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- *************************************************************************
- * NoDelete V1.4 (C) HooverSoft Oct 30th, 1990 *
- *************************************************************************
- USAGE: 1> run NoDelete [extensions] [-p priority] [-y ypos] <ENTER>
- from CLI only.
- Programmed two new options -O and -S (Cheers, John!). These options sort
- of "fix" a bug whith NoDelete which used to override the file protection
- bit.
- Lots of changes. Thinking of writing a new documentation. Anyway,
- introduced command line options -p and -y for run-time setting of priority
- of NoDelete and of vertical position of titlebar.
- Introduced the possibilty to give multiple extensions on startup. Lists
- extensions when pressing a key while Nodelete's titlebar is active.
- CHANGES TO VERSION 1.1: Aug 1990
- NoDelete now automatically centers the Dragbar on Screen and calculates the
- correct width for the window if a extension is specified.
- Now works fine with AmiOmega. System won't crash if "Yes, Delete!" is
- selected.
- Now supports the use of extensions to ask confirmations only for special
- files ending in defined extension. Will show the selected extension in
- window's titlebar.
- NoDelete now checks if another NoDelete is already active and exits if
- true.
- CHANGES TO VERSION 1.01: Jul 1990
- Now handles protected Files correctly. Previous version didn't complain if
- file was delete protected.
- NoDelete sets its priority to a value of -5 directly after startup.
- CHANGES TO VERSION 1.00: June 1990
- Version 1.01 now restores the Dos Vector relative to _DosBase, so this
- program should work under Kickstart 1.3 as well. If someone already uses
- Kick 2.0, he or she should let me know if NoDelete works with that. I have
- heard that the funny instructions in DosBase have been replaced with a
- regular jump table.
- I wrote this program mainly to make the fantastic public domain game
- "Omega" more enjoyable to play. The author of this program thought it
- reasonable to have the system unlink the save-file after having reloaded it
- to somehow "simulate the continuity of character". Too bad that NoDelete
- does not work correctly with this program...
- Footnote: It works now!
- NoDelete enables you erraneous humans to once again reflect on the
- righteousness of your decisions concerning the deleting of files on
- AmigaDos devices. If you try to delete a file or a program tries to remove
- it, this is mostly done via DeleteFile() of the dos.library. When
- executed, NoDelete bends this vector to its own routine which brings up
- this cute little requester on the active window. This requester contains
- the name of the file that the system is trying to delete. If you really
- want to delete this file, click to the "Yes, Delete!" gadget. If not,
- click to the "Oops, no way!"-Gadget of the requester. NoDelete works just
- fine with aliases, wildcards etc. For problems see the "known
- bugs"-section of this text.
- Lots of programs, programmers and normal people use extensions in their
- file system to be able to immediately make out the contents of a file. For
- example, ".c" specifies the file to be a C source code and ".bas" should
- contain a basic program's source. There are tons of frequently used
- extensions, from ".asm" up to ".cfg". If you use NoDelete and you don't
- want the system to get on your nerves by confirming EVERY rm command, you
- should use a certain extension on NoDelete's command line to tell NoDelete
- that it should only ask confirmation for those precious ".c" or ".iff"
- files and let all others alone.
- The command line
- 1> run nodelete .c
- would tell NoDelete to only intercept the removing of files ending in ".c"
- and not to worry about any other files that are removed from the device.
- You can specifiy up to ten extensions when running NoDelete. The command
- 1> run NoDelete .c .iff .tex .asm
- will make NoDelete complain about any file which ends in one of the
- specified extensions and leave all others alone. If you have forgotten
- which extensions you specified at startup, just activate NoDelete's
- titlebar and press any key. NoDelete will then give a list of extensions
- in the titlebar until another key is pressed.
- Finally, HooverSoft is proud to have introduced command line options in
- NoDelete. So far, four options are supported:
- -p number where number is an integer between -20 and 9. If given on
- the command line, NoDelete will set its
- priority to this
- value. If you type rubbish or use values not
- allowed, the
- default priority of -5 is set.
- -y ypos where ypos is an integer ranging from zero to 245
- (sorry,
- all you NTSC users...). This number will
- determine the ver-
- tical position of NoDelete's titlebar. if you
- try to fool
- NoDelete or do not give this option, the
- default value zero
- (top of screen) is used.
- -O Override file protection bit. If this option is
- given,
- NoDelete will NOT care about the file's
- protection status.
- This option is sort of dangerous, but I think I
- you are
- explicitly asked wether you want to delete a
- file this
- should be presto! wiped off the disk without
- return or
- any other chance of survival..., Anyway, the
- default now
- is to consider and respect the file protection.
- -S if given, this option tells NoDelete to shut
- up. No screams,
- no comments!
- NoDelete cannot take care of the AmigaDos command Delete. God knows how
- this command erases a disk file...
- The Shell won't complain if you try to delete any non-existent file while
- NoDelete has its grip on the system. This is not really a bug because
- NoDelete works on this basis of cheating the calling function and
- pretending that everything is just fine and deleted. This also is the cause
- that the calling program will not be informed if the file in question
- is delete protected.
- Sometimes it is possible to get two copies of NoDelete running at the same
- time. I can't explain how this is to be done, but somehow it works...
- Anyway this happens very seldomly.
- NoDelete is Public Domain and may be copied freely by everyone except for
- purposes listed below as long as this notice is left intact. This program
- is copyright (C) by HooverSoft. It may NOT be copied or sold for
- commercial purposes without written permssion by the author (Get lost,
- Carsten Wolf and all you other suckers!). It may be distributed and copied
- freely for non-commercial purposes only.
- When distributed, this program should always be accompanied by this file,
- the documentation.
- I would like to use CreateTask() to launch a separate Task for Nodelete.
- This would unlink NoDelete's memory requirements from the current stacksize
- of the system. It would be nice if "delete" could also be disabled but I
- am not sure how to do this.
- Bug reports (cheers, Jensi & John!), criticism, comments and approvements
- should be sent to
- HooverSoft Inc.
- Joellenbecker Weg 4
- 4900 Herford
- hoover@math4.uni-bielefeld.de
- Do whatever you like with this program, but listen: you can't blaim it on
- me if anything goes down the drain!
- Have fun & God bless you, Hoover