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- SHOWIZ 2.0
- Written By J.L. White
- (C)1988-1989 Merlin's Software
- ShoWiz combines the features of a display program with those of a slideshow
- program. This means you can show individual pictures or a whole disk full!
- ShoWiz has 26 different ways to display your pictures and it works with ALL
- resolutions, including Overscan. You can even display Text files, with your
- choice of colors for the background, text, and shadows. Type "ShoWiz ?" to
- see the various options you have. NO SCRIPTS ARE NEEDED to show a disk full
- of pictures and you can show as many disks as you like as many times as you
- like. It creates its own script files, but you can set the slideshow up any
- way you wish by entering the type of wipe, amount of time to display, and
- the filename on the command line. ShoWiz will work from Workbench or CLI.
- Is this the best slideshow program? ShoWiz!
- First I would like to say how happy I am at the success of version 1.0. I
- never expected "Another show program" to be so popular. Thanks to all the
- registered users who have made 2.0 possible.
- What's New?
- Where to I start? There are so many things that have been added. Oh well I
- guess I will start at the top.
- Bugs Fixed:
- 1. Bug Fixed for Dos 1.3. "Why it worked on 1.2 I don't know."
- 2. Bug Fixed for lo-res overscan pictures.
- 3. Bug Fixed to unlock directory so icon goes away.
- New Features:
- 1. More Wokbench control. Icons can now accept type of wipe and time to
- display picture.
- 2. Files are now displayed in alphabetical order when using the dir option.
- 3. When using loop option, it does not start back at the beginning. This
- means that each time a picture is displayed it will use a different wipe.
- Depending on how many pictures are in the directory, you can show pictures
- for hours without seeing the same picture with the same wipe twice.
- 4. 3 new wipes have been added and i & v have been reversed.
- 5. Scripts have been added "YEAH!". Now you can use scripts with ShoWiz. This
- opens all kinds of new possiblities.
- A. Sound can be played from the scripts.
- B. Animations can be played from the scripts.
- C. In fact, almost any program can be executed from the scripts.
- D. Yes/No requesters and alerts can be used in the scripts.
- E. Plus many more features. Read below for more details.
- Future Features:
- 1. Cycling of pictures will be added. Having problems finding some good
- source code on this. If you have some, please send it so we can add
- it in.
- 2. ASDG Scanner pics support. Showiz will display some but not all of these
- type pics. For now you can just run a show program that will display
- them from the script.
- 3. Any other features that the registered users ask for.
- ShoWiz is released as Shareware. Donations of $10.00 are gladly accepted.
- Those who send $15.00 will receive a disk full of samples from all our sets
- of picture disks along with the latest version of ShoWiz. Read M-List for
- our latest listings and also where to mail your money.
- Thanks go to Athanassios Kartsatos (AKA Souli...AKA Hermes) for his help on
- displaying overscan and for answering a bunch of dumb questions.
- Thanks also go to Harold Walpert for releasing his excellent code to fade
- the colors on the screen and to Paul Falstad for his on scripts.
- Thanks also to Andry Rachmat for his help on showing the directories and
- Steve Morgan for finding the 1.3 bug.
- Ok, that's it for the plugs and the thanks. So now onto the juicy stuff.
- There are alot of programs that deal with IFF pictures. Some display single
- pictures. Others use scripts to display a whole bunch of pictures. All have
- their place. I just got tired of using one for this and another for that so
- I decided to make one that did it all. Yes, I know, it's larger than Ushow &
- most of the slideshows but there are 26 different wipes in this. That works
- out to less than 1K per wipe. Plus the fact that it will display text files
- and handle scripts. I tried to make this as stupid proof as possible so if
- something goes wrong, you can't say I didn't try!
- ShoWiz allows you to display pictures from Workbench & CLI. Since Workbench
- doesn't allow as many options I will explain this first.
- WorkBench Use:
- If you change the default tool of an icon to ShoWiz and then click on that
- icon, it will display the picture or text file (so long as the path is cor-
- rect). If you click on the ShoWiz icon then on a picture icon, it will show
- the picture. If you just click on the ShoWiz icon it will display all the
- pictures in that directory and will loop through all the different wipes for
- 30 seconds each. The defaults are used when clicking on individual pictures.
- They are 30 seconds for time and `o' for display. If you would like to use
- a different wipe or time you can add them to the tool types of the picture
- icon. You would enter them into the tooltypes like this:
- WIPE=-c
- TIME=+10
- This example would show the picture using the checkerboard wipe for 10
- seconds. Easy enough right? A sample icon is included in this arcfile.
- Scripts can also be run from Workbench. Read below for more info.
- Cli Use:
- First `ShoWiz ?' will show you your different options. You can display pics
- one by one or by directory. To show a picture you would type `ShoWiz Pic'.
- To show an entire directory you would type `ShoWiz Directory'. Now by doing
- it this way it uses its defaults of 30 seconds & `o' for display. You can
- vary this however. When showing directories you could type in the following:
- `ShoWiz +15 df0: df1: !'.
- Now this would display all the pictures in df0: & df1: for 15 seconds each.
- When showing directories you can't give it the type of display, it will just
- loop through all of them. The `!' will tell ShoWiz to keep showing these
- pictures over and over again until you hit `ESC' to exit the loop.
- When showing individual pics you could type:
- `ShoWiz +15 -u Pic1 -f Pic2 +30 -c Pic3'
- This would show Pic1 for 15 seconds using the UP display then show Pic2 for
- 15 seconds using the FADE display then show Pic3 for 30 seconds using the
- CHECKERBOARD display. If no option is given for the pic then the setting for
- the picture before it will be used. You can also use the `!' to loop through
- these pictures.
- Here is a listing of your different options:
- Time: Time is set in seconds. Any positive number is acceptable. If for
- example you typed `+30', it would display that pic for 30 seconds. If the
- number is less than 1, then 1 is used. Just put the `+' in front of the
- number to set the time. If you are displaying more than 1 picture the Time
- would be seconds until it loads the next picture. Now if you have a HAM pic
- then it would take a while to load making a longer delay. So when doing more
- than one picture remember to act accordingly.
- Option: This can be any of the following letters preceded by a `-' [abcdefg
- hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]. Now HAM & Overscan pictures just won't work with some
- of these. Don't worry though cause if you try to select one that can't be
- used, it will use the default. Below is a brief description of the different
- types of wipes that can be used. Just remember they have to be lowercase
- letters! ~~~~~~~~~
- a=01 This will simply make the picture Appear on the screen. Nothing fancy.
- b=02 This will put the picture up in 5 Blocks in the following order: 15324.
- c=03 This will put the picture up using a Checkerboard effect.
- d=04 This will display the picture from the top Down to the bottom.
- e=05 This will display the picture then Enlarge it to 4 times its size.
- f=06 This will Fade the picture in from black.
- g=07 The picture will Grow from the middle out to the four corners.
- h=08 The picture will start in the middle. Half will go right and the other
- Half will go left.
- i=09 The picture will be displayed Inverted (upside down) then flipped.
- j=10 This is the opposite of h and will Join together in the middle.
- k=11 This will put 4 blocks up. One in each Korner.(Well you pick a better
- letter).
- l=12 This will display the picture from Left to right.
- m=13 This will Mix up the screen in a puzzle then straighten itself out.
- n=14 This will do zebra stripes accross the middle then spread from the
- middle to the top and bottom.
- o=15 This is the default. It will Open from the middle. Half going up and
- the other half going down.
- p=16 This will Pull the picture down from the lefthand corner.
- q=17 This will display the picture then shrink it down to a Quarter of its
- original size.
- r=18 This will display the picture from Right to left.
- s=19 This will display the picture in Strips.
- t=20 This will make a Trail of the picture. Going to the right then the
- left then back to the right then back to the left.
- u=21 This will display the picture from the bottom Up to the top.
- v=22 This will display the picture reVersed then flip the picture.
- w=23 I couldn't think of anything to call this but Weird!
- x=24 This will eXpand the picture from the center.
- y=25 This shows a blurred picture than cleans it up. "Why Y? -- Who Knows!".
- z=26 This does zebra stripes accross the screen then fills from top.
- Text Files:
- Now to explain how to display text files. If you will notice at the top of
- each Text file is a header. The first line holds the information about the
- screen. ShoWiz reads a file to see if it has the string `Showiz.Textfile'.
- If it finds that it will load it on a screen. Best way to create your own is
- just to edit one of these files. At the end of the first line you will see a
- bunch of numbers. These are the RGB settings for the Background, then Text,
- then Shadow colors. For example:
- white would be `15-15-15'
- black would be `00-00-00'
- Any number between 0 & 15 will work. Red would be `15-00-00' and
- so on. Try different ones to see which ones you like best.
- If you don't want a shadow on your text just set the shadow color to the
- same settings as your background. The text that appears on the screen is
- what is inside the border of 's. In 80 column mode, you should see an at
- both ends. Stay inside the border and overwrite the existing characters. The
- number of characters has to be correct. Try one and then load it up to see
- if you got it correct.
- Scripts:
- ShoWiz really shines from the use of scripts. There are 16 commands that can
- be used in the scripts. ShoWiz reads this file just like a Text file. You
- must have a header that reads:
- *Showiz.Scriptfile*
- You treat this like you would a startup-sequence on a Workbench disk. Any
- line starting with a `;' will be used as comments and is ignored by ShoWiz.
- You can run scripts from an icon or from typing `ShoWiz Script'. Below is
- a list of the commands and a brief description. Included in this arc file
- is an example script file. Check it out. It uses all the available commands.
- Picture Commands:
- Wipe = The type of wipe to display your picture.
- Ex. Wipe -c
- Time = The amount of seconds before loading the next picture.
- Ex. Time +30
- Show = Displays the actual picture itself.
- Ex. Show ShoWiz.Pic
- Sound Commands:
- LoadSound = Load digitized soundfile into memory.
- Ex. LoadSound ShoWiz.Sound1
- PlaySound = How many times to play the sound in a loop. 0 = forever!
- Ex. Play +3
- Channel = You have 2 sets of channels to work with. You use either 0 or 1.
- Do this before loading a sound.
- Ex. Channel 1
- Quiet = This turns the volume down to 0. It is still in memory to use later.
- Ex. Quiet 0
- FreeChannel = This actually removes the sound from memory giving you back
- your precious chip ram. Be cautious when using sound and big
- pictures because it does eat up memory.
- Ex. FreeChannel 1
- Other Commands:
- WB-On = This turns the Workbench colors back on. ShoWiz turns them off when
- it first starts and sometimes in the script you may need them.
- Ex. WB-On
- Fade-WB = This turns the Workbench screen back to black.
- Ex. Fade-WB
- Delay = This is a time delay for the script itself. When used ShoWiz will
- pause that many seconds before going to the next line in the script.
- Ex. Delay +5
- Request = This brings up a Requester for a Yes or No option. If Yes then it
- does the next line in the script. If No then it is bypassed. What
- ever text in on the line after the command will appear in the
- requester itself. If you try to open one but for some reason it
- can't open, a DisplayAlert() will appear with your text.
- Ex. Request Do You wish to play the Script again?
- Alert = Just like Request but a DisplayAlert() is used. Many people get
- shaky when they see that blinking red box so use with caution.
- Ex. Alert Do You have enough memory for Music?
- Stop = This is used to abort the script. This could be used with either a
- Request or Alert to abort. First do a Request then have the next
- line be Stop.
- Ex. Stop
- Repeat = This tells ShoWiz to read the script again, from the top. You can
- also use a Request with this to repeat or not.
- Ex. Repeat
- Execute = This is some REAL POWERFUL STUFF! With this command you can run
- any program from it. Use an animation program, a text reader,etc.
- It is best to use path names with it, just to be on the safe side.
- Ex. Execute df0:c/showanim -c5 ShoWiz:ShoWiz.anim
- I tried Movie with it but it seems to have a problem sometimes.
- However Showanim and the New DP player work perfectly. Experiment
- around with this. You might come up with some really neat things.
- Imagine using this as a startup-sequence. You could even load
- Workbench from it. You can exit the script with the `ESC' key.
- Well that about does it. I think you are ready to play with it. I hope you
- get as much use out of this as I have. It is perfect for demos and such and
- as a handy utility to display all those pictures you download. Please read
- M-List and if I can be of service to you, just drop me a line (hopefully
- with a check enclosed... hint..hint..).
- Support Shareware Authors!!!
- _ , Chat At Ya Later...
- {~}
- ( V-)
- "|Y|"
- _|||_---> J.L. White
- P.S.
- Also included is ShoWizJr. This is a condensed version. It only has 10 wipes
- and does not handle scripts, but it is smaller! Use if ya like.