^B{^#!16!26 November^N! Feast day of St Conrad of Constance, St Peter of Alexandria, St John Berchmans, St Basolus or Basle, St Siricius, St Leonard of Porto Maurizio, and St Silvester Gozzolini.
^B{1703^B} England was hit by severe gales, known as the Great Storm, in which 8,000 people died. ^B{1789^B} The American Thanksgiving was celebrated nationally for the first time. ^B{1906^B} President Theodore Roosevelt returned to Washington after a trip to Central America, becoming the first US president to travel abroad while in office. ^B{1942^B} The Soviet forces counter-attacked at Stalingrad, ending the siege and forcing General von Paulus's Sixth Army to retreat. ^B{1949^B} India became a federal republic within the Commonwealth. ^B{1966^B} French President Charles de Gaulle opened the world's first tidal power station in Brittany. ^B{1990^B} Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's prime minister for 31 years, announced that he was stepping down.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}William Cowper, English poet, ^B{1731^B}; William George Armstrong, English inventor, ^B{1810^B}; Emlyn Williams, Welsh actor and dramatist, ^B{1905^B}; Cyril Cusack, Irish actor, ^B{1910^B}; Charles Schultz, US cartoonist, ^B{1922^B}; Tina Turner, US rock singer, ^B{1938^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Isabella I, Queen of Castile and Aragon, ^B{1504^B}; John McAdam, Scottish engineer, ^B{1836^B}; Nicolas Soult, French general, ^B{1851^B}; Leander Jameson, British colonial administrator, ^B{1917^B}; Tommy Dorsey, US trombonist and bandleader, ^B{1956^B}; Arnold Zweig, German novelist, ^B{1968^B}.