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- Spades Version 1.1, by Greg Stelmack, June 7, 1990
- "Spades" is a program written to play the card game Spades. It may be
- run from the CLI or the Workbench. The files required to play are "Spades"
- and "Spades.images", and both must be in the same directory.
- This is a one player version of Spades -- you play one hand, and the
- computer plays your partner and two opponents. The program plays by the
- following rules adopted by my friends and I here at the University of South
- Florida:
- 1) Four players are found, divided into two partnerships of two
- players each. Partners sit opposite each other.
- 2) A dealer is randomly picked. Each player receives 13 cards from a
- standard 52-card deck dealt clockwise starting with the player on the
- dealer's left. On successive hands, the deal passes to the left.
- 3) Starting to the left of the dealer, each player bids the number of
- tricks he feels his hand can take. Bidding passes clockwise. A
- partnership's bid is the total of the two partners' bids. A partnership
- must take this total number of tricks.
- 4) Play starts with the player to the left of the dealer and passes
- clockwise. The only rule about leading is that spades may not be lead until
- spades have been broken (i.e., played during a hand), unless a player holds
- only spades.
- 5) Players must follow suit -- if you have a card of the suit lead,
- you must play it. Otherwise, any suit may be played. Play ends with the
- player to the right of the leader. In other words, each player plays one
- card.
- 6) Highest card of the suit lead, or highest spade if a spade has been
- played, wins the trick. Cards rank 2 lowest through Ace highest. The trick
- winner scores one trick for his partnership and then leads for the next
- trick.
- 7) After all 13 tricks in a hand have been taken, scores are totaled.
- If a partnership takes at least as many tricks as they bid, they get 10
- points for each trick they bid and one point for each trick they took over
- their bid. If a partnership fails to take the number of tricks they bid,
- they lose 10 points for each trick they bid. Negative scores are possible.
- 8) Deal passes to the left for another hand. First team to 500, or the
- team with the highest score if both cross 500, wins.
- When the program is first started, the computer will randomly deal out
- cards to each player until the Ace of Spades is dealt. This player becomes
- the dealer. The computer will then deal the cards. You will see your hand
- at the bottom of the screen. Your partner sits across from you (at the top
- of the screen), and your opponents are to either side of you. The computer
- players will bid automatically. Their bids will appear as numbers in front
- of the positions at which they are sitting.
- When it is your turn to bid, a black bid box will appear in the lower
- right-hand corner of the screen. Use the left mouse button to select your
- bid. Clicking on the plus sign will raise your bid one trick. Clicking on
- the minus sign will lower your bid one trick. Clicking on OK will accept
- your bid. Clicking the right mouse button will cause the computer to
- suggest a bid for you.
- After all bids have been entered, the computer will pause for you to
- examine the bids. When you are ready to play, click any mouse button.
- Cards will then be played. Cards played by a computer player will
- appear in the appropriate position on the screen. When it is your turn to
- play, the computer will prompt you. Simply point at the card you want to
- play and click the left mouse button. Again, clicking the right mouse
- button will cause the computer to suggest a card for you to play (it will
- mark it with an asterisk).
- Note that the computer will not let you play an illegal card. If
- nothing happens when you click, you are either trying to lead spades before
- they have been broken or you are not following the lead suit when you can.
- After all cards in the trick have been played, the computer will place
- an asterisk in front of the winning card and update the trick count. If
- this was also the last trick in the hand, it will update the scores. It
- will then pause for you to look at all the cards that were played. When you
- are ready to continue, click any mouse button.
- This cycle will continue until a winner is found. The program will
- then display a final score screen and ask whether or not you would like to
- play again. Clicking YES will cause the game to start over. Clicking NO
- will bring you back to the environment you started the game from. Note that
- the game may be quit at any time by clicking the window close box at the
- upper left of all game windows.
- For Programmers:
- The source code should be included with the program. The game is
- written in C and compiled using Lattice C V5.04. I hope that anyone out
- there interested in designing their own card games will find this code
- useful. Note that the "Spades.images" file contains all the data necessary
- to draw the cards. The reader routine is in the procedure "main". Feel free
- to use any or all of the code or images in your own programs.
- Copyright Notice:
- This program is copyright 1990 by Gregory M. Stelmack. However, I give
- permission for anyone to freely distribute this program as long as this
- file and the by-line in the title bar of the game remains. Also, you may
- use any of the code for your own programs, but please remember to give
- credit where credit is due. I cannot be held responsible for damage that
- occurs as a result of the use/misuse of this program.
- If you find the game enjoyable or the code useful, I do request a
- small donation (say $5) to cover my costs (computer, compiler, tools, etc.)
- -- but only if you find it useful or enjoyable. My address is:
- Gregory M. Stelmack
- USF Box 1510
- Tampa, Fl 33620-1510
- Feel free to send any comments or suggestions to the above address.
- E-mail to: stelmack@sol.csee.usf.edu
- BBS: TBAG1 and Simply Amazing! in Tampa: GREG STELMACK