SC$=" * * * * * * * SUPERQUIZ * * * * * * * has been brought to you with great difficulty, being that this is a first program on any computer for us. We thank AMOS & Mandarin/Jawx 1990 for their advise on initial teething troubles. We hope "
SC$=SC$+"that you enjoy this Quiz and that it gives you many hours of fun, as it did for us to put it together, sharing all the arguements and countless cups of coffee, made by the way, by Donks the other 'computer wizard'-- some hopes!"
SC$=SC$+" A big thanks goes to 'Mum'for her unending support, also for being responsable for Purchasing AMOS"
SC$=SC$+" for Donk's birthday (July 26th). We've had some rows doing this, being that we did not know a variable from a tomato sandwich or a ~BOB~ from a shilling...Anyway enough of this nonsense."
SC$=SC$+" Good luck! & have fun. Remember, your time is limited and you may need a pen & paper so farewell from Mike the other Computer wizard well, almost"
SC$=SC$+" and if you enjoy the quiz, tell your friends. If not keep you mouth SHUT! not forgetting Linda for helping with the questions"
SC$=SC$+" and there are quite a few in here..........<PLEASE PRESS MOUSE BUTTON TO START>............."
Pen 0 : Paper 10 : Curs Pen 10 : Volume 10 : Bell 70
Locate 27,21 : Input "?";N
If N=1 Then Pen 0 : Paper 10 : Bell 49 : Locate 13,8 : Pen 1 : Paper 0 : Curs Pen 1 : Input "";NM$ : Bell 61 : Ink 1,0 : Set Font 1 : Text 120,110,"PRESS ' S ' TO START" : Goto SMELLY :
If N=2 Then Pen 0 : Paper 10 : Bell 37 : Locate 13,8 : Pen 1 : Paper 0 : Curs Pen 1 : Input "";NM$ : Bell 61 : Locate 13,10 : Input "";NK$ : Bell 37 : Ink 1,0 : Set Font 1 : Text 120,110,"PRESS ' S ' TO START"
If N>2 Then Locate 27,21 : Print " " : Goto PRESS
G$=Inkey$ : If G$="" Then Goto QUIZER :
If G$<>Chr$(115) Then Goto QUIZER :
Rem * * *noisy intro* * *
Volume 10 : Play 49,30 : Play 46,20 : Play 51,10 : Play 49,25 : Play 46,10 : Music Stop
G$=Inkey$ : If G$="" Then Goto SMELLY :
If G$<>Chr$(115) Then Goto SMELLY
Rem * * *noisy intro* * *
Volume 10 : Play 49,30 : Play 46,20 : Play 51,10 : Play 49,25 : Play 46,10 : Music Stop
Curs Off : Clw : Goto LONLEY :
Curs Off
Get Palette 2
Set Font 1
Appear 2 To 0,53
Volume 10 : Boom
Ink 0,7 :
Rem * * * SET SCORE FOR TWO * * *
Ink 5,2
SL=0 : CC=0 : Text 10,15,"SCORE:"
SR=0 : AA=0 : Text 260,15,"SCORE:"
Rem * * * *start setting up data* * * *
Dim Q$(P) : Dim R$(P) : Dim S$(P) : Dim A$(P) : Rem * * NUMBER OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS * * *
For G=0 To P
Read Q$(G),R$(G),S$(G),A$(G)
Next G
Rem**** PLAYER ONE *******
MAINPLAYER1: Paper 14 : Locate 16,23 : Print " " : Pen 5 : Paper 14 : Locate 16,23 : Wait 50 : Print NM$ : Rem*******First Player ********
Wait 50
Cls 15,72,34 To 244,82 : Rem ****Clear Main Window****
Ink 5,14
Text 20,130,NM$ : Text 260,130,NK$
Wait 50
Ink 5,0
If SL=5 Then Say "You-are-doing, Well."
If SL=10 or SL=20 Then Say "You-are-still-doing,Well."
If SL=30 or SL=40 Then Say "I-hope,you-are-not, cheeting."
If SL=60 or SL=100 Then Say "There-is-no-stopping-you-now."
If SL=150 or SL=200 Then Say "Boy-O-Boy, what-a-brain."
Text 83,95," PRESS [Space] FOR QUESTION"
If L$="" Then Goto AWAY
If L$=Chr$(32) Then CC=CC+1 : Goto NEARLY
If L$=Chr$(27) Then Goto LASTPAGE
If L$<>Chr$(27) or(L$<>Chr$(32)) Then Goto AWAY :
Pen 0 : Paper 0 : Locate 10,11 : Print " " : Rem clear key box
Locate 10,12 : Print " "
X=Int(Rnd(P)) : If X=0 Then Inc X
Cls 15,72,34 To 244,82 : Rem clear main box
Ink 0,15
Rem * * * Place question in Box * * *
For H=1 To 5
Text 74,46,"Away in nger hoo, !ho!hee " : Shoot
Text 74,55,"well asnyone can make a mis" : Shoot
Text 74,65,"Tracy Harris g is a pest so there" : Shoot
Text 74,55,"Mike is just a p r " : Shoot
Text 74,46,"2yynn w a b c d ef r c,,,co eoo " : Shoot
Text 74,55,"You are my hero so there mnay " : Shoot
Text 74,65,"a b d c f r t g b y j n n u n e" : Shoot
Text 74,46," amos why cant ead your " : Shoot
Text 74,65,"anual I cant und erstand it,thky" : Shoot
Text 74,55," and I think ng hungry d food!" : Shoot
Next H
Cls 15,72,34 To 244,82 : Rem clear main box
Text 74,46,Q$(X)
Text 74,55,R$(X)
Text 74,65,S$(X)
Pen 5 : Paper 0
For F=20 To 0 Step -1 : Rem * *Time loop* *
Volume 8
Locate 19,16 : Print Using "##";F
If Mouse Key<>0 Then Bell 60 : Goto ANSWER1
Volume 10 : Bell 50
Wait 50
Next F
Volume 15
For B=65 To 30 Step -1
Bell B : Wait 5
Next B : Bell 2
Rem * * * LOCATE ANSWER * * *
Cls 0,87,95 To 250,85 : Bell 5 : Rem key box
Ink 5,0
Text 122,95,"SORRY TIME UP!" : Locate 19,16 : Print " " : Wait 200
Cls 15,72,34 To 244,82 : Rem clear main window
Wait 100 : Locate 19,16 : Print " "
Ink 0,15
Text 75,60,A$(X) : Rem ********* place answer in main box