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- /*
- *
- * All the standard variables and other stuff used by all the modules
- * of BBSindex, and standard BBS-PC! headers (with a few modifications).
- *
- * Important note: This header file cannot be precompiled with
- * Lattice C V5.02, because of a bug which prevents bit fields
- * from working properly when they are precompiled.
- */
- #include "bbs.h"
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define BTOK(x) (((x)+1023)>>10) /* Convert file size into K */
- /*
- * Default values for command line parameters and script commands
- */
- #define FORMAT "%15n %w %-6x-%b{B,T} %c\n"
- #define DEFSCRIPT "BBSindex.scr"
- /*
- * Blocksize determines the largest contiguous memory segment which is
- * needed. Larger values give faster processing, but need more continuous
- * memory.
- */
- #define BLOCKSIZE 160 /* Number of records/block (~16K) */
- #define MAXOUT 1024 /* The maximum length of an output line */
- #define MAXCOM 1024 /* Maximum size of a single command */
- #define MAXSUB 256 /* Maximum size of a sub format string */
- #define FRAGBLOCK 8192 /* Memory block to allocate in mymalloc */
- #define FRAGTHRESH 200 /* Threshold for mem reqs in mymalloc */
- #define BUFSIZE 8192 /* Maximum size of output buffer */
- #define MAXEXPR 100 /* Max number of items in an expression */
- #define MAXDIRENT 1000 /* Maximum number of unknown dir files */
- #define DIRFRAG 100 /* Number of dir entries/block alloced */
- #define DIRNAMESIZE 80 /* Maximum length of directory name */
- #define MACROLEN 20 /* Maximum length of macro name */
- #define MAXMACRO 50 /* Maximum number of macros allowed */
- #define MAXNEST 10 /* Max number of macro nesting levels */
- #define MAXCONST 20 /* Maximum length of a constant name */
- /* Note: MAXSUB above is allocated on the stack, so don't make it too big */
- /*
- * This structure is used to build a tree structure representing
- * the expression given with the SELECT command.
- */
- struct expr {
- int field; /* Field to test, or boolean operator */
- int op; /* Operator to test against, if any */
- int num; /* First data field */
- char *text; /* Second data field */
- struct expr *left; /* Left subtree */
- struct expr *right; /* Right subtree */
- };
- typedef struct expr EXPR;
- /*
- * This structure is used to hold the name of a file found in
- * a BBS-PC! file directory during CHECKFILES, which does not
- * exist in the BBS-PC! file catalogue.
- */
- typedef struct {
- char name[32]; /* Disk filename */
- short date; /* In BBS-PC! format, max 16 bits */
- short dirnum; /* The directory number it was in */
- long size; /* The size of the file, in bytes */
- /*
- * This structure holds the names of files to be "ignored" during a
- * CHECKFILES. I.e. they are marked as valid, even if their filesize
- * on disk doesn't match that in the file catalogue. This structure
- * is built up with the IGNORE command.
- */
- struct ignore {
- struct ignore *next;
- char name[CAT_LEN+1];
- };
- typedef struct ignore IGNORE;
- /*
- * This structure is used to store macro definitions. Note that
- * a single block is used to store both the macro and its definition.
- * The structure is dynamically sized at runtime, to fit whatever
- * size definition is given. The text[] array (nominally 1) gets
- * expanded to hold the definition.
- */
- typedef struct {
- char name[MACROLEN]; /* Name of this macro */
- int size; /* Size of macro text */
- char text[1]; /* Start of macro text */
- } MACRO;
- #define MACROSIZE (sizeof(MACRO) - 1) /* The -1 is for text[1] */
- /*
- * This structure holds a block of parameters for a macro that is
- * executing.
- */
- typedef struct {
- int size; /* Size of parameter block */
- char params[1]; /* Start of parameter block */
- } PARAM;
- #define PARAMSIZE (sizeof(PARAM) - 1) /* The -1 is for params[1] */
- /*
- * This macro checks to make sure that the file database has been
- * read in. This is delayed until as late as possible, so that if
- * the script file contains errors, the errors will be spotted BEFORE
- * the database is read in. The primary goal here is to save the user
- * having to wait for 200K or so of database to be read in, just so
- * they can see they have an error in their script. Instead, the
- * database is only read in when a command cannot execute without
- * having access to the files. Such commands are SORT, SCAN, LIST,
- */
- #define CHECKDATABASE() {if (!readfiles) readdatabase(databasename);}
- /*
- * Global variables, accessible to all modules
- */
- #ifdef GLOBAL
- #undef GLOBAL
- #endif
- #ifdef MAIN
- #define GLOBAL
- #else
- #define GLOBAL extern
- #endif
- GLOBAL char *script; /* Array for storing the script */
- GLOBAL long scriptsize; /* The size of the current script */
- GLOBAL long scriptpos; /* Position in the current script */
- GLOBAL long linenum; /* Line number in script file */
- GLOBAL char out[MAXOUT]; /* Array for storing the output lines */
- GLOBAL char combuf[MAXCOM]; /* Buffer to hold a single command */
- GLOBAL char formatstring[MAXCOM];/* Used to store the output format string */
- GLOBAL char databasename[256]; /* The name of the BBS-PC! file database */
- GLOBAL char configname[256]; /* The name of the BBS-PC! config file */
- GLOBAL char scriptname[256]; /* The name of the current script file */
- GLOBAL UDHEAD **ptrblock; /* Array of pointers to file records */
- GLOBAL long numrecs; /* The number of file headers read in */
- GLOBAL long compos; /* Position on the current command line */
- GLOBAL long comlen; /* Length of current command line */
- GLOBAL BPTR outfile; /* Output file (Default is stdout) */
- GLOBAL BPTR errorfile; /* Standard error file (screen usually) */
- GLOBAL BPTR dirlock; /* Lock used when scanning directories */
- GLOBAL struct FileInfoBlock *fib;/* Global fib struct on longword boundary */
- GLOBAL int checkfiles; /* TRUE if file directories were scanned */
- GLOBAL int readfiles; /* TRUE if database file has been read in */
- GLOBAL int toscreen; /* TRUE if output is to screen */
- GLOBAL int totalbytes; /* Total number of bytes output so far */
- GLOBAL int totalfiles; /* Total number of files output so far */
- GLOBAL int curbytes; /* Number of bytes output by last LIST/SCAN */
- GLOBAL int curfiles; /* Number of files output by last LIST/SCAN */
- GLOBAL int sorted; /* True if file array has been sorted */
- GLOBAL EXPR tree[MAXEXPR]; /* Array to hold parsed SELECT expression */
- GLOBAL int numdirentries; /* Number of fake directory entries */
- GLOBAL DIRENTRY *direntries[MAXDIRENT];/* Storage for ptrs to dir entries */
- GLOBAL char dirnames[NUM_SECT][DIRNAMESIZE];/* Storage for directory names */
- GLOBAL CFGINFO config[1]; /* BBS-PC! Configuration file structure */
- GLOBAL MACRO *macros[MAXMACRO]; /* Array of ptrs to macro definitions */
- GLOBAL int nummacros; /* Number of macros currently defined */
- GLOBAL PARAM *params[MAXNEST]; /* Array of pointers to macro parameters */
- GLOBAL int nestlevel; /* Current macro nest level */
- GLOBAL int tracemode; /* Trace mode; TRUE if tracing enabled */
- GLOBAL IGNORE *firstignore; /* Pointer to first filename to ignore */
- /*
- * Global functions, accessible everywhere
- */
- char *format(); /* Format output string from file header + format spec */
- char *echoformat(); /* Formats output string for ECHO command */
- char *itoa(); /* Convert integer into ASCII format */
- char *getstring(); /* Get next string from command buffer */
- void *mymalloc(); /* Safe memory tracker that handles out of memory */
- void *SafeAllocMem();/* Safe AllocMem that handles out of memory */
- void execscript(); /* Executes all the commands in the current script */
- void Cleanup(); /* Frees resources and exits program */
- void chkabort(); /* Checks for Control-C, and aborts if detected */
- void putstring(); /* Outputs string to standard I/O */
- void flushout(); /* Flushes data buffer to output file */
- void parse(); /* Parse command line and build expression tree */
- void readdatabase();/* Reads in the BBS-PC! UDHEAD.DAT file database */
- void readconfigfile();/* Reads in the BBS-PC! CFGINFO.DAT file */
- void print(); /* Prints a string to stderr */
- void com_select(); /* SELECT, specifies criteria for files to select */
- void com_checkfiles();/* Scans file directories, updating catlague entries */
- void com_sort(); /* Sorts file catalogue into a particular order */
- void com_foreign(); /* Prints a list of all the unknown foreign files */
- void com_norequest();/* Stop AmigaDos from putting up requesters */
- int match(); /* Returns TRUE if record matches current selection */
- int scandir(); /* Scans directory for files, returns TRUE if continue */
- int sortcmp(); /* Internal routine used for sorting files */
- /*
- * print3()
- * --------
- * Prints 3 strings to standard error
- */
- #define print2(s1,s2) (print(s1), print(s2))
- #define print3(s1,s2,s3) (print(s1), print(s2), print(s3))
- /*
- * The list of identifiers used by SORT and SELECT.
- */
- #define MAXINDEX 16
- #define I_ANY 0
- #define I_ACCESS 1
- #define I_BINARY 2
- #define I_COMMENT 3
- #define I_DISKNAME 4
- #define I_SECTION 5
- #define I_ONLINE 6
- #define I_LOCAL 7
- #define I_NAME 8
- #define I_OWNER 9
- #define I_PATHNAME 10
- #define I_DIRECTORY 11
- #define I_DISKDIRNUM 12
- #define I_VALID 13
- #define I_DATE 14
- #define I_SIZE 15
- #define I_KSIZE 16
- GLOBAL struct {
- int tag;
- char *name;
- } indexes[MAXINDEX]
- #ifdef MAIN
- = {
- { I_ACCESS, "ACCESS"}, /* Number of times file was accessed */
- { I_BINARY, "BINARY"}, /* True if Binary, False if text */
- { I_COMMENT, "COMMENT"}, /* The file comment */
- { I_DISKNAME, "DISKNAME"}, /* The name of the file on disk */
- { I_SECTION, "SECTION"}, /* # of the section the file is in */
- { I_ONLINE, "ONLINE"}, /* True if file online */
- { I_LOCAL, "LOCAL"}, /* True if file uploaded locally */
- { I_NAME, "NAME"}, /* The name of the file in the catalog */
- { I_OWNER, "OWNER"}, /* The name of uploader of the file */
- { I_PATHNAME, "PATHNAME"}, /* Pathname to file on disk */
- { I_DIRECTORY, "DIRECTORY"}, /* # of directory file is in */
- { I_DISKDIRNUM, "DISKDIRNUM"}, /* # of disk directory file is in */
- { I_VALID, "VALID"}, /* True if file is Valid */
- { I_DATE, "DATE"}, /* The date the file was uploaded */
- { I_SIZE, "SIZE"}, /* The size of the file */
- { I_KSIZE, "KSIZE"} /* The size of the file in K */
- }
- #endif
- ;
- GLOBAL char *months[]
- #ifdef MAIN
- = {
- "xxx",
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
- }
- #endif
- ;
- /*
- * Special characters that can occur in the script
- */
- #define CHAR_TAB '\t'
- #define CHAR_SPACE ' '
- #define CHAR_HASH '#'
- #define CHAR_NL '\n'
- #define CHAR_ESC '\\'
- #define CHAR_QUOTE '\''
- #define CHAR_QUOTES '\"'
- #define CHAR_SEMI ';'
- #define CHAR_COMMA ','
- #define CHAR_EQUALS '='
- #define CHAR_DOLLAR '$'
- #define CHAR_NULL '\0'
- #define CHAR_ASCEND '+'
- #define CHAR_DESCEND '-'
- /*
- * The following symbols are used in the expression tree
- */
- /*
- * Boolean operations, which share storage with field selectors
- */
- #define E_AND 30 /* <left> AND <right> */
- #define E_OR 31 /* <left> OR <right> */
- #define E_NOT 32 /* NOT <left> */
- #define E_ALL 33 /* Always true */
- /*
- * Comparison operators, used for comparing record elements
- */
- #define E_EQ 34 /* Record == Value */
- #define E_NE 35 /* Record != Value */
- #define E_LT 36 /* Record < Value */
- #define E_GT 37 /* Record > Value */
- #define E_LE 38 /* Record <= Value */
- #define E_GE 39 /* Record >= Value */
- #define E_OPENPAR 40 /* Open parameter token */
- #define E_CLOSEPAR 41 /* Close parameter token */
- #define E_NUMBER 42 /* Any numeric value */
- #define E_STRING 43 /* Anything in quotes */
- #define E_END 44 /* End of command line */
- #define E_TEXT 45 /* File is a text file */
- #define E_REMOTE 46 /* File is a remote file */
- #define E_INVALID 47 /* File is invalid */
- #define E_OFFLINE 48 /* File is offline */
- /*
- * Wildcard special fields for strings
- */
- #define tokentowild(x) ((x)+50)
- #define W_OWNER tokentowild(I_OWNER)
- #define W_NAME tokentowild(I_NAME)
- #define W_DISKNAME tokentowild(I_DISKNAME)
- #define W_COMMENT tokentowild(I_COMMENT)