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- Let's take a quick peek at the Extras/Basic disk to see if there's
- anything there we want. Nope. Oh well!
- Well okay, a few things. Try out Keytoy just for giggles; it'll show
- you your Alternate keyboard characters. Fed is a font editor, and you'll
- want to play around with it some day. You'll also want to punch up the
- PM but you may not understand it much. More, the cousin of Less, is on
- there, but use Less. MicroEmacs is a big brother to Ed, but we aren't
- within years of needing an editor so powerful. The Basic demos are kind of
- cute but unless you get into it, you won't be spending much time with Basic.
- You might want to have a BasicBench, which would be BlankBench with the
- AmigaBasic program on it. About the only time I see it needed is for the
- occasional downloaded game. Don't get me wrong, there are some fabulous
- Basic programs out there. FPMapEd, a Firepower map editor written in Basic,
- is one of the finest downloads I've seen.
- That FPMapEd is, by the way, the program I mentioned before that ran much
- faster with NoFastMem run first. Maybe it has something to do with it being
- a Basic program. These are matters beyond our ken, no doubt.
- *
- Maybe it's time to spend a few minutes with that faithful friend, Ed.
- Common commands: (all Esc commands)
- T - top of file
- B - bottom of file
- BS - Block start
- BE - Block end
- IB - Insert block
- DB - delete block
- CS - move cursor to start of line
- CE - move cursor to end of line
- WB - write block to new file
- IF - inserts a different file into this file
- D - delete line
- Q - quit Ed without saving
- X - save file
- SA - save without exiting ("freshen up" the file)
- Learn these and that's most of Ed. The WB and IF ones need EXACT format
- like so: (Esc) WB"df0:s/xx (Return) That will write the block
- you've selected (with BS and BE) to df0's s directory and name it
- "xx". The quote mark and no space are critical. The only thing limiting
- about WB is that once you have a block marked, you can't do anything with
- the cursor except move it up and down..anything else cancels the block. If
- you want to MOVE the block, make sure you Delete Block right after you've
- Inserted Block. You can also scroll the text using Ctl-U and Ctl-D.
- IF uses the same formula: (Esc) IF"dh0/s/xxx" to insert an already-
- written file into the line the cursor is on.
- And yes, that's the first quote mark we've used, I believe. The other
- instance is when we want to copy or rename or whatever a file that has
- spaces in the name, like, say, Workbench (space) 1.2
- Assign "Workbench 1.2:" df1:DirtyBench
- I presume you've bought/are buying the Bantam AmigaDos manual, and I'd
- also recommend Compute!'s AmigaDos Reference Guide. Read them just like you
- did the Amiga manual; understanding each time you read it about 20 to 40
- per cent of what you haven't understood so far. Did I get that about right?
- The books cover things like the usage of quotation marks quite well. Now if
- only they'd tell me when I'm supposed to use SlowMemLast!
- *
- What's that? What's that you say?? You HAVE a modem, printer, extra
- drive, joysticks, plexi table, disk rack, oodles of disks and BOTH DOS
- books?? Well then, it's plainly time to go...software shopping!!
- Okay, you bought Online! You screwed around with that dumb PD modem
- program your buddy gave you and wondered just WHY they couldn't do just a
- FEW simple things right..so you finally went ahead and spent real money.
- You bought Deluxe PaintII because you need it as a primary, basic tool for
- any future graphics work. And you DID, after all, buy a graphics computer.
- You bought FaccII and are, let's face it, thrilled. You had a certain
- bittersweet feeling as you bid that last goodby to faithful old AddBuffers
- as it was borne away to far-off Bytelandia.
- You looked at Sculpt 3-d and said we-e-e-e-ll, maybe you'd better wait, and
- that was the correct decision.
- You broke down and bought ProWrite because you were trying to write a
- letter to your grandmother with Ed and it was just driving you CRAZY because
- it doesn't have Word-Wrap. Sure, it wraps around the first time you type
- the sentence, but just try adding a few words here or there once it's
- written. If you don't know what I'm talking about yet because you haven't
- tried using Ed to write a letter, you have a terrible shock awaiting
- you. I haven't the heart to say any more. And I'm, if you can believe it,
- writing THIS whole crazy thing in Ed! Obviously the thing to do would be to
- write it with ProWrite and then convert it to text, but NO-O-O-O, no one's
- written a program to do that (yet, I hope). And yes, ProWrite does have a
- feature that saves in text format, but it doesn't work correctly. Just
- one of those many fun computerland quirks. I know a guy who has a 500 and
- can't get his snazy Toshiba printer to run right because no one's written a
- driver for it! "Why doesn't somebody write a program that will..." will be
- a question you will ask more than once.
- So, you got all these neat programs, just like nice Mr. BenchMaster told
- you to do, but what about GAMES?? When do we get to do some of the dumb,
- mindless FUN stuff?!?! "Mindless", did I say? Ha ha ha. Anyway, the
- answer to your question is, right now:
- An "arcade" game is one you can play again and again. An "adventure" is
- one you just play through once. No, it's not a waste of money. I figure I
- probably put 50 hours into FaeryTale, exploring every nook and cranny, just
- generally kicking ass, and if the game cost me about $35, that's a pretty
- good buy for top-notch entertainment.
- Top Shelf:
- Silent Service - puts you in WW2 submarine. Nothing's topped it yet.
- FaeryTale - A great adventure, have fun and enjoy.
- Starglider - You won't be able to look at another space game after getting
- used to this one. You'll wonder why they even bother.
- Dark Castle - This is still my favorite arcade game..always something new
- to explore, something crazy to try. It'll give you a
- brand-new appreciation for keyboard sensitivity, promise.
- If you're really good, say your prayers at night, help
- old ladies across the street, spend countless hours at your
- Amiga and do everything in this tutorial, I'll tell you
- where the unknown, hidden Secret Passageway is...
- Firepower - still the quintessential tank game. Extra fun because you
- can make new maps or edit the originals with FPMapEd. If you
- don't get the one with my added doc look for FPMapEd2.arc.
- Barbarian - A fun arcade game, like Dark Castle, kind of unique.
- Chessmaster - Okay, so I've got a serious side.
- Medium:
- All text adventures, like the Infocoms. They're fun, but this is, after
- all, a graphics computer for Hebben's Sakes!
- Defender of the Crown - a kid's game but some of the best graphics around.
- Uninvited - Another unique adventure, haven't gone too far in it.
- Flight Simulator - Everything is so Real Time it'll drive you crazy.
- Don't bother with:
- Galactic Invasion
- Adventure Construction Kit
- Alien Fires
- Golden Path
- Destroyer
- Anything else not on these lists unless it comes recommended.
- Those are my suggestions. Get that money spent and quit bothering me!
- *
- If you've been using the Interlace mode since (or before) I mentioned it,
- then you might have come to the question: Just what do I use the NON-Inter-
- lace mode for?? Well, not much. Icon editing for one. We want to use the
- IconEd, but everything's smaller in the Interlace mode. No prob. We
- presume you've got the Interlace toggle switch Lace in the c directory, as
- well as SetPrefs and SavePrefs, from the program PrefCh? You can see them
- there, right next to Conman, Mackie and Select. Anyway, you have a certain
- Workbench color scheme for the Interlace mode that you've saved with Save-
- Prefs, calling it, say, Inlace. You have another, brighter one for the non-
- Interlace mode, call it Nolace.
- So you do the Xicon thing: First you write a script file:
- Lace ;switches screen to non-Interlace mode
- SetPrefs nolace ;turns on non-interlace colors
- Utilities/IconEd ;loads IconEd. Script file freezes here until
- IconEd is quit (no Run used)
- SetPrefs inlace ;turns on Interlace colors
- Lace ;toggles back to Interlace
- You can't call the file "IconEd", as you know, so let's call it "IconEd!"
- for now. After you get the hang of Xicon, you can try renaming the
- actual program something like "IconEd-" (in my own system, the minus sign
- means that it's part of an Xicon file) and name the script file the correct
- name, but for now let's keep things straight. A few programs, including,
- amazingly enough, IconEd, won't run correctly with the name changed. The
- best practice is to just call the scriptfile something else until you're
- sure the file's executing okay. Then do JUST the renaming business and see
- if it still works. It takes a little longer, but making just one or two
- changes at a time keeps things at least within the realm of potentially
- understanding what went wrong.
- The next step is to change the icon over from a tool type to a project
- type, with IconEd (Doctor, heal thyself?) or IconType. I know, I know, you
- still don't have IconType because, well, you needed groceries, and then you
- had to make a phone call, and then you probably needed to do something else,
- and, well, just forget it. The new project icon is named after the script
- file, so it's "IconEd!.info". Put "df0:c/Xicon" in the Default Tool box of
- the Info window and that should do it. Leave the old icon in the drawer as
- IconEd looks for it to plaster all over the little editing windows. It'll
- run without it but gives you an error message. That's why it doesn't like to
- be renamed. Online! is kinda picky too.
- You might also want to have a special editing pointer for IconEd, so you'd
- SavePrefs a special setting just for IconEd, and use that instead of nolace
- in the script file. You might want different pointers and/or colors for
- lots of different programs..live it up, they're a whole 232 bytes apiece.
- And actually (NOW I tell you..), IconType doesn't work all that well, so to
- heck with it. Get the Hermes IconLab1.2 as your main tool to change the type
- of an icon. Treat the disk icons, the "disk.info", like any other. Also,
- you'll want the IconLab to view any downloaded disk icons you have, as disk
- icons can't be viewed inside a window. For archive future and viewing
- purposes change them to tool or project icons.
- Have you picked up DU-VI yet? You can see why I call it a CLI-Buster..
- what a great tool. I've downloaded about six DU's and this is definitely
- the best.
- Cunningham's also the one who did gShow, the fine Show (for graphic pics)
- command. gShow lets you activate the color cycling by hitting the TAB key,
- SView shows the pic cycling by default, which is why I had you pick them
- both up. Just a couple of tools for ol' GraphBench. I keep gShow in my
- Workbench's c directory as a rule. If you don't know what color cycling is,
- well, you've just got a whole BUNCH of fun stuff to find out about, don't
- you? It's basically a function of DPaint and is great stuff.
- Anyway, DU-VI is certainly the most valuable tool you've added to your
- bench yet; indeed, it may be the most valuable ever. An excellent program.
- It works so well and the documentation is so clear that I really can't think
- of a single thing to add. No, not one. Nope.
- Well, uh, maybe one teensy-eensy little thing. Hate to even bring it up,
- really. He, uh, well, he mispelled a word is what he did. Hit Free to see
- how many bytes are free on this device, and you get "dievice". If you
- don't then you've got one of my corrected versions. Did you get NewZap? I
- hope you've got version 3.1; he messd around with it in the latest version
- and screwed up the color arrangements. It was hard enough to read before,
- the latest version is even harder. If you have version 3.1, open Prefs and
- set the colors to:
- #1 - 6 #2 - 0 #3 - 11 #4 - 6
- 6 0 11 0
- 6 0 11 0
- then hit USE and then "SavePrefs zap" to save this Pref setting. Then type
- "SetPrefs inlace" to get your Interlace colors back. I really like the
- program, it's just that getting the colors right so that things are clear in
- the Search mode as well as the hex is a bitch; you are certainly welcome to
- put NewZap on the bottom of the screen and Prefs at the top and experiment
- for yourself.
- We "Ed s/z" (z for zap, right?) and our scriptfile would read:
- SetPrefs zap ;sets to special NewZap color scheme
- Lace ;needs all the help it can get
- Utilities/NewZap ;loads NewZap (no Run)
- SetPrefs inlace ;resets Interlace colors
- Lace ;resets to Interlace mode
- Run that puppy, activate the Filespec box and type in "Utilities/DU-VI" or
- whatever directory it's in (if in a directory at all) and hit Return. The
- garbage that appears is DU-VI. Pull down the Search menu, activate the box
- and type in "die" or "dievice", hit Return and NewZap will search the
- program for those characters. When you see it, click on the "D" with the
- mouse and type in over the old letters "device" then a space for the extra
- letter. Hit Save, click NewZap's close gadget and get the hey out
- of there. Presto, one repaired Directory Utility. If this gets you
- excited, please be. NewZap certainly gave ME plenty to do, heh heh heh...
- For starters, of course, you can change a line like "Searching for
- selected files" to something a little clearer, like "Hold on a sec, will ya?"
- You can zap games and have characters or the computer swear at you, just all
- kinds of great possibilities. I had a gas with Defender of the Crown.
- Of course, you can also do serious things with a file zapper. I almost
- hate to bother you with it. A good example would be our new buddy
- Select. It normally says something like "Please select a boot sequence",
- but if we were, say, running a graphics program by a script file and at some
- point we wanted a chance to choose from which directory we wanted the pics
- loaded, we could make a copy of Select renamed as Select2, zap it with
- NewZap and change the "boot sequence" to "pic directory" or something.
- Continuing: You then put "Select2 (filename) (filename)" in the script
- file and when it gets to that point it runs the Select2 and then seeks the
- s directory for whatever file you've chosen. If you have a lot of files
- and don't want to clutter up your s directory, you can use the Assign
- command in the script file before the Select2 and "Assign s: df0:(dir)/(dir)"
- and this way Select2 will search that dir instead. At the end of the script-
- file you'd have an "Assign s: df0:s" so that all systems return to normal.
- I can promise you: At times Assign is going to save your butt.
- *