This tutorial cannot go into everything, frankly I'm doing this out of love of
- the Amiga and it's cutting deeply into my messing around time. I suspect that
- places where I may be ambiguous could be cleared up with a little reading and
- some time experimenting at the keyboard.
- During the testing of this tutorial, various comments were made
- that I should install one or another "SunMouse" or automatic window activator
- programs to make it easier. Well, sorry! You're going to have to activate the
- window you want to type in manually. Even though I have one of the
- aforementioned style programs installed on my workbench, one still has to
- remember to move the pointer into the right window.
- Therefore, pay attention! Read the instructions and follow them. If they
- say to type a command into the top window, please do it and don't type it into
- the bottom one. This is primarily due to the fact that READER doesn't have a
- drag bar and will cause you more problems than simply making sure you're typing
- into the right window before you hit <RETURN>.
- If you don't already know, to activate a window, simply put the pointer
- in it and click the left mouse button.
- For those of you who wish I'd used shorter textfile names...it's good
- practice making sure you type the right thing.
- Due to the other demands on my time while writing this, I didn't always
- reconstruct the entire section I was working on in RAM:. Therefore there may
- be a place or two that I forgot to mention a file in the list of what you should
- expect to find. Well, aren't you glad we're not doing brain surgery? But, if you
- bring the specifics to my attention, I'll correct them. It's surprising that in
- spite of proof-reading something, after a while you SEE what it's SUPPOSED to
- say and not's what's actually there.
- I've done my best to present these concepts and MY experiences with them
- as best I can. If you're more experienced than I and discover errors or have a
- better way to explain something while looking over the shoulder of one of your
- charges, please let me know. I can be reached either by E-mail to Hemonculus,
- on PLINK, or by "rainorshine" express to:
- Jeff Petermann
- 151 Bunker Hill Rd
- Fayetteville NC 28314
- So, let's get on with it...
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- So here are the ground rules...
- ...and some funky syntax I've used..
- Phrases with "/*" and "*/" around them like /* this */, are comments
- and as such will only cause error messages if typed in at the CLI prompt.
- /* Obviously, you shouldn't do it then! */
- Phrases that begin with ">>" are meant to be typed in at that prompt
- in your LOWER window! They will be as exact as I can make them allowing for the
- fact that I don't know specific names of disks and files that you might have.
- That shouldn't be too much of a problem since we'll be working with this disk
- only.
- Phrases that begin with "BS>" should NOT be typed into the CLI.
- They illustrate syntax only.
- Phrases enclosed by "<>" should be considered representations of the
- literal key. ie: <ESC>-the escape key, <SPACE>-the space bar, <CTRL>-the
- control key, etc.
- Some basic definitions:
- FILENAME: a wildcard /* a symbolic representation that's used to
- match anything */ that matches a specific, but unnamed file we may use as an
- example.
- Files can be machine language instructions /* binary, hexadecimal, etc
- */ or text. Amigas use ASCII /* American Standard for Computer Information
- Interchange */ key codes. These codes tell the computer what letter to "print"
- on the screen as it "reads" a text file..it's rather stupid, it only knows 1's
- and 0's. So when it reads the number "65" it will print "A", etc.
- /* Some word processors save their files in their own format and therefore
- aren 't pure ASCII /* pronounced "ass-key" or "ask e", if you prefer */.
- Files, no matter what the format, are the molecules of our world and the
- smallest unit of data we can retrieve at this level of skill.
- DIRECTORY is a user-definable area of storage. Though not
- REQUIRED for your work, just like the drawers /* which IS another term you
- might hear referring to a directory */ in a filing cabinet, they almost always
- simplify you're being able to locate and recover data. A directory can contain
- both files and sub-directories. The disk itself is a directory /* !!! */ and
- therefore the maximum size of any one directory, given the current technology is
- 880k bytes /* minus the various overhead */.
- DISKNAME is a generic wildcard used to match the name of any disk
- we might be talking about EXACTLY as it appears under the disk icon /* upper
- right-hand corner of the workbench screen, unless you've changed it's
- position */ or as it appears in the far right-hand column if you type in
- the command INFO at the prompt.
- Try that in your lower window now:
- >> INFO
- /* you'll notice that RAM: doesn't have anything in the far right column. So
- we'll just call it RAM: */
- CLI: what it is and what it isn't
- What the CLI is is the interface between you and the operating system.
- All computers have some sort of operating system (OS) that enables them to
- store data somewhere and, probably more importantly, find it again.
- That's all it is.
- No one "programs" in CLI!
- In spite of the necessity to carefully think out what you're trying to
- accomplish with any BATCHFILE and making sure that the steps are in the
- right order, you're only practicing for the moment when you spread your
- wings and start writing in assembly language, C, or Basic (or whatever!). A
- single line from any of the programming languages, typed into the CLI, will not
- generate usable results. A single line taken from a batchfile will...almost all
- of the time. Programming languages require an intermediary process to make them
- useable. C needs to be compiled, assembly needs to be assembled, basic needs
- it's interpreter. CLI commands were written in BPCL /* Basic Combined
- Programming Language, a predecessor of C */ and have already been through the
- process, as a user, you're just stringing several programs together to create
- the desired end result.
- There will be times, while gnawing at your fingernails and wondering
- why a certain batchfile doesn't react the way you think it should, when you
- really do believe you're a programmer. Just don't tell someone that makes a
- living at it.
- To continue,
- Whenever you type in a command at the ">>", an Amiga goes through,
- roughly, the following steps:
- 1. It "reads" the line you've typed in
- 2. It looks along the PATH /* not to be confused with PATHNAME!! */ to find the
- command you specified. The command is the first word in your line.
- 3. When it finds the command, it copies it to RAM: and performs
- whatever operations are required.
- 4. Upon completion, it erases the command from memory and checks
- to see if you've given it something else to do..if there's nothing, the
- prompt comes back.
- /* From here forgive me if I seem to be skipping around but there are
- a lot of interrelated points to bring up. */
- Current Directory
- The first concept to consider is "current directory". This is simply
- the directory that AmigaDOS is currently considering "home". It's sort of
- an electronic "bookmark" maintained by AmigaDOS to keep it's place and so it
- knows what it can "see" at any given time.
- This is important for several reasons.
- First, AmigaDOS looks in this directory for any command given through
- the CLI before going further along the path (ya, I remember, we're getting
- to it!).
- Secondly, some programs write the results of their labors to the
- current directory. This may or may not be where you want them and you'll
- have to plan your attack accordingly.
- And some programs require that they be able to find certain data in
- the current directory.
- Conveniently enough, the command that allows you to determine the
- current directory or change it is called "CD".
- >> CD
- /* After boot-up, should have been told "DF0:" */
- Whenever you type in "DIR", you get a listing of the current
- directory.
- >> DIR
- /* you'll get a listing of everything that's in the root directory of
- Tutor: */
- >> CD examples
- >> DIR
- First (dir) /* See what I mean? */
- text
- >> CD df0:
- Two quick items of interest here. First notice "examples" doesn't have
- any ":" or "/". Since it's in the current directory, it doesn't need them.
- Second, the CD status can be changed back to the root directory either by
- DISKNAME or by simply using the device name.
- >> CD
- Tutor: /* I'm going to begin putting in the results you should
- expect rather than keep repeating "You should have gotten..." */
- One more point, if you forget to specify the proper PATHNAME AmigaDOS
- will only look in the current directory and if it fails to find the object
- of the search there, it will give you an ERROR 205 message (object not
- found)
- "PATHNAME" refers to the name of the disk, any and all directories,
- and the FILENAME. /* the FILENAME might be tacked on the end like
- PATHNAME/FILENAME if I happen to know what we're looking for */
- For a computer to be able to find anything, you have to tell it where
- to look. It's only fair. The way your Amiga knows how to find things is
- that you tell it by means of punctuation where it has to look.
- A colon ":" is used to tell it when it's supposed to be looking for/on
- a device /* like df0:, df1:, ram:, etc) */. Directories are followed
- by a slash "/" /* it's the one on the key with the question mark
- not to be confused with the backslash "\" next to <BACK SPACE> */
- These two characters are the ones you'll need to be concerned with
- when entering commands in the CLI. All the other characters can be used in
- valid FILENAMEs, though experience might steer you away from some of them.
- Spaces <SPACE> can be used, but you'll have to enclose the lines in
- quotation marks """ and since they're way more painintheass than they're
- worth, should be avoided. The underscore "_" is a good replacement if you
- want to separate words in a name like: My_Directory/This_File.
- Upper and lower cases are ignored except when COPYing something /* COPY
- will name the destination file whatever you type in */.
- And while we're talking about typing.
- Spelling is of paramount importance!!!
- There is a world of difference between /* look at them closely */
- "df0:" and "df0"!!!
- "df0:" means a device whereas "df0" could be anything, but "DF0:",
- "dF0:", Df0:", and "df0:" all mean exactly the same thing.
- So by PATHNAME, I mean:
- device:directory/subdirectory/subdirectory/filename
- or whatever combination will get you to the file you're going after. Some
- examples of various PATHNAMEs on the workbench disk we're using:
- df0:devs/printers/generic
- df0:s/startup-sequence
- Tutor:CLI
- You can tell they all start with a device (or drive) or diskname, some
- have one or more directories in them, but ALL of them end with a single
- Now consider Tutor:.
- How many different ways are there to find out what's on that disk? Or
- how many different PATHNAMEs do we have to it?
- >> CD df0:
- >> CD
- Tutor: /* just making sure! BTW, notice that when you first typed in CD
- AmigaDOS told you "DF0:" and now even after CDing TO DF0: it tells you the
- >> DIR /* looks at the current directory */
- /* You should have gotten a listing of what's on the disk. Since a disk
- meets all the requirements of a directory, this is some times referred to
- as the "root" directory. */
- >> DIR Tutor: /* looks by DISKNAME */
- >> DIR sys: /* looks at assignment */
- >> DIR df0: /* looks in the device */
- That took a while but it proved my point. Those are all valid PATHNAMEs
- to the same place, but not all things are that easy...but you expected that.
- Now try:
- >> CD examples/first
- >> DIR
- Hi_there
- In this second instance, I might have said PATHNAME/Hi_there if YOU
- knew what the PATHNAME was.
- >> CD Tutor: /* so I don't get confused */
- BATCHFILE is a textfile that contains a series of CLI commands that
- performs some certain operation/operations. Although similar to a program,
- a BATCHFILE is stored as text that can be edited at will where programs
- are, generally, stored as hexadecimal or binary numbers.
- The startup-sequence in the Tutor:s directory is a BATCHFILE.
- Accepted Conventions
- [] square brackets indicate optional information, but can provide
- useful data to AmigaDOS as to how you want an event handled.
- | vertical bars indicates alternatives.
- On-Line Assistance
- The AmigaDOS commands are written so that if you don't remember the
- correct syntax for a command, you can type the command followed by a question
- mark "?" in at the prompt and get a usage message:
- This sounds great, but the messages are sometimes pretty cryptic. For
- example:
- >> LIST ?
- We're not going to get into this particular command right now, but we
- will have a quick look at what information can be extracted from the help
- statement.
- At the start of the line, you'll see "DIR", that means "what directory
- do you want to have LISTed. If you wanted to know about df0:s, you'd type:
- BS> LIST df0:s
- The equal sign "=" between the "P" and "PAT" is used to denote an
- abbreviation that AmigaDOS will recognize.
- The rest of the line is taken up by words followed by a slash "/" and a
- single letter. The "/letter" tells you how the preceding word is treated by
- the command.
- /S means a switch. If you use the word in the command
- line, without the "/S", that tells AmigaDOS to "turn on" that particular
- option. A "/S" option is not required for the command to work and takes no
- additional information.
- /K means a keyword. This will tell AmigaDOS that it needs
- to process the result in a certain manner, as specified by the word you use.
- A keyword MUST be followed by additional information for the command to function
- properly. For example, the keyword "TO", how could you expect the command to
- work if you didn't tell it where you wanted the information sent?
- /A means an argument. This is used to indicate
- information that will assist AmigaDOS in determining what to do. These are
- your parameters. The "/A" WORDS are usually optional and function primarily
- to make it easier for the USER, not AmigaDOS, to know what's going on,
- The information that is requested by a "/A" IS NOT OPTIONAL!!
- Even though LIST doesn't have any "/A" words, they do exist. Let's look
- at the help line from FILENOTE.
- This means that FILENOTE requires that you tell it both the file
- to want to attach the comment to and the comment you want to attach.
- BS> FILENOTE [pathname/]filename [COMMENT] your_comment_here
- I have the "[pathname/]" as an option, since if the file was in
- the current directory, it wouldn't be necessary. Otherwise, it would be!
- One last thing before we move on, in the helpful hints catagory,
- if you TYPE a file and want to be able to read it before it scrolls off the
- top of the screen, use <SPACE> to stop it. Use <BACK SPACE> to start it
- scrolling again.
- That should at least get us off on the same foot.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- /* get some popcorn time */
- If you feel like you need a little visual stimulation at this point,
- there's a little film on this disk you can watch. Here's how...
- >> CD film
- >> projector CLI.film
- /* or you can just forget it, if you've been following along so far */
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Now we'll get into the commands:
- /* Read the rest of the file BEFORE you perform the actions, if you quit
- the Reader BEFORE you read the command you'll need to type in, you'll have
- to scan through this whole file again */
- Now, all you need to do is:
- Select "Return to Main Screen" from the upper window menu /* click on READER
- somewhere to be sure it's active */
- When the screen returns to the normal color, click in the UPPER window
- and type:
- Reader CLI_tutorial.1
- at the prompt.