(prompt "\nRename ENVARC:ClipperIRC.cfg to \"S:ClipPrefs/Clipper.cfg\" ?")
(help "")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\nIf you use AmIRC i can install a Script\nto call Clipper from AmIRCs Menus.\n()_\\\n() /")
(help "Installs a Script called Clipper.amirx into the AmIRC/Rexx drawer. you can then call Clipper from AmIRCs Menus\n\nYou must Click your way to the AmIRC main drawer (not the Rexx dir)")
(prompt "\nI need to know where AmIRC is.\nPlease Select The AmIRC Directory")
(help "Installs a Script called Clipper.amirx into the AmIRC/Rexx drawer. you can then call Clipper from AmIRCs Menus\n\nYou must Click your way to the AmIRC main drawer (not the Rexx dir)")
(default defdest)
(set adst (tackon amd "Rexx"))
(if (NOT (exists adst))
(abort "could not find "adst"\n\nI need the AmIRC Main Drawer")
(complete 80)
(source "Clipper.amirx")
(dest adst)
(prompt "Install Clipper.amirx to "adst" ?")
(help "")
(complete 90)
(set cprefs "S:ClipPrefs")
(if (NOT (exists cprefs))
(makedir cprefs
(prompt "\n\nIs it OK to make a new prefs dir\ncalled "cprefs" ?\n\nthis can be you home for many prefs files :^)")
(prompt "\nRename S:ClipperIRC.cfg to \"S:ClipPrefs/ClipperIRC.cfg\" ?")
(help "")
(source "ClipperIRC.cfg")
(dest cprefs)
(prompt "Install ClipperIRC.cfg to \"S:ClipPrefs/\" ?")
(help "")
(source "Clipper.guide")
(dest "HELP:English/")
(prompt "\nInstall Clipper.guide to HELP:English/ ?\nPress \"Help...\" for info")
(help "\nThis enables the help key to be pressed in a Clipper window to load the Guide relevant to the programs position\n\nThe order Clipper searches for the Guide is..\n 1st: help:English/\n 2nd: help:\nlast: ProgDir:"
"\n\nIf not found in any of these the Help Key will not work.")
(complete 99)
(set @default-dest (expandpath dst))
(complete 100)
(exit "\n\n" @app-name " Installaton is now over.\n")