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- And now, guess what?! It's time for some more of that neat CLI stuff!!
- Oh please Mr. BenchMaster, can we have Assign first??
- Sorry kids, like desert, you'll have to finish your plates before we get
- to the good stuff, and that means every last byte!
- Okay, I'm just going to skip through the c directory; most of the commands
- just kind of do one thing so don't need much additional comment.
- AddBuffers-keep it until you get FaccII
- Assign-sorry, next chapter
- Break-Will stop some tasks that otherwise don't have an off command.
- SetBeep is the only one that comes to mind.
- CD-sorry, next chapter too
- Copy-makes a copy of a file where you specify, with a different name if you
- so further specify. Use "all" to copy all directories and files.
- Date-shows or sets date
- Delete-deletes specified file unless "all" is used, then deletes specified
- directory and all files/subdirectories within.
- Dir-shows specified directory's contents. Dir opt a for total Dir
- DiskDoctor-for recovering deleted files or files from a damaged disk
- Echo-for printing out text in a CLI window
- Ed-the script editor, also called a line editor
- Else, If, EndIf-next chapter
- EndCLI-closes CLI window; doesn't close if you've Run certain programs still
- in operation, Runback might/will fix this.
- Execute-a "Run" for scriptfiles, if I may be so bold.
- FailAt-We're keeping it around as a sentimental reminder of how our our
- startup-sequence USED to look.
- Fault-translates error message number into semi-English
- Info-already covered. You can get a better one off the BBS's
- Install-to make a formatted disk bootable
- List-lists bytes in dir, to be replaced with DL, which will go into
- directories in depth, giving you the full byteage.
- LoadWB-loads up the Workbench screen
- MakeDir-makes a new directory, but not the icon for it. For the .info file
- you have to copy over (and rename) another drawer icon, or make up
- a new one in IconEd.
- NewCLI-it differs from the CLI command that was in the System drawer in only
- one way, but you can play with them. Both can have their window size
- changed with NewZap.
- Path-ditto next chapter, and throughout.
- Prompt-changes the ">" sign for your CLI. But why?
- Quit-will stop some programs from running
- Rename-renames files as well as moves them. Learn this guy as well as Copy.
- Run-for tools/programs
- SetClock-for setting the internal and/or system clocks
- Stack-you won't need this until you get into animations but I left it in,
- just in case some graphics hack you've downloaded wants it. If so,
- there'll be numbers in the STACK box in the Info window.
- Status-gives you general status of CLI tasks. Like Info, there are better
- ones around but I find this one adequate.
- Type-goes into the dumper as soon as you get Less.
- Version-left in just in case somebody/something wants it.
- Wait-holds up CLI process for requested number of secs/mins
- Why-like Fault, gives you feedback on error. Use right after boo-boo.
- Okay, that's it for these clowns.
- *
- Well, I fibbed. This is the next chapter and we're NOT going to go
- over those other commands just yet. Aw-w, gee Uncle BenchMaster, c'mon,
- just one little Assign, pretty-please???
- Well, okay. Geez, I'm such a sucker for you brats. Now, remember when I
- said we'd wipe out the fonts dir, get all the space back and still have
- access to the fonts? Here's how: We'll make a fresh fonts dir on a blank
- disk and Assign fonts over to that disk, so when Notepad or whatever goes
- looking for fonts, there they'll be. Put a freshly formatted disk in df1
- and rename it FontDisk. Type "MakeDir df1:fonts", and you should have a
- fonts dir on FontDisk. If you still have all the fonts in your Workbench
- directory, type "Copy fonts df1:fonts all". If you've already blasted them,
- boot up your Workbench 1.2 and copy them over. Now to run Notepad with
- df1's fonts, somewhere before you start up Notepad you need to Assign the
- fonts over to df1, which you can do a number of ways.
- - You can just put "Assign fonts: df1:fonts" in your st-seq but then
- FontDisk always has to be in df1 when you're booting up or it's no-go.
- - A variation on the above would be to put a
- If exists df1:fonts
- Assign fonts: df1:fonts
- endif
- in the st-seq so it can see if df1:fonts is there or not. One hitch
- with this is that unless FontDisk is in df1 during boot-up you'll STILL
- have to Assign them over before using the Notepad. Also, you could have
- some ol' game disk with a font dir on it in df1 by mixtake and things would
- really get mixed up.
- - You could, of course, just type "Assign fonts: df1:fonts" in a CLI
- before using the Notepad every time. Personally, I can't even imagine it.
- - You could write a script file saying nothing but "Assign fonts: df1:
- fonts", call it, say, "fo" (for fonts), and go "f fo" before firing up the
- Notepad. But then, of course, you still have to remember to do it.
- - You could use Xicon and run that same script file from an icon,
- located, say, right next to the Notepad icon and that would do it for you.
- - Or, of course, you could do it the right way. I've given you enough
- clues in these pages to let you piece it together for yourself. Remember
- what I said about a program running from a script file: Unless it's Run it
- stops the file from continuing. That's the deal.
- *
- A few mentions on the new programs you've downloaded/are downloading..
- The basic gang:
- Conman - Only makes the CLI about 2000% times easier to use. Use -q -t in
- your st-seq.
- Lace - It still has a few bugs. The perfect Lace would remember where the
- window were.
- Less - Allows you to Ed with "v", use "g" and "G" for top & bottom of page.
- This is the only program I can think of that uses "hot keys", meaning
- you don't have to hit the Return. Rename it as Type.
- Less - Rename this as Type.
- PrefCh - Can also be used for different printer set-ups, of course.
- Mackie - Must be RunBack'd in st-seq.
- Runback - Always use instead of Run in a scriptfile, like st-seq.
- Select - If DU-VI doesn't get Best Program, I nominate this guy. It can be
- used in a lot of great ways.
- Xicon201 - No real difference between this and older version (except size).
- Others:
- DL - Rename it List2, use List for JUST a directory, List2 -R -s (dir) for
- in-depth look. Has to be capital "R".
- Blitzfonts - not necessary, just one of those programs where once you get
- used to it you notice it immediately when it's gone. Use
- Runback in st-seq.
- Zoomlens - can actually be handy for inspecting icons to see how to get
- green, purple and brown from the stock four colors. Interesting!
- SetBeep - This does have a few bugs. Get a newer or different one when you
- can. Use Runback in st-seq.
- *
- Let's go over CD for a sec just to make sure you're familiar with it. If
- there's any command on the disk that's "ours", CD is it. Basically, it means
- you, meaning your fingers, meaning the keyboard, meaning where the
- commands being typed on the screen are coming from. You can CD to any
- device and into any directory. Type "CD Ram:" and you're in Ram. How do
- you know? Type "CD" and it'll tell ya. If you type "Dir" then you'll be
- shown what's in "your" directory and/or device. Type "CD df0:System",
- then type "Dir". Dir will show you what's in the directory you've CD'd to.
- You don't have to CD to a directory to find out what's in it, of course.
- Type "CD df0:", then type "CD" and it should spit the Bench's name back at
- you. Type "Dir" and there's the stuff on the "surface" of the disk. Then
- type "Dir System" and there's the System stuff. You already know this?
- Great, no problem.
- CD can save us a bunch of keystrokes if we're writing a script file and
- have to copy or rename or whatever a bunch of files buried deep in some
- directory. Let's say we've got a disk with nothing but IFF pictures on
- it, a whole bunch of them, all in separate directories. We want to write a
- file that when we Execute it it will copy just certain pics to Ram. So first
- we "Ed s/pics1", which will create a new script file called "pics1" located
- in the directory s. The pics we want to copy to Ram are in a directory, on
- df1, called Modern, inside a directory called Art, inside a directory called
- Pics, inside a directory called Graphics. Since this is already confusing
- enough, we'll just call the pics 1,2,3,4 and 5. Using Ed, we'd write
- copy df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern/1 Ram:
- copy df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern/2 Ram:
- copy df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern/3 Ram:
- copy df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern/4 Ram:
- copy df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern/5 Ram:
- Whew! With the CD command, we can do this:
- cd df1:Graphics/Pics/Art/Modern
- copy 1 Ram:
- copy 2 Ram:
- copy 3 Ram:
- copy 4 Ram:
- copy 5 Ram:
- See that? It put us into the Modern dir and then when we said to Copy
- (or Rename or whatever) a file, the computer knew just where to find it, as
- it was right there "alongside".
- As you've noticed, I've been playing pretty fast and loose with the words
- "directory" and "drawer", and not by accident. You might as well get used
- to them meaning (approximately) the same thing, kind of like that program/
- tool/utility business. I'm tending to just use them as the occasion fits;
- you put things into drawers but you dir a directory, assuming that makes
- sense.
- If you haven't downloaded Conman yet, you're really missing the boat. I
- guarantee it'll be one of your best buddies forever. I give it my highest
- praise: It should have been included with the original software. I'd even
- settle for that tool dir on the Extras/Basic disk. Which, yes, we'll get to
- eventually. Don't hold your breath, there's not much on it for the likes of
- us.
- *
- Figured out that deal with Notepad and the fonts yet?
- *
- There are two great keyboard commands that as far as I know aren't
- documented anywhere, probably a 1.2 upgrade. I read about them in a
- letter to AmigaWorld..what can I say? They're Commodore-N and Commodore-M.
- They flip you back and forth between screens, two much-used commands. If a
- program, like gShow, mentions "toggle", that's what it means.
- *
- You're probably getting a handle on Path, that elusive rascal. Path shows
- the computer where directories are so it can find tools when you command it
- to. One thing you have to remember about Path is that it only leads to the
- one you name, even if it has to go through a couple of directories to do it.
- The directories it goes through to get to yours are not in the path until
- specifically named. I'm not sure if this makes sense or not; I haven't been
- in a situation where I wanted to make sure something DIDN'T have a path for
- it or to it. Now that I've said that I'm sure one will arise. Just Path
- everything that has a tool in it during the st-seq and be done with it.
- *
- Okay...NOW we'll do Assign. Nothing to it, really. Simply Assign any
- directory to what and where you want and that's it.
- *
- Now I'd like to say a few words about the program Xicon. It's one of the
- more integral programs on your download list, meaning that it touches a lot
- of areas of the computer. I'm not going to call it a subroutine, though,
- as it only works when called upon, like any tool, whereas Mackie and
- FaccII and the like are "always" running in the background, and that's
- easily proved by quitting the programs and watching the memory they were
- using come back. Some subroutines, like Conman and Newfont, don't have off
- switches, so once they're run the memory's gone. That, again, is where
- Select comes into play, which we'll get to by and by. What's that? You
- thought the section on Assign was kind of skimpy? Are you sure?? Look,
- I'll make you a deal: YOU solve the Notepad/fonts puzzle and I'll give you
- another whole paragraph on Assign..fair enough? Now put this down and get
- busy, gol'dang it!
- *
- Generally, the proper proceedure for using Xicon is this: (I elaborate on
- this program because the doc is kinda hefty)
- Let's say we want to run a program, any program, say, Notepad for
- instance. The only hitch is that on the Bench we've only got some lonesome
- ol' Topaz 11 kickin' around the fonts drawer, all the good stuff's on
- FontDisk. We haul out Ed and write up a script file for Xicon to run. We
- type "Ed Utilities/Notepad!", note that the exclamation mark differs it from
- the program "Notepad". You can use any name, "Note.Pad" for all I care,
- just so long as it's not the actual program's name. So our script file
- looks like this:
- Assign fonts: df1:fonts
- CD df0:Utilities
- Notepad
- Assign fonts: df0:fonts
- First we assigned the fonts directory over to the one on df1, so when
- Notepad went looking for fonts, it was re-directed to the fonts dir on df1.
- Then we ran the Notepad program, but we didn't Run it, that's the deal. If
- we'd Run it the script file would have continued, the fonts dir would have
- been reassigned to df0 and Notepad wouldn't have found them. This way they
- stay on df1 until the Notepad program is ended, allowing the script file to
- continue. This is an elemental part of the whole Amiga scheme so make sure
- you understand it. Did I call it a "puzzle"? Excuse me.
- So you've got your file written, Esc-X, Return to save it. By the way, I
- CD'd into the Utilities directory before running the Notepad because Xicon
- likes you to CD into the directory. It wasn't essential; you'll use Xicon a
- lot and discover its workings. The next step is to change the Notepad
- icon from a tool to a project, as Xicon need a project icon to run from. If
- you don't have IconType or IconLab yet (where have you BEEN?), haul out good
- ol' IconEd, load up a project icon and the Notepad icon and do the switch.
- Save it as "df0:Utilities/Notepad!" (the .info is added automatically) to
- match our (!) scriptfile.
- Close IconEd, open the Utilities drawer and there our icon should be.
- Double-click it just to watch the error message and make a fool of yourself,
- then activate the icon and pull down the Info menu. Activate the Default
- Tool box with the mouse then type in "df0:c/Xicon", hit Return, then SAVE
- the Info. Ready for the big moment? Double-click the icon, things should
- scratch around for a while then up Notepad should pop. Check the fonts to
- make sure they're loaded. Quit the program, the fonts should re-assign
- themselves to df0, and that's that. The box Xicon popped up is VERY valuable
- when getting a scriptfile running as that's your feedback window, which,
- hopefully, will tell you if something's screwing up. Like if you didn't have
- FontDisk in df1 and the Assign failed, it'll tell you. After the program's
- running smooth, re-open the Info window for the icon, click the ADD box and
- enter in the Tool Types box: MODE=nowindow That'll keep the window from
- opening. It also one of the few times capitals count; any command in the
- Tool Types box is ALWAYS capitalized, far as I know. If you have the older
- version of Xicon you'll type MODE=closewindow.
- An improvement in the scriptfile would be to say
- Assign fonts: FontDisk:fonts
- to make sure the Assign seeks out the disk by name, in which case you'll get
- a requester if Fontdisk isn't in df1.
- Xicon, remember, is only for running scriptfiles from the Workbench. You
- could always rename that Notepad! script to "n", put it in the s dir, and as
- fast as your fingers could type "f n", you'd be on your way. Given how
- small, byte-wise, a script file is, you could have both. Yes, but I hear
- you say, as long as you have to open Utilities to get to the CLI icon, why
- not just punch Notepad! as long as you're there? Well, that, my friend,
- is because you don't have a handy little CLI window or two pop open down at
- the bottom of your Bench during boot-up for just such an occasion. But you
- will, you will...
- *
- A few words on If, EndIf and Else. Unless you want to get cute and start
- using all the sub-commands that go along with these three, things are pretty
- straightforward. Take a glance in one of the DOS books if you forget the
- correct format. Basically, it just checks to see if a file or directory (or
- device, I suppose) is there, and then does something or not. The something
- it does can be a whole string of commands or nothing. Ditto if the file
- isn't there. The reason that mess is in the startup-sequence is just
- in case some fool renames either the System or Utilities directories, in
- which case the Path command would fail. That's not so bad; the scriptfile
- (in this case the st-seq) would continue to execute. In a case like Assign,
- however, it would grind to a halt..so the commands CAN be important.
- *