^B{^#!16!2 November^N! Feast day of All Souls, St Victorinus of Pettau, and Saint Marcian of Cyrrhus.
^B{1785^B} The first insubmersible lifeboat was patented by Lionel Lakin, a London coach builder. ^B{1871^B} The 'Rogues Gallery' was started, when photographs of all prisoners in Britain were first taken. ^B{1899^B} Ladysmith, in Natal, South Africa, was besieged by the Boers. ^B{1917^B} The Balfour Declaration, stating British support for the Jewish Zionist goal of a homeland in Palestine, was sent to Lord Rothschild. ^B{1930^B} Ras Tafari, King of Ethiopia, was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie ('Might of the Trinity'). ^B{1957^B} With eight simultaneous hits in the UK Top 30 chart, Elvis Presley set an all-time record. ^B{1960^B} A British jury acquitted Penguin Books of obscenity in the matter of publishing D H Lawrence's ^I{Lady Chatterley's Lover^I}. ^B{1976^B} James Earl Carter was elected the 39th President of the US. ^B{1990^B} Ivana Trump filed for divorce from US millionaire Donald Trump.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Daniel Boone, US frontiersman, ^B{1734^B}; Marie Antoinette, Queen of King Louis XVI of France, ^B{1755^B}; Joseph Radetzky, Austrian field marshal, ^B{1766^B}; Luchino Visconti, Italian film director, ^B{1906^B}; Burt Lancaster, US film actor, ^B{1913^B}; Keith Emerson, English rock musician, ^B{1944^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Richard Hooker, English theologian, ^B{1600^B}; Jenny Lind, Swedish soprano, ^B{1887^B}; William Powell Frith, British painter, ^B{1909^B}; George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist, ^B{1950^B}; James Thurber, US humorous writer and cartoonist, ^B{1961^B}.