Labels:text | animal | cat OCR: WEBSTER'S® Including over 34,000 articles, Webster's® Concise Interactive Encyclopedia CD-ROM for Windows® SoftKey 30 minutes of video, 3,500 illustrations, 150 audio clips, CONCISE INTERACTIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA a Timeline and World Atlas, the WEBSTER'S INTERACTIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA is one of the most powerful family Word reference tools available on the market today. Constantly updated CD - ROM FOR WINDOWS Unique interface Enormous range S FREE HOURS of subject-matter System Requirements: · 486sx/25 Mhz IMAGINATION! World Atlas · 4MB RAM . Hard Disk Oho-Line Entertainment Over 30 minutes · DOS 5.0 or later of video clips · WINDOWS 3.1 or later · 256 color 640 x 480 SVGA display Timeline · CD-ROM drive · Mouse · Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions 2.2 or later · Headphones or speakers CD-ROM · Sound Blaster card or compatible MICROSOFT. WINDOWS. COMPATIBLE ATTICA SoftKey CYBERNETICS Helicon SKU:WIE3344AE @ 1994 Attica Cybernetics Ltd. @1994 Helicon Publishing Ltd. All rights SoftKey International Inc. reserved.SoftKey is a registered trademark of SoftKey Multimedia Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other One Athenaeum Street trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Cambridge, MA 02142 7 72040 74623 0 WIE3AE-BI USA ISBN: 0-7630-0089-2 Webster's® Concise Interactive Encyclopedia CD-ROM for Windows®