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- guigfx.library
- list of examples
- 1. Load a single picture and draw it to a window
- 2. Load a picture and use it as a bitmap
- 3. Create a drawhandle for multiple pictures
- 4. Create a drawhandle with a static palette
- 5. Rendering varying truecolor graphics realtime
- 1. Load a single picture and draw it to a Window
- ------------------------------------------------
- APTR picture = NULL, psm = NULL, drawhandle = NULL;
- initialization:
- picture = LoadPicture(filename, TAG_DONE);
- psm = CreatePenShareMap(TAG_DONE);
- if (psm && picture)
- {
- if (AddPicture(psm, picture, TAG_DONE))
- {
- drawhandle = ObtainDrawHandle(psm, window->RPort,
- screen->ViewPort.ColorMap, TAG_DONE);
- }
- DeletePenShareMap(psm); /* no longer needed */
- }
- if (drawhandle)
- {
- DrawPicture(drawhandle, picture, x, y, TAG_DONE);
- }
- notes:
- You may remove the picture now using DeletePicture(), but do
- not release the drawhandle as long as the picture is
- visible. Before you release the drawhandle, clear the
- RastPort where the picture is located.
- closedown:
- DeletePicture(picture);
- ReleaseDrawHandle(drawhandle);
- 2. Load a picture and use it as a bitmap
- ----------------------------------------
- You should prefer using BitMaps over DrawPicture(), when the
- window is of type SIMPLE_REFRESH and the window contents may
- need to get refreshed.
- APTR picture = NULL, psm = NULL, drawhandle = NULL;
- struct BitMap *bm = NULL;
- initialization:
- picture = LoadPicture(filename, TAG_DONE);
- if (picture)
- {
- psm = CreatePenShareMap(TAG_DONE);
- }
- if (psm)
- {
- AddPicture(psm, picture, TAG_DONE);
- drawhandle = ObtainDrawHandle(psm, window->RPort,
- screen->ViewPort.ColorMap, TAG_DONE);
- }
- }
- if (drawhandle)
- {
- bm = CreatePictureBitMap(drawhandle, picture, TAG_DONE);
- }
- DeletePicture(picture); /* no need to maintain these
- DeletePenShareMap(psm); objects any longer */
- draw / refresh:
- if (bm)
- {
- BltBitMapRastPort(bm, srcx, srcy, window->RPort,
- dstx, dsty, width, height, 0xc0);
- }
- closedown:
- FreeBitMap(bm); /* graphics.library */
- ReleaseDrawHandle(drawhandle);
- 3. Create a drawhandle for multiple pictures
- --------------------------------------------
- initialization:
- picture1 = LoadPicture(filename1, TAG_DONE);
- picture2 = LoadPicture(filename2, TAG_DONE);
- picture3 = LoadPicture(filename3, TAG_DONE);
- psm = CreatePenShareMap(TAG_DONE);
- if (psm && picture1 && picture2 && picture3)
- {
- AddPicture(psm, picture1, TAG_DONE);
- AddPicture(psm, picture2, TAG_DONE);
- AddPicture(psm, picture3, TAG_DONE);
- drawhandle = ObtainDrawHandle(psm, window->RPort,
- screen->ViewPort.ColorMap, TAG_DONE);
- }
- }
- DeletePenShareMap(psm);
- etc.
- 4. Create a drawhandle with a static palette
- --------------------------------------------
- Typical application: WWW browser
- A static palette is recommended if your application has no
- idea what colors will appear in the imagery, or when their
- contents may vary. Use static palettes preferrably on a
- seperate screen.
- initialization:
- drawhandle = ObtainDrawHandle(NULL, window->RPort,
- screen->ViewPort.ColorMap, TAG_DONE);
- /* NULL = no pen-sharemap available - a static palette
- for the whole RGB space will be allocated */
- etc.
- 5. Render truecolor graphics realtime
- -------------------------------------
- Typical applications: Colorful realtime spectrum analyzer,
- animation in a Workbench window, etc.
- When your application needs to render varying truecolor
- graphics, create a 'direct'-drawhandle:
- APTR ddh;
- ddh = CreateDirectDrawHandle(drawhandle, sourcewidth,
- sourceheight, destwidth, destheight, NULL);
- As you can see, a 'direct'-drawhandle is derived from an
- already existing drawhandle. It allows to draw RGB data with
- very low overhead:
- DirectDrawTrueColor(ddh, rgbdata, x,y, TAG_DONE);
- closedown:
- DeleteDirectDrawHandle(ddh);
- ReleaseDrawHandle(drawhandle);
- etc.