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- Experiment IV, Revision 1.8.
- ---------------------
- Legalese
- --------
- This program is copyright 1991, Marc Espie.
- It is freely distributable, for non-commercial purpose only, provided
- that the program and this file stay together.
- Ok, now I've covered myself. Let's go for some explanations.
- I want to keep some control over this program right now, because I'm
- still working on it. ``Commercial purposes'' include inclusion in a
- so-called ``PD software library'' at a prohibitive cost, like more
- than $5 by disk. I would appreciate it if you would contact me before
- including it in any library, because I may have a newer version
- ready at that point.
- Experiment IV is a small (<40K) soundtracker music player. As such, it
- understands a reasonable subset of the various SoundTracker/ProTracker/
- NoiseTracker/... commands, that is, it is able to play about every
- module correctly... each of my collection of 156 modules plays correctly.
- Support for MED, SMUS, FutureComposer... has not been added yet, nor for
- packed modules.
- It is system-friendly: uses a minimal amount of chip memory, returns
- all resources to the system, aborts gracefully when there is a problem,
- asks for the audio.device, asks for the interrupts, and gives everything
- back gracefully. It also does cooperate with other programs for use of
- the audio.device, which means that your terminal should still be able to
- beep gracefully... unless that terminal doesn't cooperate with other
- programs of course.
- Since it uses the CIAB timer, it should not depend on being run on a PAL
- or NTSC amiga.
- Under normal conditions, it is fast enough to be used with a terminal
- emulator program. It runs almost indifferently on any amiga, though it
- won't be of much use without some memory: with less than one megabyte,
- using it with another program will be something of a challenge.
- (``Almost indifferently'', because it recognizes 2.0 and adds some bonus
- features on 2.0 systems.)
- Report serious bugs to espie@flamingo.stanford.edu, and watch out for
- a newer version.
- Installation:
- ------------
- This program doesn't really NEED any installation. However, it really
- cries for the arp.library to be fully functional.
- The program knows that music: is a good place to search for modules, so
- if all your modules are at the same place, assign Music: to that place.
- You can also put it in your startup-sequence or WBStartup (there is a
- DONOTWAIT tooltype in the icon).
- Use and features:
- ----------------
- You can start Experiment_IV either from CLI or Workbench. It does
- detach itself from the CLI. From the CLI, you can give full module names
- on startup, it will load the first module and start playing. If the
- arp.library is installed, it does pattern matching. From the workbench,
- you can shift click on several module icons, likewise.
- If you don't give any name, it will just wait for you to load anything...
- which will be a trifle difficult if you are under 1.3 and the arp library
- is not available.
- There are some configuration options, that you specify as tooltypes in
- the icon, or give on the command line.
- X=x : starting X position of the window. Won't open if
- somewhat over 500.
- Y=y : starting Y position of the window.
- VOLUME=p : p% of maximal volume.
- PRIORITY=p : audio channel priority, for arbitration with other tasks.
- START=k : starts the first song at pattern k.
- REPEAT=n : repeats each song n times. Default is indefinitely.
- DONOTWAIT : set that for WBStartup use.
- TRANSPOSE=t : transpose the song t halftones.
- or SPEED=PAL : starting speed (default is PAL).
- Transpose is a funny option, not intended to be useful, since it does no
- range checking... use at your own risk.
- One of my favorite startups is "exp repeat=1 volume=75 music:#?/#?"
- ...after you've specified a file or pattern, you have a small window
- opened and (hopefully) some music running. If no music is playing,
- check your audio output, then check that no other program has allocated
- the audio.device but doesn't use it (example: MED, JRComm (sigh...)).
- There is a status line, with the name of the current module and useful
- indications (current pattern:length of song).
- There are five little gadgets at the bottom of that window.
- - Load. Gets to the next module (if several are specified on start)
- then asks for a module name (needs the file requester, see installation),
- loads it and plays it. This is ``seamless'' play, if it is possible to
- store the two modules in memory at the same time. Otherwise, the first
- module will stop, the second module will hopefully fit in memory, and
- play will resume. (In really tight memory conditions, the file requester
- might refuse to appear...)
- - Restart. Restart the module at the beginning, useful when the speed
- is wrong. Also used to restart a module which has replayed N times.
- - Pause: one click to pause, another to continue. Sometimes, the
- program isn't playing, and the pause is not on. Either you have no
- module running, or something else is using the audio.device.
- - PAL. A speed. You can cycle through Slow/PAL/NTSC/Fast/Scan.
- PAL and NTSC are the type of the machine that module was composed on,
- slow and fast are... well... slow and fast.
- Scan is very fast, a bit noisy, but useful to get somewhere quickly.
- - Std. This is a ``compatibility'' gadget. Different trackers have
- different interpretations of the speed commands... I found three
- different ones. The standard one should be able to play most modules,
- just toggle and restart for modules which don't play right. If you
- don't get it to run with any setting, drop me a note...(sigh...)
- - Close gadget: stops player and quits. Warning: no safecheck, if you
- close it, you've done it.
- There is some Workbench support: you can start the player with a set of
- modules (shift-click), or even use it as the default tool for modules.
- In that case, the load gadget will first walk through all these startup
- modules, before bringing up the file requester.
- Version number:
- --------------
- Whenever the program window is active (just click on the title bar),
- the screen title bar displays some information about the program, like
- the version and the compilation date.
- How to regain memory:
- --------------------
- If you try to close the window while a song is loaded, it will first
- unload the song and give you some memory back. You'll have to depress
- close again to actually exit.
- Customizing modules:
- -------------------
- It's a good idea to add icons to your modules. They should be projects
- with Experiment_IV as the default tool. You can add some tooltypes to
- these, like SPEED=NTSC, MODE=STD, MODE=OLD, or MODE=NEW. These will
- be recognized from workbench or CLI.
- Albums:
- ------
- You can program whole albums of songs. Just create a file with a text
- editor with some filenames in it (one filename per line, no spaces
- before the filename). Put an icon to that file, and add an ALBUM
- tooltype to it. That's it! Paths of the filenames are relative to the
- album's directory. You can also put patterns, or even other albums
- (be careful: recursion is NOT detected).
- 2.0 specific support:
- --------------------
- I don't really support the 2.0 file requester nor extended dos library
- right now, but that should come. However, the program opens an
- appwindow. This means that you can also load songs and albums by just
- dragging icons into the program window...
- Nice things:
- -----------
- If you make a mistake and ask it to load a non-module file, the program
- will most often not be fooled, and just do nothing about it.
- The pause feature can be used with several players. If you fire up
- several players at different priorities (option *), the highest priority
- one will play, unless you pause it, in which case the next one will go.
- This is very useful for comparing different versions of the same module.
- Non-confusion option: the song-title display should change colors
- according to whether or not that player is running.
- The program tries very hard not to fragment chip memory, and usually
- succeeds. It just uses the exact amount of chip-memory needed for the
- samples, besides that needed for the file requester.
- The program knows about preference fonts, and has a reasonable look
- under 2.0.
- Not so nice things:
- ------------------
- There is no error report if something goes wrong, it just exits...
- There is no check when you hit close by mistake.
- The chip memory is allocated as a big chunk. If your memory is
- fragmented, you won't be able to load anything.
- When the filerequester is up, the program can not listen to every event:
- the pattern counter doesn't get updated, another program asking for the
- audio.device will wait till you exit from the requester.
- The volume control isn't user-friendly, and the player is able to do
- lots of things that aren't accessible to the user yet.
- The way options are taken from various icons isn't always intuitive.
- Known problems:
- --------------
- The player doesn't handle commands 5-9, and not all forms of the
- extended command (14) exist. ``Finetune'' is a theoretical possibility,
- not tested in practice. Some range-checks aren't done, the extended
- speed change (CIA control) is not thoroughly tested and can conflict
- with real old modules.
- Some rare non-modules files might get played. The result is a lots of
- noise, but harmless and bug-free (should be).
- As with every other players, there are ``pops'' for some sound-changes.
- Correcting that will be difficult.
- Under 2.02, the AmigaDOS file requester loses memory when you ask for
- events (or I've got something wrong...), so the arp file requester is
- used exclusively.
- Under 1.3, the tooltypes aren't as flexible. The albums won't be
- recognized with just ALBUM, you need to enter something like
- ALBUM=kludge to get it to work.
- The ``n repeat'' command is simple-minded, it will get confused by
- modules with lots of GOTOs.
- The audio.device seems to have problems handling clients waiting for
- a locked channel.
- Apparently, ADCMD_LOCK can freeze the ADCMD_ALLOCATE commands as
- intended, but also AbortIOs of these commands, until there is a change
- in the allocated channels. So closing a player waiting for channels
- might just hang until another player frees the channels.
- Things to do (rough priority order, *=done)
- -----------------------------------
- * cleanup the event handling
- * release the source code.
- * full workbench support (including 2.0 appwindow/appicon).
- - add support for MED, recognizes soundtracker variants.
- - powerpacker support.
- - preprocessing of modules to be able to jump anywhere without problems.
- - instruments library.
- Compiling:
- ---------
- The sources to the program are in a different archive.
- If you want to recompile the program, there should be no problems...
- If you have only 1.3, you will have to make some changes to accomodate
- all the structures not defined in 1.3 (just giving a dummy definition
- or commenting out part of the code is enough.). Besides that, this is
- pretty much standard ANSI C and AMIGA OS code.
- Also, interrupt.c uses the ASM keyword of Lattice. Replacing the C call
- by an assembly language stub is a two-minute job.
- It also needs some support for far absolute addresses. If you don't
- have it, you will have to modify audio_hard.c and interrupt.c (note
- that you can't have any absolute references to ``task-owned''
- variables in audio_hard.c.
- You will need to disable stack-checking for the interrupt routine
- modules (all modules flagged with -v in the lattice makefile.
- Some local peculiarities of my system: the arp includes are installed,
- and I've got a directory ``custom'' where I stuff some includes
- (cleanup.h for this project). Cleanup is an ``auto cleanup module''.
- If you want to modify my program, you had better understand how it works
- (see cleanup.h). Basically, it enables me to keep track of everything I
- allocate. It's also very powerful for dynamic backtracking (check the
- heavy use of it in files.c).
- The missing ``mymain.c'' is actually the lattice umain.c. It just
- does handle standard startup, and usually opens a console window
- on workbench (but I don't want that !). If you don't have Lattice,
- check your compiler for a suitable startup option.
- Marc Espie (espie@flamingo.stanford.edu / espie@dmi.ens.fr
- /espie@FRULM63)
- 5/20/91, Palo Alto.