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- TheMultiBinder -- A Deck Resource Binder
- A characteristic feature of CanDo applications is their use of
- external resources such as picture files, brush files, sound files, and
- brushanim files. Often, after an application has been completed, the
- creator of the application wishes to "bind" all the external resources to
- the Deck so that it becomes a single, "stand-alone" program which can be
- easily given to friends, or sold.
- TheBinder allowed Decks to be made "stand-alone" in the sense of no
- longer requiring the cando.library. TheMultiBinder allows Decks to be made
- completely "stand-alone," no longer requiring the use of external resources
- nor the cando.library. With TheMultiBinder, all resources are "bound" to
- the Deck, creating a single, executable file.
- Limits of TheMultiBinder:
- TheMultiBinder is designed to "bind" only certain types of files,
- known as IFF, to an application. These includes the picture files, brush
- files, sound files, and brushanim files, but not document files.
- Therefore, text files used by an application cannot be bound to the Deck.
- Text files must still be copied and moved by TheRelocator. This may change
- in a future release of CanDo.
- Also, since the Deck must now have all resources loaded at one time,
- we recommend that TheMultiBinder not be used for Decks which use large
- amounts of resources. If all resources are bound, in such cases, the Deck
- may not run on smaller memory systems.
- Installing TheMuliBinder:
- TheMultiBinder requires the following files to be available:
- DeckBrowser, DeckRunner, and the new DeckBinder. By default, these files
- must be located in your "C:" directory. If they are located elsewhere,
- then the TOOLTYPES in TheMultiBinder Icon must be changed to reflect their
- new location. NOTE: the old DeckBinder will not work with TheMultiBinder
- so be sure to copy the new DeckBinder to your "C:" directory; the new
- DeckBinder does everything the old DeckBinder does and more.
- To change the TOOLTYPES, simple click once on TheMultiBinder Icon,
- then select the WorkBench menu option, info. A requester will appear and
- you will be able to scroll through the list of TOOLTYPES and change them as
- necessary. When you are finished, simply select the "SAVE" option.
- Using TheMultiBinder:
- Run TheMultiBinder by double clicking on its Icon. Select the Deck
- you wish to "bind" by either using the "Project" menu option "Open Deck,"
- or by clicking on the words "Deck Name." With the file requester, locate
- the Deck you wish to bind, then select "Ok."
- After TheMultiBinder scans your Deck, it will present the list of
- files it found which may be bound. This list indicates the file name, its
- type, and its status for binding. The status is either No, indicating that
- you do not wish to bind it; Yes, indicating that you do wish to bind it;
- and ---, indicating that it could not be found. If the file is found, then
- its status can be toggled by double clicking on the files line. To select
- all of the listed files, press the "All" button or choose the "Edit" menu
- option "Select All." To deselect all of the listed files, press the "Clear"
- button or choose the "Edit" menu option "Clear All."
- Select whether you would like to program to require the cando.library,
- pressing the "Needs the Library" button, or if you would like the program
- to be completely "stand-alone" by pressing the "As a Standalone" button.
- Next, select the name of the resulting Deck by typing the name into the
- "Dest Name" Field. Finally, press the "Bind the Deck" button, and
- TheMultiBinder will perform the binding process. When it is finished, the
- newly created Deck will be bound and ready to run.
- Features for Advanced Users:
- A problem encountered primarily by advanced users of CanDo involves
- the method by which TheMultiBinder identifies which files are used by the
- Deck. TheMultiBinder searches for all commands and Objects that can load a
- file, examines them and takes the name from there. If variables are used
- to designate the file name, however, TheMultiBinder is unable to identify
- which file is needed.
- If TheMultiBinder cannot find one or more of the resources used by
- your deck, then you can add the names of these resources to the list within
- TheMultiBinder. First, test to see if you can access the "Expert" menu
- within TheMultiBinder. If not, quit the program and request info on
- TheMultiBinder's Icon. Step through the TOOLTYPES and change one from
- "ExpertMode=Off" to "ExpertMode=On" and save the info, then restart
- TheMultiBinder. You should now have access to the "Expert" menu.
- Within the "Expert" menu are two options: "Add Entry" and "Delete
- Entry." If you select "Add Entry" a file requester will appear and you will
- be able to find the file not found by TheMultiBinder.
- After you have found and selected the file you wish to add to the list
- of files to be bound, a requester will appear asking you how this file
- should be referred to when bound. It is important here to change the
- reference to be EXACTLY as your application refers to it. For example:
- "Work:picture" is not the same as "dh0:picture" even though they are the
- same file on disk. If your application referred to the file as
- "Work:picture" and you selected the file as "dh0:picture", this requester
- will give you the opportunity to change the reference to "Work:picture".
- This feature is also very useful for files which contain no path names
- within your application. You can ensure that "PATH:picture" is bound as
- "picture".