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- /* November 6th, 1988 */
- /* I took the MachMouse source code and cut it down to just the parts */
- /* which were needed for the pointer manipulation, So this source is */
- /* actually already in the PD. Anyway, I just thought I'd include it */
- /* WITH THEIR PROGRAM. drives me nuts. This is totally PD, ofcourse. */
- /* Probably not perfectly written, and no documentation - sorry. */
- /* Used Manx C v3.4b */
- /* Enjoy, K.Mardam-Bey */
- #include <devices/input.h>
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/interrupts.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <functions.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #define QUIT 0x1
- #define MOVEIT 0x4
- #define DELAY 1000000L
- #define LAMIGA 0x66
- #define STOPIT 0x41
- char PortName[] = "PPT";
- short left, right;
- short dx,dy;
- short x,y;
- short event;
- short lastcode = 0;
- long sec = 0,micro = 0;
- short rbuttonisdown = 0, lbuttonisdown = 0;
- struct MsgPort *inputPort = NULL;
- struct IOStdReq *inputReq = NULL;
- struct MsgPort *TimerPort = NULL;
- struct Screen *s;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct timerequest Timer_Req;
- long TimerSig,tdevice = 1;
- struct InputEvent phoney;
- struct HotInfo
- {
- struct Task *hotTask;
- long hotSig;
- } hotStuff;
- long signum = -1;
- struct Interrupt handlerStuff;
- struct defPort
- {
- struct MsgPort mp;
- };
- struct defPort *defPortPtr;
- char defPortName[] = "MaDP";
- short updating = 0;
- void HandlerInterface()
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a4,-(sp)
- jsr _geta4#
- movem.l A0/A1,-(sp)
- jsr _myhandler
- addq.l #8,A7
- movem.l (sp)+,a4
- #endasm
- }
- struct InputEvent *myhandler(ev1, hotStuff)
- struct InputEvent *ev1;
- struct HotInfo *hotStuff;
- {
- struct InputEvent *ev, *last;
- short removeit;
- short evcode,evqual;
- event = 0;
- for (ev=ev1,last = NULL; ev; ev=ev->ie_NextEvent)
- {
- evcode = ev->ie_Code;
- evqual = ev->ie_Qualifier;
- removeit = 0;
- if ((ev->ie_Class != IECLASS_TIMER))
- {
- if (ev->ie_Class == IECLASS_RAWKEY)
- {
- if ((evcode >= 0x80) && (evcode == (lastcode | 0x80))) {
- removeit = 1;
- lastcode = 0; }
- else
- if (evcode == LAMIGA) {
- lastcode = evcode;
- removeit = 1; }
- else {
- lastcode = 0;
- removeit = 0;
- }
- {
- lastcode = evcode;
- removeit = 1;
- event |= QUIT;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ev->ie_Class == IECLASS_RAWMOUSE)
- {
- if (!left && (evcode == IECODE_LBUTTON))
- lbuttonisdown = 1;
- if (!right && (evcode == IECODE_RBUTTON))
- rbuttonisdown = 1;
- s = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;
- while (s && (s->MouseY < 0)) s = s->NextScreen;
- if (s == NULL) s = IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen;
- x = s->MouseX + ev->ie_X;
- y = s->MouseY + ev->ie_Y;
- if ((ev->ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs == sec) && ((ev->ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro / 50000) == micro))
- {
- dx = ev->ie_X;
- dy = ev->ie_Y;
- if (!lbuttonisdown && !rbuttonisdown) event |= MOVEIT;
- }
- if (ev->ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs)
- {
- micro = ev->ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro / 50000;
- sec = ev->ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs;
- }
- if (evcode == (IECODE_LBUTTON | 0x80))
- lbuttonisdown = 0;
- if (evcode == (IECODE_RBUTTON | 0x80))
- rbuttonisdown = 0;
- }
- if (removeit)
- if (last == NULL)
- ev1 = ev->ie_NextEvent;
- else
- last->ie_NextEvent = ev->ie_NextEvent;
- else
- last = ev;
- }
- if (event)
- Signal(hotStuff->hotTask,hotStuff->hotSig);
- return(ev1);
- }
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *Msg;
- long class;
- long len;
- short i,j,f,c;
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L);
- defPortPtr = (struct defPort *) FindPort(defPortName);
- if (defPortPtr == NULL)
- {
- if ((defPortPtr = (struct defPort *) AllocMem((long)sizeof(struct defPort),MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR)) == NULL)
- exit(10);
- }
- else
- updating = 1;
- if (updating)
- Uninstall();
- i = left = right = 0;
- while (argv[1][i]) {
- if (argv[1][i] == 'l')
- left = 1;
- if (argv[1][i] == 'r')
- right = 1;
- i += 1;
- }
- defPortPtr->mp.mp_Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- defPortPtr->mp.mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT;
- NewList(&(defPortPtr->mp.mp_MsgList));
- defPortPtr->mp.mp_Node.ln_Name = (char *) &(defPortName);
- AddPort(defPortPtr);
- if((signum = AllocSignal((long)-1)) == -1)
- Uninstall();
- hotStuff.hotSig = 1 << signum;
- hotStuff.hotTask = FindTask(NULL);
- if(!(inputPort = CreatePort(PortName,0)))
- Uninstall();
- if(!(inputReq = CreateStdIO(inputPort)))
- Uninstall();
- handlerStuff.is_Data = (APTR)&hotStuff;
- handlerStuff.is_Code = HandlerInterface;
- handlerStuff.is_Node.ln_Pri = 55;
- handlerStuff.is_Node.ln_Name = "PopHan";
- if(OpenDevice("input.device",0L,inputReq,0L) != 0)
- Uninstall();
- inputReq->io_Command = IND_ADDHANDLER;
- inputReq->io_Data = (APTR)&handlerStuff;
- DoIO(inputReq);
- if ((TimerPort = CreatePort("TimP", 0L)) == NULL)
- Uninstall();
- if ((tdevice = OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, &Timer_Req, 0L)) != 0)
- Uninstall();
- Timer_Req.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = TimerPort;
- Timer_Req.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- Timer_Req.tr_node.io_Flags = 0;
- Timer_Req.tr_node.io_Error = 0;
- TimerSig = (1L << TimerPort->mp_SigBit);
- (void)SetTaskPri(FindTask(NULL), 0L);
- QueTimer();
- for (;;)
- {
- Wait(hotStuff.hotSig | TimerSig);
- if (Msg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(TimerPort))
- if (Msg) QueTimer();
- if (event & MOVEIT)
- MovePointer();
- if (event & QUIT)
- Uninstall();
- }
- }
- QueTimer()
- {
- Timer_Req.tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- Timer_Req.tr_time.tv_micro = DELAY;
- SendIO(&Timer_Req.tr_node);
- }
- MovePointer()
- {
- s = IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen;
- x = s->MouseX;
- y = s->MouseY;
- if (x < 1)
- dx = s->Width * 2;
- if (x >= s->Width - 1)
- dx = (s->Width * -2);
- if (y < 1)
- dy = s->Height * 3;
- if (y >= s->Height - 1)
- dy = (s->Height * -3);
- inputReq->io_Command = IND_WRITEEVENT;
- inputReq->io_Flags = 0;
- inputReq->io_Length = sizeof(struct InputEvent);
- inputReq->io_Data = (APTR)&phoney;
- phoney.ie_NextEvent = NULL;
- phoney.ie_Class = IECLASS_RAWMOUSE;
- phoney.ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs = 0;
- phoney.ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro = 0;
- phoney.ie_Code = IECODE_NOBUTTON;
- phoney.ie_Qualifier = IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE;
- phoney.ie_X = dx;
- phoney.ie_Y = dy;
- DoIO(inputReq);
- }
- Uninstall()
- {
- if (!updating)
- {
- if (inputReq)
- {
- inputReq->io_Command = IND_REMHANDLER;
- inputReq->io_Data = (APTR)&handlerStuff;
- DoIO(inputReq);
- CloseDevice(inputReq);
- DeleteStdIO(inputReq);
- }
- if (inputPort) DeletePort(inputPort);
- if (signum > -1) FreeSignal(signum);
- if (tdevice == 0)
- {
- AbortIO(&Timer_Req.tr_node);
- CloseDevice(&Timer_Req);
- }
- if (TimerPort)
- DeletePort(TimerPort);
- if (defPortPtr)
- {
- if (defPortPtr->mp.mp_Node.ln_Name)
- RemPort(defPortPtr);
- FreeMem(defPortPtr,(long)sizeof(struct defPort));
- }
- }
- if (IntuitionBase)
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- exit(0L);
- }