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- /* RULER
- *
- * Opens a borderless WorkBench window in which is contained a ruler
- * for the purpose of aligning or constraining text; the default ruler
- * is 30 characters with an 8 pixel scale and is intended to help
- * prevent entering too-long filenames.
- *
- * Usage:
- *
- * CLI> RUN RULER [ size ] [ scale ]
- *
- * where `size' is the number of ruler markings, and `scale' is the
- * width between each marking (a particular font width for example).
- *
- * Evoking the command with an argument of "?", such as:
- *
- * CLI> RULER ?
- *
- * will print out a help message detailing what values are valid for
- * your particular Workbench environment.
- *
- *
- * The window, of course, can be moved to any convenient location on the
- * screen, and resized with an invisible resizing gadget found in the
- * lower right corner.
- *
- * Version 4.0 29-Dec-1989 (copyright)1989 Chad Netzer and Thad Floryan
- *
- * Based upon code, idea, and logic from:
- *
- * Version 1.0 7-Nov-1988 (copyright)1988 Thad Floryan
- *
- * Revision history:
- * 29-December-1989 - (Ver. 4.0) - Added an offset so that you can
- * just stick the window on the left edge of the workbench screen,
- * and it will automatically be lined up with the characters.
- * Fixed some more minor bugs and rearranged the code a bit.
- * Added ARP support for those who want it. (CFN)
- *
- * 09-March-1989 - (Ver. 3.1) - Fixed a visual bug so that scale can
- * no longer be less than eight. (CFN)
- *
- * 06-Dec-1988 - (Ver. 3.0) - Added support for measuring fonts of
- * varying widths (selectable scale). (CFN)
- *
- * 22-Nov-1988 - (Ver. 2.2) - More adjustments to code, No major
- * changes. Program size is slightly smaller. (CFN)
- *
- * 14-Nov-1988 - (Ver. 2.1) - Fixed a few minor (harmless) bugs. The
- * right edge of the ruler is now always redrawn after resizing.
- * I got rid of that GOTO statement (which in 'C', is considered a
- * bug. :-) Version 2.1 now lets you open a ruler to be as low as
- * 12 characters wide, which 2.0 only advertised. (CFN)
- *
- * 13-Nov-1988 - (Ver. 2.0) - I added minor enhancements, most
- * noteably, the ability to resize the window, and support for
- * overscanned screens. (CFN)
- *
- *
- * Feel welcome to use this program for any non-commercial purposes or
- * for your personal learning. Commercial users are requested to contact
- * Thad at either:
- *
- * UUCP: thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad
- * BBS: BBS-JC, 415/961-7250 (300/1200/2400), "Thad Floryan" | "SYSOP"
- *
- * or Chad at:
- *
- * UUCP: chad@ucscb.ucsc.edu (during school term)
- * UUCP: chad@cup.portal.com (holidays, summer, etc.)
- * BBS: BBS-JC, 415/961-7250 (300/1200/2400), "Chad Netzer"
- *
- *
- * Building instructions (Manx Aztec C):
- *
- * ************************
- * *** Non-ARP Version ***
- * ************************
- *
- * cc ruler4
- * ln ruler4 -lc
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #define NEW(typ) AllocMem((ULONG)sizeof(typ), MEMF_CLEAR)
- #define FREE(p,typ) FreeMem(p,(ULONG)sizeof(typ))
- #define ever (;;) /* used for infinite loops */
- #define FATAL 20 /* exit code */
- #define WARN 10 /* exit code */
- #define NORMAL 0 /* exit code */
- #define LEFT_OFFSET 3L /* "dead space" on left side of ruler margin */
- extern void *OpenLibrary();
- extern void *OpenWindow();
- extern void *GetMsg();
- extern void *AllocMem();
- extern void ReplyMsg();
- void release_resources();
- void error_exit();
- struct NewWindow window_def =
- {
- 240, 0, /* Initial LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 241, 25, /* Default pixel-width, pixel-height */
- 0, 1, /* DetailPen, BlockPen */
- CLOSEWINDOW | /* IDCMP flags */
- WINDOWDRAG | /* window flags */
- NULL, /* Gadget list */
- NULL, /* checkmark stuff */
- (UBYTE *)"", /* window title (to be filled in later) */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* bitmap pointer */
- 97 + LEFT_OFFSET, 0, /* Minwidth, no MinHeight */
- -1, 0, /* no MaxWidth, MaxHeight */
- WBENCHSCREEN /* screen type */
- };
- struct Window *window;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- struct Library *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *GfxBase;
- struct Screen *screen;
- struct IntuiMessage *sys_message;
- ULONG class;
- int resource_state;
- char *version =
- "Text Ruler V4.0 29-Dec-89 \xA91989 Thad Floryan and Chad Netzer"
- " "; /* padding for "nice" title */
- char *help_text = /* help message on startup */
- "\n"
- "%40s\n"
- "Opens a borderless WorkBench window in which is contained a ruler\n"
- "for the purpose of aligning or constraining text; the default ruler\n"
- "is 30 characters with an 8 pixel scale and is intended to help\n"
- "prevent entering too-long filenames.\n\n"
- "Usage:\n\n\t"
- "CLI> RUN %s [ size ] [ scale ]\n\n"
- "where `size' is the number of ruler markings, and `scale' is the\n"
- "width between each marking (a particular font width for example).\n\n"
- "`size' must be between 12 and %ld inclusive, and defaults to 30.\n"
- "`scale' cannot be greater than %ld or less than 8. The default is 8."
- "\n\n";
- /**********************************************************************/
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- long fivec; /* pixel size of five chars */
- long fsize; /* The font size of ruler scale */
- long max_scale; /* The max scale size possible */
- long max_width; /* maximum size of ruler */
- long w; /* character width of ruler */
- long w_lim; /* pixel width (w * fsize) */
- long x; /* present window x coordinate */
- long y; /* present window y coordinate */
- char buf[5];
- long success; /* indicates bad return values */
- resource_state = 0;
- /*
- * Open Intuition so we can get the screen size limits.
- */
- IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary ("intuition.library", 0L);
- if (IntuitionBase == 0L)
- {
- error_exit("?Cannot open intuition.library\n");
- }
- ++resource_state;
- /*
- * Get WorkBench screen information
- */
- screen = NEW(struct Screen); /* Allocate a buffer for screen data */
- if (screen == 0L)
- {
- release_resources();
- error_exit("?ran out of available memory\n");
- }
- ++resource_state;
- success = GetScreenData(screen, (ULONG) sizeof (struct Screen),
- if (success == FALSE)
- {
- error_exit();
- }
- /*
- * Set up defaults...
- */
- w = 30L; /* default ruler is 30 chars for a filename */
- fsize = 8L; /* default font scale is 8 pixels per char */
- /*
- * find maximum values, adjusted for morerows
- */
- max_width = (screen->Width - LEFT_OFFSET) / 8;
- max_scale = (screen->Width - 2) / 12;
- /*
- * Parse command line to obtain requested parameters.
- */
- if (argc > 1)
- {
- if (*argv[1] == '?' ||
- *argv[1] == '-' ||
- *argv[1] == 'h' ||
- *argv[1] == 'H' )
- {
- printf( help_text,
- version, argv[0], max_width, max_scale);
- release_resources();
- exit (NORMAL);
- }
- }
- if (argc > 3)
- {
- printf("?Too many arguments, ``%s ?'' for help\n", argv[0]);
- release_resources();
- exit (WARN);
- }
- if ((argc >= 2) && (argc <= 3))
- {
- w = atol(argv[1]);
- if ( w < 12L || w > max_width )
- {
- printf("?`size' must be >= 12 and <= %ld\n", max_width);
- release_resources();
- exit (WARN);
- }
- }
- if (argc == 3)
- {
- fsize = atol(argv[2]);
- if (fsize < 8)
- {
- printf("?Font scale must be at least 8!\n");
- release_resources();
- exit (WARN);
- }
- if (fsize > max_scale)
- {
- printf("?Font size can be NO larger than %ld!\n", max_scale);
- release_resources();
- exit (WARN);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now calculate window sizing and placement parameters and setup title.
- */
- w_lim = w * fsize;
- window_def.Width = w_lim + LEFT_OFFSET + 1;
- window_def.LeftEdge = (window_def.Width > 300L) ? 0 : 240;
- window_def.Title = (UBYTE *)version;
- fivec = 5L * fsize;
- /*
- * Bomb out if requested ruler size would be larger than the screen.
- */
- if (window_def.Width > screen -> Width )
- {
- error_exit("?Ruler too large for WorkBench screen\n");
- }
- /*
- * Open up the graphics library.
- */
- GfxBase = OpenLibrary ("graphics.library", 0L);
- if (GfxBase == 0L)
- {
- error_exit("?Cannot open graphics.library\n");
- }
- ++resource_state;
- /*
- * Open the ruler display window.
- */
- window = OpenWindow (&window_def);
- if (window == 0L)
- {
- error_exit("?Cannot open window\n");
- }
- ++resource_state;
- /*
- * Get pointer to raster port.
- */
- rp = window -> RPort;
- SetAPen (rp, 0L);
- /*
- * Use RectFill to blank the window area and set pen for drawing.
- */
- for ever
- {
- SetAPen(rp, 0L);
- RectFill(rp, 0L, 10L, w_lim + LEFT_OFFSET, 24L);
- /*
- * Now set pen to draw.
- */
- SetAPen(rp, 1L);
- /*
- * Because we've used a BORDERLESS window, must fill in some of the
- * title-/drag-bar space near the lower left where the text starts.
- */
- Move(rp, 28L, 8L);
- Draw(rp, 31L, 8L);
- /*
- * Because we've used a BORDERLESS window, must draw our own line beneath
- * the title bar to make the bar the same height as the window gadgets.
- * The `28' is the pixel position just to the right of the close gadget.
- * The `53' is the pixel width of the depth-arranging gadgets in the upper
- * right corner of the window.
- */
- Move(rp, 28L, 9L);
- Draw(rp, (w_lim + LEFT_OFFSET - 53L), 9L);
- /*
- * When I use the ruler, I like to jam it up against the left hand side of
- * my workbench screen, so that it to measure something on the CLI.
- * However, the CLI is offset by a small amount, so I compensate by
- * starting the "virtual" area of the ruler a little to the right...
- *
- * Fill in the offset area that is unused.
- */
- RectFill(rp, 0L, 9L, LEFT_OFFSET, 24L);
- /*
- * Shorten virtual ruler size by subtracting LEFT_OFFSET from w_lim.
- */
- /* w_lim -= LEFT_OFFSET;*/
- /*
- * Draw ruler and text
- */
- for (x = 0L; x < (w_lim + fsize); x += fsize)
- {
- if (x >= w_lim) /* right edge */
- {
- x = w_lim;
- y = 10L;
- }
- else if (x == 0L) y = 10L; /* left edge */
- else if ((x % fivec) == 0L) y = 19L; /* big tic every 5 chars */
- else y = 22L; /* small tic every char */
- Move (rp, x + LEFT_OFFSET, y);
- Draw (rp, x + LEFT_OFFSET, 24L);
- /*
- * Label ruler.
- * The test for position `fivec' (in the Move()) is for centering ``5''
- * differently than the centering for two-digit numbers.
- */
- if ((x > 0L) && (x < w_lim) && ((x % fivec) == 0L))
- {
- sprintf (buf, "%2ld", (x / fsize));
- Move (rp, (x == fivec) ? (x - 12L + LEFT_OFFSET)
- : (x - 8L + LEFT_OFFSET), 17L);
- Text (rp, buf, (long) strlen (buf));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Wait for gadget activation. No busy-/spin-/wait-loops here!
- */
- Wait (1L << window -> UserPort -> mp_SigBit);
- /*
- * Retrieve LAST message in Message Port
- */
- sys_message = GetMsg(window -> UserPort);
- class = sys_message -> Class;
- ReplyMsg(sys_message);
- /*
- * Dump uneeded messages (respond only to the last on LIFO queue).
- */
- while (sys_message = GetMsg(window -> UserPort))
- {
- ReplyMsg(sys_message);
- }
- if (class == CLOSEWINDOW)
- {
- release_resources();
- exit (NORMAL);
- }
- if (class == NEWSIZE)
- {
- w_lim = (window -> Width) - 1 - LEFT_OFFSET;
- }
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- * cleanup routine
- *
- * The ``switch'' on resource_state is to assure we don't attempt to
- * free something we don't have. Items are released in the reverse
- * order they were obtained (by "falling thru" the cases).
- */
- void release_resources()
- {
- switch (resource_state)
- {
- case 4: CloseWindow (window);
- case 3: CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- case 2: FREE (screen, struct Screen);
- case 1: CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- * error handler
- */
- void error_exit(message)
- char *message;
- {
- if (message == 0L)
- {
- printf("Internal failure, exiting gracefully...\n");
- }
- else
- {
- printf(message);
- }
- release_resources();
- exit (FATAL);
- }