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- IconMaster Menus:
- Main Window:
- "Files"
- "Open" will open iether the file or an associated
- Icon or both. From the file (if any) it loads "Flags"
- (see below) and any ToolTypes associated with the file.
- If there IS no file (or directory), these flags are those
- of the Icon. From the Icon it gets Image(s), and if no
- file, all the flags.
- If niether file or icon can be found, a requester informs
- you.
- You can run IconMaster with a file to start up with.
- From CLI, type "IconMaster Filename". From Workbench, click
- on IconMaster, then hold the shift key and doubleclick the
- icon for the file you want.
- (Flags: Deleteable, Readable, writeable, etc.)
- "Save Flags Only" Does just that! No image or tooltypes
- are saved. This is intended for situations where you wish
- to change the flags on a file WITHOUT creating an icon.
- "Save (FileName)" Saves the current Image(s), Flags,
- ToolTypes, and Comments to "FileName".
- "Save as" As above, but opens a file requester for
- Inputting FileName.
- "About" A little info.
- "Quit" What do YOU think?
- "Images"
- "Load Icon Image" Loads ONLY the Image(s) from an Icon
- selected in the File Requestor.
- "Load Brush as Image" Loads an IFF brush (or any IFF Picture
- except HAM) as the Image. LIMMITATIONS: Will only load
- the first two bitplanes, so brushes with more than two will
- look strange. Loads only the upper left 314 wide by 98 high
- portion of wider/higher Pictures.
- "Save Image as Brush" will write an IFF brush file of the
- selected image. Including a colormap with your workbench
- colors.
- "Edit Image" will pass the selected image to the edit
- window.
- "Use Default Image" Will get the default images. There
- are simple Images built into IconMaster, however, you may
- choose default Images of your own by inserting ToolType
- entries in IconMaster's Icon. Use "DISK=Filename" for
- your default icon. Filename may be the device (ex: DF0:disk) or
- a complete Filename. (ex: DH1:Icons/disk) The same applies
- for DRAWER=, TOOL=, PROJECT=, and TRASH=. Note that keyword
- must be UPPER CASE.
- "Swap Images" Will swap primary and secondaty images.
- "Copy Pri. Image to Sec." Will make the secondary image
- a copy of the primary Image.
- "Delete Secondary Image" Does just that.
- "Icon Type" Will change the type of Icon to be saved.
- In the edit window:
- The top two rows are 10 color gadgets. (Bet you can't see
- color 0! ). Starting at color 5, you get a dithered pattern
- of two colors. The mouse pointer becomes the color which
- will be put at that location when drawing. The "Pen" gadget
- also displays the current color(s). To reverse the positions
- of two colors, click the Pen gadget.
- The next row of gadgets are Pixel (draw one pixel at a
- time), Box (draw UNFILLED box), Circle (draw UNFILLED circle.
- NOTE: Due to an intuition bug, unfilled circles draw in ONE
- color!), Undo (undoes the last action taken, even Undo! (except
- size may only be Undone, it will not toggle), and Clear (clears
- the pallette).
- The next row of gadgets are Line (draws straight line),
- Filled Box, Filled Circle, FILL (flood fill from current
- location to border of another color or edge of Image), and
- (Ta da!) DONE, which returns you efforts to the main window.
- You may return to the main window WITHOUT saving changes by
- clicking the windowclose gadget!
- The next gadget is Brush, which allows you to pick up a part
- of your image and place it elswhere. When you first click it,
- your brush pointer becomes cross-hairs. Pick a corner of the
- area you want to pick up. Click the left mouse button and
- HOLD it until you get to the opposite corner of the area you
- want to pick up, then release. While you are moving, you see a
- marking the area to be picked up. If you have allready picked
- a brush, gone to another mode, and now want to use the brush
- again, click the Brush gadget with the RIGHT mouse button.
- Your most recent brush will return! Once you return to the
- main window, the brush is lost.
- Finally, there's the Text gadget. Click this gadget, and
- a new window opens. The first time clicked, there will be a
- delay while your current FONT: directory is loaded. Once
- it is, pick the font you wish to use via the slide gadget
- and left mouse. Or click "New Font Dir" to open a requester
- from which you may choose a new FONTS: directory. You CAN
- choose a directory with no fonts in it, but why would you
- want to? Once you've choosen a font, click in the Text window,
- delete "Text" and enter the text you want. Hit return, or
- click "Done", and draw your text! If you change your mind,
- hit cancel. You do not need to pick a font again if all you
- want to change is the text. Only IconMaster sees your
- newly selected FONTS: directory, all others see the one
- most recently assigned outside IconMaster. As with brushes,
- text may be recalled via the RIGHT mouse button.
- Below these are four arrow gadgets which will Scroll
- your Image within the window. Click and hold to repeat.
- If you accidentaly scroll part of your image out of the window,
- Undo will allow you to start over, provided you don't perform
- any other action first.
- To the left of these are a stack of gadgets which are
- pretty self-explainatory except that "Std Colors" will allow
- you to see the Image in the "standard" Workbench colors.
- Click it quickly, it will change and lock. Click again to
- return to your colors. Click and hold a bit, it will return
- your colors when you release it. Note that if you are allready
- using the "standard" workbench colors, this gadget will
- not seem to do anything!
- The two slide gadgets control which portion of your image is
- displayed in the magnify window.
- There's a menu to allow you to Swap Colors. If you choose
- "0 and 1", all pixels now color 0 will be changed to color 1,
- and vica versa.
- IconMaster has keyboard equivelants in the draw window.
- A help page tells you what they are.
- Want to see it? Push (gasp!) the "Help" key!
- (How novel!)
- IconMaster's file requester looks very much like the ARP file
- requester with a fwew changes. The Drawer box ALLWAYS tells
- you the full pathname to the current directory starting with
- the volume name! The Device list is ALLWAYS there. Click the
- right mouse button, and the top of the display will move in
- rotation as follows:
- If the top listing is a file, it moves to the first directory,
- or if there are none, to the first Disk Drive.
- If the top listing is a directory, it moves to the first
- Disk Drive.
- If the top listing is a Disk Drive, it moves to the first
- assigned directory.(Examples of assigned directories: C: DEVS:)
- Finally, if the top listing is an assigned device, it moves
- to the first file. (Head of the list).
- For IconMaster, it has been modified to allow you to return
- a directory name, so you can choose a new font dir., or load
- a drawer Icon.
- If you choose Cancel, the program does NOT get the filename
- selected. (With ARP, Cancel leaves your program with NO filename,
- and the CHeath requester changes the program's idea of what it's
- filename is!
- If you use IconMaster, a shareware fee of $10.00 or more is expected.
- Send $20.00 and a disk in a postage paid, self-addressed mailer, or
- $25.00 (or more if you like!) to receive IconMaster V2.0. V2 will
- handle 8/16 color icons!! Suggestions for other new features
- gratefully accepted!
- Have fun, and enjoy IconMaster!!
- John Scheib
- 3805 Fairway Circle
- Las Vegas, Nevada 89108
- OR RCBBS (702) 364-8721