^B{^#!16!29 October^N! National Day of Turkey. Feast day of The Martyrs of Douay, St Theuderius or Chef, St Colman of Kilmacduagh, and St Narcissus of Jerusalem.
^B{1618^B} Sir Walter Raleigh, English navigator, courtier, and once favorite of Elizabeth I, was beheaded at Whitehall for treason. ^B{1787^B} Mozart's opera ^I{Don Giovanni^I} was first performed, in Prague. ^B{1863^B} The International Red Cross was founded by Swiss philanthropist Henri Dunant. ^B{1929^B} The Wall Street crash known as 'Black Tuesday' took place, leading to the Great Depression. ^B{1964^B} The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was announced, adopting the name of Tanzania. ^B{1967^B} Expo-67, an international exhibition, opened in Montreal. ^B{1982^B} In Australia, Lindy Chamberlain was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of her nine-week-old baby who, she claimed, had been carried off by a dingo. ^B{1991^B} Vietnam formally approved a plan to repatriate forcibly tens of thousands of Vietnamese refugees living in camps in Hong Kong.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}James Boswell, Scottish biographer and diarist, ^B{1740^B}; Wilfred Rhodes, English cricketer, ^B{1877^B}; Jean Giraudoux, French author, ^B{1882^B}; Fanny Brice, US singer and entertainer, ^B{1891^B}; Joseph Goebbels, German Nazi propaganda chief, ^B{1897^B}; Richard Dreyfuss, US actor, ^B{1947^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Joseph Pulitzer, US newspaper publisher, ^B{1911^B}; Frances Hodgson Burnett, English novelist, ^B{1924^B}; Gustav V, King of Sweden, ^B{1950^B}; Louis Burt Mayer, US film producer and distributor, ^B{1957^B}; John Braine, British novelist, ^B{1986^B}.