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- ***************************** Sound.doc ********************************
- Sound will attempt to feed <SOUNDfilename>'s data to the audio device.
- It will 'sound' files containing ANY kind of data, (try 'Sound Sound' :-)
- and of ANY length. If you have expansion memory, 'Sound' will store data
- in FAST ram, and use only 4-5 k. of CHIP ram to actually sound the data.
- This is the magic of 'double-buffering'. In addition, if you set the 'D'
- flag (for DIRECT_FROM_DISK), the sample will be played directly off the
- disk instead of first being loaded into FAST RAM. The advantage is that
- those with limited RAM can now hear those giant sized samples. The dis-
- advantage is that, depending on your disk speed, the sample size, stereo
- setting, samples/sec, how much multi-tasking is going on, and whether
- or not the sample is compressed, the sample may sound fragmented. This
- feature should be used to personal taste and necessity but will be
- automatically enabled if there is insufficient contiguous RAM available.
- When DIRECT_FROM_DISK is enabled, Sound will use most of the available
- CHIP RAM to help limit fragmenting.
- If the STEREO flag is turned ON,the data will be split and played in
- stereo. Otherwise, identical data is sent to left and right channels
- unless limited by the LEFT or RIGHT flags. (You MUST use a L or R flag
- if you only want this sound to use only 1 Amiga audio channel).
- Perfect Sound (tm) samples in stereo will automatically sound in stereo.
- These are the only stereo samples I've seen, so I don't know if the code
- used is universal (in IFF) for STEREO.
- Thanks to a lucid description of Fibonacci compression by Wesley Howe,
- (thanks, Wes!), Sound can now handle compressed IFF files.
- If called from workbench, (by doubleclicking on a project icon), Sound
- will search the 'ToolTypes' entries in the project icon for STEREO,
- DIRECT_FROM_DISK. If found, these values will override any IFF values
- read from the SOUNDfile.
- If called from CLI, over-riding values for STEREO, CHANNEL, CYCLES,
- may be specified in the command line. (see below)
- FADE, and/or DIRECT_FROM_DISK are found, in the file itself or in the
- calling arguments, STEREO defaults to OFF, CYCLES to 1, left and right both
- the special case where there is not enough contiguous memory to load the
- entire sample, DIRECT_FROM_DISK will be automatically turned on.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***** ABORT! *****
- !!! Sound may be aborted by typing <CTRL> 'c' from the keyboard. !!!
- If <CTRL> 'c' does NOT abort the sound, click on the Sound 'Status'
- line, (the top line), then <CTRL> 'c' again.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *********** USAGE ************
- NOTE!!! 'Sound' should be in your 'c' directory, (ie, 'copy Sound c:'),
- before the following USAGEs will work!
- USAGE: (from CLI)
- The filename MUST be the first argument, then the other arguments
- may be in any order, or missing. (see below for valid values). Sound
- alone will display a USAGE message. Sound will 'sound' the file, then
- display the SAMPLES_PER_SECOND (if the file was found) and STEREO if
- the sample was played in stereo. use v (ie v48) to set volume to other
- than the default 64, or for effects using multiple cycles and e
- (end_volume). For example, 'SOUND WhosBad 6 v10 e64' will play the
- sample 6 times starting with the first at volume=10, and increasing
- with each cycle such that the last cycle is at volume=64. Fades can
- also be done within each cycle. See the fade and grow flags below.
- D or d = load the sample DIRECT_FROM_DISK (no FAST RAM buffer)
- F or f = start volume from 64 and fade to 1 for each sample.
- G or g = start volume from 1 and grow to 64 for each sample.
- L or l = LEFT Channel only
- R or r = RIGHT Channel only
- S or s = toggles STEREO on/off <-- NOTE! changed from previous versions!
- Q or q = disable the StatusLine that usually appears on the top line.
- FLAGS should be separated by spaces: ie, 'Sound Sneeze 4 e20 l q'
- will play 'sneeze' in the left channel four times, fading the volume
- each cycle until the last cycle plays at volume=20. No status window
- will be displayed. You may also use the full flag names if you wish for
- any flag. So the above example could be: 'Sound Sneeze 4 E20 LEFT Quiet'
- Although maximum CYCLES = 65535, from CLI the maximum is 55.
- USAGE: (from WorkBench)
- Double-'Click' on project icon whose Default Tool is set to 'c:Sound'.
- Valid Values: (these values stored in the .info file)
- CYCLES 0 - 65535 0 = sound loops until aborted.
- Use CONTROL-C to stop.
- SAMPLES_PER_SECOND 1000 - 65535 greater than 30000 seems to have
- no effect, but MAX = 64k.
- VOLUME 1 - 64 How loud it starts. default=64
- END_VOLUME 1 - 64 How loud the last cycle starts.
- CHANNEL RIGHT or LEFT (r or l) Useful for effects.
- EFFECT FADE - GROW Changes volume over single cycle
- from 1-64 (GROW) or 64-1 (FADE).
- STEREO ON - OFF default=off. Not case sensitive.
- File is split left/right.
- DIRECT_FROM_DISK ON - OFF Don't load into RAM first.
- SOURCE any text Where did this sound come from?
- AUTHOR any text Immortality, if ya want it...
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ******** ARGUMENT PRIORITIES *******
- Arguments from CLI or in the WorkBench Icon override any IFF info.
- IFF file info overrides the default values.
- Defaults: STEREO = off, CYCLES = 1, both CHANNELS, VOLUME = 64,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********* REVISIONS *********
- MAY 1988 - Initial release.
- DEC 1988 - Added multiple icon select, double buffering, QUIET flag.
- DEC 1989 - Now shows soundfile name in status bar.
- No longer crashes if all 4 audio channels are already in use.
- JAN 1990 - No longer gives incorrect error warnings on 2500/30's.
- FEB 1990 - Handles standard IFF de-compression.
- Changed some input formats to allow adding:
- Automatically adjusts period for PAL/NTSC clock rate diff.
- Re-compiled with Aztec 5.0a
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sound is copyright 1988,90 by Richard Lee Stockton, 21305 60th Ave W.,
- Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043, 206/776-1253(voice), but may be freely
- distributed as long as no profit is made from its distribution or sale
- without my written permission. I call this concept 'FreeWare', you can
- call it whatcha want.
- NOTE: Sound has been compacted using PowerPacker 2.3b. (42% savings)
- I also released the source code, (Manx 5.0a), in the hope that it
- will be of benefit to someone in the Amiga programming community. Feel
- free to alter it at will, (but at your own risk!). I _would_ appreciate
- receiving a copy of whatever it may become, and it is always nice to be
- credited, (perhaps just a few lines of glowing tribute.^).
- Long Live Leo and All the Little Schwabie's!
- Included in this arc file are a sample project icon and its related
- data file (WhosBad.info and WhosBad) as well as Sound, & this file.
- WhosBad is a COMPRESSED STEREO sound sample made with Perfect Sound.
- Feel free to design your own icons, any project icon should work. Just
- make the Default Tool in the icon 'c:Sound'.
- Please try to keep all these files together when distributing as
- every little bit may be of help!
- Stay Warm & Enjoy! - Richard
- ***************************** Sound.doc **********************************