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Text File | 1995-03-19 | 44.8 KB | 1,651 lines |
- 1. Introducing Ash..................................... 1
- Installing ASH...................................... 2
- What commands work with Ash?........................ 2
- 1. What about Run? 3
- 2. Shell features...................................... 3
- Resident programs................................... 3
- Builtins............................................ 4
- IO Redirection...................................... 4
- Alias............................................... 5
- 1. Summary of Alias syntax 7
- Script Language..................................... 7
- Environment Variables............................... 8
- 1. Special Variables 10
- Pipes and PipeLines................................. 11
- 1. Show me more pipelines 12
- 2. Show me how to use pipes with scripts 13
- Command Substitution................................ 15
- Prompt enhancements................................. 19
- Using Variables and Substitutions in Prompt and
- Alias............................................... 20
- 3. Modifying your startup sequence to use ASH.......... 22
- Modifying 1.3 startup to take advantage of ARP...... 23
- 4. Appendix A: Finding a pipe device to work with
- ASH................................................. 23
- 5. Appendix B: Bug reports and enhancement
- requests............................................ 24
- - i -
- Introduction to ASH: The ARP Shell.
- AmigaDOS Resource Project
- Description of shell features, variables, batch language,
- pipes and command substitution. Includes sample scripts and
- command lines.
- 1. Introducing Ash
- The ARP Shell or 'Ash' is an alternative to the standard CLI
- or 1.3 AmigaDOS shells. While not claiming to be the last
- word in shell technology, we feel that it provides a
- significant improvement over the customary shells in the
- following areas:
- - All improvements introduced by Commodore in the 1.3
- Shell are supported by ASH in either an identical or
- highly compatible fashion. This includes the Alias
- function, auto-executing batch files and Prompt
- enhancements. ASH runs both BCPL and non-BCPL
- programs.
- - Ash contains many builtin functions which save disk
- access as well as disk and memory bytes. In
- particular, the entire batch language is built into
- Ash, which provides for much more efficient execution
- of scripts.
- - It is possible to replace many of the C: directory
- commands with their builtin equivalents in ASH, and it
- is interesting to compare the sizes involved. The
- original 1.3 commands which ASH contains as builtins
- total over 15,500 bytes! By contrast, ASH itself is
- less than 8,000 bytes. To see a list of builtins, type
- a single question mark at the shell prompt, then hit
- return.
- - Ash supports true concurrent pipes and command
- substitution, as well as environment variable
- expansion. These are advanced features not available
- in the 1.3 shell.
- - Ash uses the arp.library process functions to run your
- programs, and so uses the ARP resident features. These
- can save you greatly in memory use, since the stack
- size and data size are encoded inside the program. ARP
- resident programs are also much safer than the 1.3
- Resident, because arp.library checks the program before
- running it to make sure it has not been damaged, and is
- residentable. This means that you do not have to crash
- Page 1
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- your computer to discover whether or not a program will
- work as resident.
- Installing ASH
- If you have ASH as part of the ARP distribution, the ARP
- install program will handle this for you. Otherwise, you
- should copy ASH to the L: logical directory on your system
- disk*.
- If you are using the ARP supplied AShell program you
- should delete the line in the Commodore supplied startup
- sequence which reads something like:
- Resident CLI L:Shell-Seg SYSTEM pure add; activate Shell
- since AShell will locate and load ASH for you. If you
- choose to use the Commodore supplied NewSHELL program and
- still want to use ASH, you want to replace L:Shell-Seg in
- the above line with L:ASH:
- Resident CLI L:ASH SYSTEM pure add; activate arp shell
- The only difference here is that the Commodore NewSHELL
- command will not automatically load the shell into memory if
- it is not present, and so requires extra work in the startup
- script. (Note - you may also need to set the PURE protect
- bit in L:ASH to do this).
- What commands work with Ash?
- As far as we know, all programs work fine with Ash,
- including BCPL programs as distributed by Commodore. The
- only command that you won't want to use with Ash is the
- Commodore Resident command, you should use Arp's ARes
- instead. Alternatively, if you prefer the Commodore shell,
- do not replace Resident with ARes.
- __________
- * The ARP Install program won't change your startup script
- for you. If you intend to use Ash, you should alter
- your startup-sequence as described to avoid wasting
- memory.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Each shell uses a different method of managing the
- resident lists, and so will work only with its own Resident
- loader. You won't crash if you mis-match these two, but you
- won't be getting any use from the resident features of the
- shell of your choice either.
- 1. What about Run? Run (either ARP's or Commodores) just
- passes your command line to the currently loaded shell. If
- you have loaded the Commodore shell, then using either the
- ARP Run or Commodore Run will invoke the Commodore Shell.
- If you have loaded Ash, then using either Run command will
- invoke the Arp shell. This means that your background
- processes invoked with Run (or by the AmigaDOS function call
- Execute ()) will take advantage of resident programs and any
- additional features of whatever shell is loaded.
- 2. Shell features
- We cover all features of the Arp Shell here, including those
- which are shared by the 1.3 Commodore shell. This is done
- for completeness, and also gives us the opportunity to
- describe any differences in operation between the two.
- Sometimes you might execute a command that Ash needs more
- input to complete. If you do, then Ash will print a prompt
- (a single '?' mark), and wait for you to type more (remember
- to hit return). If you can't seem to feed the shell what it
- wants, type an EOF character (Control-\), and you will
- usually receive some kind of message that should allow you
- to figure out what's going on for next time.
- Resident programs
- Resident programs save you memory and loading time, even
- over the use of a ramdisk, by letting the system reuse the
- same code for multiple invocations of the program. Due to
- limitations of the current Commodore implementation of
- Resident, you cannot mix the Arp ARes command with the
- Commodore Resident command. You need to use ARes with Ash,
- or Resident with Shell-seg (the 1.3 shell). You won't crash
- if you mismatch these programs, but you won't be able to use
- Resident programs either.
- To make a program resident, simply type:
- ARes programname
- Then, the first time you attempt to access 'programname',
- the system will load the program for you, and make it
- Page 3
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- resident. Each subsequent access will be much quicker,
- since it will run directly from memory. This 'load on
- demand' feature is nice, since you don't have to wait for
- all those programs to be made resident in your startup
- sequence. Also, if you do not use a program during a
- session, it is not loaded at all, thus saving you memory.
- Arp programs (and programs written using the Arp
- conventions) will save you greatly in memory usage. Each
- program requests only as much stack as it needs (whether
- from disk or from resident), and can save many many bytes
- per-invocation on this alone. Arp resident programs are
- also smart, doing any data cloning required only if
- resident, diskloaded copies don't need to be cloned, and so
- they are not.
- All programs which work on the Commodore list should
- also work on Arp's, although they won't save you as much
- memory as Arp's will, you can still take advantage of the
- load-on-demand and checksum safety factors of the Arp
- resident*.
- Builtins
- As mentioned above, the shell contains many commands already
- builtin to ASH. To find out which ones, use the '?' command
- (i.e., type ? and then hit return). A list of all builtin
- commands will be displayed. See the appropriate section
- below for a description of the commands and their
- descriptions.
- IO Redirection
- You can redirect program input and output by using the '<',
- '>' and
- __________
- * If you want fast error message reporting, you can make
- the Fault program resident by doing 'Ares C:FAULT'.
- This will force all error routines in ASH to use the
- resident version of fault. This won't work with the
- Commodore shell, incidentally.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- 1: Type <file ; reads from file
- 2: Type >file ; creates/overwrites to file.
- 3: Type >>file ; appends/creates file.
- When the '>' operator is used, the file is created if it
- does not exist. If it does exist, then all its former
- contents are lost. When the '>>' operator is used, if the
- file already exists the contents are *not* lost, new output
- is appended to the end of the old. If the file does not
- exist, then it is created. You can use '>>' to safely
- output to files (for example, in shell scripts) without
- worrying about destroying existing files*.
- Note that even scripts can be redirected (either in or
- out). See the section on scripts for more information.
- Another type of IO Redirection is called piping. It is
- important enough to deserve a special section of its own,
- later on.
- Alias
- An Alias is a way of renaming commands in the shell without
- actually changing the name of the command on the disk. This
- is generally better than renaming the command, since if you
- rename your command, other peoples scripts and programs that
- reference the command might not find it. A common use of
- alias's is to give commands shorter names that are easier to
- type, here are a few:
- Alias cp copy
- Alias ls List
- Alias rm Delete
- Alias s Status Full
- Now when you type 'cp', you will get the Copy command, but
- __________
- * This differs from the Commodore shell. Under the
- Commodore shell, if the file does not exist the append
- ('>>') operator will not create the file for you, it
- will abort with an error message.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- with the name you defined. Other uses for Alias's are to
- provide special names for commonly used functions. For
- example, the ARP 1.3 Assign command provides a special
- switch which will check to see if a name is already
- specified as a logical device - its syntax is:
- Assign NAME: Exists
- which checks to see if NAME: has been assigned, and displays
- its assignment if found. This is a common option, and you
- can define an alias to shorten the typing and give it a
- meaningful name like this:
- Alias Exists Assign [] Exists
- Notice the square brackets? This is a directive to the
- shell which tells it to replace the brackets with any
- command line input you supply when you invoke the alias.
- For example:
- Exists S:
- will cause the shell to evaluate the command 'Assign S:
- Exists'. Notice that the S: has replaced the square brackets
- in the command? Some other useful alias's are listed below:
- Alias Today list [] Dates Sort Since Today
- Alias Recent list [] Dates Sort
- Alias PathList list [] lformat "%S%S"
- Alias Update Copy [] Flags cqo
- Alias Pri ChangeTaskPri
- Another use of Alias is to override the shell's builtin
- commands with a disk based version of the same name. You
- might want to do this because you prefer another command's
- behavior, or it could be that a bug could crop up in one of
- the builtin commands making it necessary that it be
- replaced. To do this, simply define the command with the
- full path name:
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Alias Endskip C:Endskip
- this will force the shell to use the version of the command
- stored in the C: directory, rather than the shell's internal
- version.
- 1. Summary of Alias syntax To sum up then, you can define
- a new alias as follows:
- Alias AliasName Body
- where AliasName is the name you want to use to refer to your
- alias, and Body is the command you wish to be executed.
- Body can contain any legal command, and can optionally
- contain square brackets ('[]') which tell the shell where to
- place additional input from the command line.
- To see the current alias's, type Alias by itself. To
- remove an alias definition, type Alias AliasName. For
- example:
- Alias Exists
- will remove the alias definition for Exists. If you want to
- redefine an alias, it is not necessary to remove it first.
- Script Language
- Ash contains the complete AmigaDOS batch language
- internally. This makes scripts with conditionals (IF ELSE)
- and SKIP commands execute much more quickly. You can also
- save a lot of disk space by deleting these commands from
- your disk altogether. Note however, if you have
- conditionals in your startup-sequence, you will have to
- modify your startup-sequence to take advantage of ash's
- builtins, so please don't Delete anything until you are sure
- things are working correctly.
- You can execute any script from the command line by
- simply typing its name. Note that to do this, the 'S' and
- the 'E' bits must be turned on (use the protect command for
- this). The 'E' bit tells the shell the script is
- executable, and the 'S' bit tells the shell that it is a
- script, not a binary executable. To make a script
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- executable from the command line, you would use a command
- line like this:
- Protect Scriptname +se
- To prevent a script from auto-executing, we recommend you
- just clear the 'e' bit, since you can use the 's' bit in the
- listings to remind you that it is a script file, and not a
- program.
- Scripts executed in this way appear indistinguishable
- from programs, and you can use the i.o. redirection
- operators (<, >, and >>) to divert the input or output to or
- from files. Scripts can also be use as the source or the
- sink for pipes. See the section on piping for more
- information.
- Other improvements to the script language include much
- more informative error messages and regular handling of
- parameter expansion including <$$>. Many irritating little
- bugs (such as not recognizing tabs as whitespace) in the
- current Commodore batch language have been fixed as well.
- When using scripts with arguments (the .key directive
- and the braket characters), we recommend that you always
- change your braket characters to something other than the
- default using the .BRA and .KET directives. These were
- chosen badly by the original author of the script language
- since they conflict with the IO redirection operators.
- Perhaps the best choice are the curly braces, since these
- are not used for anything else currently.
- Environment Variables
- The shell expands environment variables that you supply on
- the command line. To expand a variable, you use the dollar
- ('$') character immediately before it. Here is an example:
- Echo "$INCLUDE"
- If there is an environment variable defined by the name
- INCLUDE, the shell will replace it with value of that
- variable, and the echo command will display it. Note that
- the quotes are not necessary for the variable expansion, but
- they are necessary for Echo, which doesn't like spaces in
- its input (the variable could expand to a value with spaces
- in them).
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- To set the value of an environment variable, just use
- the '=' character:
- FOO=Bar ; assign a value to FOO
- Echo $FOO ; display the value
- Bar ; echo's output.
- You can also concatenate environment variables easily enough
- like this:
- FOO="$FOO"Fly
- Echo $FOO
- BarFly
- Note that the quotes around the initial environment variable
- are necessary for the shell to know when the variable ends.
- If you use the variable at the end, these quotes are not
- needed, since the dollar sign takes care of delimiting the
- variable. It follows that if you want to concatenate
- variables, you can do it as follows:
- Echo "$FOO$FOO$FOO"
- This will print three copies of the value of foo. Of
- course, you can also use this in an assignment statement.
- To remove an environment variable, give it a null
- assignment:
- FOO=
- will remove FOO from the current environment*.
- __________
- * Environment variable expansion in the shell reads both
- the old Manx/Rockiki/Arp environment variables and the
- new Commodore ENV: definition, in that order. However,
- setting environment variables from the shell writes only
- the older environment implementation, it does not affect
- ENV:. If you wish to do this from the shell, contact
- ARP central for a patch to arp.library. You can always
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- 1. Special Variables Each invocation of the shell has
- three environment variables which are local to that shell,
- and can be used by you to discover special state information
- about the shell. These are $, ? and ?2. The $ variable
- contains the current CLI number, ? contains the return code
- of the last command and ?2 contains the operating systems
- result2 error. Note that ? and ?2 are changed each time a
- command executes, so if you want to use them, you should
- assign their values to some other variable so that you can
- preserve them. Here is an example of a script which exits
- with an error message and reports the return code:
- ; This file fragment illustrates the use of ? and ?2
- Command args ; execute some command
- RC=$? ; get return code
- R2=$?2 ; and save result 2
- Echo "Command exited with error $RC result2 $R2"
- The variable '$' corresponds to the braketed expression <$$>
- introduced by Commodore in 1.3. Generally, it is preferable
- to use $$ without brakets to allow the shell to expand it
- without writing a temporary file (as is required by the
- Commodore convention). Ash supports both. This is useful in
- making temporary files or assigns or whatever, since it is
- unique to each CLI invocation, although concurrent shell
- processes in ash do share the same number, so you should be
- careful when piping to and from scripts and using this
- variable. Here is an example that displays all three values
- of these variables in an Echo command:
- Echo "rc = $? Result2 = $?2 CLI# = $$"
- ____________________________________________________________
- use the SetEnv program (ARP's or Commodores) to write to
- env:.
- Page 10
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Pipes and PipeLines
- Pipes are a way of connecting programs together without
- using temporary files. As a simple example, say you wanted
- a line numbered listing of your current directory. One way
- to do this is:
- List >tmpfile
- Type tmpfile opt n
- Delete tmpfile
- First we create a tempfile using the list command, then we
- type it using the line number option of type, and then we
- delete our tmpfile. Using pipes, this would all be
- accomplished as follows*:
- List | Type opt n
- The '|' character is the pipe symbol. It causes Ash to
- connect the output of the list command to the input of Type.
- Aside from not using a temporary file, pipelines such as
- this are much faster than the usual single command
- execution, since Ash takes advantage of the multitasking
- nature of the Amiga to run each one at the same time. This
- means that List can be preparing more output for Type as
- Type is processing the last input received from list.
- More than one command can be used in a pipeline. Here
- is an example which creates a line numbered hexdump from a
- directory listing:
- Dir | Type opt h | Type opt n
- The basic idea behind pipes is to combine commands which do
- one thing with other commands which do something else to get
- the results you want. In the above example, List doesn't
- create line numbers, while type does. By combining their
- __________
- * In order to use pipes with ASH you must have a pipe
- device. See Appendix A for information on how to obtain
- and mount a pipe device that will work with ash.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- capabilities, you create a super list that also does line
- numbers. (Note that you must separate the '|'s from the
- commands by whitespace. While this differs from the
- implementation of pipes on other operating systems, it is
- necessary on the Amiga due to the use of '|' in wildcard
- patterns).
- Once you get accustomed to the idea of pipes and
- connecting programs, you will wonder how you ever got along
- without them. In the pipelines above, the Type program acts
- as something called a 'filter'. A filter is any program
- that takes something as input, does something to the input,
- and outputs this altered input. In order to act as filters,
- programs must be able to read from their standard input
- (keyboard) and display to their standard output. Of the
- standard set of commands that comes on the Workbench disk,
- useful filters are Sort, Type and Search. Note that only
- the ARP programs can be used in pipe lines, the Commodore
- programs have bugs that prevent them from using the keyboard
- as input*.
- 1. Show me more pipelines The Dir and List programs have a
- lot of options (they probably have too many options, but
- that's a story for another time). One thing you can't do
- with List is display programs that match a certain set of
- protect bits, for example, you might want to see all the
- files in a directory which are scripts and executable. To
- do this, you can use a pipeline such as the following:
- List | Search STDIN " ?s????e? "
- Note that when you use Search in a pipeline, you must supply
- the STDIN keyword in caps as the filename. The search
- string was made by examining the usual list output, and
- masking out the protection bits we aren't interested in with
- the '?', which matches any character:
- -s--rwed (List output)
- ?s????e? (our search string)
- __________
- * Some people might like this. One person's bug is
- another's feature.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Another useful example utilizes a pipeline to determine
- how well commented 'C' language files are by combining
- Search and Type:
- Search *.c /'* | type opt n
- The idea here is to Search through all the files ending in
- '.c' in the current directory, looking for a comment start
- sequence. (Notice that we have to use the single quote to
- escape the star, which has a special meaning to Search as a
- pattern. The single quote tells search to regard the star
- as just a character, not a pattern.). Once Search has found
- the commented lines, we pass them on to Type to count. The
- highest numbered line will be the total number of comments
- found in the files. We don't use the STDIN keyword here,
- because Search is not reading from a pipe, it is acting as
- the source (beginning) of a pipeline.
- There are many utilities in the public domain and
- elsewhere that can be used as filters, and since filters are
- so easy to write, they are very convenient to create as you
- need them.
- 2. Show me how to use pipes with scripts Combining scripts
- in pipelines provides a convenient way to create new
- commands from old, the applications are limitless. One
- problem shared by many people is updating the software on
- their disks when a new revision comes out. Often only a
- subset of the distribution is used, or perhaps a different
- organization of the software on the disk. In any case, it
- rarely works to do a straight copy. Here is a solution in
- the form of a script that uses pipes and the new Arp Read
- command to copy only those files which already exist in the
- destination directory from the source disk:
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- .Key Dest/a
- ;Update script: CD to directory with new files, then do
- ;List nohead quick | Update dest:dir/
- Lab Loop ; loop back to here
- Read Filename ; read the filename from pipe
- if $? EQ 1 VAL ; Read returns 1 on eof
- Echo "Copy complete!"
- Quit 0
- Endif
- if Exists <Dest>$File ; If we have an old copy
- Echo "Copying $File to <Dest>$File"
- Copy $File to <Dest>$File ; copy to new
- Endif
- Skip Back Loop
- Another way to do the same thing is to use the output of the
- List command with its LFORMAT option to send the commands to
- the shell. (You can send commands to the shell by piping
- them into the builtin command Execute). Here is an example
- which does the same thing using list and LFORMAT, if more
- quietly:
- cd destdir ; change to dest
- list srcdir lformat="Copy %S%S to %S" | Execute
- Read is an interesting and useful command. It can be used
- to read from the keyboard as well as in a pipe, and it also
- does a certain limited parsing on its input. For example:
- Read First Last Middle
- Will break the input up on quoted lines or (if no quotes) on
- white space. The first variable gets the first portion of
- the input, the second gets the second, and the last variable
- gets whatever is left.
- Here is an example using List and Read to do an
- interactive version of type:
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- ; Interactive type: Usage: List nohead | intertype
- Lab Loop
- Read Filename Size Protection DateTime
- if $? EQ 1 VAL
- Echo "No more files"
- Quit 0
- ENdif
- ask "Type $Filename ?"
- Echo "==========================================="
- Echo "File $Filename last modified on $DateTime"
- Echo "============================================"
- Type $Filename
- Endif
- skip back loop
- Notice how we use the capability of Read to break up lists
- output to display selected information about the file in a
- custom header. Many more custom scripts are possible, and
- are often easier to write the custom programs to do the same
- thing. If you are not a programmer, but are familiar with
- the commands available on the Amiga, you should also have
- little difficulty in customizing your environment.
- Command Substitution
- Another advanced feature which Ash makes available to you is
- Command Substitution. This feature allows you to replace a
- command with its output, and it works like this:
- Echo "Todays date is $(Date), have a nice day!"
- When the shell sees the sequence '$(Command)', it runs
- whatever* Command is (Date, in the example above), and then
- __________
- * This is implemented internally using pipes, so you will
- need to have a pipe device mounted to use this command.
- Please see Appendix A for information on pipes that will
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- replaces the entire string with the output of Command, the
- parens and dollar sign do not appear in the output at all.
- One possible outcome of the command line above is:
- Todays date is Friday 16-Mar-89 10:57:12, have a nice day!
- You can nest command substitutions, and the substitutions
- can be any shell command, including a pipeline. Whatever
- comes out of the end of the pipe is what the shell will use
- in place of the command. Here is an example showing nested
- command substitution:
- Echo "The current time is $(Echo "$(Date)" len 8)"
- The current time is 10:57:12
- This example uses the ability of Echo to take a substring of
- its input. First Date is expanded, and then the inner echo
- is expanded, and eventually the output of this Echo replaces
- the entire substitution request and the final Echo is
- evaluated. This is an extremely useful ability, one which
- often eliminates the need to write temporary files. Here is
- an example of a loop counter using Eval and command
- substitution in a script:
- ____________________________________________________________
- work with ash.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- .Key loop
- ; Demo loop
- .Default loop 10
- Counter=<loop> ; initialize counter
- Lab start
- Echo "Loop $Counter"
- Counter=$(Eval $Counter - 1)
- if val $Counter GT 0
- skip back start
- endif
- Echo "All done"
- The important line is the one containing Eval. Eval's
- default behavior is to print its result, so we can use it in
- a command substitution expression to update the value of the
- variable Counter.
- Another use of environment variables involves the Arp
- programs Basename and TackOn. Basename takes a pathname and
- extracts the filename portion of it:
- Basename DF1:include/exec/types.h
- types.h
- You can also give Basename a suffix to delete. For example,
- to change a file ending in .c to one ending in .o, try this:
- Echo "$(Basename file/program.c .c).o"
- program.o
- TackOn takes a pathname and a filename, and tacks the
- filename onto the end of the pathname*.
- __________
- * You could do this with normal variable concatenation
- except that some pathnames contain a ':' character.
- TackOn handles this condition more efficiently than a
- shell comparison could.
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- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Tackon DF1:include exec
- DF1:include/exec
- Tackon DF1:include/exec types.h
- DF1:include/exec/types.h
- You can use these two commands to make your scripts much
- more robust. Here is another example of the update script
- given earlier. This one handles filenames much better, and
- also has a better user interface:
- .Key Dest/a
- ; Update script: version 2.
- ; usage: pathlist | update dest
- ;
- Lab Loop
- Read Sourcename ; read source filename from pipe
- if val $? EQ 1
- Echo "Copy complete!"
- Quit 0
- tmp="$(Basename $Sourcename)"
- Destname="$(Tackon <Dest> $tmp)"
- if Exists $Destname
- Echo "Copying $Sourcename to $Destname"
- Copy $Sourcename to $Destname
- Endif
- Skip Back Loop
- Notice that this uses the alias PathList shown earlier to
- generate full pathnames for the pipe. This version of the
- update script is much more robust than the earlier one,
- since the user can type the destination directory in a
- number of ways, and does not have to CD to the source
- directory he wants to update from. Again, the interesting
- lines are where the destination filename is generated. It
- is quite simple, first we use Basename to extract the
- filename from the piped input, and then we use TackOn to
- append it to the destination directory name. You can take
- advantage of the fact that command substitution nests to
- eliminate the temporary variable by doing:
- Page 18
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Destname="$(Tackon <Dest> $(Basename $Sourcename))"
- Another useful thing you can do with command substitution is
- to use it to generate a list of filenames for a command that
- does not accept wildcards. There are many programs
- available in the public domain and elsewhere that accept
- multiple commands but do not let you use wildcards. To
- generate a list of files for them to use, you can use the
- statement:
- Program "$(Dir)"
- Of course, you can use any of the options to Dir, or the
- list command to generate exactly the file list you want. To
- check on your file list before passing it to the program you
- can do:
- Echo "$(Dir)"
- first. Note that there is currently a limit of 1000
- characters to the total length of the argument line in ash
- (the total command line length is 1256 characters, including
- the name of the command).
- Prompt enhancements
- Ash supports all the prompt enhancements introduced by
- Commodore in their 1.3 shell. You can use "%S" in the
- prompt definition to display the name of the current
- directory, and you can use "%N" to display the current CLI
- number. Ash supports all these, as well as %P which acts
- the same as %S*. All of these can be in upper or lower
- case.
- __________
- * This was done to be compatible with earlier releases of
- the ARP software. Until Commodore released the 1.3
- shell, one of the only ways to get the current directory
- string in your prompt was with ARP's Prompt command, and
- it used %P.
- Page 19
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- You can also have the prompt expand environment
- variables and utilize command substitution in prompt lines
- as explained below.
- Using Variables and Substitutions in Prompt and Alias
- The shell will handle environment expansion and command
- substitution as well as pipes in prompt strings and aliases.
- The methods for including these in each one are the same,
- which is why they are discussed together here.
- You can use command substitution in your shell prompt
- to do things like display the current time by using the Date
- command. Initially, you might try something like this:
- Prompt "$(Date)"
- which would appear to work. In fact, you might not notice
- it didn't work until the morning, when the bright light of
- the sun came pouring through the windows of your computer
- room. What you really need to do is this:
- Prompt "\$(Date)"
- Notice the escape character before the $? This tells the
- shell to delay evaluation of the prompt string until the
- prompt is actually displayed*. Without the escape
- character, the date command gets expanded immediately, and
- so the time in your prompt gets set permanently to whatever
- it was when you issued the prompt command. If you want to
- only see the time portion of the string, you can do it like
- this:
- Prompt "\$(Echo len 8 \"\$(Date)\")\n> "
- __________
- * These examples use the \ character for an escape
- character. If you have another preference, or if you
- use the default ('*'), then just replace the backslashes
- in this section with the escape character of your
- choice.
- Page 20
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- This might look a little daunting, but most of the escape
- sequences (with the exception of \n, which is there for
- cosmetic purposes to print a newline as part of the prompt),
- are there to force delayed evaluation on the shell. Quotes
- are necessary around $(Date) because the 1.3 Echo requires
- them. This means they must also be escaped, otherwise, the
- prompt command will regard them as delimiters and give you a
- "too many arguments" error.
- The same thing is true as far as environment variable
- expansion is concerned. It is interesting to be able to
- display the return codes from the programs you run in the
- shell prompt. This is easy to do using the escape trick
- shown above:
- Prompt "RC = \$? R2 = \$?2\n> "
- Any environment variable can be displayed in this manner.
- Alias's are similar. In fact, aliases are a little
- clearer, because you can see what is actually stored there
- by typing Alias without any arguments. Here is an example
- that might clarify the above discussion:
- Alias ThisTime Echo "$(Date)"
- Alias CurrentTime Echo "\$(Date)"
- If you now type 'Alias' <ret>, this is how the display
- looks:
- Alias <ret>
- CurrentTime=Echo "$(Date)"
- ThisTime=Echo "Saturday 18-Mar-89 11:49:31"
- Notice that the ThisTime definition contains the expanded
- string from when the alias was defined. The CurrentTime
- definition, because we used an escaped dollar in its
- definition, contains a command that will actually display
- the current time when it is invoked*.
- Page 21
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- You can use pipes inside of Alias's if you need too,
- but the same principles apply. You must escape all the pipe
- characters you use in order to prevent the shell from trying
- to pipe away immediately:
- Alias Allc Dir [] opt a \| Search STDIN *.c
- 3. Modifying your startup sequence to use ASH
- Before trying to modify your startup-sequence in this way,
- please make a copy of your disk and work from that. Then,
- when you are sure it is working, you can make the changes on
- the main disk. We are not trying to scare you, but it is
- easy to make mistakes when doing things like this.
- The main advantage to modifying your startup-sequence
- to use Ash is to take advantage of the faster executing
- conditionals language builtin to ash and/or some of the nice
- features of ash such as variable expansion or command
- substitution. If you don't use any conditionals in your
- startup-script, or don't want to use any of the Ash features
- in your startup-script, then you can skip this section, but
- please see the section on the 1.3 startup.
- What you will want to do is break out a portion of your
- startup-script file into a special init file called shell-
- boot. (You can call it whatever you want, but don't call it
- shell-startup unless you want it to be executed whenever you
- invoke a new shell). Place most of your commands in this
- shell-boot file, and then let your startup-sequence file
- have the single command:
- AShell From S:Shell-Boot
- That's all there is to it!
- __________
- * Of course, if you really want an alias to just display
- the output of Date, this is much less efficient that
- just using Date as in "Alias dt Date".
- Page 22
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- Modifying 1.3 startup to take advantage of ARP
- In general, you can speed up your startup sequence file by
- combining more commands on one line. Most of the Commodore
- commands still do not accept multiple input arguments, while
- most of ARP's always have. By doing all of your assigns and
- mounts on one line you save a little bit of time.
- If you are using ASH, then you should definitely remove
- all the Resident stuff from StartupII (on a virgin 1.3
- workbench disk), and replace it with ARes command lines.
- Note that a lot of the things Commodore suggests you make
- resident are built into ash, so you shouldn't just do a
- global search and replace. Replacing Resident with ARes
- will dramatically speed up your startup-sequence times,
- since the Arp resident is 'load-on-demand'. The command
- will only be loaded when you invoke it, not when you use
- ARes (unless you use the Force keyword). This also saves you
- memory, since if you don't use the command it is not made
- resident.
- 4. Appendix A: Finding a pipe device to work with ASH
- The only pipe device known to work with ash at this time is
- PIP:, which is part of conman, a console handler replacement
- by William Hawes. If you have conman, you already have PIP,
- otherwise, in order to use the full features of ASH you will
- have to obtain a copy. Fortunately, this is easy to do, it
- is widely available on bulletin boards and from users groups
- as shareware.
- Once you have installed conman as described in the
- conman documentation, make sure you have an entry such as
- the following in your mountlist file:
- PIP: Handler = L:ConHandler
- Stacksize = 600
- Priority = 5
- GlobVec = 0
- #
- Once you have done this, you can place a mount pip: command
- in your startup-sequence, and start playing with pipes.
- Note that the Commodore PIPE: device supplied with the
- 1.3 distribution does not work with ASH's internal pipes
- (using the '|' character). PIPE: uses only named pipes, ASH
- requires unnamed pipes internally. You can use both PIP:
- and PIPE: together if you need both named and unnamed pipes
- Page 23
- Ash Users manual. V1.3.0 March 30, 1989
- and we have also heard rumors of someone working on an
- enhancement to PIPE: to allow it to support unnamed pipes as
- well, but nothing definite is known about this new super
- pipe.
- 5. Appendix B: Bug reports and enhancement requests
- If you find a bug in Ash or any of the Arp software, it is
- important that you report it, so that we can fix it. Note
- that ARP is distributed without a Warranty of any kind, but
- we still want to fix our bugs. When you make a bug report,
- it helps if you can state at the top of the page which Arp
- program is the problem, this helps to route the report to
- the person(s) currently working on that aspect of the ARP
- project. It is also important to give enough information
- for us to reproduce the problem. Right or wrong, if we can't
- reproduce the problem we tend to assume it is operator error
- and not worry about it.
- Enhancement requests are similar, we are very
- interested in requests for enhancements or ideas for new Arp
- software. Things we would like to add to ash (for example)
- are:
- 1. Complete subshell implementation. This is only
- partially implemented currently, pipes and command
- substitution run in subshells.
- 2. String operations on variables. Probably not csh
- model. Note that you can do a limited amount of this
- with Echo.
- 3. Enhancements to batch language, things like a for
- command, possibly a case statement, others.
- Page 24