^B{^#!16!11 November^N! Feast day of St Martin of Tours, St Bartholomew of Grottaferata, St Mannas of Egypt, and St Theodore the Studite.
^B{1918^B} The armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany in Compeigne, France, effectively ending World War I. ^B{1921^B} The British Legion held its first Poppy Day to raise money for wounded World War I veterans. ^B{1940^B} The Willys-Overland Company launched a four-wheel drive vehicle for the US Army, named 'Jeep' after GP (general purpose). ^B{1952^B} The first video recorder was demonstrated in Beverly Hills, California, by its inventors John Mullin and Wayne Johnson. ^B{1965^B} Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia, unilaterally declared his country's independence from Britain. ^B{1975^B} Angola gained independence from Portugal.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Louis Antoine de Bougainville, French navigator, ^B{1729^B}; Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Russian author, ^B{1821^B}; Edouard Vuillard, French painter, ^B{1868^B}; Kurt Vonnegut, US novelist, ^B{1922^B}; Bibi Andersson, Swedish film actress, ^B{1935^B}; Rodney Marsh, Australian cricketer, ^B{1947^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}S÷ren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, ^B{1855^B}; Ned Kelly, Australian outlaw, ^B{1880^B}; Edward German, English composer, ^B{1936^B}; Jerome Kern, US composer, ^B{1945^B}; Dimitri Tiomkin, US composer, ^B{1979^B}; Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Russian leader, ^B{1986^B}.