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- Amaranth Freely Redistributable Amiga Software Collection
- Section I - Utilities: 44 disks
- A. System: 11 disks
- 1. Boot and Startup Programs: 1 disk
- Deluxe_Boot doop kickbench noclick viewboot
- atom-clock fflop kicksum patch xboot
- calendar fontpath kicktoys path
- chgkick gomf launch rb
- defdisk install maxcli safeboot
- 2. Workbench Display Manipulators: 1/2 disk
- arrange color grab lens mwb size wb
- 3. Virus Killers: 1/2 disk
- chron sentry tcell trystar vcheck vicheck virusx
- 4. Miscellany: 1 disk
- Journal Rez Cramden Utilities Clocks Text Display Utilities
- 5. Keyboard Enhancers: 2 disks
- conman mach nw screenx showkey
- dmouse mackie qmouse1.2 setkey wkeys
- 133keys PopFuncs edimap qmouse1.4 shortcut
- 6. CLI Utilities (command replacements and enhancements): 1 disk
- sk cled foreach loadit mkdir path
- runback assign cmd help ls mounted
- pause why cd echo info match
- ndir queryany xcopy
- 7. Interfaces: 1 disk
- browse diskman hermes mcmd umaster
- bsh du jobs silicon zippy
- 8. Task Utilities: 1 disk
- aps eps load piglet task
- cron kill monproc stat taskx
- 9. System Resource Utilities: 1 disk
- amon hardware mtrace prefs showopen
- cleanchip exec hide pmsn snoop usage
- dirk frag mbar remlib storage wfrags
- enough gfxmem memometer sid sweep xoper
- 10. General Resource Utilities: 1 disk
- icona iconlab set-alt-icon
- addicon iconassembler panim tools
- clicon iconed ripoff xicon
- 11. Devices, Handlers, and Libraries: 1 disk
- 5.25 assigndev auxhandler mounted prctl
- tdebug
- lowmem task
- arexx epset lp pdg print sideways
- drivers etc mrprint pr showprint type
- 12. Global Display Utilities: 1 disk
- blank dropcloth lace overscan rainbench
- tablecloth center dropshadow menutext photo
- shift vscreen
- 14. Fun Things: 1/2 disk
- CloseMe hacks jive macgag muncho squeak
- 15. RAMDisks and Support Utilities: 1/2 disk
- asdg kwik ramx vdk
- B. File: 3 disks
- 1. Compression Programs: 1/2 disk
- apack compress crunch warp
- 2. Archivers: 1 disk
- arc archa iff pak pkax sh uue zoo
- 3. File Information and Manipulation Utilities: 1 disk
- backup find hunkpad reform trim undel
- cw fixhunk info text trunc
- 6. Text Readers: 1 disk
- QView keep prevu read-print vmore
- fido less printext startle vnews
- flirp mreader r type
- C. Disk: 3 disks
- 1. Miscellany: 1 disk
- backup etc map steprate
- copy fast rdf test
- 2. Cataloguers: 1 disk
- amcat dcdemo disklister files pub
- catutil diskcat dtree ftree qcat
- 3. Repair Utilities: 1 disk
- blockbuster diskx2.1 fixdisk lr sect
- disked diskx2.2 fzap salv zap
- D. Miscellany: 1 disk
- 1. Phone Utilities: 1/2 disk
- 2. Help Utilities: 1/2 disk
- 3. Unit Conversion: 1/2 disk
- 4. Disk Labellers: 1/2 disk
- E. Organizers: 3 disks
- 1. Calendar Makers: 1/2 disk
- 2. Calculators: 1/2 disk
- 3. Data Base Managers and Spreadsheets: 2 disks
- a. Dewey
- b. Inventory
- c. Financa
- d. Clerk
- e. Stat
- f. Ledger
- g. DB
- F. Telecommunication Utilities: 5 disks
- 1. BBS Access Programs: 3 disks
- Access! Bandit Comm AmicTerm CGTerm SkyTerm
- AMNIX AZComm Scripta UW
- 2. Terminal Emulators: 2 disks
- vt10028a handshake vt100d vt100r vt100s vt640
- vlt 4010
- 3. Bulletin Board Software: 2 disks
- Citadel
- G. Resources: 1 disk
- 1. Pointers: 1/2 disk
- bird clock sphere wait yinyang
- Fish.p apptree.p ginger.p sship.p vase.p
- charchap.p hustler.p sship2.p footbll.p puppy.p
- sunglas.p
- 2. Icons: 1/2 disk
- <too many to list>
- 3. Fonts: 2 disks
- 2001 athens cherokee data graphite
- math 28-of-them atlantic clean diam
- greek pearl Amiga avant cubberly
- digi ice spring ak camp
- cupertino gem many
- Lambda RHOSemBold Saigon plymouth
- NewYork lambda
- BevHillsBig Cairo Icon LA
- BevHillsBig CLayWilson
- 4. Macintosh Fonts: 1/2 disk
- Akashi Chemistry Future Santiago
- Basel Chess Ham HebrewMath
- Scan Black_Shadow Dali Hollywood
- Star_Trek Braille Dover Icon
- Stencil Broadway Dover10 Lineal
- White_Shadow Bubbles Dover12 Long_Island
- aldous Camelot Dover_PS Premiere
- Chem_Twelve Eon Rangers
- 5. Font Utilities: 1 disk
- Mac2Amiga fonted info ren setfont show
- utils
- H. Text Editors and Word Processors: 4 disks
- avi stevie ted uedit wordwright
- ansi memacs texted uemacs MG1a
- dme hed spell uea MG2a
- I. Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling: 4 disks
- 1. Matrix Laboratory: 2 disks
- 2. Mandelbrot Set Modellers: 1 disk
- byte fxp m3 vroom
- 3. Other Mathematical Modellers: 1 disk
- chaos fft henon julia lorenz
- chaosser fracgen ifs land newton
- J. Science and Engineering: 3 disks
- 1. Star Charters: 1 disk
- galaxy orbit starchart summerstars
- gazer spacelog starplot sun
- 2. Plotters: 1 disk
- aplot contoura egraph formula gplot
- 4. Circuit Emulators: 1 disk
- 5. Miscellany: 1 disk
- foil weather camm MCad
- Section II - Audio/Video Applications
- A. Sound Programs: 3 disks
- 1. Players: 1/2 disk
- play play8 rend smusplay sound
- 2. Converters: 1/2 disk
- makesmus ms2smus
- 3. MIDI Utilities: 1/2 disk
- badger clockcalc midifiler midipatch
- 4. Sound File Information Utilities: 1/2 disk
- SoundData analyze macsound
- 5. Sound Creation Utilities: 1/2 disk
- caco makesounds musician
- 6. Analyzers: 1/2 disk
- amaster psound spectrogram audiotool
- 7. Instrument Emulators: 1/2 disk
- banjo piano
- 8. Miscellany: 1/2 disk
- B. Sounds: 6 disks
- 1. Scores: 1 disk
- a. SMUS: 1/4 disk
- b. DMCS: 1 disk (just over half)
- c. MS: 1/8 disk
- d. MIDI: 1/8 disk
- 2. Instruments: 2 disks
- a. SMUS: 2 disks
- b. DMCS: 1/4 disk
- c. IFF: 1/2 disk
- 3. IFF Samples: 2 disks
- a. animals: 1/2 disk
- b. Hitchhiker's guide: 1/2 disk
- c. Star Trek: 1/2 disk
- d. Miscellany: 1/4 disk
- 4. Standalone Songs: 1/8 disk
- a. Japan
- b. Synth
- C. Animation Utilities: 2 disks
- display lmv movie projector showanim
- live make playpfx quick silverplay
- animplayer capture fanta player
- D. Static Graphic Displays: 1 disk
- 1. IFF Viewers: 1/2 disk
- bigview gif multi sun ushow viewILBM
- disp macview show sview view viewover
- bounce showiz slideshow
- 2. GIF Viewers: 1/2 disk
- showgif giffy hamgif
- 3. Other Viewers: 1/2 disk
- multi sun macview
- E. Image Creators: 5 disks
- 1. Ray Tracers: 2 disks
- A-Render QRT
- 2. Paint/Draw Programs: 3 disks
- 3d cyc paint pick planet
- cube ham mirror peel pictools
- F. Format Converters: 1/2 disk
- anim2iff iff2icon iff2ps ngi stiff
- H. Dynamic Graphics Generators: 2 disks
- blob globe kal moire poly world
- dazzle hampoly linedraw munch sand
- etc jazz lines newdemos sizz
- boing demos grin nart robo rot
- sphere spiro trees
- I. Dynamic Graphics Generators with Sound: 1 disk
- Inertia aura barst drw ham mandala
- Section III - Pictures *
- * (each Arabic numeral in this section designates one disk)
- A. Art
- 1.
- December July June November October
- September August
- Billiard Janet Scream.Hello faces nude
- CokeX Photon.pic abpic janet.doc timeslip
- EmeraldCity Scream alien marble
- EARTH.PIC bee earth.doc rose
- 2.
- fa1.pic fa2.pic fa3.pic fa4.pic
- museum museum.dat
- BALLET1.PIC TIMETRAVLER airbrush.doc morning_girl
- BALLET2.PIC airbrush andy_w
- bloom zippy
- BigButterfly! Nest TheBigPicture
- BigSnappyDresser TheArtist ToothFaery
- Sleeper WetTShirt
- 3.
- Bather cartoon Lady.Otway marilyn
- romeo
- BugsNBull KidAmiga barsoom mtv
- CheckerSpheres CheckerSpheresIII checkerspheresIV
- CheckerSpheresII bricks wood
- ROPED.MAC marina
- 4.
- df0:dragon:
- DRAG1 DRAG2 Jullienne
- Copperstate Knight2 gorilla sst
- timecrystal DragonsBreath all_ofs lighthouse
- summer train Knight1 foxpuppy
- mountain the_fan virus-skulls
- Bathers Flesh Sleep Sleep.doc
- 5.
- AlienNatPark SelfPortrait robot scraps
- DemonUnchained Violin robotgold scraps.info
- Escape Violin.doc sachscastle seashore
- FloralWonder athena sailboat sexyrobot
- Gotcha cface saturn snowscape
- Gotcha.doc laserweapons scene waterfall2
- Heart pegausus scene1 wildcat
- 6.
- 100Fun Cornucopia Mamasan SeeMenu.txt
- coy2 100Fun.Note ETUDE5 Mickey
- WetPaint spray 100Fun.TypeME ETUDE5.doc
- MoonHenge athena vision BailOut
- Flintstones SeeMenu.pic coifbleu wonderland
- 7.
- Fish HST Horse_Trot
- B. G-Rated Pictures
- 1.
- 3D-Ent RW.doc amiapple.doc mp urmoon
- Fashion Sian dec mp.doc
- FlowChart Sian.doc eden-eye rocker
- RW amiapple iceseen rocker.doc
- 2.
- BoopNude PS2.Hi.info Skydiver.doc kling sandbox
- LIPS.PIC SgtPep Sphinx mariel uranium
- NewWorld SgtPep.doc Sphinx.doc monet
- NewWorld.doc SgtPep.info VELVET moon
- PS2.Hi Skydiver VELVET.doc moon.doc
- 3.
- BIKE1.PIC Model-T Tina chess moon.doc tiger
- Jody Snack bw-blonde gif moon.pic
- 4.
- Liesha fox swinger wet-tiger
- Paulina2 maria venice whitney
- 5.
- AMAZpic.9 Kathy1 Obnoxious.txt stardestroyer
- Gilbert Mindy mazdarx7 taxi
- Gilbert.doc Mr_Bug sabrejet taxi.info
- Jessica_Rabbit Obnoxious shuttlepatch walker.pic
- 6.
- Andy Strawberry_S enterspintab ninja900
- BluePorsche aquarium football parrot
- GoldPorsche church-lady gremnight polar
- GreenPorsche dozer.ilbm horses redporsche
- MOTH.IFF enterprise innes saucerattack
- SnowWhite enterprise.info inregards warp1presstab
- 7.
- Aimee Hoffs2 PatBenatar Plina2.pic
- SonyGirl1 Debbie Old_No7.pic Pia5
- SonyGirl.doc Teri
- 8.
- SHawks Sample2 ronbush sample.doc.info
- SHawks.doc lamp.ilbm sam sample1
- SHawks.info rocks2.100 sample.doc trekcrew.iff
- C. R-Rated Pictures
- 1.
- Carrie MissDec Patty baseball rDonna
- Cindy MissJune Tata brit redhead
- Clover MissSept Thaigirl onbeach
- 2.
- Brinkley SamFox Vanna.info onroof
- Charlotte Tracy billiards other-Tracy
- Dorothy Vanna blonde3 rarehair
- Linda Vanna.doc cowgirl weight
- 3.
- BBach CherieW.info brunbeaut sidedog
- BBach.doc MissNov.pic healthy sideslip.pic
- BBach.info Sherry huge.pic underwear
- Cathy Sherry.doc mildrear
- CherieW Sherry.info shannon
- 4.
- BGrear Janice beergirl hawaii
- sunbather.doc Brigitte Lisa bwhat
- lovely.pic yvette DonnaE.pic Mar88
- chestup lulu Feb88.pic ass
- hat
- 5.
- BarbaraE Cheryl.closeup fla sunbather
- Cheryl Danielle sam
- Florida1 Florida3 Florida4
- sam.1 sam.2 sam.3 sam.4
- sam.5 sam.6 sam.7 sam.8
- 6.
- Mindy chichita double lounging
- Missy dolly.doc junesam may88
- april88 dolly.ham latin pair
- 7.
- a_blonde four.iff ginger kristi.iff pool
- asian.iff four1.iff kath lady1.iff whisper
- betty fours.iff kelly.iff nice
- 8.
- Lingerie3.I a_nude devin2 sam4 toptan.
- Soapy ava. lee sam5 venice2
- Soapy.info devin1 monique sandi
- 9.
- CatLady Hottub Scrub-A-Dub devin3 play3.mac
- Denise India.ham Texgirl lindablair randi.
- ELLE Ruth32 cold lindablair1
- 10.
- Janine.1 leather pennyb sandi2 sweaty
- Traci11 margo rita1 sisters waterbaby
- 11.
- April Denise2 Terri.doc Wow Wow.info
- centfold nude11 Denise1 Terri Vanity2
- Wow.doc anna focal nude11a
- 12.
- Cassi Kathy2 Pia9 touch
- Jaquaci Maryam0.HAM Venus x-mas
- Kathy1 Pia3 nat
- 13.
- BlkHair Danish KathyS
- Laurie.info BlkHair.doc Danish.doc
- KathyS.doc SusanKiger BlkHair.info
- Danish.info KathyS.info bedend
- Chair Jessica KymHerrin
- tanya Chair.doc Jessica.doc
- Laurie wetnwild.pic Chair.info
- Jessica.info Laurie.doc
- 14. (not full)
- LuckyLog batgirl hoshi pool-side
- D. X-Rated Pictures
- 1.
- 2handj cumshot feast.pic lunch titjob
- 2rear dumtrio hole manyxxx.pic xDonna
- Dicklk ewbj hotsohot row4
- colorsucker facefull isitin strip
- 2.
- 2on1 fing medrear sucked triles
- clamshoe furburger snack taste yummy
- double meal stripeshirt tongue
- 3.
- DeeDee1 DeeDee3 EatThis2.info beach.info
- eat_this DeeDee2 DeeDee3.info Going_Home
- beach2 porn1 DeeDee2.info EatThis2
- beach beach2.info
- 4.
- CoEd Fur-1 Spread2 phonesex.iff
- slick DoubleDate Spread1 barbi.iff
- phonesex2.iff
- 5. (not full)
- 2head ChinaDoll2 apple bw
- ChinaDoll1 SLURP!2 buns cowgirl
- E. Clipart
- BluBrs.SCR BluWht.SCR Bricks.SCR Gold.PRTS Palms.SCR docs
- BluGry.SCR Blue.PRTS Extra.PRTS Hearts.SCR PurGry.SCR
- business.pic
- amiga.pic circles fall food misc 2 toys
- xmas 2 celebrate critters flowers misc sports
- xmas
- F. Nagel
- Nagel-Duran nagel11.pic no.2 readme
- PN25 nagel13.pic no.3 readme.n11
- PacificGrove nagel18.pic no.4 readme.n13
- PacificGrove.doc nagel1a.pic no.4a readme.n18
- kristen.pic no.1 no.5
- mirage no.127 no.6
- Section IV - Movies *
- * (each Arabic numeral in this section designates one disk)
- A. G-Rated
- 1. (not full)
- Dragon Drive Flyby
- 2.
- Floyd Jaws Outof
- 3.
- Brick Ghost Take
- 4.
- Boing Bthrow Jet Kahn
- 5. (not full)
- 7J7 Dino
- 6.
- SuperVisors cat helm
- 7.
- Aug Jessica Telstar Weee
- 8. (not full)
- car.anim
- 9.
- gnosis half mars
- 10.
- <not available>
- 11.
- NotAgain BatCave Stamp
- 12.
- Faug Frog Marble Planet Ring Satellites
- Sneeze Trek
- 13.
- 14.
- <not available>
- 15.
- Stairs Chine Waterfall
- 16.
- Gates Juggler
- 17.
- Moebius
- B. X-Rated
- 1.
- Bord Hump 3d-Beauty
- 2.
- Washme
- Section V - Demos *
- * (each of these resides on its own disk)
- Caligari
- Clight
- Cygnus
- Director
- Section VI - Games *
- * (each Arabic numeral in this section designates one disk)
- A. Miscellany: 1 disk
- Billiards "Emulators" maze puzzle thai trektrivia
- B. Computer-Specific Games
- 1.
- Life
- adv daleks eliza ogre row tron wheel
- 2.
- blackbox conquest crobots headlines trucker
- car core expander robots yaboing2
- C. Card Games: 1 disk
- hearts hockey king patience spite stud
- D. Arcade Games
- 1.
- ablaster burger egypt mazman money stone worm
- amoeba cat flight missile spaceace wanderer
- 2.
- <not available>
- 3.
- orbit superbrick triclops tumble
- stroids tetris trix
- E. Board Games
- 1.
- Yahtzee chess diplomacy risti tiles
- battleship clue othello sorry ttt
- 2.
- bullrun chinese checkers
- 3. (not full)
- mastermind
- G. Whole-Disk Games
- 1. Hack
- 2. Pacman
- 3. Addison Basic Games
- 4. Tarot
- 5. Moria
- 6. BattleMech
- 7. Larn
- Section VII - Text
- A. System Information: 1 disk
- B. Lists: 1/2 disk
- C. Fortunes: 1/8 disk
- D. Calendar Events: 1/8 disk
- E. Artificial Intelligence: 1/8 disk
- F. Riddles: 1/16 disk
- G. Sex Discussion and Information: 1 disk (just over half)
- H. PC Pursuit Discussion and Information: 1/2 disk
- I. Poetry: 1.5K (a freebie)
- J. Game Information: 1/4 disk
- K. Miscellany: 1/2 disk
- L. Humor: 1 disk
- M. Discussion and Information about Kate Bush: 1 disk
- N. On-Line Magazines (incomplete collections): 1 disk
- 1. Tuna: 1/8 disk
- 2. AmyToday: 1/2 disk
- 3. AmyRep: 1/2 disk
- 4. Info-Mat: 1/4 disk
- Section VIII - Computer Languages: 3 disks
- A. Forth
- 1. Forth-83: 1/2 disk
- 2. Forth-68k: 1/2 disk
- 3. MVP-Forth: 1/2 disk
- B. Scheme: 1/4 disk
- C. VTProlog: 1/8 disk
- D. XLisp: 1 disk (just over half)
- E. PostCard: 1/8 disk
- F. HOC: 1/8 disk
- Section IX - Text Processing Utilities: 1 disk
- A. PERL: 1/2 disk
- B. NRO: 1/4 disk
- C. Bawk: 1/4 disk
- D. PostScript Interpreter (screen only): 1/4 disk
- E. lwf (laser-printer postscript utility): 1/4 disk
- Section X - C/Assembly Development Software: 7 disks
- A. Compilers
- 1. PDC: 2 disks
- 2. cc68k: 1/4 disk
- B. Assemblers and Assembly Preprocessors: 1/4 disk
- 1. Asm68K
- 2. App
- 3. EQU
- C. Linkers: Blink: 1/8 disk
- D. Make: 1/4 disk
- 1. Dillon
- 2. Walton
- 3. hp
- 4. PDMake
- 5. Tmake
- E. Cross-Assemblers: 1/2 disk
- 1. Dasm multi-processor
- 2. 6502
- F. Disassemblers: 1/2 disk
- 1. Cmon
- 2. Dis
- 3. Resource
- 4. Convert
- G. Debuggers: 1 disk
- 1. DBug
- 2. DDT
- 3. DeBug
- 4. LCDemo
- H. Shells: 1/2 disk
- 1. Dillon 211
- 2. Dillon 301a
- I. Libraries: 1/4 disk
- 1. CBack
- 2. IFF
- 3. Lattice-Startup
- 4. Regex
- 5. Small (asm)
- 6. supp-32 (Dillon)
- J. Miscellany: 1 disk
- 1. CB
- 2. Cdecl
- 3. deemu
- 4. Syntax Checkers
- a. lint
- b. check
- 5. Benchmarks
- 6. Increv
- 7. Cross-Reference Generators
- a. xrf
- b. libref
- K. Code Examples *
- * (each Arabic numeral in this section designates one disk)
- 1.
- a. disp
- b. sys
- c. speech
- d. print
- e. programmer's suite (r. j. mical)
- 2.
- a. utils
- b. obfuscated C code contest winners
- c. wicon
- d. partask
- e. filereq
- f. pix
- g. click
- h. xyz-modem protocol code
- i. sort
- j. mods
- k. setprefs
- l. etc
- 3.
- a. BCPL bindings
- b. ug
- c. dual-playfield
- d. sprite
- e. bplus
- f. frags
- g. tmpras
- h. sb
- i. Heath-Requestors
- j. window
- k. raw-io
- l. mxgads
- m. parse
- n. bcpl
- o. popup
- 4.
- a. halfbrite
- b. dlib (Dillon)
- c. dres (Dillon)
- d. biorhythms
- e. exception processing
- f. pipe
- g. cpu
- h. etc
- 5. (not full)
- a. gimme library routines
- b. lightweight processes
- c. nul: device
- Section XI - Miscellaneous Applications: 1 disk
- A. Deprotection: 1/2 disk
- 1. Bard's Tale
- 2. Digipaint
- 3. Crystal Hammer
- 4. Defender
- 5. Interceptor
- 6. Marauder
- 7. Obliterator
- 8. Rocket Ranger
- 9. Starglider
- B. Gantt Charter: 1/4 disk
- C. Luscher Color Test: 1/4 disk
- D. Morse Code Workshop: 20k--a freebie
- E. Obvious Password Detector: 30k--a freebie
- F. Weaver-Loom Emulator: 1/4 disk
- Order from:
- Daniel Elbaum
- 4816 SE Bybee Blvd.
- Portland, OR
- 97206-8316