^B{^#!16!3 July^N! Feast day of St Thomas the Apostle, St Anatolius of Constantinople, Saints Irenaeus and Mustiola, St Leo II, pope, St Anatolius of Laodicea, St Rumold or Rombaut, St Bernardino Realino, and St Helidorus of Altino.
^B{1608^B} French explorer Samuel Champlain founded QuΘbec. ^B{1863^B} The Union forces, under General Meade, defeated the Confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg. ^B{1905^B} In Odessa, over 6,000 people were killed by Russian troops to restore order during a general strike. ^B{1954^B} Nearly nine years after the end of the World War II, food rationing in Britain finally ended. ^B{1962^B} Following a referendum, France proclaimed Algeria independent. ^B{1976^B} An Israeli commando force rescued 103 hostages from a hijacked aircraft, who were being held at Entebbe airport, Uganda. ^B{1988^B} The USS ^I{Vincennes^I}, patrolling the Gulf during the Iran-Iraq conflict, mistook an Iranian civil airliner for a bomber and shot it down, killing all 290 people on board.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Robert Adam, Scottish architect and designer, ^B{1728^B}; LeoÜ Janßcek, Czech composer, ^B{1854^B}; Franz Kafka, Czech writer, ^B{1883^B}; Ken Russell, British film director, ^B{1927^B}; Tom Stoppard, British dramatist, ^B{1937^B}; Richard Hadlee, New Zealand cricketer, ^B{1951^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Marie de' Medici, Queen of France, ^B{1642^B}; Theodor Herzl, Austrian Zionist leader, ^B{1904^B}; Joel Chandler Harris, US author, ^B{1908^B}; Brian Jones, English rock guitarist, ^B{1961^B}; Jim Morrison, US singer, ^B{1971^B}; Rudy Vallee, US singer, ^B{1986^B}; Joe De Rita, US comedian, ^B{1993^B}.