home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* This code is taken largely from Carolyn Scheppner's "which.c" program
- * from 11/87. There were no copyright notices in the original file,
- * so to the best of my knowledge it is in the Public Domain.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #define SBUFSZ 256
- #define CBUFSZ 80
- extern BOOL getPath();
- extern struct Task *FindTask(); /* To scare away warning msgs */
- extern VOID *AllocMem();
- struct Path
- {
- BPTR path_Next;
- LONG path_Lock;
- };
- char *FindIt(command)
- char *command;
- {
- struct Process *proc;
- struct CommandLineInterface *cli;
- struct Path *path;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- APTR oldWindowPtr;
- LONG lock, startcd;
- BOOL Found, InitialCD, FullPath;
- int i;
- char sbuf[SBUFSZ], cbuf[CBUFSZ];
- /* Fail if not CLI process */
- proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)(proc->pr_CLI << 2);
- if(!cli) exit(RETURN_ERROR);
- /* Allocate a FileInfoBlock - must be longword aligned */
- if(!(fib=(struct FileInfoBlock *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- printf("Not enough memory\n"), exit(RETURN_FAIL);
- /* Save old WindowPtr, and disable volume requesters */
- oldWindowPtr = proc->pr_WindowPtr;
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)-1L;
- /* Were we given full path in command name ? */
- for(FullPath = FALSE, i=0; i<strlen(command); i++)
- {
- if(command[i] == ':')
- {
- FullPath = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Check current directory */
- if(Found = getPath(command,fib,sbuf))
- {
- if((!FullPath)&&(command[0])) strcpy(sbuf,command);
- }
- /* Check paths */
- if((!Found)&&(!FullPath))
- {
- InitialCD = TRUE;
- /* Follow the BPTR path list */
- for(path = (struct Path *) BADDR(cli->cli_CommandDir);
- (path) && (!Found);
- path = (struct Path *) BADDR(path->path_Next))
- {
- /* CD to each path */
- lock = CurrentDir(path->path_Lock);
- if(InitialCD) startcd = lock, InitialCD = FALSE;
- /* See if command is there */
- Found = getPath(command,fib,sbuf);
- }
- /* If we CD'd anywhere, restore initial CD */
- if(! InitialCD) CurrentDir(startcd);
- }
- /* Check C: */
- if((!Found)&&(!FullPath))
- {
- strcpy(cbuf,"C:");
- strcpy(&cbuf[2],command);
- if(Found = getPath(cbuf,fib,sbuf)) strcpy(sbuf,cbuf);
- }
- /* Re-enable volume requesters */
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = oldWindowPtr;
- /* Free fib */
- if (fib)
- FreeMem(fib, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- if(Found)
- return(sbuf);
- else
- return(NULL);
- }
- getPath(command,fib,buf)
- char *command;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- char *buf;
- {
- LONG lock;
- BOOL Success = FALSE;
- if(lock = Lock(command,ACCESS_READ))
- {
- if(Examine(lock,fib))
- {
- Success = TRUE;
- buildPath(lock,fib,buf);
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- return(Success);
- }
- buildPath(inlock,fib,buf)
- LONG inlock;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- char *buf;
- {
- int i;
- LONG lock,oldlock;
- BOOL MyOldLock = FALSE;
- buf[0] = NULL;
- lock = inlock;
- while(lock)
- {
- if(Examine(lock,fib))
- {
- if(fib->fib_FileName[0] > ' ')
- {
- if(buf[0]) insert(buf,"/");
- insert(buf,fib->fib_FileName);
- }
- }
- oldlock = lock;
- lock = ParentDir(lock);
- if(MyOldLock) UnLock(oldlock);
- else MyOldLock = TRUE;
- }
- if(fib->fib_FileName[0] > ' ')
- {
- for(i=0; i<(strlen(buf)); i++)
- {
- if(buf[i] == '/')
- {
- buf[i] = ':';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else insert(buf,"RAM:");
- return(strlen(buf));
- }
- insert(buf,s)
- char *buf,*s;
- {
- char tmp[SBUFSZ];
- strcpy(tmp,buf);
- strcpy(buf,s);
- strcpy(&buf[strlen(s)],tmp);
- }