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- Greetings, ye of stern stuff!
- The way this file's syntax will differ from the rest is when you reach a
- line that begins with the ">>" characters, you'll type that line into the ED
- window but WITHOUT the ">>". For instance:
- >> DELETE filename
- you'll put the line
- delete filename
- in your ED window.
- Simple! So give your file a nam and start ED.
- /* If you have alot of confidence, your first line could be...
- FAILAT [a number greater than 20]
- this way, if one command fails, the batchfile will continue to execute. The
- potential disadvantage to this approach is that let's say a RENAME command fails
- for some reason, the file we wanted to move, by renaming it, out of a directory
- that we'll later delete it, will not have been moved. But the directory WILL be
- DELETEd. Solution: watch the screen while the batchfile is executing and if you
- see a situation like this happen, and an error message will still be displayed,
- make a mental note of what happened a copy the mistakenly deleted file back to
- your disk from the original, after all, that's why you keep the original. */
- Let's get rid of the Trashcan. Anything you want to delete from
- the WB can be done though the "DISCARD" option of the workbench screen's menu.
- >> DELETE trashcan#? all
- /* the "#?" will match the ".info" file also */
- We'll move to "C". You can make your own decisions as to whether or not
- I'm throwing away something you want to keep or not throwing away enough. But
- these are my suggestions.
- >> DELETE c:binddrivers
- >> DELETE c:changetaskpri
- >> DELETE c:diskchange
- >> DELETE c:diskdoctor
- >> DELETE c:edit
- >> DELETE c:protect
- >> DELETE c:setclock /* unless you have a battery operated clock */
- >> DELETE c:setdate
- >> DELETE c:version
- >> DELETE c:why
- Now, demos...
- >> DELETE demos#? all
- System. This is a little harder. Most of the things are commands WITH
- icons. Let's put the things we want where the belong. GraphicDump, Say, and
- SetMap can go on your disk of commands and they can go. I have another disk
- set up strictly for icon processing. It has enough room on it to store things
- that are created and for all the icon processing utilities, I've found. Since
- we're making room for command and not icon storage, IconEd will go. If you
- don't want to start a whole disk for icons at this point, copy it and it's
- icon to your command disk.
- If you didn't stop the startup-sequence, or didn't stop it in time, both
- the system and the utilities directories were added to the PATH. We won't be
- able to delete them unless we...
- OK, we'll move CLI from :system to the root directory...
- >> RENAME system/CLI CLI
- >> RENAME system/CLI.info CLI.info
- /* and get rid of the icons we don't need... */
- >> DELETE system/#?.info
- /* and move the commands we want to keep to C: */
- >> RENAME system/format c:Format
- >> RENAME system/diskcopy c:Diskcopy
- >> RENAME system/fastmemfirst c:FastMemFirst
- >> RENAME system/initprinter c:InitPrinter
- >> RENAME system/nofastmem c:NoFastMem
- /* and pitch the rest... */
- >> DELETE system#? all
- We'll leave the "l" directory alone.
- :devs. The keymaps are too specialized for this workbench...
- >> DELETE devs:keymaps all
- devs:printers has all sorts of printer drivers in it. NO ONE has all of
- those printers, so get rid of the ones you don't have. This is done most easily
- by going in after the rest of the transformation is completed and doing a
- DIR devs:printers OPT I
- so we'll leave it until you go back to it.
- We can also eliminate the clipboard and narrator.device...
- >> DELETE devs:clipboard#? all
- >> DELETE devs:narrator#?
- S: can remain untouched for now, so we'll move on to fonts:.
- If you've followed the logic I've used so far, you've already created a
- "fontsdisk" and copied fonts: to it. So...
- >> ASSIGN fonts:
- >> DELETE fonts all
- >> DELETE empty#? all
- the one thing in libs: we can pitch is...
- >> DELETE libs:translator.library
- :utilities. You don't need the notepad since you know how to use ED, and
- the calculator can either be put on your commands_disk or a disk for utilities.
- >> DELETE utilities#? all
- >> DELETE expansion#? all
- that pretty much leaves us with the root directory, and there's not much
- left there. clock can go to the same ultimate destination as the calculator,
- unless you think you'll have a use for it rather than use DATE.
- if you want it:
- >> RENAME clock c:clock
- >> DELETE clock.info
- OR
- >> DELETE clock#?
- that leaves preferences. if you copy it somewhere else, believe me, you
- don't need it. Preferences ALWAYS saves to a file entitled, EXACTLY,
- not df0:devs/system-configuration, not diskname:devs/system-configuration
- nowhere else.
- Since devs: is assigned to your workbench when you boot-up, you can
- insert a disk that has "preferences" on it in any drive, run it, and it will
- save to devs:. Copying it to your commands_disk will free up another 50000+
- bytes.
- >> DELETE preferences#?
- That does it. You can save it now /* <ESC> X */
- But we still need you have at the startup-sequence.
- Here's what you'll see after you type in:
- >> ED s:startup-sequence
- echo "A500/A2000 Workbench disk. Release 1.2 version 33.61*N"
- Sys:System/FastMemFirst
- BindDrivers
- Addbuffers df0: 20 ;this uses up about 10K of memory, but improves disk speed
- if EXISTS sys:system
- path sys:system add
- endif
- if EXISTS sys:utilities
- path sys:utilities add
- endif
- Dir RAM:
- Path RAM: add
- SetMap usa1
- LoadWb
- failat 30
- SetClock >NIL: Opt load
- Date
- endcli > nil:
- Now here it is again with /* comments */ on what can go:
- /* echo "A500/A2000 Workbench disk. Release 1.2 version 33.61*N"
- you know what it is */
- /* Sys:System/ */ FastMemFirst
- /* BindDrivers */
- Addbuffers df0: 20 ;this uses up about 10K of memory, but improves disk speed
- /* assess the ADDBUFFERS line for yourself. You can add another if you
- want to keep this one and you have more drives */
- /* if EXISTS sys:system
- path sys:system add
- endif
- if EXISTS sys:utilities
- path sys:utilities add
- endif none of these directories exists, so why check */
- Dir RAM:
- Path RAM: add
- /* SetMap usa1 */
- /* LoadWb */
- failat 30 /* this is so the sequence doesn't quit if it doesn't find a clock */
- SetClock >NIL: Opt load /* only if you have a battery clock */
- Date
- /* endcli > nil: */
- Here's what it should look like after the changes:
- FastMemFirst
- [Addbuffers df0: 20]
- Dir RAM:
- Path RAM: add
- [failat 30
- SetClock >NIL: Opt load]
- [Date
- Date ? /* this will ask you to type a date in */
- Date >s:now /* this will leave the date where it be found again */]
- If you want you can splice the file, you built before, that sets up
- the c: in ram:. If you do that, you won't need the line "Dir RAM:". Just put it
- in up at the top of the file.