Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Editor/Interface : A very userfriendly editor, using the 3 windows technique, you can view the object from 3 different directions in real time. You can follow changes in the object such as rotation, stretch, colour etc from the editor. Material Creation and Texture Mapping: You can define an objects surface, eg reflection, transparency and refractive properties and you can also import IFF pictures to use as a surface (texture Mapping) such as brick or wall texture. Animation Frame by Frame or Interactively: Animations in Real 3D are very simple, there are several different possibil- ities, such as orbit (freehand path along which it will pass in a set number of frames ) or the macro facility (execute a number of series of frames. Macro is not on 3D Beginner. ) actions repeatedly over any Image Composition: Creating images is done with the help of the computer in a physical and realistic way. Animation: This is made faster and more userfriendly by using interactive and quick animation functions, definately better for complicated animations. Wireframe : Gives you the chance to view your objects as wireframe models, letting you turn them to view different angles and distances. Also enables you to run animations in this Mode saving computer power