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- HERMES' HERMiT (Version 1.2)
- Copyright (c) 1988-89 A. G. Kartsatos
- (Saves/Cycles The Front Screen And Saves The Front Screen's Font)
- *** Shareware ***
- (Please See Below Distribution Requirements)
- NEW: HERMiT will now save the screen faster. Some of the users have
- already seen this in Version 1.1.
- It will save the front screen's font.
- It contains its own font. You do not have to have the TOPAZ 11
- font on your disk anymore. Thus, you can run the program from
- anywhere since it uses no AmigaDos commands from your c directory
- except RUN of course.
- It does not use the sound beep anymore. It uses the built in
- beep function (sunning of the screen).
- It will save the screen after a user-defined amount of time in
- seconds.
- It does not lose any memory.
- Here is a new version of HERMiT. It will SAVE and CYCLE your FRONT
- SCREEN by using HOT KEYS. Very useful when you need a copy of a screen of
- a word processor, a game, a utility, etc. It will cycle IFF pictures which
- have from 8 to 32 colors. It will save OVERSCAN front screens too.
- The files are saved sequentially like GRABBiT to a directory/volume path
- that you specify when the HERMiT requester asks you for it. Just enter a
- volume/directory where you want your pictures saved. No actual filenames
- are needed and they will not work. The saving format: HR_3MED.000 = HERMiT,
- 3 Planes, Medium Resolution, File Number 0. Another example: HR_6LACE.007
- = HERMiT, 6 Planes, INTERLACE Mode, 8th File Saved. Whenever HERMiT is run,
- the numbering of the pictures starts from 000. This means that the user
- should make sure that he/she does not overwrite older pictures with the same
- number, resolution and planes as new ones.
- This version of HERMiT will save your fornt screen in about half the
- time of the previous version.
- HERMiT will also SAVE THE FRONT SCREEN FONT. Well, all these Front-
- Screen saving operations are of course possible only when the running
- program allows you to do them. When the running program uses the "Disable(),
- Forbid()" combinations (e.g., in the C Language), you cannot save the
- FrontScreen.
- To SAVE THE FONT, just PRESS: CTRL+LALT+F. The program will check first
- to see if the font is just the TOPAZ one. If it is, the program will notify
- you accordingly, and it will not save the font. Let us assume that the font
- has the name HELLO and has size 11. The program will try to see if a
- directory exists in the assigned HERMiT path (above) with the name fonts.
- If it exists, HERMiT will try to save the font in there. It will put a file
- called HELLO.font in that fonts directory, it will then open a directory
- in there with the name HELLO, and, finally, it will place into the HELLO
- directory a file with the name "11".
- If the fonts directory cannot be found in the assigned HERMiT path,
- HERMiT will create it and continue as above.
- THE HERMiT PATH/FONTS DIRECTORY. This means that if there is a HELLO font
- already in that fonts directory, HERMiT will not create a font with the
- name HELLO even if the new font has a different size.
- If you do want to get that font anyway, just change the names of the
- three files of the HELLO font that are already there (HELLO.font, HELLO
- and 11), or delete them.
- Now, I do not really want to play with your current "fonts" directory.
- So, when you enter a path into the HERMiT gadget, please avoid entering
- a volume/directory that contains your valuable "fonts" directory. This of
- course applies only when you want to save the screen font.
- It works from the Workbench or the CLI. To run it from the CLI, Press:
- RUN HERMiT (not just HERMiT). Just click into its icon when you want it on
- the Workbench screen. LALT denotes the Left ALT KEY on your keyboard.
- IN what follows, "BEEP" means "sunning of the screen."
- (I) CTRL+LALT+H: Checks whether HERMiT has been activated (BEEP)
- (II) CTRL+LALT+S: Saves the front screen. (BEEP before and after)
- (III) CTRL+LALT+Q: Stop HERMiT from running in the background. (BEEP)
- (IV) CTRL+LALT+1, CTRL+LALT+2, CTRL+LALT+3: will cycle the colors of the
- front screen at three different speeds, respectively. The only un-cycled
- color is the color in register 0. It is usually the color outside the
- picture frame and it does not look good when you include it in the cycling.
- Press the TAB KEY to stop the cycling.
- (V) CTRL+LALT+F: Will save the front screen's font.
- (BEEP before and after)
- Now, remember that it is still possible that HERMiT can be blocked from
- operation because another running program may be using some of the above
- key combinations. So, if you get stuck trying to save a picture with HERMiT,
- have this fact in mind. You might be able to still save a picture though.
- HERMiT will save the screen after a user-defined number of seconds.
- If you want to save the screen of a program 30 seconds after you run
- HERMiT, just run HERMiT as follows: RUN HERMiT 30.
- The program will notify you that it is waiting about 30 seconds before
- it saves the front screen. This will give you plenty of time to get to
- the desired screen. After it saves the screen, HERMiT will be operating as
- usual. If you specify any number of seconds less than 20 (and > 0), the
- program will default to 20 seconds.
- One of the main reasons for not being able to save certain screens, is
- that the programs creating those screens block your keyboard and prohibit
- you from interfering with their respective tasks. This can be done in
- the C language by using instructions like "Disable(); Forbid();".
- I have tried to cover a lot of cases of possible ... misuse of the
- program. However, if you come across any situations at all where HERMiT
- does not work properly, please let me know. I would appreciate it.
- I would like to express my thanks to Robert Miles (Excalibur BBS,
- Dallas) for sharing his knowledge with me on the hunks of executable files.
- Have fun!!!
- @@-->>> HERMES
- Programs By HERMES:
- ICONLAB2.ARC (The Definitive Work On Icons For The Amiga Computer.
- It Supports:
- [This Is The Demo Version Of The Commercial Program
- ICONLAB Available Now From The Address Below At $30.00]
- DISKoLAB.ARC (One Of The Greatest Utilities Ever!
- Among Other Capabilities,
- It Supports 1200 files.
- It has A Built In IFF Viewer For All IFF's Including
- Brushes And Overscans.
- It Has A Built In Icon Viewer For Icons Of Any Size
- And Any Colors Up To 16.
- It Has A Built In Fast File Reader Which Is Also
- Used By Numerous Other Functions.
- It Will Find A File Anywhere On The Current Di-
- rectory/Drive (Including Subdirectories).
- It Will Compute The Size Of The Current Directory/
- Volume.
- It Will Search Every ASCII File In The Current Di-
- rectory For A String.
- It Will Show You All Your Mountlist Data From
- Memory.
- It Will Fix An ASCII File That Contains Binary
- Characters.
- It Will Extract All ASCII Characters From A Bi-
- nary File.
- It Will Highlight All Files Whose Name Contains
- A given Pattern.
- It Will Save The Currently Displayed List Into
- A File.
- It Will Isolate All The Directories In The Current
- Directory In Order To Be Able To Perform Four Diffe-
- rent Functions On Them.
- It Will Allow You To Display Nicely A File's
- Information (Protection Bits And Comment), And Change
- It On The Fly.
- It Will Allow You To Save The Entire Contents Of
- A Drive Into A File. This Catalogue Will Contain the
- Exact Paths Of All The Files On It, The Creation Dates
- And The Sizes. Hard Disk Drives Are Included.)
- [This Is The Demo Version Of The Commercial Program
- DISKoLAB Available Now From The Address Below At $30.00]
- COLORLAB.ARC (This Is A Nice Update To The PALETTA program. It Allows
- The User To Identify All Color Shades Of The Amiga
- Computer, Mix Colors, Get Hex Values For The Colors, and
- Get Random Colors. It Also Allows The User To Load An
- IFF Picture And Modify It At Will (If It Is Of 32 Colors
- Or Less) By Throwing On The Screen A Nice Palette. This
- IFF Picture Can Also Be Reduced To One In Black & White.
- This Last Feature Can Be Accomplished In 13 Different
- Ways. All These Pictures Can Be Saved To A File Or
- To A Printer)
- CALCULA.ARC (An Expression Parser And A Function Evaluator. A Really
- Great Calculator For Your Amiga. It Will Evaluate
- Millions Of Functions F(x,y,z) (Of Up To Three Vari-
- ables). Any Depth Of Parentheses!!!)
- OUTCOMM.ARC (This Little Utility Will Actually Eliminate All Com-
- ments From Your C Programs. These Are Statements Be-
- tween /* And */. It Will Also Delete Any Lines That
- Lie Entirely Within These Comments. I Have Found It
- Pretty Useful.)
- LISTA11.ARC (Very Useful Directory Lister. Alpha, Bytes, Patterns,
- CLI, Refresh. Opens Its Own Window)
- SCRIPTA.ARC (Online!-PCP Script Maker. Easy Online! Script Files!)
- FORMULA!.ARC (FORMIDABLE 3D-Grapher In C. It graphs z = f(x,y).
- Choice Of Colors. 17 Functions Supported. An Artist's
- Tool)
- FINANCA.ARC (Mortgage, Compound Interest And Annuity In Color!)
- CONTOURA.ARC (SPECTACULAR Contour Grapher. Definitely An Artist's
- SCALING. An Important Artist's Tool!)
- ARCHA12.ARC (ARC-PAK-ZOO Utility. It Also Has Another 12 Utility
- Gadgets And 7 Drive Gadgets. Only 35K, It Can Be Used
- As An Efficient Directory Utility.
- CYCLER1.ARC (This Program Will Cycle Your IFF Pictures (<=32 Colors)
- In Two Different Modes (Straight And Reverse) And Three
- Different Speeds. Great For Creating Motion Via
- Cycling!)
- DUHERM28.ARC (This Is Version 2.8 Of DU-HERMES. This Beautiful dire-
- ctory Utility Can Afford A Total Of 72 Gadgets, Out Of
- Which 48 Are User-definable! One Of The Major Utilities
- For The Amiga Computer. Very Popular And Very Useful.)
- SIMPLIC1.ARC (The Simplex Method Of Linear Programming. The
- Complete Program Handles Simplexes Of Up To 30 Un-
- knowns And Up To 30 Constraints. It Will Also Load
- And Save Simplexes. The Best Simplex Program For
- Your Amiga.
- [This Is The Demo Version Of The Commercial Program
- SIMPLICA Available From The Address Below At $30.00]
- TAPRiSKA.ZOO (This Program Allows You To List All The Current Tasks
- And Their Priorities. It Also Allows You To Change The
- Priorities On The Fly. Very Useful And Convenient.)
- This is a SHAREWARE program. If you use this program, please send
- $15.00 to the address below.
- FOR SUPPORT, please write to:
- A. G. Kartsatos (PLink = HERMES)
- 8524 Caladesi Island Drive
- Temple Terrace, FL 33637-7310, USA
- (Telephone 813-985-7624)
- ============
- Feel free to distribute this version of HERMiT, with this doc
- intact, to any bulletin boards and non-profit establishments in the US
- and abroad.
- You are also allowed to upload this version to major electronic boards
- like BIX, Compuserve, Delphi, GEnie, PLink, etc.
- The inclusion of HERMiT or any part of it, in any form, in a commercial
- package, or its use for any commercial purposes, is illegal without the
- explicit permission of the author.
- All nationally and internationally sold disks with Amiga software are
- considered commercial packages by this author. Only The Amiga User Group
- "Disk Of The Month" disks are excluded.
- *** If you are planning to use this program commercially, you may
- call me using the phone number above. ***
- ===========
- The usual disclaimers concerning computer software apply to this
- product.
- Although this program has been tested extensively for its accuracy and
- reliability, the author will accept no liability whatsoever for damage
- resulting from the use, misuse, or excessive use of it.