^B{^#!16!11 January^N! Feast day of St Salvius or Sauve of Amiens, and St Theodosius the Cenobiarch.
^B{1569^B} England's first state lottery was held; tickets were obtainable from the West Door of St Paul's Cathedral, London, UK. ^B{1867^B} Benito Juarez returned to the Mexican presidency, following the withdrawal of French troops and the execution of Emperor Maximilian. ^B{1922^B} Leonard Thompson became the first person to be successfully treated with insulin, at Toronto General Hospital. ^B{1963^B} The first disco, called the 'Whisky-a-go-go', opened in Los Angeles, US. ^B{1973^B} The Open University awarded its first degrees. ^B{1977^B} Rolling Stone Keith Richards was tried in London, UK, for possession of cocaine, found in his automobile after an accident, and fined รบ750. ^B{1991^B} An auction of silver and paintings that had been acquired by the late Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda, brought in a total of $20.29 million at Christie's in New York.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Ezra Cornell, US philanthropist, ^B{1807^B}; Fred Archer, English jockey, ^B{1857^B}; Henry Gordon Selfridge, US entrepreneur and founder of the London department store, ^B{1864^B}; Alan Paton, South African author, ^B{1903^B}; Rod Taylor, Australian film actor, ^B{1929^B}; John Sessions, English actor and comedian, ^B{1953^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Hans Sloane, British physician and naturalist, ^B{1753^B}; Thomas Hardy, English poet and novelist, ^B{1928^B}; Alberto Giacometti, Swiss sculptor and painter, ^B{1966^B}; Richmal Crompton, English author, ^B{1969^B}; Padraic Colum, Irish poet, ^B{1972^B}; Isidor Rabi, US physicist, ^B{1988^B}.