Check Modules3 "PP97FrameClass,PowerPoint,mspim_wnd32,Outlook,IEFrame,Microsoft Internet Explorer,JWinproj-WhimperMainClass, Microsoft Project, odbcinst, Microsoft ODBC Administrator,PictureItFrame,Microsoft Picture It!,WordPadClass,WordPad"
ObjID Checkbox State Title Descr Obj Type Obj Data BMP Id Vital Attribute Shared Attribute Config Dir Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Install Data Install Directory
6 &Typical installation Additional data will be copied from the CD-ROM to your hard disk. This option requires 82 MB of space on your hard disk. Group 9 30 33 39 40 41 42 44 45 345 356 46 47 48 49 50 932 "gw2stp.dll,104"
7 &Minimum installation Full functionality, but less data will be copied from the CD-ROM to your hard disk. This option requires 39 MB of space on your hard disk. Group 9 30 33 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 "gw2stp.dll,102"
9 PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS Group 10 12 16 20 24 27
10 CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""StartMeter"",""Setup is updating your system. Please wait..."""
13 yes Greetings Workshop Setup "Sorry! Setup can't continue unless you agree to the terms of the End User License Agreement." CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""Message"","
15 Check for Shell 4.0 CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""DetectOS"",""40Shell"""
16 Depend "15 ? :17 18"
17 yes Greetings Workshop Setup "Greetings Workshop is not supported on WinNT 3.51. Please upgrade your machine to Win95 or WinNT 4.0. Press OK to continue." CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""Message"","
19 Check for NT administrator previleges CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""DetectAdminPrivileges"","
20 Depend "19 ? :21 22"
21 Greetings Workshop Setup "Greetings Workshop setup cannot continue because you do not have administrator privileges on this computer." CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""Message"","
23 Check to see if the machine has enough memory CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""DetectMinRAM"","
24 Depend "23 ? :25 26"
25 Greetings Workshop Setup "Greetings Workshop Setup cannot continue because your computer has less than 8 Megabytes of memory. Please ensure that your computer has more than 8 Megabytes of memory and then set up Greetings Workshop again." CustomAction """gw2stp.dll"",""Message"","
35 Greetings Workshop Setup YesNoDlg "A previous version of Greetings Workshop is already installed on your computer. Setup will upgrade that version to the latest version. Do you want to continue with upgrade? Click 'Yes' to continue or click 'No' to cancel setup."
294 yes Greetings Workshop YesNoDlg "Would you like Setup to put a shortcut to Greetings Workshop on your desktop? This will help you to open Greetings Workshop quickly."