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[3^2Incorporating the Official AMOS PD Library.[0
^7 Many budding programmers have asked how can they get a program into
^7the Licenseware collection. Most seem to think that they just need
^7to state that they have written the program for Licenseware.
^1 Unfortunately, it doesn`t work like that. All programs that are
^1submitted to the^2[2 AMOS PD Library[0^1 are considered on merit. If they are
^1particularly outstanding then I will contact the programmer and offer
^1a Licenseware agreement. Occasionally a program may need minor
^1adjustments or improvements before I will accept it.
^4 Presentation can go a long way towards getting a program accepted.
^4If I receive a disk accompanied by a well written letter and printed
^4program documentation I am more likely to put the program into the
^4computer when I get a few minutes to spare than if I receive a disk
^4with a covering note that explains nothing about the program. It is
^4also very useful to give a telephone number so that I can contact the
^4programmer more easily.
^7 It is highly unlikely that a demo or music player will go into the
^7Licenseware. The most popular programs are games, utilities and
^7educational programs. The standard is very high and I reject many
^7more programs than I accept. Sometimes I suggest that a programmer
^7could try submitting his/her program into PD as shareware.
^1 Another very important thing to consider is copyright problems. You
^1[4cannot[0 submit a program that is a direct conversion of a commercial
^1one. [5Nor can you use copyright characters[0 e.g. Mickey Mouse, Bart
^1Simpson and other well known characters. If you want to earn money
^1from[1 your[0 programs then they must be just that -[3^3YOUR[0^1 programs.
^6 At the time of writing there are about forty titles in the Deja Vu
^6Software collection. They vary tremendously from software for
^6children both educational and just for fun, utilities which include
^6the[2 AMOS[0 Assembler, a technical drawing program, a screen dump
^6routine for[2 AMOS[0 users, a hard drive menu system (which wasn`t
^6written with[2 AMOS)[0 to various types of game. The collection has built
^6up a reputation for quality as the various reviews from different
^6magazines show.[2 It is vital to maintain this quality.[0
^2 If a program is rejected I always give a reason. I don`t enjoy
^2rejecting them as I know that a lot of hard work and time have gone
^2into their production.
^1 If you`ve had the misfortune to have a program rejected please don`t
^1be disheartened particularly if it`s the first program you have ever
^1written. There is an apprenticeship to be served in most jobs, once
^1you have served that apprenticeship then you will start to produce
^1software of a high enough standard to be accepted.
^6 I am always happy to explain how the scheme itself works but I
^6prefer to do this by phone as letters tend to get put to one side
^6until all the orders have been filled.
^6 I hope this small article has gone some way to explain how to
^6increase your chances of getting a program accepted into the Licensed
^6Software collection.
^3Happy programming.
^1{2Sandra Sharkey.{
^7(alias Sandra Sharkley, Sandra Skarkey and Spandau Sparkley.)