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- This document describes TEXTRA, a very user-friendly text editor.
- TEXTRA makes no claim at being the most powerful editor around, or the
- fastest, smallest or any-OTHER-est. Just pretty easy to use, that's
- the goal. And free.
- TEXTRA is FreeWare. I request, however, that this README file
- accompany the executable if passed around.
- If you are using TEXTRA to read this file, just point the mouse
- at the arrow in the lower-right corner, and hold the left mouse button
- down for a little. You'll know when to let up.
- TEXTRA was written in JForth Professional V2.0, which I recommend
- highly.
- Thanx, Mike Haas
- 26-Apr-89 executable size 60148
- 29-May-89 " " " 60864
- 22-Jul-89 " " " 61080
- 21-Oct-89 " " " 65208
- 05-Jan-90 " " " 69836
- 18-Feb-90 " " " 69400
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
- ---------------------------------------
- 1.1 Invoking from Workbench or CLI
- 1.2 Optional filename argument usage
- 1.3 Shift-Double-clicking with "project"-type icons
- 1.4 TEXTRA as the Default Tool for "Project"-type icons
- 2.1 Cursor appearance
- 2.2 Positioning the cursor with the keyboard arrow keys
- 2.3 Positioning the cursor with the mouse
- 2.4 Quickly finding the cursor (function key F3)
- 3.1 Inserting text at the cursor location
- 3.2 The RETURN key
- 3.2.1 The "Auto-Indent" mode
- 3.3 The BACKSPACE key
- 3.3.1 The "Auto-BackSpace" mode
- 3.4 The DEL key
- 3.5 The TAB key
- 3.5.1 Settable TAB Width
- 3.6 The control-key filter and defeat feature (Function key F2)
- 4.1 Using the mouse to select a range of characters
- 4.2 Selecting text by double-clicking
- 4.3 Operations on selected ranges
- 4.4 Selecting more than the visible screen
- 4.5 Quickly finding the selected range (function key F3)
- 4.6 Extending a select range by SHIFT-clicking
- 5.1 The vertical scroll arrow gadgets
- 5.2 The vertical scroll thumb gadget
- 5.3 Scrolling the page with the keyboard arrow keys
- 5.4 Keys that PAGE-up or PAGE-down
- 6.1 Limitations
- 6.2 The title bar
- 6.3 The close gadget
- 6.3 The sizing gadget
- 6.4 The Window-Size-Toggle feature (Function key F1)
- 7.1 Accessing the menus
- 7.2 The "Project" menu
- 7.2.1 Open A File...
- 7.2.2 Open By Name...
- 7.2.3 New File
- 7.2.4 Revert To Saved
- 7.2.5 Save File
- 7.2.6 Save File As...
- 7.2.7 Save All Files
- 7.2.8 Close File
- 7.2.9 About TEXTRA...
- 7.2.10 Quit
- 7.3 The "Edit" menu
- 7.3.1 Cut
- 7.3.2 Copy
- 7.3.3 Paste
- 7.3.4 Find
- String...
- Next Occurence
- 7.3.5 Replace
- String...
- Next Occurence
- 7.3.6 Case
- lower
- Capitalize
- 7.3.7 Go to Line...
- 7.3.8 Preferences...
- 7.4 The "Windows" menu
- 7.4.1 Dynamically-changing items
- 7.4.2 Additional information
- 8.1 TEXTRA's use of Path and File names
- 8.2 String Gadget Shortcuts
- 8.3 TEXTRA String Gadgets and the RETURN key
- 8.4 TEXTRA Requesters
- 8.5 TEXTRA Keyboard Summary
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.1 TEXTRA, if double-clicked from WorkBench, will ask you to
- select a filename soon after opening its first window. TEXTRA
- may be launched from CLI or SHELL with multiple filenames
- as follows:
- 1> TEXTRA <filename1> <filename2> ... <filenameX>
- OR
- 1> RUN TEXTRA <filename1> <filename2> ... <filenameX>
- 1.2 If the optional filenames are not given, TEXTRA will ask you to
- select one, as if double-clicked. Select "CANCEL" if you do not
- want to edit an existing file; the default name "Untitled" will
- be assigned.
- 1.3 From Workbench, "Project" icons that are also selected when TEXTRA
- is "SHIFT-Double-Clicked" will each be opened in their respective window.
- 1.4 A "Project" icon that has TEXTRA specified in its "Default Tool"
- field will invoke TEXTRA, when double-clicked, and be opened in its
- own window.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.1 The current cursor location (where text will be inserted) is
- represented by a thin line, of a different color than either text
- or background. If placed inside a text string, the cursor is
- always BETWEEN two characters, showing clearly the sections that will
- "spread apart" if something is typed into the window.
- 2.2 The cursor may be moved with the "arrow" keys on the keyboard; a
- SHIFT-left-arrow or SHIFT-right-arrow will move the cursor to the
- beginning or end of the current line, respectively.
- 2.3 The cursor may also be positioned by clicking the LEFT MOUSE
- BUTTON, while the mouse cursor is over a part of the windows text area.
- 2.4 The display will move to the cursor location when the F3 key
- is pressed.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.1 As keys are typed at the keyboard, they are entered in the file
- at the current cursor location, and the cursor is advanced by one.
- 3.2 The RETURN key inserts a new line, and moves the cursor there.
- 3.2.1 If the Auto-Indent mode is enabled (see section 7.3.8), the
- cursor will advance to the same column as the 1st non-blank character
- on the line above when the RETURN key is pressed.
- 3.3 The BACKSPACE deletes the character to the immediate left of the
- cursor and backs the cursor up one column. If the cursor is at the
- leftmost column, the preceeding newline is removed and the cursor
- moves up one line.
- 3.3.1 The Auto-BackSpace mode (section 7.3.8), if enabled, comes into
- play when the cursor rests on the 1st non-blank character of a line.
- Then, the line is "backed-up" by whatever it takes to line up with
- the beginning of the text on the line above. If the previous line
- does not start to the left of the cursor line, the alignment is made
- to the next line above that does.
- 3.4 The DELETE key removes the character to the immediate right of the
- cursor. If the cursor is at the end of a line, the newline is removed
- and the next line moves up to merge with the current.
- 3.5 The TAB key advances the cursor to the next column that is an
- even multiple of the TAB width value (section 3.5.1).
- 3.5.1 Settable TAB WIDTH (section 7.3.8) provides a way of changing
- the default TAB width (8). A string requester is presented, with
- the currently installed size. Maximum width accepted is 16. The
- setting applies to all windows.
- 3.6 Normally, TEXTRA will not allow control characters into the
- window, permitting only visible or white-space characters. This
- feature can be temporarily defeated, for 1 character, by pressing F2.
- Following F2, the next character will be accepted into the window
- unfiltered.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.1 It is possible to mark a series of characters for the next
- operation by "dragging" with the mouse. The sequence is:
- a. Position the mouse over the 1st character of the desired series.
- b. Press the left mouse button and, while holding it down, move the
- mouse to the last character of the series (even if it is on another
- line). Note that the characters between that clicked-on and wherever
- you move the mouse become "highlighted" (selected).
- c. Release the left mouse button when the desired range of characters
- is selected.
- 4.2 Any series of non-white characters will become selected if the
- LEFT MOUSE BUTTON is double-clicked while the mouse cursor is
- positioned over them.
- 4.3 When a range of text is selected, a subsequent operation will
- affect the entire selected area. For example, if a key is typed while
- a range is selected, the range will be cut from the file, replaced by
- that key. Other examples are the BACKSPACE and DEL keys, which both
- act to simply delete any selected area. Certain items under the EDIT
- menu, described later, also operate on any current range.
- 4.4 If, while selecting text, the mouse is moved near the bottom or top
- of the window, available text in the appropriate direction will scroll
- into view, becoming selected in the process. Therefore, a select range
- can extend past the visible limits of the window.
- 4.5 The display will move to the beginning of any currently-selected
- range when the F3 key is pressed.
- 4.6 A select range may be established or size changed by holding
- down the SHIFT key when clicking in the window. If the click occurs
- outside the current select range, the range is extended to there.
- If inside, the end-point of the select range is adjusted to the
- click-point.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5.1 The easiest method for moving through the file is to use the vertical
- scroll bar on the right side of the window. Single clicks of the left
- mouse button on the arrows at either end move the document vertically,
- one line at a time. Holding the left button down on either yields a
- continuous scroll.
- 5.2 The "thumb" in the middle of the scroll bar not only indicates the
- visible-page-area relative to the total-file-size (by it's height),
- but also the position within the file (by its vertical positioning).
- It can also be "selected" with the left mouse button and moved as
- a "coarse adjust". The area immediately above and below the "thumb"
- may be clicked with the left button as a "page-scroll" mechanism.
- 5.3 Another method by which text may be scrolled into view is to move
- the cursor, via the keyboard "arrow" keys, to either the top or bottom
- of the visible window. Attempts to move the cursor "off the window"
- will cause text in that direction to scroll.
- 5.4 Function keys F4 and F5 will PAGE the display down and up,
- respectively. The Shift-arrow-key combinations will also PAGE
- the display in the appropriate direction AND position the cursor
- to the middle of the new page.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6.1 TEXTRA allows any number of windows, limited by the amount of
- memory in your computer (most limiting is probably the amount of
- available CHIP ram). Textra lines can be up to 255 characters long,
- number of lines limited by your total available memory (entire file
- is kept in ram, FAST is grabbed first).
- 6.2 The title of each TEXTRA window is set to the full-pathname
- of the file that was read in (or created). This is also the name
- of the file that will be written during a SAVE operation (unless
- the "SAVE AS..." menu option is chosen, section 7.2.6). If the
- file has been modified since last saved, the filename will be
- preceeded by a '*'.
- 6.3 Each window includes a standard Intuition close gadget, which
- performs the same action as the "CLOSE FILE" menu option. See the
- discussion on "CLOSE FILE" (section 7.2.8) for more information.
- 6.4 The "sizing" gadget in the lower-right hand corner of each window
- may be used to adjust the dimensions of that window, up to the
- full-screen limitations of the Workbench.
- 6.5 Function key F1 may be used as a "window-size-toggle" between
- default size (when F1 was first hit) and full-screen (as per current
- screen resolution settings). This is particularly
- useful when Workbench is in 400 line interlace.
- (NOTE: if F1 is used to expand the screen, and the size gadget is
- then clicked without actually changing size, the default-size
- becomes equal to the full-screen-size. This will make F1
- non-functional until the size gadget is used to actually
- change window size. To avoid this, don't click on the
- sizing gadget when the window is full-size. Use F1 to
- get back to normal size).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7.1 3 menus are available and present themselves when the RIGHT
- MENU BUTTON is depressed and held. Some menu items may also
- be activated by simultaneously pressing the RIGHT AMIGA key
- and the one that is specified in the menu item text.
- 7.2 The "Project" Menu
- 7.2.1 OPEN A FILE... opens a new window with a full file-selector
- requester and buttons that allow quick access to the top 6 disk
- devices (like DF0:). The PARENT button changes the current directory
- to the level above the one being displayed. The KEYBOARD button
- presents the user with a string requester into which a file or
- directory specification may be typed. The CANCEL button exits the
- requester with no other action while the OK button enters the file
- or directory selected in the list box (the same as CANCEL if nothing
- is selected). Double-clicking one of the names performs the same
- action as the OK button.
- 7.2.2 OPEN BY NAME... opens a new window, then presents a string
- requester for specifying a filename (directory names are invalid
- in this requester) from the keyboard. This bypasses the directory
- scan for the list of names, which can take time on large directories,
- especially on floppy drives. Note that the current directory of
- the requester is that of the spawning window.
- 7.2.3 NEW FILE opens a window without specifying a filename; the
- default name "Untitled" is assigned, at the directory level of
- the spawning window.
- 7.2.4 REVERT TO SAVED causes the read-in version of the selected
- file to be discarded, replaced by the version that was last-saved
- to disk. A verification requester is presented to make sure this
- is not done accidently.
- 7.2.5 SAVE FILE causes the currently-selected file to be written to
- disk, if modified. If the file has not been changed (no '*' before
- the title), this menu item is disabled.
- 7.2.6 SAVE FILE AS... allows saving the currently selected file under
- a different name. After this operation, the title bar will contain
- the new name, and it will have been created on disk. If the
- specified file already exists, the user is warned and given a
- chance to abort. The "USE LIST" button will present a full
- file-requester through which an existing file may be selected with
- the mouse. This requester is very similar in operation to the
- "OPEN FILE..." requester; all buttons work the same, except the
- OK button will overwrite the selected file (as does double-clicking
- a filename).
- 7.2.7 SAVE ALL FILES causes all files that have been modified and not
- saved to be written to disk. If there are no modified files, this
- menu item is disabled.
- 7.2.8 CLOSE FILE will check if the file has been modified but not
- saved and warn the user if so. Note that closing TEXTRA's last window
- will cause it to exit; a requester will notify you if you are closing
- the last window and give you the chance to abort.
- 7.2.9 ABOUT TEXTRA is self-explanatory.
- 7.2.10 QUIT will exit TEXTRA, closing all files in the process. All
- files that have been modified but not saved will issue a notification
- requester, providing the opportunity to save at that time.
- 7.3 The "Edit" Menu
- 7.3.1 CUT removes the selected range of characters from the
- currently-selected file, but saves them in the TEXTRA clip area
- (TEXTRA does not interface with the standard Amiga Clipboard
- Device...future versions may do so). The previous contents of
- the TEXTRA clip area are lost. If there is no select range,
- this menu item is disabled.
- 7.3.2 COPY moves the selected range of characters of the
- currently-selected file to the TEXTRA clip area, but does not
- remove them from the file. The previous contents of the TEXTRA
- clip area are lost. If there is no select range, this menu
- item is disabled.
- 7.3.3 PASTE inserts whatever is in the TEXTRA clip area into the
- currently-selected file, at the current cursor location. If a select
- range is active in this file, it is deleted before the insertion takes
- place. There is no effect on the contents of the TEXTRA clip area.
- It nothing has been placed into the TEXTRA clip area (via CUT or COPY),
- this menu item is disabled.
- 7.3.4 FIND presents a sub-menu with 2 choices:
- STRING... presents a requester prompting for the string
- to search for, ignoring character case. The string gadget will, as
- a default, contain the previous string searched for IN THAT WINDOW
- (empty if none). However, if a range of characters is selected that
- is ALL ON ONE LINE, it will supercede any previously-searched-for
- string as the default for the string gadget. The search begins just
- past the current cursor location or selected range of characters.
- NEXT OCCURENCE conducts another case-insensitive search
- for the same text string that had previously been searched for.
- If no search had yet been conducted the "STRING..." requester is presented.
- 7.3.5 REPLACE presents a sub-menu with 2 choices:
- STRING... presents a double-string-requester, prompting for
- both the string to conduct a case-insensitive search for, and a second
- string, to replace the first with, when found. The RETURN key will
- toggle the selected string gadget. The user may optionally replace
- all instances of the found string (with the "ALL!" button), just the
- next one found (via the "ONCE" button), or abort (via "CANCEL"). The
- search begins just past the current cursor location or selected range
- of characters.
- NEXT OCCURENCE conducts another "REPLACE" operation, using the
- same strings that were used last time. If none exist, the "STRING..."
- requester is presented.
- 7.3.6 CASE presents a sub-menu with 3 choices:
- LOWER exhibits 2 behaviors depending on whether an area
- is selected or not. If there is, the entire selected area is converted
- to lower case. If not, the next word after the cursor is searched for
- and converted to lower case if found.
- UPPER exhibits 2 behaviors depending on whether an area
- is selected or not. If there is, the entire selected area is converted
- to upper case. If not, the next word after the cursor is searched for
- and converted to upper case if found.
- CAPITALIZE exhibits 2 behaviors depending on whether an area
- is selected or not. If there is, each word in the selected area is
- located and capitalized. If not, the next word after the cursor is
- located and capitalized.
- 7.3.7 GO TO LINE... presents a string requester prompting for the
- desired line number, with the initial string gadget contents being
- equal to the current cursor line (or the beginning of any selected
- range). First line of file is considered line 1.
- 7.3.8 PREFERENCES... presents a requester allowing the selection of
- modes and settings, specifically, the "Auto-Indent" mode (section
- 3.2.1), the "Auto-BackSpace" mode (section 3.3.1) and the TAB WIDTH
- (section 3.5.1). The USE button causes the currently displayed
- settings to go into effect. The USE+SAVE button does the USE function,
- and also saves the current settings in a file called "Textra.prefs".
- This file is written to the TEXTRA "startup directory". This is the
- directory that was either current if TEXTRA was invoked from CLI, or
- the one that contained TEXTRA if double-clicked from Workbench. The
- CANCEL button causes any currently displayed settings that have been
- changed, to be discarded. If the PREFERENCES requester is active, this
- menu item is disabled.
- 7.4 The "Windows" Menu
- 7.4.1 One item exists in the "WINDOWS" menu for each open file, the
- menu item text being the same as the title bar for the associated
- window. Selecting an item makes it the current window, if not
- already.
- 7.4.2 Additionally, the text includes the "*" character before the
- filename if the file has been modified since last written to disk.
- A checkmark preceeds the item representing the current file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8.1 TEXTRA always fully expands a specified file or directory name
- and uses that form to again find the file, if necessary. For example,
- you may have typed in "DF1:MyFile" as the filename, but the window
- title will substitute the name of the volume, possibly "MyDisk:MyFile".
- This is almost always desirable, because if TEXTRA saved "DF1:", you
- might unknowingly save it to the wrong disk, just because you switched
- the disk in that drive. TEXTRA will ask you specifically for the same
- name.
- The only situation you should be aware of is WHEN YOU HAVE TWO
- DISKS OF THE SAME NAME in your system. In this case, AmigaDOS can
- sometimes choose the wrong disk when TEXTRA passes the full-pathname
- to it.
- In the above example, we could save it to the wrong disk if the disk
- in DF0: is also named "MyDisk:" (a backup, perhaps???). This is not
- caused by TEXTRA, but can happen anytime in AmigaDOS that you use the
- full-pathname to specify a file.
- 8.2 Intuition provides two String Gadget shortcuts that can be
- useful to the TEXTRA user. TEXTRA string gadgets that provide
- a default text string when they appear will revert back to this
- string whenever "Right Amiga-Q" is pressed. The "Right Amiga-X"
- combination will clear any displayed string.
- 8.3 For all string gadgets but one, the RETURN key will perform
- the same action as the "OK" button. The one exception is the
- "REPLACE" double-string requester, where the RETURN key toggles between
- the two string gadgets.
- 8.4 TEXTRA Requesters are attached to (drawn in) the window that they
- have been spawned from. The advantage is that multiple requesters
- are possible...you can select and work in another file even if
- the previous window is waiting for you to answer a question. Every
- window can, in fact, have an open requester.
- Note that, if your window is too small, you may have to expand
- its size to inter-operate with a given requester. Unfortunately,
- since the Intuition requester mechanism locks out my console events
- from that window, I can't process the F1 key, and you have to do
- this with the mouse.
- (Intuition should give the application a looksee at the keys before
- using them in a string gadget, throwing them away or whatever. The
- application could reply with a boolean, whether it wants the requester
- to use it or not. This could even default to NO_BOOLEAN if not specified
- previously by the caller as a requester mode. Maybe a REQ_KEY_VERIFY
- event. Oh well, let's re-design Intuition another time).
- 8.5 Keyboard Summary:
- F1 - Window Size Toggle (6.4)
- F2 - Keyboard Filter Defeat (3.6)
- F3 - Page to Cursor or Beginning of Select Range (4.5)
- F4 - Display next page (5.4)
- F5 - Display previous page (5.4)
- Shift-Left-arrow - Cursor to beginning of current line (2.2)
- Shift-Right-arrow - Cursor to end of current line (2.2)
- Shift-Up-arrow - Display previous page, cursor to middle (5.4)
- Shift-Down-arrow - Display next page, cursor to middle (5.4)
- Right-Amiga-O - Open existing file via file requester (7.2.1)
- Right-Amiga-P - Open existing file by typing its name (7.2.2)
- Right-Amiga-[ - Open a new file (7.2.3)
- Right-Amiga-S - Save the current file (7.2.5)
- Right-Amiga-X - Cut selected text, save in clip area (7.3.1)
- Right-Amiga-C - Copy selected text into clip area (7.3.2)
- Right-Amiga-V - Paste clip area into file (7.3.3)
- Right-Amiga-F - Find string in any case (
- Right-Amiga-N - Find the next occurance of same string (
- Right-Amiga-R - Replace string with another (
- Right-Amiga-T - Find & replace same string again (
- Right-Amiga-L - Set text or next word to lower case (
- Right-Amiga-U - Set text or next word to upper case (
- Right-Amiga-K - Capitalize words or next word (
- Right-Amiga-G - Go to a specific line (7.3.7)
- Requester control...
- Right-Amiga-X - Clear text in string requester (8.2)
- Right-Amiga-Q - Restore original string requester text (8.2)