^B{^#!16!27 August^N! Feast day of St Caesarius of Arles, St David Lewis, Little St Hugh, St Monica, St Margaret the Barefooted, St Marcellus of Tomi, and St Poemen.
^B{1784^B} The first balloon ascent was made in Britain by James Tytler at Edinburgh. ^B{1813^B} Napoleon defeated the Austrians at the Battle of Dresden. ^B{1816^B} Algiers, then a refuge for Barbary pirates, was bombarded by Lord Exmouth. ^B{1859^B} Edwin Drake was the first in the US to strike oil - at Titusville, Pennsylvania. ^B{1913^B} A Russian pilot, Lieutenant Peter Nesterov, became the first to perform the loop-the-loop. ^B{1928^B} The anti-war Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed by 15 nations. ^B{1939^B} The first jet-propelled aircraft, the Heinkel 178, made its first flight. ^B{1958^B} The USSR launched ^I{Sputnik 3^I}, carrying two dogs. ^B{1987^B} At about 30,000 feet above the US, the amorous behavior of a just-married couple caused the pilot of a jet-liner on a coast-to-coast flight to land in Houston; the couple faced a maximum of one year in prison.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Confucius, Chinese philosopher, ^B{551 BC^B}; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher, ^B{1770^B}; Samuel Goldwyn, US film magnate, ^B{1882^B}; Man Ray, US photographer, painter and sculptor, ^B{1882^B}; Lyndon B Johnson, 36th US President, ^B{1908^B}; Donald Bradman, Australian cricketer, ^B{1908^B}; Lester Young, US jazz saxophonist, ^B{1909^B}; Mother Teresa, Albanian-born Indian missionary, ^B{1910^B}.^B}
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Titian, Italian painter, ^B{1576^B}; James Thomson, Scottish poet, ^B{1748^B}; Louis Botha, South African statesman, ^B{1919^B}; Le Corbusier, Swiss architect, ^B{1965^B}; Haile Selassie, deposed Emperor of Ethiopia, ^B{1975^B}; Earl Mountbatten of Burma, murdered by the IRA, ^B{1979^B}.