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- * null.doc 20 Nov 88 Gunnar Nordmark
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- What is null:?
- Tt's a new animal that you will be glad to put in your private ZOO,
- (also known as the L: directory).
- "Oh no, not another silly handler!" you cry, but read on!
- In the very good article by Matt Dillon, AMIGALINE#D1, that I've included
- in this distribution, the problem is fully explained.
- I suggests that you take a look at the file amigaline-D1 before reading
- further.
- As Matt explains, the NIL: device is not a "real" device. In fact it is no
- device at all in the physical sense. It is just an Amiga-DOS convention
- that says: If you have a process-identifier for a device, and that identifier
- is just a null pointer, then that "identifier" referrs to the NIL: device.
- Did you get that? I'm not surprised if you didn't, because it *is* strange.
- I'll try to explain:
- Every normal dos-device is a process that have an own private message-port
- that is used as a comunication link between AmigaDOS and the device.
- Since you must know the address of the message port of a device in order
- to comunicate with it, it is a natural decision that that address also is
- used as the identifier of the device.
- AmigaDOS has a function called DeviceProc() that finds the address for you.
- If you say port=DeviceProc("RAM:") you get the address of the message prot
- of the RAM: device.
- Now the strange part:
- If you try port=DeviceProc("NIL:") and then sends packets to that port
- you'll crash the machine instantly.
- Why?
- Because NIL: has *no* message-port at all.
- When you have a NULL-pointer as identifier for a handler, the identifier
- referrs to the NIL: device.
- The *only* reason I can think of for this lack of generality, is efficiency.
- You save time, becase you don't have to comunicate with a device.
- You save memory, because you don't have to start a new process named NIL:.
- But unfortunately this has a lot of drawbacks. Most of them are deadly.
- The reason is that AmigaDOS does *not* allways check for the NIL: oddity.
- Sometimes it thinks that the NULL-pointer (the NIL: identifier) is a
- valid message port and merilly sends messages to it. Poof!
- The solution is a new dos-device called "null:".
- This is a real dos-device that has has its own message port. It just doesn't
- do anything useful. It behaves exactly as NIL: i.e. you can write to it,
- and read from it (then you get EOF).
- The great thing about null: is that you can say
- extern APTR DeviceProc();
- proc->pr_ConsoleTask = DeviceProc("null:");
- and you'll be able to close the console. (see amigaline-D1)
- Any process can open null: as many times as it like.
- And it doesn't matter if you say
- Open("null:" MODE_OLDFILE);
- Open("null:*" MODE_NEWFILE);
- Open("null:@#$@!!" MODE_OLDFILE);
- Open("null:foo.bar" MODE_OLDFILE);
- everything works.
- To install null: just append the included mountlist to DEVS:MountList
- Copy null-handler to your L: directory and say Mount null:
- I have used it for half a year now with no problems at all. I have a
- written my own version of AmiCron that uses null: as pr_ConsoleTask.
- That means I now have a cron-deamon that doesn't requires a window
- to run!
- I wan't to thank Steve Drew who wrote the aux-handler that was posted
- to the net last year. I've "stolen" all the code from that handler. :-)
- I hope you don't mind Steve.
- - Gunnar
- Gunnar Nordmark
- Nora strand 5
- S-182 34 DANDERYD
- gno@stacken.kth.se
- stacken.kth.se!gno@uunet.uu.net (if the above doesn't work)