Text File
336 lines
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** DISK MASTER V3.0 **
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(C) 1990 PARADOX
Welcome to the wonderfull world of DISK MASTER . This utility was
coded by GULLY during 6 months . I code it because , I do think that the
most usefull utility is a Disk master like mine . It is very easy to use,
and even without reading those explanations , you would be able to use it
This is the lastest version of Disk master . Perheaps you have
DISK MASTER V2.7 , but i warm to that this version is so different ( so
improved ) that i didn't called it V2.8 but V3.0 . Here are the new options
- NTSC / PAL screen mode ( usefull for USA's users )
- Bigger directory box
- SHOWPIC option debugged
- NEW copy mode ( NIBBLE COPY , ... )
- Bug removed while copying disk with one drive ( full mem. used )
- Bug removed while disk can't be open ( trying to format DF2: , ...)
- Execute file new option
- Block editor new option
- INFO WINDOW opened while copying , deleting , ... files
- INTUITION SCREEN used ( usefull when used in MULTITASK mode )
- Lots of small bug removed .
- Uses the current SETMAP
- Copy file is now recursive ( it copies the whole subdirectory )
So , you can spread it , copy it , give it
to every body ... You can also sell it ....
////////////////////////////// EXPLANATIONS //////////////////////////////////
First of all , you have to notice that :
* The directory box is where all the filenames are printed
* The directory is whole the file names
* The subdirectory is a drawer ( it says [DIR] when it's written in the directory box )
In the directory box click left mouse button to select a file or a
subdirectory . Click right mouse butom to enter a subdirectory . With this
last right click , Disk Master will read the new subdirectory automatically.
If you've started an option ( Formatting a disk , reading the direc-
tory , playing modules , ... ) , and if you want to stop this option , then
press RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON , and it will stop. At any momemt , with nearly all
the options, PRESS RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON TO STOP THE OPTION. It can be very use-
full : For example , you've selected 15 sound tracker module files , and
you've started to play all the files . If you don't press the joystick button
you will have to listen to the 15 modules , otherwise , if you press it , you
will stop at the 2nd , the 3rd , ... module . Generally press the joystick
button when he is reading the disk ...
If you try to scratch Disk Master with the memory, it will probably
scratch ( in between half of the time and a quater of the time ! ) . If it
scratches , you'll see lots of colors on the screen ( that means that there
isn't enough memory ) . So press joystick button AND left mouse button at
the same time , and perhaps it will be able to go on ....
If you want to use DISK MASTER in multi task mode so type (from CLI ):
RUN DSKMV3.0 . It will load it and create a new task ....
Here are a few explanations of the options. First of the column in the
middle of the screen.
- COPY : This copy files and directories . Now , this option is recursive.
That mean that it will copy all the files in the directory , even if those
files are in subdirectories ... ( just try it tro see )
- DELETE : This delete the files and the directory on the disk . It will
erase all the directory and the files in the directory selected. There is a
bug if you tries to delete a subdirectory in RAM . I don't know why , this
is perheaps because of this shitty DOS ! ...
- RENAME : Renames the files only. Note ( thanks VCC ) that you can change
the subdirectory by using RENAME option . For example you can't rename
DF1:devs/printers/startup as df1:devs/startup . If you wanna do so , the use
the COPY option ...
- MAKE DIR : This create new directory.
- ALL : This selects all the files on the source box ( directory box ) .
- CLEAR : This unselects the files on the source box ( directory box ) .
- READ : Reads the selected files and displays them as ASCII . Press DEL key
to refresh the screen ( if there 's a bug ) . To scroll the text , either use
your mouse ( Move your mouse to the top of the screen to scroll down, and move
your mouse to the buttom of the screen to scroll up ) or use the arrow keys ..
Press left mouse button to come back to the main menu
- SHOW PIC : Shows you the IFF pictures ( only IFF mode ) .. This option is
now debugged and all the pictures will be displayed . When your file is loa-
ding you can see the info box .... When the file is loaded ( and the motor is
off ) press the right mouse buttom to freeze the screen , and you 'll be able
to see the informations in the info box ... Press left mouse button when the
picture is displayed on the screen to come back to the main menu
- PLAY MODUL : Plays Sound Tracker modules ( old and new modules ) . Press
left mouse button to stop the music
- INFO : Gives you informations about the selected file
- COMMENT : Sets a comment to the selected file
- PROTECT. : Protects your files . You ' ll be asked to enter a code .
Enter 1 if you can do the option , or 0 if you can't . The differents
options are DELETE , EXECUTE , WRITE , READ . For example enter 0101 and
your file will be protected against Executing and Reading ..
- PRINT : Prints your file on printer
- HEX DUMP : Dumps your file . Use keypads to move the text . Use 8 key
to go up of one screen and 2 key to go down of one screen . Those to last
keys are only more radid than up and down key of the keypad !. Press left
mouse button to come back to the main menu
- PRINT DIR : Prints on printer the current directory ( the directory in
the source box directory )
- EXECUTE : with this option , you can execute files on the disc . But
there must be the file RUN and ENDCLI on your disk because i use those two
files to execute your file ....
Now this are the others options on the first screen :
- PARENT : gives you the parent directory and rereads the new directory
- INFO DISK : Gives you a few information about the current disk
- THE NUMBERS ( 1 to 9 ) : You have 9 directory in RAM . So you can
select one of the 9 by using this boxes . It can be very usefull if you
have more than two disks , ...
- COPY , CLEAR , TRI : Those free options will act on the directory in
RAM : Use COPY to copy a directory to an other . For example select the
first directory to the left and the forth directory to the right . Select
the left directory as the current one and press copy . Your left directory
will be copy to the right . Now the fisrt and the forth directory are the
sames .....
Use CLEAR to erase a directory from RAM . It frees memory.
- SIZE : It adds all the size of the selected file and displays this number
on the screen . It 's usefull when you want to know if there 's enough place
on your disk to write the selected files . For example click Info disk . Note
the free place there's on the disk. After this click size and if the number is
less than the free memory on the disk , so you can write the files on this
disk ... This option is also recursive : That means that you can add all the
sizes of the files in the subdirectories ...
Now , here are the other options ( Click OTHER TOOLS if you want to
see them ... ) .
All the options on this screen have to use one drive . So it's this one
which will be used . Click in this box to change the drive . If you the drive
selected isn't turned on ( like using DF1: with only one internal drive ) , it
won't crash , and you 'll be warmed ( not like in the DISK MASTER V2.7 ... )
Here are the option which use this drive: FORMAT , CHECK DISK , VIRUS KILLER ,
BLOCK EDITOR . ( And that's all ... ).
With this option you can read disk blocks . Change the current block by
using : <<< : go 100 blocks before >>> : go 100 blocks after
<< : go 10 blocks before >> : go 10 blocks after
< : go 1 block before > : go 1 block after
Use READ BLOCK to read and display the block
You can dump (display) the block in : ASCII , HEXA , ASCII + HEXA
On the right of the screen there's an option ( it's says ON or OFF ) : Use
it if you want the block to be read when you change to block . It's usefull if
you have to see the boot , the root , .... ( turn it off ) , or if you have to
see blocks on the same track ( turn it on ) ...
It formats your disks ... You 'll to enter the name of the disk ( no more
than 60 caracters ... ) . On the right of this option you can change the
VERIFY mode ( It just re-reads the block ) ...
It verify your disk . It only read the track , but that is enough in all
most all the cases ...
This wonderfull part has been coded by the really great , the best VCC .
It 's usefull when you have no time to format your disks . It UNFORMATS them
in less than 2 second .. But you must be carefull when you use it , it's quite
fast . You just have to insert the disk , and it will automatically unformat
it . Please note that the LED-power indicates when the operation is finished.
Also note that drive keeps on turning . So , don't worry if you have to remove
your disk even if the drive is turned on ( it won't damaged your disk ... )
It's like XCOPY ( but , of course , not as good as it .... ) . There are 2
copy mode :
- DOSCOPY : It uses the EXEC routines , so it won't copy protected disks .
If you use it with only one drive , so it will use all the ram (CHIP + FAST ),
(not like in the disk master v2.7 ) .
- DOSCOPY+ : It's like DOSCOPY , but it verify your disk : It re-reads the
written track , and checks if it is the same think .
Note that I use the dos library to read and write the disk, so if the disk
isn't protected , it's a good copy mode ....
COPY BOOT : if you want to copy a boot block from one disk to another , use
this option . First insert your source disk . Disk master will read the boot .
After insert your target disk , and disk master will write the boot block ...
ASCII DUMP : It 's like boot block editor on the block 0 ...
PROGRAMM TO INSTALL : In fact you have to click in the box on the right .
Click here if you want to change the programm boot that you're going to
install .
INSTALL : Click here if you want to write on the boot block of your disk
a programm that you've choosen ..
CHANGE DISK NAME : If you want to change the name of your disk ( no more
that 60 caracters ) ....
BP 110